Tuesday, 2025-02-04

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cr1901_florent_: Why does LiteSPI use a crossbar instead of an arbiter? Is the idea that one initiator can read data while another initiator can schedule another xfer?01:57
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*** FabM <FabM!~FabM@armadeus/team/FabM> has joined #litex08:07
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*** ElfenKaiser <ElfenKaiser!~deadsalmo@2a0a-a540-8188-0-873f-7c2e-4c18-5760.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de> has joined #litex10:13
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*** so-offish <so-offish!~so-offish@2610:148:610:2b10::a3> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)11:18
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*** Foxyloxy <Foxyloxy!~foxyloxy@shef-16-b2-v4wan-169484-cust1844.vm3.cable.virginm.net> has joined #litex13:59
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*** CarlFK1 <[email protected]> has joined #litex18:00
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