Sunday, 2021-05-16

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freemintWhat's an ABC optimisation?00:21
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Loftyfreemint: it's referring to the program ABC by Alan Mishchenko09:16
LoftyEffectively it performs fine grained optimisations and then technology mapping09:17
freemintSo nothing ant-bee colony09:17
LoftyNo :P10:15
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freemintOh you are that Lofty from Twitter? Nice to see you, you are awesomeish10:51
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LoftyYes, I am that Lofty from Twitter11:05
LoftyPleased to meet you, freemint11:09
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freemintLofty, I'm that ice cream cone laying on it's side.13:07
* Lofty looks blankly13:11
LoftyI'm sorry, that's too vague a description13:13
Loftyfreemint: ^13:24
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