Sunday, 2020-10-04

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GracanaHah, quite a few names here that I recognize. AdamHorden, are you the same guy from ~15 years ago?13:51
GracanaAnyway I showed up here to ask you folks about board design, even if that's not exactly a yosys topic I hope it's related enough. What do you think about making an ice40 board or even an ecp5 board with all components on one side? I made my own ice40 boards and put most of the decaps on the back to get them close to the components, but it makes assembly a pain..13:55
GracanaI'm just wondering what I could get away with to make DIY boards easier. With all components on a single side, it becomes hotplate solderable. Seems ok for an ice40. But ecp5? :/13:58
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LoftyGracana: I'd look at ##openfpga for this14:20
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Gracanathanks Lofty, I'll take a look14:30
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