Monday, 2020-06-15

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Guest40933Hello, I'm having some trouble with inferring BRAM on ECP5 when using yosys and nextpnr-ecp503:27
Guest40933Whatever I do, I can't get it to infer a BRAM03:28
Guest40933it always infers either FFs or distributed memories03:28
Guest40933Relevant lines from the yosys.log :
Guest40933"Read port #0 is in clock domain !~async~."03:28
Guest40933and this is my block RAM wrapper
Guest40933It appears to be meeting all the requirements for BRAM to be inferred03:30
Guest40933But it's not being inferred03:30
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Guest40933also - is there any way to instantiate a block RAM-based FIFO or do i just have to implement it manually?04:13
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whitequarkyou have to implement a FIFO manually04:21
Guest40933Hmm okay04:22
Guest40933Any idea on the inference issue?04:22
whitequarknot sure, let me check04:24
whitequarkGuest40933: you want a transparent read port, right?04:32
Guest40933whitequark: what exactly does that mean?04:34
whitequark // During write-cycles, i_data is passed through to o_data.04:35
whitequarkthat means "transparent read port"04:35
Guest40933yeah that's what i need04:36
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tpbTitle: debian Pastezone (at
whitequarkyosys uses this macro for transparent read ports06:05
whitequarkif you think "this will do the wrong thing if i add a read enable", well, that's correct06:05
whitequarkand in fact yosys can't represent correct transparent ports with read enable06:07
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Guest40933how should i go about implementing this then?06:53
Guest40933or alternatively what if i make o_data a don't-care when i_we is high06:53
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whitequarkdo you mean transparent ports with read enable specifically, or in general?07:19
tntGuest40933: in your wrapper if you remov the 'else' and just always do "o_data <= ram[i_addr];"  you will get a DP16KD07:55
whitequarktnt: that's a non-transparent port08:17
tntSure but his original code was also non-transparent.08:18
whitequarkare you sure?08:18
whitequarkseems transparent to me due to o_data <= i_data;08:19
tntand he just suggested above replacing o_data with don't care when i_we is high.08:19
whitequarkand it's explicitly requested in the file header08:19
whitequarkyeah, ok, makes sense08:19
tntOh ... I had missed the o_data <= i_data;08:19
tntImplementing it with the common transparent read patter you sugested above also yields a DP16KD.08:23
tntWhich has me a bit confused because AFAIK the ECP5 can't switch between the two modes.08:23
tnt(and I don't see any added logic around it)08:24
tntI guess yosys is more like "user better know what he's doing" ...  because calling synth_ice40 also yield SB_RAM40_4K  even thoug it's explicitely stated that read/write at the same address is undefined behavior.08:29
whitequarkyosys adds transparency logic for ice4008:29
daveshahECP5 does support transparent BRAM, or at least has a WRITEMODE option for that08:30
tntdaveshah: Oh you're right ... nm me I'm bling apparently08:33
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Guest40933even with the always "o_data <= ram[i_addr];" its still having the same issue17:52
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ZipCPUGues40933: Are you initializing o_data at all?18:06
ZipCPUTry getting rid of any initial values in o_data18:06
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Guest40933ZipCPU: nope, o_data is not initialized18:14
Guest40933i tried doing it with a trivial minimal example and had the same issue as well18:17
Guest40933where the i_addr was just some DIP switches (2FF-syncronized of course) and the o_data was a register and it still had the same error when inferring BRAM18:18
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ZipCPUGuest40933: Did you post the repository having problems somewhere?19:24
ZipCPUOk ... I'm looking at ... I assume this is what's going on?19:25
Guest40933yep thats the code thats having the issue19:27
ZipCPU... and your goal is a first-write-fall-through FIFO?  (If I have the right name ...) where a write on one cycle is immediately available on the same cycle?19:28
ZipCPUor ... immediately available on the next cycle is I think what you want, right?19:29
ZipCPUDid you try using an assign, as in line 62 of ?19:33
tpbTitle: debian Pastezone (at
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thardinis signed right shift defined in verilog? that is, is x>>1 == x/2 ?20:15
ZipCPUCheck out ">>>"20:15
thardinso >>> is arithmetic shift, cool20:20
thardinthanks for the tip :)20:20
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Guest40933Huh very interesting20:37
Guest40933assign o_data = ram[r_addr];20:37
Guest40933that seems to have fixed it20:37
Guest40933but... wouldn't that be implying an async read?20:39
daveshahno, if the address is registered then it is a sync, but transparent, read20:39
daveshahif the address is unregistered then indeed it would be an async read20:39
Guest40933oh huh20:40
Guest40933so what would be on o_data on the cycle immediately after one where i_we is high?20:41
Guest40933would it be the data that was just written, or is it undefined20:41
daveshahit would be the data that was just written20:42
thardingrmbl nextpnr doesn't exit(1) on errore20:44
daveshahwhat error?20:44
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thardindaveshah: whenever a design is too big to fit21:02
daveshahHow is it failing in that case?21:06
thardinERROR: Failed to expand region (0, 0) |_> (13, 17) of 1318 ICESTORM_LCs21:09
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