Tuesday, 2020-06-09

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az0rewhitequark, you around?03:29
az0reIt looks like RUSAGE_CHILD is not the solution.  I modified it to use RUSAGE_CHILD and still don't see proper measurement.  The man page says, "Return resource usage statistics for all children [...] that have terminated and been waited for"03:32
az0reHmm, wait, maybe I'm wrong, I still see RUSAGE_SELF in the strace output for some reason...03:35
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az0reYeah indeed I fucked it up somehow, nevermind04:06
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Loftylambda: I think you might as well start writing code and see where that leads09:25
lambdaLofty: I honestly have better uses for my time than writing code that may or may not be thrown out for arbitrary reasons09:26
whitequarklambda: i'll raise the question re: memories at the next yosys meeting09:26
whitequarkwhich i think happens next week09:26
lambdawhitequark: thanks <309:26
whitequarkand i agree that design discussion should happen before writing code, for something like this at least09:26
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thardinstarting to get the hang of verilog and making smaller and faster designs11:51
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Loftythardin: it's a tricky thing12:07
thardinye. especially when you need to do initialization of some chips12:07
thardinI've ordered myself some more pmods. the max11300 one I have is too much hassle for now12:08
thardinbut very versetile if I could get it working the way I want12:08
thardinin the timing output after routing, <async> means combinatorics right?12:59
whitequarki think it means "no clock domain known to nextpnr"13:00
thardinInfo: Clock 'PMOD1$SB_IO_OUT_$glb_clk' has no interior paths13:02
thardin"normally this warning is a result of a design being optimised away excessively"13:06
thardinalright so it's just yosys doing a good job :)13:07
thardinwoo my pmods have been shipped13:08
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tntSo yosys has `ltp`. But is there a way to get a histogram of the paths ?  Like that many of length N, that many of length N-1, etc ... ?17:43
whitequarkprobably not, would be cool to have17:45
whitequarkin fact i would even add that to the `check` label of synth scripts17:46
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ross_sHas anyone ecountered / got tips for debugging nextpnr when it stalls? I have a design that gets to 'Setting up routing queue', then after 5000-9000 IterCnt busy loops indefinitely.19:00
ross_sthe position where it stalls seems to be consistent for a given input json19:01
ross_srandomly sampling the program by interrupting under gdb while in this state always seems to return nextpnr_ecp5::Arch::route / nextpnr_ecp5::router1 / (anonymous namespace)::Router1::route_arc, pip values do seem to be different each time so if it is stuck in a cycle it's not an immediately obvious one (to me at least)19:03
Loftydaveshah: ^19:05
LoftyThe main tip I have for debugging nextpnr is to ping Dave about it :P19:05
tntross_s: how full is the device ?19:05
daveshahRun with --debug --verbose19:06
ross_sin terms of trellis slice, ~35%19:06
daveshahthat will print what the router is doing19:06
ross_ssorry for the delay, computer chugging a bit. The output has slowed for arcs such as the following: Routing arc 0 on net wb_intercon0.wb_arbiter_spi0.wbs_ack_i_LUT4_A_1_Z_LUT4_A_Z_LUT4_C_Z_LUT4_D_Z_TRELLIS_FF_DI_Q[1] (1 arcs total):19:11
ross_sI can kill and paste the full output somewhere if that's useful, or just the segment around that line19:11
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deadmanhi all, i'm trying to use two PLLs on the TinyFPGA board but can't seem to have both of them placed: "couldn't be placed anywhere, no suitable BEL found."19:38
deadmanI know there's some restrictions based on the IOs used and stuff, but I can't seem to figure out a solution given that the onboard oscillator is stuck to pin B219:39
ross_sWhich TinyFPGA board? If it's the BX, I think that the LP8K only has 1PLL in the 81ucBGA package19:39
deadmanthe first clock, I have to derive from the onboard oscillator. The second is derived from the output of the first, is that possible?19:40
deadmanYes, the BX, oh!19:40
ross_sIt's a bit sneaky, looking at the ice 40 datasheet it says 2, but if you follow the annotation there's a note at the bottom about that package19:41
deadmanreally? I saw nextpnr's output with "ICESTORM_PLL: 1/2" used, and assumed I have two to play with19:42
deadmannow I gotta rethink this, and thanks for the quick answer! Been messing with this for hours19:43
deadmanjust pulled up the PLL design guide. yup, 1 pll on the cm8 package, right on the frontpage. should have picked that up. Thanks!19:44
ross_sno problem19:44
ross_sdaveshah: let me know if there's any additional info you need on that routing problem. I've left it running, and its still strugging. Visiting 1459178 nodes for each arc.19:45
daveshahI think it's just a congested placement even though utilisation is low. I'm working on a fix for this long term but it will be a while.19:54
daveshahnever mind, i'ts not that19:54
daveshahit's an occasional bug in clock placement that I need to track down19:55
daveshahbut `wb_intercon0.wb_arbiter_spi1.wbs_ack_i_LUT4_A_Z_LUT4_A_Z_LUT4_C_Z_LUT4_D_1_Z_TRELLIS_FF_DI_Q[2]` as a clock doesn't look correct to me19:55
ross_shmm indeed that is not a clock19:55
ross_sthough, since I don't have that many globals kicking about, it seems like it should be safe to route it as one without bogging down?19:57
daveshahyes, that's what I mean as "occasional bug in clock placement"19:58
ross_sah gotcha19:58
daveshahit sometimes picks two global sites where the DCC inputs are shared so it isn't routeable19:58
ross_sis there a workaround?20:00
daveshahNo, but in this case I think the design should be fixed20:01
daveshahotherwise, trying a different seed might fix it20:02
ross_sHmm if something is wrong with the design I'll definitely try to fix that first20:02
ross_sbased on the name, the suspect code would be related to this wishbone arbiter: https://github.com/olofk/wb_intercon/blob/master/rtl/verilog/wb_arbiter.v20:03
tpbTitle: wb_intercon/wb_arbiter.v at master · olofk/wb_intercon · GitHub (at github.com)20:03
daveshahIt looks like there might be some logic in between20:05
daveshaha general search for any suspicious posedges in the design should fix it20:05
daveshahif not I will try and fix the nextpnr issue in the next few days, but depending on the exact circumstances I wouldn't trust logic generated clocks to actually work reliably20:06
ross_saha, git grep for posedge did reveal a botched @(posedge stb) that should be @(posedge clk) if (stb) ...20:08
ross_srebuilding to see if that solves it20:08
ross_syup, only the core clock has been promoted this time20:08
ross_scompleted with no problems. That's an interesting gotcha, I'll be on the lookout for that if it happens again20:09
ross_sthanks as always for the debug help20:09
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tntThis seems to work: https://pastebin.com/MKGHxqYt20:51
tpbTitle: [Diff] diff --git a/passes/cmds/ltp.cc b/passes/cmds/ltp.cc index 05701710..c9ea9eb9 10 - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)20:51
tntnope, it doesn't.20:54
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thardinwoohoo, the phase detector part of my lock-in amplifier is working :]21:57
thardinworld's shittiest ADC for now21:57
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