Thursday, 2019-09-26

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whitequarkZirconiumX: please do file MCVEs for all those crashes05:17
whitequarki might not take a look at them immediately but i certainly will05:18
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ZirconiumXwhitequark: sure, but narrowing them down is proving tricky.08:26
ZirconiumXAlso since bugpoint seems to only get it down to about 2,000 lines of RTLIL, it's perhaps lacking the "minimal" part of that08:27
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emilybetter to file a non-minimal example than to not file at all, imo10:02
emilysomeone else can always try and reduce it further10:02
emilywith c-reduce or whatever10:02
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whitequark2000 lines of RTLIL isn't that muc17:26
whitequarki could also use it to improve bugpoint...17:26
ZirconiumXHurray, I have a repro case17:32
ZirconiumX...Another one17:32
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ZirconiumXChrist, this is the mother of all pathological bugs17:46
* ZirconiumX wipes sweat off brow17:51
ZirconiumXwhitequark: ^17:51
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daveshahWait until you've tried to work out PnR bugs that affect 10% of picorv32 seeds18:02
daveshah(was an issue with set reset inversion in the end)18:02
ZirconiumXFor example, if you don't `opt -full`, it works fine18:03
ZirconiumXIf you don't pass `-lut` to `synth`, it works fine18:03
ZirconiumXIf you don't pass `-relax` to `flowmap` it works fine18:03
ZirconiumXAnd then there are the other bugs I hit while trying to find this one18:04
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whitequarkwhy are you using synth -lut with flowmap?18:26
whitequarkthey're mutually exclusive18:26
whitequarkor do you mean synth -run :coarse -lut?18:26
whitequarksynth -run coarse -lut18:27
ZirconiumX`synth -run :fine` is equivalent to `synth -run coarse` I think18:28
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