Sunday, 2019-03-31

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rrikahi, I just want to confirm something, I had a verilog array of size "[3:0] name [0:2047]" with one write (name[a] <= ...), and two reads ({name[b], name[b+1]}) which didn't end up using my ecp5's ram15:47
rrikait did however use them when doing only one read ({name[b], name[b]})15:47
rrikaso is that because of the number of read ports?15:47
daveshahYosys can create more read ports by duplicating the BRAM15:48
rrikaautomatically or on explicit instruction, in this case splitting suffices15:49
daveshahHowever, a separate <= for each read port is probably required15:49
rrikaah, I wrote b and b+1 but really it was {b, 1'b0} and {b, 1'b1}, so it's really clear they never alias15:49
rrikadaveshah, an assign is not good enough?15:49
daveshahI think the concatenation might be the problem15:49
daveshahSomething like x[3:0] <= name[b]; x[7:4] <= name[b+1]; should work15:50
daveshahYosys needs to merge a DFF into the read port to map sync BRAM15:51
daveshahWith the concatenation, a single 8-bit DFF is created and I don't know if it can split that. With the two assigns, two 4-bit DFFs will be created that should merge fine15:52
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rrikadaveshah, that would still mean though that the contents are duplicated, right?15:56
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daveshahYes, Yosys doesn't support mixed read/write widths which would be the most efficient solution15:58
daveshahThe other possible solution would be to use one of the two ports of the BRAM as both read and write if read and write are exclusive, but Yosys doesn't support this either15:59
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tntmmm ... having a long flatten wire x[(32*N)-1:0]  representing N wires of 32 bits, how would you 'OR' them all together ? (for any N)16:51
emebwire flat = |x; ?16:53
tntwell ... no ... I want a vector of 32 bits at the end.16:54
tntevery i-th bit of each of the N vector ORed together.16:55
emebah - or in only one dimension16:55
emebsounds like a good excuse to use a for loop16:56
tntyeah, but my attempts to do so, haven't resulted in anything I can build :/16:57
tnterr ... I swapped +:  and :+  :/17:00
emebpebkac :)17:04
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