Sunday, 2010-07-25

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glewhi llnz, thanks for the insight on the XML problem, i'll look into it00:45
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llnzadding interplayer boards is hard05:47
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llnzhi StupidIncarnate07:43
StupidIncarnateactually this is probably a tansell question07:44
StupidIncarnatewell, do you know python llnz+07:46
llnzyes, i do know python07:46
StupidIncarnateI loaded up the current server set to mtsec, and I get this error when I try to launch tpclient-pweb
tpbTitle: Python | Traceback (most recent call la - Anonymous - fLnh3SbR - (at
StupidIncarnateminisec works for me07:47
llnzwhich branches of libtpclient-py, libtpproto-cpp and tpserver-cpp07:54
StupidIncarnatemost recent tpserver branch where it fixes mtsec07:55
StupidIncarnatefor the libs....07:55
StupidIncarnateapparently a very old branch. Let me check those out07:57
llnzmaster of tpserver-cpp is better07:58
StupidIncarnateI think i have the master07:58
StupidIncarnatewhat's the git command line to check?07:58
llnzgit branch07:59
StupidIncarnategit status says I'm on master07:59
StupidIncarnate:/ actually, i think this is the most recent update for the branch Im on which is tp0408:07
StupidIncarnateI'm not completely sure, but that's what it looks like08:07
StupidIncarnatewhat branch are you on llnz for libtpclient-py?08:10
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StupidIncarnatellnz, so I'm looking at git gui's visual history. It says that the last change was "Quote the username/password"09:48
StupidIncarnatefor libtpclient09:49
llnzStupidIncarnate: same09:52
StupidIncarnatek, then I don't know09:52
llnzit's going to be hard to add interplayer boards10:02
llnzthey are kind of set up wrong10:02
StupidIncarnatehmmm? is that a feature of mtsec?10:03
llnzi was going to add them to minisec to test10:03
llnzi can't remember who asked for it10:03
StupidIncarnateno idea what interplayer boards are10:05
llnzmessage boards that players share to communicate with each other10:07
StupidIncarnatei didn't think the server could do that10:07
llnzit can't yet10:42
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llnzlater all11:24
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llnzmorning all20:14
glewhi llnz20:17
llnzhi glew20:18
ezodglew: so any progress on save/load in libtpclient-py?20:42
glewezod: I've had some headway into it, but mostly i've found some issues that i need to address in the persistence module and I found my problem in running MTsec20:43
glewi'm still in the process or working in the __main__ block of to work on loading20:43
ezodthat should be really simple20:46
glewwhat part, the loading part in's main block?20:46
ezodLoad game? -> yes = load a file dialog (or prompt for filename, in this case) and call load() function, no = do the setup process20:47
glewso i can write the load() function within SinglePlayerGame, right?20:48
ezodyes, imo save() and load() should be member functions of SinglePlayer20:48
ezodbtw, regarding the version compatibility stuff, the DTD for singleplayer xml is located in the "web" repo, under downloads/tpconfig.dtd20:49
ezodi can take care of adding the appropriate stuff to that, and to the XML for various components20:50
ezodso you don't have to fork all those repos on github yourself20:50
ezodyou can either send me patches (git has functionality to export them) or just tell me how you want it to look20:51
glewok, so you're saying i can access version information from the web repos20:51
ezodnot really20:58
ezodi'm saying you need to look in the XML config for the components20:58
ezod(don't have to worry about this initially)20:58
ezodlike, each server, ai, and ruleset has an xml file that describes it for singleplayer purposes20:59
ezodand the tpconfig.dtd describes how that file is structured20:59
glewalright, I know what you're talking about now20:59
ezodso since you are going to have to add a field to the effect of "minimum version that this version of the <server,ai,ruleset> is compatible with saved games from"21:00
ezodthat has to be put in the DTD, as well as all the existing XML files21:00
ezodand also somehow incorporated into the xml import code in
ezodi can help with that part21:01
glewok so just to make sure i'm following what you're saying21:01
glewI know i need to have the "minimum version compatible with this save for each component (server, ai, ruleset)"21:02
glewand this can be obtained from the XML files21:02
glewfor each component21:02
ezodso the process would go like this21:02
glewbut what definition has to be added to the DTD, a field for compatibility?21:03
ezodsay you're playing a game: serverA version X, rulesetB version Y, aiclientC version Z21:04
ezodyou save it21:04
ezodso singleplayer table in sqlite stores those component names and their versions21:04
ezodso when you load, before configuring all those components, you need to check:21:04
ezod(a) whether the person has serverA21:04
ezod(b) whether the version of serverA the person has is compatible with saves from version X21:05
ezodand same for rulesetB and aiclientC21:05
glewok, makes sense21:06
ezodthat can all be obtained from the XML already, except there is no compatibility field21:06
ezodso that's all that needs to be added21:06
glewright, so the compatibility field would likely either contain up to what previous version it is compatible with, or explicitly what versions its compatible with21:07
ezodyeah, i'll leave it up to you to determine whether the explicit thing is necessary21:08
ezodjust because my gut says it's not and it would be harder to parse ;)21:09
glewthats what i was thinking, but i'm not sure how future "backwards" compatibility will work out, but we'll hope for the best21:09
ezodi just can't see there being a version in between that's incompatible, know what i mean?21:11
glewI know what you mean, I don't think it will be a problem21:12
glewezod: i have a question about the problem I found when trying to run MTsec21:14
glewthe reason i wasn't able to start a server with MTsec was because it requires a gamedata_file parameter21:15
glewthis is defined in one of the quickstart definitions for tpserver-cpp21:16
glewbut I didn't find this parameter in the xml file for tpserver-cpp-mtsec21:16
glew(i think thats the name of the file)21:16
glewSo I was wondering if it should be a parameter or a forced parameter?21:16
ezodperhaps it should21:17
ezodllnz or alanp would know better than i21:18
llnzglew: i guess tpserver-cpp is installed, correct?21:18
llnzwhat prefix did you use?21:18
glewum, recently i don't think i specified one when installing21:19
llnz/usr/local then21:19
glewso if i'm following what your saying, its defaulting to /usr/local/share21:19
llnzwhat is in /usr/local/share/tp/ ?21:20
glewum for me, daneel-ai.xml, a risk map, tpservre-cpp.xml, tpserver-cpp-minisec.xml, tpserver-cpp-mtsec.xml, tpserver-cpp-mtsec-gamedata.xml, tpserver-cpp-rtts.xml, tpserver-cpp-risk.xml, and tpserver-cpp-tae.xml21:21
ezodthat's the singleplayer xml stuff21:22
ezodfor the most part21:22
llnzthere is your tpserver-cpp-mtsec-gamedata.xml21:22
glewright, so in the past when i've tried to start a SinglePlayer game with MTsec, it would crash becausse the tpserver-cpp-mtsec-gamedata.xml file wasn't specified21:23
glewthe xml definition for tpserver-cpp-mtsec.xml includes a parameter for components file21:24
glewbut this is passed by --components_file21:24
glew--gamedata_file is the parameter that is necessary ( think it contains both the components and hte properties)21:24
llnzyeah, that looks like the problem21:25
ezodeasy to fix21:33
ezodis it always going to be tpserver-cpp-mtsec-gamedata.xml?21:33
ezod(for mtsec)21:33
ezodif so, just add that forced param to the for mtsec with the appropriate path variable etc.21:34
ezodotherwise you can make it a variable parameter with that as the default?21:34
glewi think so, and by what llnz was saying earlier, for SinglePlayer it should be located in /usr/local/share/tp/21:34
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