Saturday, 2010-07-24

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null_000ping glew16:09
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null_000~seen JLP16:31
tpbnull_000: JLP was last seen in #tp 11 weeks, 3 days, 18 hours, 49 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <JLP> in that case i would also propose you add your blog to Planet KDE, if you decide to set it up16:31
glewnull_000: pong16:32
null_000glew: you are working on single player scenarios (and saving/loading) right?16:33
null_000glew: since I am working on the AI for MTSec and scenarios will include AI I was wondering if I could help16:34
null_000specifically with saving/loading for AI16:34
glewright, i have been trying to think about how to tackle restoring the AI16:35
glewso I had been working with daneel-ai and was considering just pickling it, but i haven't looked too much into it16:35
null_000pickle should be ok as far as I know ^_^16:36
gleware you writing the AI in python?16:36
glewok, well basically the save file is an sqlite database, I haven't done too much research into pickling the AI16:37
null_000what ruleset will you use for the scenario?16:38
glewmy mentor, ezod, told me pickling the AI should be a messy but simple way of saving the AI16:38
glewum i've been working with minisec, mtsec, and risk16:38
glewbut I had been having trouble running MTsec sometimes, something about an xml error16:38
null_000in daneel-ai risk is coded in a way that doesn't need to save any data (I think, check with Iwanowitch to be sure)16:40
glewreally, ok16:40
null_000I'm coding for MTSec and there is only one array that needs to be saved (and only if the AI is currently attacking)16:41
null_000and minisec is broken for now16:41
null_000but there is one more thing... the current single player doesn't have any difficulty options but only ruleset options...16:42
glewdoes your AI have some sort of difficulty setting?16:42
glewbecause I think in the xml file, that defines the AI, you can put a parameter for difficulty16:43
* null_000 checks the wiki16:43
tpbTitle: Single Player - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
glewi think its at the bottom of hte page16:44
null_000I don't see any difficulty settings16:45
glewthere aren't any16:45
glewbut if your AI has some kind of difficulty parameter16:45
glewyou can define it as a parameter16:46
glewI'm not sure if daneel-ai has a difficulty setting to begin with16:46
null_000hmm... is there a way to make the dialog ask for difficulty only for certain rulesets16:47
null_000because daneel-ai supports 3 rulesets now... but only MTSec will have difficulty settings16:47
glewnull_000: i'm not sure, and now i'm not sure if AIclients can have parameters, it might have to be added, but I don't think it would be too bad.16:48
glewum i've been trying to figure out if you can have "conditional" parameters16:48
glewbut i haven't thought of a way or found a way16:48
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null_000currently I could fake it by presenting each difficulty as a new ruleset (mtsec-easy, mtsec-hard)16:49
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null_000but the server probably wouldn't like that ^_^16:50
glewyeah, I'm not sure what the best solution would be16:51
glewthats a good idea though16:53
null_000AI Client xml should specify a list of difficulty options for each ruleset16:53
null_000and make the selected option a part of the commandstring16:53
glewis the AI Client you're writing now only for MTsec or does it cover other rulesets?16:56
null_000there should also be support for risk and reach for the stars16:57
null_000if nothing broke when it was moved to tp04 libraries16:57
glewnull_000: because you can also have multiple xml files for the AI Client, one for each ruleset it implements.  This might have been the multiple xml files you suggested earlier16:58
glewthen you would define the different parameters for AI-mtsec.xml and say AI-risk.xml16:58
null_000this might be the solution16:59
glewbut if difficulty is going to be a parameter in all the rulesets, the you can just define it as a parameter and it should appear for all rulesets16:59
null_000I'll have to test it17:00
gleware you running games in a SinglePlayer format?17:01
null_000no I run clients by hand (actually in a debugger)17:03
glewnull_000: and a strange thing happens for me that happens with minisec for you, when i try to start a tpserver-cpp with mtsec, i get an metaserver update problem, found you reported a similar error but with minisec17:05
null_000I don't remember that one... which issue number is it?17:06
glewum issue 10117:08
null_000oh that one...17:09
null_000to be honest I just wanted to see what reconfigure does when I found that one ^_^17:09
glewdo you use the master  branch of tpserver-cpp?17:11
null_000used to use an old mtsec branch until this week (master branch had mtsec broken)17:12
glewoh, so the master branch has mtsec broken, maybe thats my problem17:13
null_000not any more17:14
null_000not sure if I can help but what problem do you have?17:14
glewnull_000: actually, i'm not exactly sure what it is17:17
glewnull_000: well i found the error, but don't worry about it if you dont' know the solution:17:20
glewError: could not load properties XML file17:20
glewtpserver-cpp: mtsec.cpp:177: void MTSecRuleset::MTSec::createProperties(): Assertion `xmlImporter->importProps()' failed.17:20
null_000don't have a clue...17:21
null_000if you need any help getting daneel-ai to work or saving it's state just ping me17:23
glewok will do, thanks17:25
null_000alanp: ping18:14
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llnzglew: mtsec imports data from an XML file, it appears it's not finding it22:52
llnzmorning all22:52
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