Sunday, 2010-07-04

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llnzlater all10:37
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ezodtansell: ping14:09
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null_000hi all15:54
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AgonC++ float can save 33/99 ?17:05
Agonah nvm, int x = 1; int y = 10; float f = y/x; doesnt work but float f = 1.0F * y/x; works17:12
AgonGot me 2 hours to get that17:12
alanpmissed null D=17:55
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StupidIncarnatedoes the python client on github need any submodules?19:45
ezodi haven't explicitly checked it out, but i would assume so20:16
StupidIncarnateya, it does. I'm still having problems running it though20:17
StupidIncarnatesomething to do with the libs20:17
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llnzmorning all20:21
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StupidIncarnateon github, if I want to checkout the tp04 branch, do I have to fork that branch and check it out that way or just fork the main branch and change it through that20:31
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ezodStupidIncarnate: i think it makes sense to fork the tp04 branch20:44
StupidIncarnatebah, can't launch it. how do I update the libs installed on linux with the tp04 versions?21:23
StupidIncarnateit sounds ilke they're not on aptitude?21:23
ezodthe libs as in libtpproto-py and libtpclient-py?21:40
ezoduse submodules21:41
StupidIncarnatethe client's linking to the /usr/lib/pytmodule blah blah tp folder21:44
StupidIncarnatedoes that mean I can just overwrite with what I have?21:45
StupidIncarnatebecause teh only submodule it seems to come with is schemepy21:45
StupidIncarnatei'm not sure if teh libs have other folders stored somewhere21:49
ezodwhat is likely happening is that is detecting the installed version21:51
ezodand accepting it21:51
ezodif you uninstall those it should check out the appropriate versions of the submodules21:51
StupidIncarnatehow do I uninstall the libs?21:52
ezodhow did you install them?21:52
ezodif they're in /usr/lib you either installed it through your distro package manager or through easy_install, i would surmise21:53
StupidIncarnatei don't remember. They may have installed when I installed the python client a while ago21:53
ezodthrough package manager?21:53
StupidIncarnatenot sure21:54
ezodwell you should be able to check, no?21:54
ezodwhat distro?21:54
StupidIncarnatetried removing with apt but can't find it21:55
ezodoh, ubuntu?21:55
llnzStupidIncarnate: dpkg -S /usr/lib/path/to/file21:55
llnztells you what package the file comes from (if any)21:56
ezodllnz: tells you the owner?21:56
ezodyeah, that ;)21:56
StupidIncarnatenot found21:56
StupidIncarnatemeans I can delete it?21:56
ezodyeah i think that's all you can do21:57
ezodif you used easy_install afaik there's no automated uninstall21:58
StupidIncarnatewhats easy_install? aptitude?21:58
ezodit's from python setuptools21:58
ezodnot related to your distro package manager21:58
StupidIncarnatehmm, don't remember21:58
ezodwell if it's not in apt you should be ok to delete it without making anything angry21:59
ezodget the .egg and the directory in lib21:59
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StupidIncarnatethe .egg?22:00
ezodso once that's done should checkout the submodules for you22:01
ezodif there is one22:02
ezodoh weird22:02
StupidIncarnateif i do status, it only list schemepy22:02
StupidIncarnategit submodule status*22:03
StupidIncarnatedo i have to do something else?22:03
ezodwell, yes22:05
ezodrun tpclient-pywx22:05 should set you up with the other 2 submodules22:06
ezod...although i can't actually find in the code where it does so... but you have schemepy, so it must22:07
ezodwhat's weird is, it should have complained that your installed libtpclient-py and libtpproto-py were not "development versions"22:08
ezodi'll have to check into that22:09
StupidIncarnatedoesn't like it now that they'ge gone22:10
ezodwell let me ask you this22:10
ezodhow did you get schemepy submodule?22:11
StupidIncarnategit submodule update or sycn22:12
ezodoh what the heck22:12
ezodwhat branch are you on?22:12
ezodfrom what i can tell tp04 doesn't even have a schemepy submodule22:12
ezodbut it does have client and proto22:13
StupidIncarnatewait mayb not22:13 will do git submodule init and whatnot for you22:14
StupidIncarnatei still haven't got used ot git22:15
StupidIncarnateyou change the branch with git branch origin/tp04, and then git pull?22:15
ezodpaste output of git branch and git branch -r22:17
StupidIncarnatejoe@kuro-ubu:/opt/tpclient-pywx$ git branch22:19
StupidIncarnate  origin/tp0422:19
StupidIncarnate* schemepy22:19
StupidIncarnatejoe@kuro-ubu:/opt/tpclient-pywx$ git branch -r22:19
StupidIncarnate  origin/HEAD -> origin/schemepy22:19
StupidIncarnate  origin/schemepy22:19
StupidIncarnate  origin/stable22:19
StupidIncarnate  origin/tp0422:19
StupidIncarnate  origin/tpclient-pywx-0.2.x22:19
StupidIncarnate  origin/tpclient-pywx-0.3.x22:19
StupidIncarnatei thought I forked the tp04 branch though22:19
ezodi don't think "git branch origin/tp04" does what you think22:20
ezoddo git branch -d origin/tp0422:20
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ezodpretty sure you just have a local branch called "origin/tp04" that is unrelated to the remote tp0422:21
ezodapparently you didn't22:21
ezodyou're on the schemepy branch22:21
ezodif you just fork the whole repo maybe, then you should be on stable by default22:21
ezodthen you can do22:21
ezodgit checkout -b tp04 origin/tp0422:21
ezodand git pull22:21
ezodor else, just fork tp04 instead of schemepy ;)22:21
* ezod bbl22:24
StupidIncarnategithub's on the schemepy branch as main22:24
StupidIncarnatek i'll keep at it22:24
ezodweird, well you should be able to switch anyway with22:25
ezodgit checkout -b tp04 origin/tp0422:25
ezodtansell: < StupidIncarnate> github's on the schemepy branch as main22:26
* ezod bbl22:26
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StupidIncarnateoh there we go. Thanks ezod (even though you're gone)22:40
StupidIncarnateand the design dialog still doesn't really work22:45

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