Sunday, 2010-05-02

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StupidIncarnatemithro around?06:10
StupidIncarnateWhat's the guideline for using other images for the clients? Just that they're free of license kind of thing?06:13
mithrowhat do you mean?06:13
mithromost of the images are determined by the server in tp0406:13
StupidIncarnatetpweb determines them based on the object types06:14
StupidIncarnateis that something that needs to change then?06:14
StupidIncarnateI mean like the image icons for planets and whatnot06:14
StupidIncarnateactually, I should think about it more. Nevermind06:18
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mithrohey llnz06:31
llnzhi mithro06:32
mithrohad a chance to look into that tpserver-cpp bug?06:32
llnzyes, note added to bug report06:33
llnzgoing to try to solve it soon06:33
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mithrowe really should do a a GSoC announcement sometime07:56
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llnzmithro: yeah08:47
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null_000hey people09:02
null_000(and bots)09:02
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mithrohowdy null_000 and cahirwpz09:20
cahirwpzhi mithro :)09:20
null_000g'day mithro09:21
mithrocahirwpz: how goes the research09:22
cahirwpzI've been busy lately - only came to conclusion that I need to start from tp.netlib.{common,server,twisted} and tp.server.server09:24
cahirwpzcode there is quite straightforward, but I still need to read more about the protocol09:25
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llnzcan't find the source of the bug09:52
* llnz wanders off09:57
llnzlater all09:57
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mithrocahirwpz: the design of tpserver-py is relatively simple10:11
mithroit's really just a thin translation layer between Thousand Parsec frames and the database10:11
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cahirwpzmithro: we don't have any tests for tpserver-py, do we ?10:29
mithronone at all sadly10:30
mithrotpserver-py was originally not suppose to stick around :P10:30
mithrobut it's kinda cool and it has an interesting design compared to tpserver-cpp10:31
cahirwpzdid you know that I and epyon know each other?10:33
cahirwpzwe met like 6 years ago at the university :)10:35
mithrocahirwpz: no, we did not10:35
mithrowe won't hold it against you :P10:35
cahirwpzit's like tp servers takeover ;P10:36
mithrocahirwpz: tests are a good thing to add as you go :)10:39
mithrodon't let my bad habits rub off :)10:40
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cahirwpzare there any timeouts defined for TP protocol - like how long are we going to wait for single frame arrival ?10:44
mithrocahirwpz: no10:44
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mithronull_000: still stuck?13:21
null_000yes and no13:23
null_000didn't fix the bug... but I made all the python helper functions I will need13:24
null_000so the time wasn't wasted13:24
null_000and I found a new but... probably in daneel-ai13:25
null_000issue 9613:27
cahirwpzmithro: ok, I wrote a simple test client using twisted13:43
mithrotest client?13:43
cahirwpzi'm using libtpproto2-py library to generate messages13:43
cahirwpzobjects.Connect( 1, "tptests-py client" ) - generates a packet13:44
Epyoncahirwpz, how about setting a common testing framework for both servers?13:44
Epyon*evil smile*13:44
cahirwpzhistory likes to make loops ;-)13:44
* Epyon smiles13:45
cahirwpzmithro: i suppose that pack() method on generated packet should be used to serialize it13:45
mithrocahirwpz: in theory yes13:46
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cahirwpzmithro: generated packet seems ok - 5450303300000001000000030000000000000011747074657374732d707920636c69656e7413:48
mithrocahirwpz: well that is good to hear13:48
cahirwpzmithro: well... not quite... server crashes after receiving it13:49
mithrotpserver-cpp for tpserver-py?13:49
mithroand which protocol version are you using?13:49
Epyontried sending it to -cpp?13:50
cahirwpzUnknown packet type 193701150113:50
mithrosounds like the packet isn't quite right, you compared it to the one from libtpproto-py?13:51
cahirwpzdon't know yet how to construct a similar packet using libtpproto-py13:52
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cahirwpzmithro: can you give me a clue ?13:54
mithroshould be in the same way in fact13:54
cahirwpzok - i see... module tp.netlib.objects13:57
cahirwpzhow about serializing?13:57
cahirwpznvm - converting to string works13:59
cahirwpzok - now I get an answer from tpserver-py13:59
cahirwpzproper request looks as following: 545030330000000100000000000000190000001557656c636f6d6520746f2070792d7365727665722114:00
cahirwpzsorry - this was a response14:00
cahirwpzrequest is 5450303300000001000000030000001500000011747074657374732d707920636c69656e7414:00
cahirwpzmithro: correct me if I'm wrong - payload length is missing in packet generated from libtpproto2-py ?14:02
mithrocahirwpz: I'm afraid I can't decode packets like that in my head14:02
mithroplus I'm not sure the format you are using there, it's certainly not format that libtpproto-py prints out14:03
cahirwpzthis is encoded packet printed out using following method: print packet.encode("hex")14:07
cahirwpzwhat does exactly following message mean "Skipping Header because it's pre-written."14:07
mithrocahirwpz: if you print using hexbyte in xstruct14:08
mithroit'll be easier to read14:08
cahirwpzany example how to use it ?14:09
mithroprint xstruct.hexbyte(str)14:09
cahirwpzwrong packet: TP03\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x11tptests\x2dpy client14:11
cahirwpzgood packet: TP03\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x00\x00\x11tptests\x2dpy client14:12
mithrocahirwpz: yes, looks like length is not being set correctly14:12
cahirwpzand what about the message about header ?14:14
mithrothat message is because header is hard-coded rather then being auto-generated via the xml14:15
mithrolooks like we are missing a test which checks for the length14:16
cahirwpzI suppose this is caused by serializing header and payload at the same time in libtpproto2-py...14:25
cahirwpzquick fix for that would be:14:28
cahirwpzbinary = ''.join( [binary[:12], struct.pack( "!L", len(binary) - 16 ), binary[16:]] )14:28
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mithrocahirwpz: I'm not sure why it length is not being set14:30
mithroo.length seems to be right14:31
cahirwpzhmm... are you able to tell what's the length of payload before you serialize a packet ?14:34
mithro~seen cherez14:36
tpbmithro: cherez was last seen in #tp 35 weeks, 6 days, 12 hours, 2 minutes, and 27 seconds ago: <cherez> llnz: Nothing, I just noticed you were on CC to e-mails I get from Google.14:36
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mithroahh found the problem14:40
cahirwpzmithro: how about decoding packet received from a server using libtpproto2-py ?14:41
mithrocahirwpz: give me a second to fix your first bug :)14:43
cahirwpzit's not mine - I did not introduce it ;P14:43
tpbTitle: Not Invented Here by Bill Barnes and Paul Southworth (at
cahirwpzdrop me a line when I can pull your fix from the repo14:48
mithrocahirwpz: just about to push it now14:53
CIA-29mithro libtpproto2-py * r746779517928 /tp/netlib/ Make the print a logging.debug message.14:57
CIA-29mithro libtpproto2-py * r8f9fc7cfed4e /tp/netlib/structures/
CIA-29Use single underscore rather then double underscore.14:57
CIA-29Allows overriding by subclasses.14:57
CIA-29mithro libtpproto2-py * r22c1da2b57a2 / (3 files in 2 dirs): Fixing the length of a packed output.14:57
mithrocahirwpz: give that a go?14:57
mithrocahirwpz: I'm heading to bed now15:08
cahirwpzit works :)15:10
cahirwpzhow about decoding ?15:13
mithroso it looks like constructing packets off the wire might not yet be totally implemented.15:13
mithroonce you have the packet type it's pretty easy15:13
cahirwpzok - I'll look into that15:14
mithrolook at the unpack method15:19
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llnzmorning all20:18
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llnzless than graceful transition to wireless20:25
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