Wednesday, 2010-04-07

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isra17Could someone give me some feedback on my proposal draft?01:12
isra17I'm not a native english and I'm pretty sure some sentence don't look right/are no clear01:13
llnzisra17: where is your proposal? if its in the web app, what is your name?01:41
isra17the draft is here:
isra17I just don't want to submit something with a lot or error01:42
isra17but someone told me I should post it to get feedback anyway01:42
isra17ok I submited it there:
tpb<> (at
llnzisra17: looking at it now (between working)02:01
isra17ok, thank a lot02:02
llnzyour english seems fine :-)02:04
isra17oh, thank02:10
isra17I tried a lot of spell checker02:10
isra17do you think that the fact I didn't read a lot about the source code is an handicap? I mean, do you choose students who have time to design and plan their work after the selection?02:20
llnzisra17: it is not a great handicap, other than making it hard for you to understand the problem you are taking on02:21
isra17ok thank02:21
llnzcomments posted02:21
llnzall proposals on the web app now have comments02:28
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isra17ok, if I understand you would like to handle all event in the Even the non-network event (as the EOT triggered by timer)03:09
isra17ok, good03:20
isra17I'm done for tonight, cya03:27
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StupidIncarnateGreywhind up by chance?04:58
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jonescan i use java for coding of shorter projects05:05
jonescan anyone help me.05:09
tanselljones, your question doesn't really make sense05:09
jonestansell:there are shorter projects like calendar timer,rework module system so i am trying to develop these by using java can i do that?05:12
tansellthey are all for the C++ server05:12
tansellwhich naturally requires C++05:12
jonesya okay thanks05:12
glewtansell, could i have some input on my proposal on the tp wiki?05:13
tansellglew, is your proposal in the application now?05:15
glewtansell, right now i only have a wiki page up, I haven't submitted it as a propsal on gsoc yet05:15
tansellglew, if you submit it to the application you can also get comments there05:16
glewtansell, ok i'll get on that asap, thanks05:16
tansellwhats your proposal urls?05:17
tpb<> (at
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tansellglew, general feedback05:18
tansellglew, have you researched how to save/load the values on the servers or AI?05:19
glewtansell, i guess so, just am i thinking in the right direction05:19
tansellyour proposal looks good - it just needs more specifics05:20
glewtansell, well i've looked somewhat at that, do i need to look at the objects stored in the universe05:20
tansellIt's got all the major components05:20
glewtansell, one idea that I was unsure of was possibly downloading the universe from the server and trying to store that to a file05:21
glewtansell, but i was unsure if that was correct or not05:21
tansellglew, not really possible05:23
glewtansell, ok, is there something i should look into or focus on to accomplish the goal of save states and scenarios?05:24
tansellglew, well your going to need to figure out a way to get the server to load/save the states05:24
glewtansell, since single player is implemented in the cpp server would that mean i would have to expand the functionality of save/load in cpp?05:27
* llnz notes there is a really easy way to do that05:30
tansellllnz, except you don't want a single player person to have to run mysql or postgres05:30
llnzway easier than that05:31
tansellllnz, oh?05:31
llnzsqlite, cloned from mysql module05:31
llnzdatabase in a file05:31
tansellbut that of course is a non-zero amount of effort05:32
llnzdebugging especially05:37
glewso by this suggestion, use sqlite to save states in some sort of file as opposed to a mysql or postgres database05:39
tansellglew, well you don't want someone to have to be running mysql/postgress just to play a gam05:41
glewso sqlite allows you to get around that?05:42
glewok thank you for the input05:52
glewi'll take the recommendations and tailor my proposal to fit them05:52
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Epyonllnz, still here?06:35
llnzyes, working late tonight06:36
tansellEpyon, submitted your applications to the app yet?06:36
llnzabout 10 hours so far06:36
Epyonanyway, I'm unsure about the separation of the proposals06:36
EpyonBoth have a big common area06:36
Epyonand the easiest way to do the second one would be taking advantage of boost::asio's proactor (similary how a python server would take advantage of twisted's proactor)06:37
llnzmaybe it would be better to propose the threading/async as an "if time allows"/future work task06:38
Epyonllnz, that's how my proposal is now structured :)06:39
tpb<> (at
EpyonI'll add in the new ideas I'd had recently and will push it as a single proposal.06:40
tansellEpyon, last year you bit off more then you could chew, I would be warey to do the same again this year06:58
Epyontansell, the current plan states that due to midterm I'm getting the primary objective completed, then start working on small steps of the secondary objective that is to be done if time allows07:08
* llnz waits for 13GB to transit the network before rebooting to linux07:12
StupidIncarnateis that backup information or something?07:12
llnzdata for the processing i'm currently writing07:13
llnzNDA, can't tell you much more07:13
StupidIncarnateah figured as much07:14
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Epyonllnz, is there any reason why isn't the whole data loaded from persistence at startup?08:03
llnzEpyon: pontentially, the amount of data is greater than memory available08:04
Epyonllnz, but if the server doesn't crash or isn't turned off it will never free any memory of the game data...08:04
llnzThe managers act as caches to the persistence08:04
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llnzexcept they never expire data, yet08:04
Epyonokay, but yes, there may be a future benefit here.08:05
llnzhence the possible plan to "outsource" that functionality to memcached08:06
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Epyonllnz, I've updated the project, care to look at the diff?08:14
tpb<> (at
llnzEpyon: good08:17
cool_codercould someone also go through my proposal ?08:18
tpb<> (at
* llnz gives up after 9 GB08:19
llnzbrb, rebooting08:19
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cool_coderllnz, the first draft of my proposal
tpb<> (at
cool_coderplease go through it whenever you find time08:29
null_000morning everyone08:29
Epyonllnz, the application went live on the app08:32
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llnzEpyon: cool08:34
llnzcool_coder: I will, i was the one that moved it :-)08:35
cool_coderohh :)08:36
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llnzcool_coder: I've already commented on your proposal in the webapp, please look there08:56
cool_coderllnz: i am not able to see any comments.. just checked the history.....09:04
llnznot the wiki, the socghop web app09:13
cool_coderohh will check now09:14
cool_coderllnz: i have tried building the tpserver-cpp09:24
cool_coderi downloaded git extensions as my comp runs on Windows OS, but i am not able to configure it09:25
cool_coderi went through the videos demonstrating how the game is played09:26
llnzit's quite difficult to get tpserver-cpp to compile on windows09:28
llnzthere are instructions how to, using cywin09:29
null_000or you can try coubuntu09:29
cool_coderhmm i tried installing ubuntu09:29
cool_coderbut my laptop crashed for some wierd reason, good that i had a backup of data...09:30
* llnz wanders off after 13 hours of work09:31
llnzlater all09:31
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StupidIncarnatesee ya09:32
tansellcool_coder, if you are accepted into Thousand Parsec you'll be expected to use Linux for most things09:32
cool_codertansell, i have an appointment with IT Care to get this resolved and have Linux in my comp...its tomorrow, hopefully this will get resolved09:36
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StupidIncarnatefor the proposel on the wiki, should we put the About Me stuff on there as well or just on the app we submit at google's site?10:21
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StupidIncarnateoh well, I'll just keep it on the app portion. Here's my proposal, if I could get comments on it's_Proposal10:30
tpb<> (at
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null_000is there a TP proposal counter?10:59
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tradedaemonlol good old 4am session reset on the wireless connection11:07
tradedaemonthe schools wireless connection seems to delete the day's user sessions at 4 am11:08
tradedaemonso I always know I've been up too long when the internet wants me to login again11:09
tradedaemonanyway, what'd be the use of a proposal counter?11:09
null_000I just want to know with how many people I'm competing with ^_^11:10
tradedaemonwell, there's about seven on the wiki11:11
kerbemhh. strange. I have boost 1.35.0-r5 installed (gentoo), and configure complains about it:11:20
kerbe./configure: line 19004: syntax error near unexpected token `1.32.1'11:20
kerbe./configure: line 19004: `AX_BOOST_BASE(1.32.1)'11:20
tradedaemonmaybe it wants ,32 specifically?11:21
kerbereadme at least claims 1.32.1 or later11:22
kerbecould be of course that there is mistake in configure11:22
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stupidincarnatewell see you all. to sleep..... maybe11:39
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biscmithro: Hi, I'm Ivan Ruchkin, posted my proposal for old tp, not 04 long ago. Can you discuss details on tp client-pywx?12:04
mithroask away12:05
biscok, just a second12:09
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biscfirst, I can't currently start tp04 successfully - it doesn't connect to my server. Will fix that in the evening. I'd like to know which features of python client should be main for gsoc proposal?12:24
mithrowhich server are you using?12:25
mithrothe one from git?12:25
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biscI'm using python server from git://
bisccan it be used unchanged for tp04?12:27
biscand how to set it up corretly? maybe I missed a tutorial in wiki?12:36
mithrotpserver-py doesn't support tp0412:37
mithroyou must use tpserver-cpp12:37
mithroI need to head to bed soon12:43
mithrodo you have any other questions?12:43
biscthanks, I'll try it.12:44
biscwell, what about features? maybe you have preferred ones?12:44
biscwhich are important and require considerable work12:46
biscso that I can make them basis of proposal12:46
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epyonI submitted a second proposal BTW13:06
tpb<> (at
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epyonOoookay, finished my submissions for this year.15:20
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tanonekuwhats the application count as for now?17:00
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StupidIncarnateis mithro thereL17:36
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Rakkubabyhello people19:27
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Rakkubabyhey guys19:54
Rakkubabycan anyone help me out19:54
Rakkubabyon how i could be a part19:54
Rakkubabythousand parsec19:54
Rakkubabydev team19:54
Rakkubabythrough gsoc 201019:54
Rakkubabyi did g through the ideas page19:56
Rakkubabyand i think i have some ideas regarding the cloning game part19:56
Rakkubabyso who should i speak with??19:56
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llnzmorning all20:14
llnzhi StupidIncarnate, bzawisto20:15
StupidIncarnatedo you have a moment to answer a question about the app information vs the wiki proposal?20:15
StupidIncarnateIs this understanding correct? The google app proposel is more of a selling pitch and a general explanation of what my project is, and the wiki is an elaboration on that general explanation?20:19
StupidIncarnateit sounds like we're supposed to link to the wiki proposal where that's supposed to contain all the details?20:19
llnzbasically, yes20:20
llnzbut you need to have most of the information (about you, timeline/milestones, what your planning to do etc) in the webapp20:21
llnzthe wiki page can have images, and much more information20:21
StupidIncarnatedoes the wiki page have the about me section as well?20:22
llnznot necessarily20:23
StupidIncarnateok. I'll have to come back when I finish the app version, but when you get a chance, can you review my wiki proposal?20:23
llnzsure, no prob20:24
StupidIncarnatethanks alot. Also, Rakkubaby had a question20:24
StupidIncarnatebefore you came20:24
Rakkubabyyeah hello there20:25
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llnzhi Rakkubaby20:25
Rakkubabyhello there20:26
Rakkubabyi just wanted to ask..20:26
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llnzStupidIncarnate: looks very good20:38
StupidIncarnateOh, so quick. Thanks alot. I shall return when the app version is done then.20:45
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llnzafk, meetings20:59
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kerbedid rakkubaby ever ask? :)21:30
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nuke440Hi all, I was wondering if you've received many apps for GSoC.22:42
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nuke440Anybody there?22:53
llnznuke440: a few22:56
* llnz is back22:56
llnzno reason for anyone to not apply22:56
nuke440yeah.  I considered doing it last year, but I didn't think I was quite at the skill level yet to be of any use.  I actually just thought today to check to see when the deadline for this year is....only to see that it's in two days. =(22:59
nuke440I mean, I've looked at the suggested projects page for tp, but I'm not familiar w/ python.  I'm familiar with c++, though.  Ho w much "mentoring" does a mentor do for something like this?  I wouldn't expect to have my hand held or anything, and I'm good at learning things on my own, but the idea of conrtibuting to a project like this seems kind of daunting.23:07
llnznuke440: typically, we answer questions, review code and make suggestions23:14
llnzit can be anything from 5 hours a week to 20hr for the mentors23:15
nuke440I was planning on doing an internship this summer, but my wife and I are having our first baby in June, so I thought this might be a good chance to see what real software development is like, and contriute to open source at the same time.23:16
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