Saturday, 2009-06-27

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CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * r11e7c2aba05d / (3 files in 2 dirs):00:43
CIA-23Small fixes to Board and MySqlPersistence.00:43
CIA-23Now compiles cleanly for me. Added required const to methods in Board.00:43
CIA-23Fixed typo and return types of retrieveBoard method.00:43
llnzalanp: ping?00:47
llnzepyon: don't forget to pull my change first when you start tomorrow00:48
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llnzyou should merge the changes from trunk at some point01:05
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llnzfrom trunk, there is the shift of tinyxml to tpserver core01:15
* alanp not super-familiar with git01:17
llnzthe easy way is to run: "git merge origin/master"01:18
alanpfatal: merging of trees d56351f157784c64b3c4e1ab8c14a87cd8b46608 and 8f4c7ea667299febf40133930a7caf06351acc85 failed01:19
llnzyou will need to edit .gitignore to fix the conflict, then commit it01:22
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chereztansell: Ping?03:21
mithrocherez: pong?03:30
cherezI'm not sure how parameters should work with the packets, since as I understand it they essentially extend the packet's structure.03:32
cherezI don't see a really clean way to implement that with the API.03:33
mithroso you just add a bunch of structures to the packet?03:34
cherezMore with cleanly integrating that with how the code already works, but I think I see a way to do it.03:39
cherezAlright, nevermind.03:39
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cherezAlso, I think something is wrong with the coverage test.03:40
cherezWhat it's showing me right now is definitely wrong.03:41
mithroyou sure - that is what you thought last time right?04:05
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tpb<> (at
cherezLook at lines 41 and 42.04:23
cherezI'm pretty sure something is wrong there.04:23
mithrocherez: that does look strange04:46
cherezI've tested that each of those lines is covered separately, but it's pretty disconcerting.04:50
mithrocovered separately?05:07
cherezThe testing was separate, not the coverage.05:12
Landonhey mithro, I'm having a ton of trouble with the damage event05:18
Landonwrt displaying the damage05:18
mithroLandon: why?05:18
Landonwel, the code snippets I'm using aren't quite working right and I can't figure out why and the other method (particle effects) I cant find any information on making a string into a texture05:19
Landonbut I was thinking about the battlexml, everything is functional and describes a battle visually except for logs and damage05:20
Landondo you think it would be a good idea to put actual damage numbers in the GUI/info bar and just have the smoke/fire show up on the actual ship05:20
mithroI would prefer them to come of the ship personally05:24
mithrorendering text to a texture buffer seems like something trivially easy05:24
llnzmhilmi: are you around?05:27
Landonit should be, but I can't find a starting point in Ogre::Font05:28
Landonhm, posted on the ogre forums, for now I'll get back to particle effects and moving05:34
mithroyour going to need all types of particle effects for lasers and such06:05
* llnz wanders off08:32
llnzlater all08:32
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llnzmorning all18:30
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp * r8e21519d7f2f /tpserver/settings.cpp:18:43
CIA-23Added . to valid setting key characters, should allow for some more advanced features.18:43
CIA-23Like moving to boost::program_options or using categories, etc.18:43
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llnzhi jnengland7719:07
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llnzhow are you?19:09
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jnengland77I'm doing alright, yourself?19:11
llnznot bad19:11
llnzwhat are you up to currently?19:11
jnengland77Not a whole lot.  Just been searching for a summer job, but no luck with that.19:12
jnengland77My class is going well though.19:13
llnzok cool, best of luck for the job hunt19:15
jnengland77thanks, what are you up to?19:16
llnzworking, plus some open source space stuff, plus adding battlexml to tpserver-cpp19:17
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