Tuesday, 2009-05-26

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tansellcherez, how did you clone?00:00
tansellgit clone git+ssh://git.thousandparsec.net/git/libtpproto2-py.git00:00
cherezI'm guessing I did it from just the git://00:00
cherezShall I reclone?00:01
tanselljust edit ~/.git/config00:01
tansellthat should be00:01
tansellrather then ~/00:01
tansellyou might need to change it to git+ssh://username@00:05
tanselldepending on if your remote username matches your given one00:05
tansellyou can check your ssh keys are working by doing a00:08
tansellssh [email protected]00:08
tanselland see if you get the message "what do you think I am, a shell?"00:08
cherezSo then it's authenticating right....00:09
cherezWant me to pastebin my .git/config?00:09
mithrosure - but it should be pretty trivial to modify00:09
mithrojust change the00:09
mithrourl = git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/libtpproto2-py.git00:09
mithroline to00:09
mithrourl = git+ssh://[email protected]/git/libtpproto2-py.git00:10
cherezReplacing "mithro" with my username?00:11
cherezThen that's what it now says.00:12
tansellwhat does it say now?00:15
cherez$ git push00:16
cherezEverything up-to-date00:16
tansellcherez, have you actually committed your change?00:16
cherez...Doh. :(00:16
tansellgit status00:16
greywhind_tansell: ok, i have a file called "objectutils.py", in extra, with the following function:00:17
CIA-46cherez libtpproto2-py * ra90235fb087a / (testxstruct.py tp/netlib/__init__.py tp/netlib/xstruct.py):00:17
CIA-46Initial xstruct unit test. __init__.py now doesn't fail. xstruct now00:17
CIA-46properly supports 'c' and 's'.00:17
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)00:17
greywhind_do you think that this is a reasonable solution, or should i think about it another way?00:18
tansellgreywhind_, I would inverse a bunch of those tests to make it much more readable00:19
greywhind_tansell: ok. but do you think the general idea is reasonable?00:20
tanselland that code looks wrong00:20
greywhind_tansell: in what way?00:23
greywhind_it seems to be working00:23
tansellthere should only be one property which has a tuple of three values00:24
greywhind_i thought there could be multiple positions?00:24
tansellgreywhind_, yes there can be00:24
tanselland they will be named like00:24
tansellself.start = (10, 5, 6)00:25
tansellself.end = (100, 100, 5)00:25
greywhind_it should pick up each of those with the for property in propertygroup.structures loop00:25
greywhind_and add them all to a list of tuples00:26
tansellthis part looks wrong00:26
tansellpositionattrsstruct = getattr(obj, propertygroup.name)00:26
tansellpositionvectorstruct = getattr(positionattrsstruct, property.name)00:26
tansellpositionstruct = getattr(positionvectorstruct, property.structures[0].name)00:26
tansellxpos = getattr(positionstruct, property.structures[0].structures[0].name)00:26
tansellypos = getattr(positionstruct, property.structures[0].structures[1].name)00:26
tansellzpos = getattr(positionstruct, property.structures[0].structures[2].name)00:26
tansellreferenceobj = getattr(positionvectorstruct, property.structures[1].name)00:26
greywhind_well, each ObjectParamPosition3d struct00:27
greywhind_has a tuple with structs for: (x, y, z) and (reference object)00:27
greywhind_so it's like this: ((x, y, z), reference object)00:28
greywhind_so i get the first one, which contains the x, y, and z, and extract the three coordinates00:28
greywhind_then i get the second one, and add the reference object00:28
mithrolass OrderParamAbsSpaceCoords(GroupStructure):00:28
mithro    """\00:28
mithro    Coordinates in absolute space. (Relative to the center of the Universe)00:28
mithro    """00:28
mithro    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):00:28
mithro        kw['structures'] = [00:28
mithro            GroupStructure('coordinates', 'No description', structures=[00:28
mithro                    IntegerStructure('x', 'No description', size=64, type='signed'),00:28
mithro                    IntegerStructure('y', 'No description', size=64, type='signed'),00:28
mithro                    IntegerStructure('z', 'No description', size=64, type='signed'),00:28
mithro                ]),00:28
mithro        ]00:28
mithro        GroupStructure.__init__(self, *args, **kw)00:28
mithrojust use the names x,y,z directly00:29
greywhind_instead of structures[0].name, etc?00:29
mithrocoords = getattr(obj, property.name).coordinates00:29
mithroposition += [(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)]00:30
mithrobe back in 500:30
cherezmithro: Any objection with be putting the tests in the topmost directory?00:33
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tansell-laptopgreywhind_, for hard-defined structures - you can just assume they are going to always be that way00:38
greywhind_tansell-laptop: ok.00:39
greywhind_i've got the code fixed up00:39
tansell-laptopI'm on a different computer so you'll have to link me again00:39
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)00:40
greywhind_tansell-laptop: do you think i should add the name of the coordinate set to the tuple?00:41
tansell-laptopyou probably want a dictionary which is the name + coordinate or something00:51
tansell-laptopdepends how you are going to use it00:51
greywhind_mm... but i'm not at all sure how i'll be using it yet00:52
greywhind_i guess i can always change it later00:52
tansell-laptoporder probably matters00:55
greywhind_i was thinking:00:56
greywhind_Each tuple has the form: (x, y, z, reference object, coord name)00:56
greywhind_so you can ignore everything after the first three if you don't care00:56
greywhind_or the first 400:56
tansell-laptopare most things using a reference?00:58
greywhind_tansell-laptop: seems like not in minisec at least01:16
tansell-laptopyeah coord references are pretty uncommon at the moment I think01:16
greywhind_i guess i should deal with them though01:16
tansell-laptopgreywhind_, it actually made me thing of a bug01:17
greywhind_maybe i should deal with them inside that method, and return absolute coords?01:17
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tansellgreenlion, possibly01:43
tansellwhich coordinate is the object relative two01:45
tansellgreywhind_, you know what I mean? - IE if the parent has two coordinates01:45
greywhind_tansell: it's not specified.01:46
greywhind_i'm currently assuming it's the first one01:46
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tansellgreywhind_, yeah - I would post to the list about that01:49
greywhind_tansell: ok, will do01:50
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greywhind_tansell: sent01:55
CIA-46noegnud tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r0a5e48122493 / (extra/objectutils.py windows/main/overlays/Path.py):01:59
CIA-46Added objectutils.py, which will hold functions that are useful in dealing with01:59
CIA-46dynamic objects. The first function in this file gets the coordinate sets for an01:59
CIA-46object. Also fixed the FindPath method in Path.py to use the new DynamicObject01:59
CIA-46method of dealing with coordinates.01:59
CIA-46noegnud tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rc1a3421ded76 /windows/main/overlays/Path.py:01:59
CIA-46Fixed the other reference in the FindPath method to object positions to use the new01:59
CIA-46method for finding the position of a DynamicObject.01:59
tansellgreywhind_, you still here?02:18
greywhind_tansell: yep02:18
greywhind_tansell: just writing a blog post about today's work02:18
tansellgreywhind_, I'm thinking that maybe we should move towards having a code review step before submitting02:19
greywhind_tansell: sure. sorry if i screwed something up.02:19
tansellit just make it much easier to go through the process we did today02:19
greywhind_tansell: yeah02:19
tansellrather then using pastebin all the time02:19
shenkiretvield is pretty cool once you get used to the workflow. but it's a fair bit of overhead for first time/one time patch submitters, so you'd only want to use it for patches that need discussion02:21
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3ECy> (at src.chromium.org)02:21
tansellshenki, do you use git-cl?02:21
shenkitansell: ive done one patch with git cl, and one with gcl (the subversion one)02:21
tansellshenki, how was it?02:22
shenkigcl was eaiser, but perhaps it's because it's better documente,d and the projects actually use svn (you only do git by using git svn)02:22
shenkiin general, it's well worth having. just have to get your devs to commit to it02:24
shenkihaving patches in codereview for extended amounts of time is offputting02:24
greywhind_tansell: if you can tell me how to set it up, i'll use it02:26
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3ED4> (at code.google.com)02:27
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tansellshenki, oh I totally agree02:27
tansellshenki, just reading that02:27
mithroI think I'll setup an instance on mithis.com for now02:34
greywhind_greywhind (11:35 PM):~/Programming/tp04/tpclient-pywx > git cl config02:35
greywhind_Traceback (most recent call last):02:35
greywhind_  File "/Users/greywhind/bin/git-cl", line 9, in ?02:35
greywhind_    import readline02:35
greywhind_ImportError: No module named readline02:35
mithrooh your on mac? :(02:35
greywhind_for the next couple of days, yaeh02:35
tansellthat is crap they didn't compile read-line02:36
greywhind_until my computer gets back02:36
tansellgreywhind_, you can probably get away without readline with a bit of hacking02:40
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greywhind_tansell: well, i should have my computer back in about 3 days...02:41
tpbTitle: Recent Issues - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)02:41
greywhind_tansell: looks nice02:41
shenkimithro: is that running on your server, or on app engine?02:42
shenkimithro: it's asking us for a @mithis.com account02:42
tansellshenki, on app-engine under @mithis.com02:43
tansellit should allow anyone to upload02:43
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3ED:> (at www.google.com)02:45
shenkiif i go there02:45
shenkihwich is the "log in" page on cr.mithis.com02:45
greywhind_  File "/Users/greywhind/bin/upload.py", line 42, in ?02:45
greywhind_    import subprocess02:45
greywhind_ImportError: No module named subprocess02:45
shenkiyour python is too old?02:46
shenkihrm, subprocess was 2.402:46
greywhind_greywhind (11:45 PM):~/Programming/tp04/tpclient-pywx > python --version02:47
greywhind_Python 2.5.102:47
tansellsubprocess is definately python2.502:47
shenkimac's python is retarted?02:47
tansellmaybe upload.py is using the wrong python version?02:47
greywhind_#!/usr/bin/env python02:48
tansellgreywhind_, what does that show if you run it?02:48
tansellusr/bin/env python02:48
greywhind_Python 2.5.1 (r251:54869, Apr 18 2007, 22:08:04)02:48
greywhind_[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)] on darwin02:48
greywhind_Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.02:48
greywhind_i'm going to install 3.0.102:49
shenkipython? that probably wont work. try 2.6? it probably won't solve your problem, as 2.5.1 should work fine too02:50
greywhind_python 3.0.1 has a mac installer02:50
greywhind_why wouldn't it work?02:50
mithro3.0.1 is not compatible with 2.x series02:51
shenkibecause 3.0 broke lots of things02:51
mithrofirst time they have ever broken compatibility02:51
greywhind_2.6.2 still has no subprocess03:03
mithrogreywhind_: it sure does03:04
tpbTitle: 18.1. subprocess — Subprocess management Python v2.6.2 documentation (at docs.python.org)03:04
greywhind_well, git cl can't find it03:04
greywhind_i can import it in the interactive shell though...03:04
mithrowhat is at the top of upload.py ?03:05
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greywhind_#!/usr/bin/env python03:05
greywhind_i can import readline as well in the interactive shell03:06
tansellwhereis python; which python03:06
greywhind_greywhind (12:06 AM):~/Programming/tp04/tpclient-pywx > whereis python; which python03:06
tanselloh that is possibly why03:07
tanselldo a03:07
tansellls -l /usr/bin/python03:07
greywhind_greywhind (12:06 AM):~/Programming/tp04/tpclient-pywx > ls -l /usr/bin/python03:08
greywhind_lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  9 Jul  9  2006 /usr/bin/python -> python2.303:08
tansellthat would be why03:09
greywhind_what should i do about it?03:09
tanselledit the files to have a python2.5 at the top03:10
shenki2.3. welcome to the past.03:10
shenkithat's worse than RHEL ;)03:10
greywhind_hmm... there's no python2.5 in usr/bin03:11
greywhind_only python and python2.303:11
mithroso where is your python2.5 installed?03:12
greywhind_maybe ln -s Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/python /usr/bin/python?03:12
mithrogreywhind_: give it a try - but I'm not sure03:12
greywhind_fixed it03:14
greywhind_what do i put in for Rietveld server?03:14
shenkigreywhind_: you should record the answers and put them on the wiki :)03:15
greywhind_any cc list?03:15
shenkii'd suggest cc'ing the tp dev list. advantage is you get more people giving input, disadvantage is people start commenting on the mailing list which means the codereview server doesn't get to record your comments03:16
mithroI wouldn't at the moment03:17
greywhind_k. i'll leave it blank for now.03:17
mithroseeing as all the developers hang out here03:17
greywhind_tree status URL?03:17
mithrotree status url?03:17
greywhind_that's all it says03:17
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3ECy> (at src.chromium.org)03:17
tansellI can see anything there03:17
greywhind_tansell: this seems to be an example:03:19
greywhind_leave it blank?03:20
shenkiyour tree doesn't really close, so it's not relevant :)03:20
greywhind_do we have ViewVC?03:20
tansellwe have gitweb03:20
greywhind_ViewVC URL:03:21
greywhind_i don't know if it would work with gitweb03:21
greywhind_i'll leave it blank03:21
tansellguess we should patch reitveld to support gitweb03:24
greywhind_guess so03:24
greywhind_tansell: unless there's anything else, i'm going to go to sleep03:25
mithrogreywhind_: did you try uploading anything?03:25
greywhind_don't have any changes yet, beyond what i already pushed03:25
shenkitansell: have you used pydev before?03:28
tansellshenki, I attempted once03:28
shenkithe license is...scary03:28
shenkiit's unclear as to weather im actually allowed to use it for more than 30 days or not03:33
tansell This plugin is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 license.03:37
tansell        For legal terms, see the Eclipse Public License. For my own enjoyment, take a deep breath. Really deep one, until you can feel in your toes and your head gets dizzy. Doesn't that feel good? Yum. Aleks and Fabio.03:37
shenkithats what the website says. but when you go to install it it shows a diff licence03:37
shenkiall of the LICENSE.txt files inside the plugins are EPL03:39
shenkiah, here it is03:39
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)03:39
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3EE3> (at svn.aptana.com)03:43
* llnz ponders03:48
tansellllnz, code conventions?03:48
llnznope, just wasn't doing anything and pondering what to do03:49
shenkitansell: the evil license is the one for pydev _extensions_. pydev itself is EPL.03:52
shenkimystery solved03:52
mithrowhat is pydev _extensions_ ?03:53
* shenki shrugs03:53
shenkii dont think i want to use pydev anyway03:53
tansellit looked pretty good but I could never get it to work properly03:57
mithrolooks like I might need to add some features to git-cl04:55
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llnzlater all07:57
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CIA-46joelboh tpclient-pyweb * rf8c8218156cf / (16 files in 5 dirs): Removed old code. Added initial code for the map component (frontend).13:21
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llnzmorning all16:36
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CIA-46cherez libtpproto2-py * rf61f89d9eb7e /testxstruct.py: Added integer tests.19:16
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alanpllnz: ping20:27
llnzhi alanp20:27
alanpdid you write the current mtsec?20:28
llnzsome of it, the bits copied from minisec20:28
alanpllnz: did my proposal look correct to you, that the components that make a ship have mostly not been created?20:29
llnzif anything, they need to be better organised20:30
alanpwhat do you mean?20:30
tansellcherez, ping?20:30
greywhindtansell: oh, hey - i have a question for you20:31
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tansellgreywhind, shoot20:31
llnzalanp: the ones that are there are hard to identify, and clearly the mtsec.cpp file it much too long20:31
greywhindi've been trying to figure out how to switch over the code that finds the type of an object ("Universe," "Galaxy," etc.)20:31
llnzit would be helpful to group them together20:31
greywhindand i just can't seem to figure out how to compare the dynamic-class stuff to anything that would allow me to do so20:32
tansellgreywhind, you are of course right - that old scheme needs to go away20:32
* alanp double-reads mtsec.cpp20:33
greywhindtansell: i still need some way to figure out whether an object is the unverse, etc. is there a way to compare type(obj) to something?20:34
alanpmaybe the ships should be in their own class?20:34
alanpwould you agree with that/20:34
greywhindbecause it gives me <dynamic-class 'Planet' (3) at 0x11e55470>20:34
greywhindand i'm not sure what to compare that to20:34
tansellgreywhind, the universe is always object 020:34
greywhindwhat about galaxies, though?20:35
greywhinda lot of the code tries to ignore the universe and galaxy objects20:35
tansellgreywhind, well I'm sure you can come up with a good idea20:35
alanpand also i'm guessing the missile rack is really the missile bay? stuff like that i guess needs to be changed?20:35
greywhindtansell: so there's nothing to compare dynamic-class types to that would let me find galaxies that way?20:36
tansellalanp, racks store missiles before they have been launched20:36
alanpwhat does a bay do?20:36
alanpbay stores the missile about to be launched?20:37
tansellbays are what you launch missles from20:39
tansellIE A ship might have 20 missile racks and only one missile bay?20:39
tansellllnz, is that your understanding20:39
alanpahhhhhhh ok20:39
alanplaunch tube20:39
alanpyeah, some things aren't matching up to the spec20:40
alanpi will rename20:40
tansellI could be wrong - ask llnz20:40
tansellgreywhind, not really - maybe you could ignore objects which have no interesting properties20:40
alanpno, i believe you are correct20:40
greywhindtansell: hm... would galaxies always have the universe as a parent?20:41
alanpllnz: please verify that missile bay = launch tube20:41
llnzyes, missile tube controls how many launched at once, missile rack is how many can be fired before they run out20:41
tansellgreywhind, probably - but remeber ships can have a parent of the universe too20:41
greywhindtansell: mm... i see.20:42
alanpand it looks like that is the only component already created?20:42
llnzalanp: quite possibly20:42
alanpok, cool20:42
llnzi think a few of the missile components have been created as well20:42
alanpwell yes20:43
alanpi was only including the ship components20:43
alanpthe components that make a ship i guess20:43
tansellgreywhind, it's a hard problem20:45
tansellgreywhind, do you want to test the git-cl stuff?20:45
greywhindtansell: quite... i wish i had more to work with, like an 'object type' property20:46
alanpllnz: should all of these components be in another class?20:46
greywhindtansell: sure, but i don't have anything to commit because i've been stuck on this problem20:46
alanpor.. a few others?20:46
greywhindtansell: would ships have resource lists?20:47
greywhindfleets, that is20:47
llnzalanp: that could be a good idea, keeping things tidy20:47
tansellgreywhind, fleets will have lots of interesting properties20:47
tansellthe problem of ignoring objects which don't have any interesting properties is that catches starsystems20:47
alanpllnz, could? hehe20:48
tansellanother option would be to just hard code it for now20:50
greywhindhard-code it how?20:50
greywhindalso, this is going to make the icon code difficult20:50
greywhinddef Icon(self, obj):20:50
greywhindif isinstance(obj, Fleet):20:50
greywhindreturn FleetIcon(self.cache, obj, self.Colorizer)20:50
greywhindelif isinstance(obj, Wormhole):20:50
greywhindreturn WormholeIcon(self.cache, obj, self.Colorizer)20:50
greywhindreturn SystemIcon(self.cache, obj, self.Colorizer)20:50
tansellgreywhind, I didn't say that making the client support tp04 was going to be easy :P20:51
greywhindeach object will need to hold which icon it wants to use, i'd guess20:51
greywhindin the media section20:51
tansellcherez, we have our weekly status meeting now20:51
tansellgreywhind, when did we decided to meet for our weekly meeting?20:51
greywhindtansell: i think it was... wednesdays, at 9:00 pm my time?20:52
tansellgreywhind, I think that is probably20:52
tansellgreywhind, what if your timezone again?20:52
greywhindtansell: i'm in MST20:52
greywhindPhoenix, AZ20:53
tansellaparently you have scattered clouds20:54
greywhindtansell: do objects already associate themselves with media that can be used to draw them? or will that need to be added to the rulesets or something?20:54
tansellgreywhind, they should - they probably don't at the moment yet20:56
alanptansell: I have posted my first status report20:57
alanpPlease check it out, http://alanp.ca/blog/2009/05/25/gsoctp-weekly-report-beginning-may-25-2009/20:57
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3ERC> (at alanp.ca)20:57
alanplet me know if there are any issues with it20:57
greywhindfor now, i'm going to just draw everything with a system icon20:57
tansellgreywhind, sounds fair20:59
tansellalanp, I would recommend that maybe you look at putting the information in xml/csv files and parse them in that way - will make balancing much easier21:00
tanselltinyxml is already used in the risk ruleset for map loading21:00
alanpwhich information?21:00
tansellalanp, components/resources/etc21:01
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alanphmm that sounds like a good idea21:02
llnzalanp: feel free to suggest things to be moved into the core of the server21:03
alanpllnz: ok21:03
llnztinyxml is already on the list (for battlexml)21:03
alanpso maybe just import that stuff from xml21:03
alanpi'm not very familiar with tinyxml, but i'm sure i could learn and implement it pretty easily21:04
* alanp eyes mapimport.cpp21:04
tansellgreywhind, you should have a meeting request for the correct time hopefully21:05
alanpnext week i'm going to have a much better place to develop :-)21:05
* alanp on couch w/ laptop right now21:05
mithroI wrote most of tpclient-pywx sitting on couches :P21:06
alanpthis couch is not particularly comfortable21:06
tansellgreywhind, so it looks like git-cl needs some extra code to make it totally useful - but it should still work for now21:06
greywhindtansell: ok21:07
alanpnext week i will have my 2x22" monitor setup, 3360x105021:07
greywhindtansell: where is this meeting request?21:07
tansellgreywhind, it should have gone to your cox.net email address21:07
greywhindtansell: ah. ok.21:07
greywhindi'll check it21:08
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tansellllnz, did you see greywhind's email about the coordinates stuff?21:12
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llnztansell: yes i did21:12
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llnzi was going to reply but haven't yet21:12
llnzprobably will tonight21:12
tansellllnz, what are your thoughts?21:13
llnzan object with multiple coordinates is underspecified, let along relative coords to it21:13
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llnzwhich coords do you use?21:19
tansellllnz, for relative coordinates you mean21:20
llnzif there are more than one?21:20
chereztansell: Pong.21:20
llnzno, on any object21:20
tansellllnz, so we draw a multiple coordinate object as something like a wormhole21:20
tansellcherez, hey - so our meeting was suppose to start 20 minutes ago21:21
llnzi don't think that's the best way21:21
tansell(IE the object is at two positions at once)21:21
llnzi think a wormhold should be two object (one at each end)21:21
llnzwith a parameter that references the other end21:21
cherezDoh. :/21:22
tansellwhat about things like mine fields which might be an arbitary shaped object21:22
tansellcherez, so I don't see a status report on your blog either?21:24
cherezI have a blog?21:25
cherezNot much to report so far. I've been working on xstruct and aside from the bit about characters it has passed all my tests so far.21:25
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tansellcherez, you where suppose to set up one so that you can post weekly status reports21:26
tanselland your status reports are due before our weekly meeting21:26
cherezWell, I better set up a blog now.21:27
tansellcherez, yes - I would also like to start doing post-push code reviews21:27
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tansellthat should be21:28
llnztansell: true, maybe we need a better way of specifying them21:28
llnzwith them == coordinates, size and shape21:29
chereztansell: So you want to see my commits before I push them?21:31
tansellcherez, yeah so I can give feedback a bit easier21:37
cherezIs there any easy way to do that with git?21:38
tansellUsing a thing called git-cl21:38
tpbTitle: GitCL - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at www.thousandparsec.net)21:47
tansellcherez, so where are we at?21:47
cherezI have tests for all the numeric types with the pack-unpack tests.21:48
greywhindtansell: do any of the AI clients work with tp04?21:50
tansellgreywhind, no21:51
greywhindtansell: hm.21:51
tansellgreywhind, why?21:51
greywhindwell, i can't give orders at the moment21:51
greywhindso it's hard to test my fleet drawing21:51
greywhindbecause they're all still docked21:52
greywhindi was hoping an AI would move some fleets so i could check if it drew21:52
cherezThen I guess I sit down with a piece of paper so I can figure out the correct strings to be generated for all the pack functions is.21:53
greywhindtansell: the good news is that systems now draw properly!21:53
tansellgreywhind, well the AI can play with tp03 on the same user21:53
greywhindtansell: how can i set that up?21:54
tansellstart up a server21:54
tansellconnect with an AI21:54
greywhindis there a minisec AI, or should i use Risk?21:54
tansellconnect with a client using the same username/password21:54
tansellgreywhind, I don't think minisec AI was ever finished21:54
tansellpoke reac and iwanowitch21:55
greywhindtansell: i'm not sure how to start an AI except through the single-player dialog21:55
greywhindand that didn't seem to work21:55
tansellgreywhind, it's just a ./daneel-ai <arguments>21:55
tanselluse --help to find out want to give it21:55
llnztpsai-py works for minisec21:55
greywhindoh, good21:56
greywhindNo module named logilab.constraint21:59
greywhindThe following requirements where not met:21:59
greywhind     python-constraint21:59
greywhindanyone know how i can install what it needs?22:03
greywhindthe download link at: http://www.logilab.org/project/logilab-constraint22:04
tpb<http://ln-s.net/21dk> (at www.logilab.org)22:04
greywhindseems to be broken22:04
tansellgreywhind, it's easy to fix22:05
tanselljust get it to list the directory22:06
greywhindthat makes sense - should have thought of that22:06
tansellor you could always get it from the deb package - http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/c/constraint/constraint_0.4.0.orig.tar.gz22:08
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3ERx> (at ftp.de.debian.org)22:08
tansellcherez, I'll be back in an hour - heading to lunch now22:10
tansellback now22:52
greywhindtansell: shall we test the git cl stuff now?22:53
tansellI'm having some problems getting it to work22:53
tansellgreywhind, but we can see if it works for you22:53
tpbTitle: GitCL - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at www.thousandparsec.net)22:53
greywhindtansell: except for logging in, it seems to work23:06
tansellgreywhind, it uploaded the issue?23:07
tansellI don't see anything at23:07
tpbTitle: Recent Issues - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)23:07
greywhindgreywhind (08:04 PM):~/Programming/tp04/tpclient-pywx > git cl upload origin/tp0423:07
greywhind windows/main/overlays/Overlay.py |    8 +----23:07
greywhind windows/main/overlays/Systems.py |   54 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------23:07
greywhind 2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)23:07
greywhindUpload server: codereview.mithis.com (change with -s/--server)23:07
greywhindEmail (login for uploading to codereview.mithis.com): [email protected]23:07
greywhindPassword for [email protected]:23:07
greywhindSaving authentication cookies to /Users/greywhind/.codereview_upload_cookies23:07
greywhindthen it said nothing else and finished, seemingly successfully23:08
tansellgreywhind, is [email protected] a google account?23:08
greywhindtansell: yes23:09
greywhindalthough your login screen seems not to take @ symbols23:09
greywhindtansell: i have to eat dinner. be back in about half an hour, probably23:12
tansellgreywhind, okay23:12
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shenkitansell: i think this is the same issue as i was having yesterday; it wants us to have @mithis.com accounts23:26
tansellshenki, well it doesn't work with @mithis.com accounts either23:29
shenkioh. that sucks23:30
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tansellgreywhind_, you can try uploading to codereview.appspot.com by doing a git-cl config23:32
tansellwe can use the temporarily23:38
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