Monday, 2009-05-25

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tansellLandon, what does "more plugins.*" show?00:00
LandonI have a plugins.cfg{,.mac,.nt,.posix}00:01
tansellyou do?00:01
tansellyou should only have a plugins.cfg00:01
tansellwhich should be a symlink to00:02
Landonwell, other than having those extra 300:02
Landonit is a symlink to /etc/OGRE/plugins.cfg00:02
Landoncopied plugins.cfg to plugins.cfg.linux00:03
Landonnow I have a new problem!00:03
Landonpython: ../../../OgreMain/include/OgreSingleton.h:66: Ogre::Singleton<T>::Singleton() [with T = Ogre::BspResourceManager]: Assertion `!ms_Singleton' failed.00:03
Landonthis seems familiar00:03
Landonbut I forgot what I did for it00:03
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tanselltry a different demo?00:03
Landonany you know of that won't segfault?00:04
tansellI'll just check now00:04
tanselltry the script00:05
greywhindtansell: even with debugging on, i'm getting only this:00:07
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at
Landonthey're all failing so far00:07
tansellLandon, check /tmp/python-ogre.log file00:08
tansellLandon, check /tmp/python-ogre-demos.log file00:08
tanselland what exit code are they failing with?00:08
Landonand one exited with a 100:09
mithroupload the python-ogre-demos.log file somewhere00:09
tpb<> (at
tanselldid you kill it after a couple of steps?00:13
Landonthat was the second run00:14
Landonthe first run it went through a dozen or so00:14
tansellcould you let it run - it should only take about 5-10 minutes and then upload the complete file?00:14
tansellwhat is your computer again?00:14
Landoneeepc 90000:15
tansellwith jaunty?00:16
tansellLandon, can you give this a try -
tpb<> (at
Landonafter finishing the script?00:18
tansellit overwrites that file after each run00:19
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Landontansell: refresh00:40
LandonI had to kill the fresnel test though00:40
Landonbrought my system to a crawl00:40
tanselldid you try the 2.4 downgrade?00:42
Landoninstalling it now00:43
Landon~100 fps glxgears pre00:43
Landon276 post00:49
tansellstill the demos segfault?00:49
Landonbut they do it much faster now00:50
Landonno wait00:50
tansellit sounds like there is a problem with intel drivers in jaunty and ogre00:50
Landonthe two I tried didnt segfault00:50
LandonBasic gave the singleton error00:51
LandonSmoke didnt really give any00:51
Landonoh wait00:51
LandonOGRE EXCEPTION(0:IOException): Cannot create settings file. in Root::saveConfig at OgreRoot.cpp (line 329)00:51
tansellLandon, can you try running it via the unittest script?00:51
Landonnope , it segfaults00:51
Landon139s sill00:52
tansellall of them?00:52
Landonall gave either 139 or 100:53
tansellcan you get the normal ogre demos to work?00:59
Landonhm, where are those stored?01:02
Landonnot sure I have them01:03
tansellyou might need to download the source code and build them manually01:05
LandonI'll put this off until tomorrow night then01:07
LandonI need to start getting some sort of backup system set up on my desktop01:08
Landonit's been getting a little toasty fo its liking lately01:09
tansellLandon, you could always try install intrepid and see what happens01:52
Landonbut jaunty Just Works on my netbook without any custom kernels :P01:55
Landonit's really not that big of a deal to get it working on my netbook01:56
LandonI'm outta here in a week and my desktop will be in a much more usable area01:56
tansellwell the intel chipset in your netbook is the "bottom" target for your battleviewer02:00
tansell(ie a bare bones battle with no pretty stuff)02:00
tansellso it would be good to have it working02:02
tansellI wish the Launchpad guys would hurry up and get their act together so I could upload the latest version of my python-ogre packages02:06
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llnzepyon: wiki edits looking good06:52
llnzepyon: out of curiosity, why @param instead of \param in doxygen?06:53
tansell@param is the normal java format06:55
* llnz had forgotten that06:55
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llnzlater all07:46
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mithroepyon: I don't like your control structure indenting :P08:49
mithro}\nelse\n{ <-- really? you like that?08:50
mithroepyon: btw - it would be good to make sure that cpplint and indent work okay with your stuff08:51
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mithrotote: ping?09:35
mithroreac: ping?09:36
mithroepyon: you have feedback09:44
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totemithro :/13:21
alanptansell: ping13:23
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llnzmorning all16:05
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llnzhi alanp16:07
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Landonheh this works out16:23
Landonon my laptop debugging the running client on my desktop16:23
Landontansell: laptop now runs the intro movie and segfaults on the 3d client now16:27
chereztansell: Ping?16:33
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cherezSweet, the first unit test I ran found a flaw in the code.16:53
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llnzhehe, cool17:09
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greywhindanyone know all about xstructs?18:38
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cherezgreywhind: What do you need to know?19:04
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epyonanyone alive at this hour?20:18
tansellepyon, yeah20:18
tansellit's just morning here20:18
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nashepyon: Pants on20:31
greywhindtansell: if you're around, i could use some help with dynamic object properties20:44
tansellgreywhind, shoot20:47
tansellI'll answer if I can20:47
greywhindtansell: i'm dealing with trying to change the FindPath() method in Path.py20:47
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greywhindtansell: so i've got it to the point where i can find the ObjectParamPosition3d structure inside the object properties20:48
greywhindbut then when i do stuff like: xpos = property.structures[0].structures[0].pack(xpos)20:48
greywhindi always get 020:48
greywhindtansell: well, the last structures[0] returns an IntegerStructure20:51
greywhindso i need to get the integer value out of it20:51
greywhindand the .pack and .unpack methods seem to be what i'm supposed to use for that? or am I wrong?20:52
tansellgreywhind, I'm not sure what you are doing20:53
tansellgreywhind, the structures stuff is only used for the serialise/unserialise20:53
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greywhindtansell: hmm... well, let me show you more of the code20:56
tansellthat would be good20:56
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
greywhindFleet of ships20:59
greywhind(-1, (0, 0, 0))20:59
greywhind^ the result20:59
greywhindif i remove the lines that end in .unpack, the result is the same21:01
tansellso why are you writing this code?21:02
tansellwhere is this code?21:02
greywhindwell, in, there's a function made to find the path an object will take21:02
greywhindit uses obj.pos, which no longer exists for DynamicObjects21:02
greywhindso i'm replacing obj.pos with finding the position through obj.properties21:03
mithroyou best be to write a couple of "helper" functions21:08
greywhindmithro: probably a good idea.21:09
greywhindeven so, am I going about the finding of the position correctly? if so, why do i always get 0?21:09
mithrono your not21:09
mithroseeing as there is no documentation that is pretty understandable21:10
mithroyou don't need to use pack/unpack yourself21:13
greywhindmithro: how would you recommend finding the position, then? or perhaps you could point me to some sort of description of how the DynamicObjects contain data?21:13
mithrothis is the part of the code you have missed21:14
mithrofor property, arg in zip(, args):21:14
mithroself.length += property.length(arg)21:14
mithrosetattr(self,, arg)21:14
mithroso you need to do21:14
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
mithrothat is getting closer to what you need21:16
mithroI recommend you do a21:16
greywhindok. thanks.21:16
mithrocherez: btw - commit early and commit often21:18
mithrocherez: I expect to see a couple of commits each day21:18
greywhindmithro: if i were to write a helper method for getting the position(s) of an object, what file do you think it would fit in?>21:21
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greywhindin DynamicObject itself, perhaps?21:39
tansellunless it's a "get args of type X" it probably belongs in the client21:40
tansellthe libtpproto2-py stuff should make this a lot easier21:43
tansell(and safer)21:44
chereztansell: Care to enlighten me on netlib's does?21:56
cherezIt tries to import a module that doesn't exist.21:57
mithrocherez: probably because i never finished that module22:04
mithrowhat does commenting it out do?22:04
mithrothe reason it imports everything is to make it quicker to access stuff22:04
mithrofrom tp.netlib import objects22:05
mithrorather then22:05
cherezIt works fine commented out, that's what I did to start with.22:05
mithrofrom tp.netlib.objects.OrderDesc import OrderDesc22:05
mithroanyway it's lunch for me22:06
cherezAnd late dinner for me.22:06
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Landonahoy jmtan22:22
jmtanhey Landon22:26
jmtanhow is your project going?22:28
Landonhaven't done much other than research today, I've been reading up on quaternions and such (that is the method to orient models in ogre, right?)22:29
jmtandid you get the battleviewer or client running on your netbook?22:33
Landonneither, ogre has segfaulting problems22:33
Landongets as far as the intro clip on the client22:34
jmtanthat's strange, did you try running the python-ogre demos?22:37
Landonyeah, they were all segfaulting too22:38
jmtanyou were able to get the client running on your main pc?22:39
Landonhit a snag, but it turns out I just had to install avbin and all was well22:40
jmtanthat's good, i guess you'll have to do your development on that then... recompiling python-ogre is kinda unfeasible on a netbook22:44
Landonheh yeah22:46
jmtanbtw, how did you get python-ogre on your netbook?22:47
Landonmithro had some jaunty packages scattered throughout launchpad22:49
jmtanare those the ones your desktop is using too?22:50
Landonno, my desktop is using the version it compiled22:52
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jmtanLandon: if you're stuck with the netbook for now and have a connection to your desktop you could try copying the compiled version over23:01
Landonhm thats worth a try23:05
LandonI'll have to wait until it finishes backing up though23:14
tansellcherez, so where are you at?23:17
cherezTrying to figure out why I get different results from py.test than from running the test directly.23:17
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tansellmaybe I can help - tell me what is happening23:22
cherezxstruct didn't behave correctly with characters.23:23
tansellI'm sure that it does23:23
cherezIf the input wasn't a list, string, or time object, it assumed it to be a numeric type.23:24
cherezBut 'c' takes a string of length 1.23:24
tansellyou'll have to be a bit more specific23:25
tansellas 4c definitely works23:25
greywhind_tansell: do you think a function to find the positions of an object would fit in
tansellotherwise libtpproto-py would never have worked23:26
tansellgreywhind_, which utils?23:26
greywhind_tansell: the one in tpclient-pywx23:26
tansellextra/ ?23:26
chereztansell: '4c' runs struct.pack with 'c' 4 times without checking the type.23:27
greywhind_tansell: i don't see an extra/, but there's one in the top level directory23:27
cherez'c' was assumed to be a numeric type, and type checked as such.23:27
cherezSo I added a special case for it.23:28
mithrogreywhind_: nope that would be the wrong place23:28
mithroc is handled a similar way to a string23:28
greywhind_tansell: ok23:28
mithrogreywhind_: that files is adventually going away23:28
greywhind_mithro: or maybe it would be better to have a function that can get any attribute by name, but what if there are multiple attributes with the same name?23:29
tansellgreywhind_, libtpproto-py doesn't handled that23:29
tanselllibtpproto2-py will23:29
chereztansell: Well, the code in the repository makes no case for c.23:30
mithrocherez: we are talking right?23:30
cherezIn the big if clause that starts at line 99.23:31
greywhind_tansell: well, i'm not really sure what would be the better way to go here. it would be nice to have a function i can call to just try to get the position of any object, but i might end up needing a lot of similar functions for other attributes...23:31
mithrogreywhind_: you can put the funciton in ./extra/23:32
mithroit might be a candidate for libtpclient-py23:32
greywhind_mithro: should i just make a new file for it, for now?23:33
greywhind_something like...
mithrocherez: oh - I see whats up23:34
mithrocherez: c == s23:34
mithrothe documentation is wrong is appears23:35
cherezI was operating with the assumption that xstruct would support any format string that struct supports.23:37
cherezShould I change the documentation?23:37
mithrocherez: it probably should :)23:38
mithrocherez: so you have actually found a bug23:39
mithroplease also back-port a fix to libtpproto-py too23:39
cherezThe very first unit test I wrote, in fact.23:39
cherezAlright, I guess I'll make this my first commit... and figure out how to commit.23:39
mithrocherez: great23:40
cherezWe want an 's' too that's identical to 'c'?23:41
mithroI think so23:45
mithrohave a look at in libtpproto-py23:45 is not nearly as important in libtpproto2-py23:45
mithro(because of the structure stuff)23:45
tansellbtw - feel free to back port the tests as well if you want23:46
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cherezI'm getting lookup errors from git?23:54
tanselllookup errors?23:56
tansellcherez, just a hint - if you post actual errors it'll be easier for me to figure out your problem :)23:56
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cherez$ git push23:57
cherezfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly23:57
tansellcherez, that means one of two things23:58
tanselleither you are trying to push to the git:// or http:// server rather then git+ssh://23:58
tansellor your ssh-keys are not working23:58

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