Friday, 2009-05-15

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llnzlater all09:36
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llnzmorning all18:29
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Vadtecafternoon llnz18:53
Vadtecmy grades were finally posted today, 4 A's, 1 B, 3.82 GPA this stoked18:56
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llnzwell done Vadtec19:22
Vadtecyeah, missed a 4.0 by just a few fractions of a point19:24
Vadtecwas my fault though, i forgot to take one of the chapter test a few months ago19:25
Vadtecwas a busy week that week19:25
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* Landon is finally done22:01
Landonno more discrete! well22:01
Landonstill a chance I failed that bad :P22:01
jnengland77Good luck. I didn't really like my finite structures class which is basically discrete.22:08
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