Thursday, 2009-04-09

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CIA-1nash galaxie * r6df6f1ac676e / (17 files in 2 dirs):00:11
CIA-1events are now global (not per tpe - as per the underlying engine).00:11
CIA-1Also add many statics. Should also do const at some point.00:11
CIA-1And the startest program is a little more comprehensive.00:11
Vadteci so wish my programming prof would use something other than java to teach the "basics" of programming00:21
Vadteche doesnt bother to explain some of the most fundamental things to the other students00:21
Vadteclike what a pointer really is and how it works00:21
nashVadtec: All programming traching should be done in C.00:23
nashThat way you can sort out the programmers from the wordpress addon authors00:23
Vadteci agree00:23
nashSecond semester is of course lisp.00:23
nashAnd third is all prolog.00:24
Vadtecyikes man00:24
nashYou should have sorted the two groups out00:24
Vadtecyou dont want to kill the poor sods00:24
nashVadtec: My 3 first languages at uni were haskell, C and prolog00:24
nashI also did some assembly for Elec Eng...00:25
nashBUt yes, Java is a woeful teaching language00:25
Vadtecso is VB00:25
nashActually I did 68k assembly for EE, and MIPS for CompSci00:25
Vadtecwhich is what the college i went to before used00:25
nashAlso not good00:25
nashSimpler languages are best00:25
shenkimips ftw00:26
* shenki built a mips00:26
Vadtecwell i just know when they force feed people VB or java and call them "programmers" it rubs me the wrong way00:26
shenki <- my mips00:27
tpb<> (at
Vadteci offended the dept head of CS at my former college by calling him a "hobby programmer"00:27
Vadtecit was rather funny00:27
Vadteche flapped around for a few seconds, then stormed out of his own office00:27
jnengland771Probably wasn't nice, but I imagine it was funny.00:28
Vadtecwell he couldnt code C to save his life, could barely do C++ and thought java was the best ever next to VB00:29
Vadteci dared him to write an OS in VB00:29
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jnengland771I don't know much about VB or Java, but wouldn't it be hard to do low level stuff? Does it have pointers?  I know Java doesn't. Probably makes it hard to memory management.00:30
Vadtecjava has pointers, just not in the sense of C pointers00:30
Vadtecthey are more "abstract"00:30
shenkijava is like, 100% pointers00:31
Vadteceverything in java is a pointer to something00:31
jnengland771Alright.  As I said I don't know much about Java.  Must have heard wrong.00:31
Vadtecand sun has SunOS which is java based00:31
shenkia pointer to FAIL00:31
shenki</java hate>00:32
Vadtecjava has the balls to be an OS, but just barely00:32
Vadteclol shenki00:32
Vadtecill join you in that00:32
Vadtecthe other thing that pisses me off royally about this prof, he REFUSES to teach the students how to use ANY debugger00:33
tpb<> (at
Vadtecso they have no easy way to debug their code00:33
Vadtecand half of them dont complete their projects on time cause of it00:33
shenkijnengland771: the dudes that wrote that article come from a company called "AdaCore"00:34
Vadtecjnengland77: excellent00:34
shenkiso i wouldn't trust their words to be overly objective00:34
jnengland771thanks.  Yeah.  I know.  I read that a long time ago.00:34
Vadtechmm, adacore00:34
Vadtectheir point is valid00:35
Vadteci can nearly outcode my prof on several fronts00:35
Vadtecwhich i find disgraceful00:35
jnengland771I thought I saw a similar article except from the C++ create ( I can never spell his name right.. so I won't).00:35
Vadtecdont ask me to do his last name00:36
Vadtecepic fail00:36
Vadtecim gonna save that link00:38
Vadtecand send it to my programming prof00:38
Vadtecjust to ruffle his feathers a bit00:38
jnengland771That's mean.00:38
Vadtecno its not00:38
Vadtechis students are constantly asking me for help00:39
Vadteccause i can explain shit to them so it makes sense00:39
jnengland771oh ok.00:39
Vadtecwithout telling them outright how to do it00:39
Vadtecthis is lame00:43
Vadteci can tell this project is gonna be so easy00:43
mhilmiim trying to finish programming for my project robot :(00:44
Vadtecill probably be done with it by fridays end00:44
mhilmiits not going well :(00:44
Vadtecmhilmi: ive always wanted to screw with a robot thats linux based00:44
Vadtecnever had a chance though00:44
jnengland771mhilmi: That sucks.  Good luck.00:44
Vadtecid offer to help, but its probably a weee bit outta my skill set00:45
mhilmiVadtec: its pretty cool - basically you program a microcontroler in C or assembly00:46
mhilmiall the tools and things are linux compatible00:46
Vadtecmhilmi: that much i get00:46
Vadtecin reality00:47
Vadtecit would probably be the circuits that kill me00:47
Vadteci can solder n what not, but aside from a 555 timer, im pretty clueless00:47
mhilmiah true , that part is not so much fun. but datasheets are your friend. usually ends up being pretty easy. but all the things like capacitor and resistor are annoying (thankfully my teammates handle that part) :P00:49
mhilmicapacitor and resistor values rather00:49
jnengland771I know some basics about digital systems, but it's been a while, and honestly not much interest to me. I do know some x86 assembly, a little mips, too.00:49
Vadtecyeah, if i had someone do the circuits for me i could do the programming00:50
mhilmiembedded programming and stuff is pretty fun - aside from the memory limitation.00:50
Vadteci wrote a device driver for linux once for a fried, all it did was control some mains for his DJ setup00:50
Vadtectwo PCI LPT cards with a serial cable to control the power00:50
Vadteche could control 24 sets of lights with it00:51
mhilmithats pretty cool00:51
Vadtecwas rather simple actually00:51
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mhilmithere was actually a GSOC task similiar to that - but i didnt get a chance to apply00:51
jnengland771The x86 assembly professor was crazy... professor emeritus, only teaches that class. I really enjoyed that class. :)  Still not very good at x86 assembly though.00:51
Vadtecassembly is a league of its own00:52
Vadtecits supposed to be wierd00:52
jnengland771It is.00:52
Vadtecif it wasnt slower than C to code in id probably be an assembly guy00:52
Vadteci like messing directly with hardware00:52
Vadtecwell, cept for when i power spike the PCI bus and blow a card00:53
Vadtecwhich i did, just once, making that device driver00:53
tansellI'm really annoyed that I never tool the compiler construction class00:53
jnengland771Ah. Yeah later in the class we used emudos, and made some neat things with interrupts.  Like the musical keyboard, and a screen saver.00:53
Vadteci bet tansell, i plan on taking as many compiler classes as possible00:54
jnengland771Crashed emuDOS a lot. It had some funny errors.  I think one was about dieing quickly... I can't remember exactly.00:56
Vadtecwhen i did assembly, we had old 386 machines to do it on00:56
Vadtecwith dos 6.200:57
Vadtecwas actually quite fun00:57
Vadteci got introuble cause i was messin with some of the extra chips on the MB of my machine00:57
Vadteci was making small programs that had weird graphics output00:57
jnengland771Oh opps I guess it's DOSemu not emuDOS.00:57
jnengland771"OUCH! attempt to execute interrupt table - quickly dying " :P Found it.01:01
Vadtecive been at this 30 mins, and im nearl 60% done with it01:01
jnengland771What are you doing?01:04
Vadtecof all the silly things to do in java...writing our own "assembler and virtual machine"01:05
Vadtecusing a BS assembler lang he came up with01:06
Vadteche claims he is having us do this because he is dropping the assembly class from the degree plan cause "it never makes"01:08
Vadtecmore like he doesnt bother to force it upon students01:08
jnengland771Sounds familiar... Had to do a subset of MIPS assembly assembler ( just to asci binary ), and a program execute it.  Except it was written in C++.  The project kept getting extensions.01:08
Vadtectechnically...bison is C++01:09
Vadtecor can be01:09
Vadtecso is lex01:09
Vadtecor yacc01:09
jnengland771Yeah.  It was a pain.  Parsing the text was pain.  Oh well I got to play with sscanf and other C IO stuff.  Mostly just printf.  I think I like them a bit better then cin/cout.  I usually just use C++ stuff.01:11
Vadteccout is a pain in the rear01:13
Vadtecits not easy to format a string quickly01:13
Vadtecsprintf is my friend01:13
jnengland771That's why I think I prefer printf/scanf.  I wish they were type-safe though.01:14
jnengland771I noticed it's harder to debug though.  I used %s, but needed %c.  No warning or anything.  Just our friend Mr. seg fault. He needs to stop showing up...01:16
Vadtecand without gdb01:17
Vadtecyer screwed tryin to find it quickly01:17
jnengland771Yeah.  I'm still not very good at using gdb, but I found an (ugly, but useful) front-end for it -- DDD.01:19
Vadtecscrew ddd01:19
Vadtecif yer runnin kde anyways01:19
jnengland771I probably have the dependencies for it installed.01:19
jnengland771Doesn't really bother me since I use Openbox.01:20
jnengland771So QT or GTK.  I mostly use GTK stuff though.01:20
Vadteci tried to pick up Qt about a year ago01:21
Vadtecfor some reason i just couldnt wrap my head around how they did stuff01:21
jnengland771I want to learn QT or WxWidgets.  Just haven't had a lot of time to do it.01:22
Vadtecpython+wxwidgets ftw01:22
jnengland771What about python+qt?  :P01:23
Vadtecwhichever floats yer boat01:23
jnengland771I'll be back on in about 15-20 minutes.  Just going to head back to my dorm room (watching my grandpa, broke his hip several months ago, but had some more complications that set him (way) back...)01:27
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jnengland77ok back01:45
jnengland77Wow I guessed correctly how much time it took to get back.01:46
jnengland7710 minutes to midnight glad I don't have classes tomorrow.01:50
* Landon is used to late nights :(01:50
Landon I need to finish this tonight and of course.. I just started >.o01:51
tpb<> (at
jnengland77Yeah I generally stay up late, but usually go to bed about now.01:51
LandonI think I might just roll on through tonight01:51
Landonand get most of my homework done01:51
Landon(and then some TP hacking over the weekend maybe :P)01:52
Vadtecim nearly done with this01:55
Vadtecand its not due for two weeks01:55
Vadteci think ima go to bed01:55
jnengland77Landon: are you in Central or Mountain time?01:59
LandonI'm in Kansas02:02
jnengland77Yeah.  Thought Kansas was farther west for some reason.  I'm in South Dakota.02:03
jnengland77Seems your school is 10 times too large for me.  :P Only about 2300 students here.02:06
LandonI came from a verrrry small highschool02:09
Landonnice being at a big school02:09
jnengland77I preferred a smaller school.02:10
LandonI like the hustle and bustle :P02:15
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jnengland77Night all.02:53
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CIA-1nash galaxie * r9cd63d61aa06 /gui/ (star.c test.c widgetsupport.h): Send object id with event.03:14
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* nash is off home for the weekend03:29
nashtalk to you all on tuesday!03:29
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