Sunday, 2009-03-15

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mithrollnz: risk and minisec01:11
llnzhumm... ok01:11
mithroit only happens with the threshold is 100%01:12
llnzare you sure it's infinite and not 10 minutes?01:12
mithronot sure01:15
mithroon all the others01:16
mithrowhen 100% of players have submitted, the turn ends straight away01:16
mithroso over_turn_length should never be used01:16
llnzit is checked that it is 0 before EOT01:18
llnzif it's not, it waits over_turn_length seconds01:19
llnza get time remain frame at that time should get the right value01:19
mithrollnz: if everyone playing has submitting an EOT message, you should move to the next turn right?01:19
llnzyes, after over_turn_length seconds01:20
llnzbe it 0 or 600 or what ever01:20
mithroignore the threshold01:20
mithroif everyone who is playing the game has sent an EOT, the turn should end, no?01:20
mithrootherwise sending EOT has no use01:21
llnznot immediately if configured not to01:21
llnzwell, if you set the threshold to 50 (ie 50%) and over_turn_length to 600, after half the players are finished, the second half have 10 minutes to finish01:22
mithroyes that is fine01:22
mithrosay we have 4 players01:22
mithroin the above situation01:23
mithro2 players submit EOT requests01:23
mithroso the turn length is shortened to 10 minutes01:23
mithrothen the other 2 players submit their EOT requests before 10 minutes is up01:23
mithrothe turn should end01:23
llnzwell... i guess that it true, but that's not currently what happens01:23
mithrothat seems silly01:24
llnzmainly to try to get keep the EOT time at the same time every cycle01:24
mithroif you don't want people to play finish a turn sooner, turn off EOT support01:24
mithro(IE if you are playing one turn a day)01:25
llnzthreshold == 0, for example?01:25
llnzyeah, true01:25
mithronot quite01:25
llnzi'll fix it shortly01:25
mithrollnz: okay01:26
llnzwell... there is a task to create a calendar timer that goes off at the same time each day (or cycle)01:26
llnzI will add that when reach 100% players finished, do end of turn01:26
mithroif you accepted a SIGUSR1 as a "generate end of turn now" you should just do it via cron :)01:26
mithrollnz: yeah01:27
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mithroI'll be back in about 20 minutes01:27
mithrollnz: I think we probably need a point release for tpserver-cpp to make singleplayer stuff work too01:28
llnzabout to head out for a bit02:15
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CIA-69mithro tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * r1a9dc2df6ca8 /windows/ Small FIXME comment.04:27
CIA-69mithro tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * reafbf54b9de5 /windows/main/overlays/ Put the arrow at the correct location for all icons.04:27
CIA-69mithro tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * r561064be1717 /windows/main/overlays/ Draw things on the map in object type order, then name.04:27
CIA-69mithro tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * r084cf478b48b / (9 files in 3 dirs): Lots of cleanup, reduced some flickering and better window positions.04:28
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mithrollnz: could you give that a go and tell me if stuff works?05:03
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JLPgood morning everyone05:56
JLPi'l be back right after breakfast05:56
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mithromorning JLP06:16
mithroI wonder if that means ezod will be back soon06:17
mithrostill a bit early in the USA it seems06:17
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mithro~seen jernejovc06:58
tpbmithro: jernejovc was last seen in #tp 1 year, 51 weeks, 1 day, 15 hours, 10 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: <jernejovc> yup :)06:58
mithro~seen og_06:58
tpbmithro: I have not seen og_.06:58
mithro~seen og06:58
tpbmithro: I have not seen og.06:58
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mithroezod: ping?21:10
ezodmithro: pong21:11
mithroezod: so it appears that stuff doesn't get cleaned up when you hit ctrl-c21:11
mithroI tried for about 4 hours to figure out the proper solution21:11
mithrobut it appears there isn't one :(21:12
ezodthat must have been what i was talking about then21:12
mithroin theory you should use the atexit module21:13
mithrobut it doesn't work21:13
mithroezod: talking about?21:13
ezodwhen i said i had noticed it not working, it must have been after a ctrl-c21:14
mithroI also added submodules to daneel-ai21:15
mithroand figured out the EOT issue Iwanowitch was having21:15
mithroIwanowitch: ping?21:15
ezodcan we not trap ctrl-c with signal.signal or something?21:16
mithroyes - but then it's very hard to cleanup properly21:16
mithroplus that is posix only21:16
mithroI want to look at the multiprocessing module21:17
mithroas it always seems to do the right thing21:17
ezodso this would really only be a concern if someone were running tpclient-pywx from an interactive shell, right?21:19
JLPmithro: does this change look alright for strings with multiple parameters →
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
mithroJLP: not quite21:21
JLPneeds mapi tu instad of tuple?21:21
mithro+ message=_("Got player %(name)s (ID: %(id)i)...") % {'name': player[0].name, 'id': player[0].id})21:21
mithroneeds a dictionary21:22
JLPah i thought so but wasn't sure21:22
mithroJLP: your working on the singleplayer branch right?21:23
ezodmithro: so if there's no solution to ctrl-c thing maybe we could just print a warning message to the terminal at least21:41
ezodmaybe print process id's of everything in the message also - in case they need to manually clean up21:43
Iwanowitchmithro: pong21:50
IwanowitchI was going to shut down though. Tell me later.21:52
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mithroezod: I guess so22:44
JLPis the command "git push origin/singleplayer sp" right for pushing the changes?22:57
mithroJLP: you should be just using git push?23:06
JLPmithro: hm this one said everything is up to date23:07
mithrowhat does23:09
mithrogit branch -a23:09
mithroGreywhind: poke poke23:09
Greywhindmithro: pong23:10
mithroGreywhind: you never pushed your fixes for the messages?23:10
JLP  libtpclient-py-0.3.x23:10
JLP* sp23:10
JLP  origin/HEAD23:10
JLP  origin/libtpclient-py-0.2.x23:10
JLP  origin/libtpclient-py-0.3.x23:10
JLP  origin/schemepy23:10
JLP  origin/singleplayer23:10
JLP  origin/sp23:10
JLP  origin/stable23:10
JLP  origin/tp0423:10
Greywhindmithro: i didn't?23:10
mithroGreywhind: not that I can see23:10
Greywhindi probably put it in the singleplayer branch23:10
mithroJLP: umm you just created a new sp branch on the remote repository23:11
mithroJLP: or atleast that is what your git is trying to do23:11
mithrodo a23:11
mithrogit checkout -b singleplayer origin/singleplayer23:12
mithrothen a23:12
mithrogit merge sp23:12
mithrothen try just a23:12
mithrogit push23:12
mithroGreywhind: that is fine  - we are all working out of the singleplayer branch23:12
Greywhindmithro: are the changes in there?23:12
mithroGreywhind: nope -;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/singleplayer23:13
tpb<> (at
CIA-69jlp libtpclient-py-singleplayer * r6bcef5e838f7 /tp/client/ ( Improvements of strings with multiple parameters for translation23:13
Greywhindhmm... my git log shows:23:14
Greywhind[Greywhind@localhost tpclient-pywx]$ git log23:14
Greywhindcommit 09e9524b361bed697a9a6af6cc16c3564236b82023:14
GreywhindAuthor: Greywhind <[email protected]>23:14
GreywhindDate:   Sun Mar 8 23:15:21 2009 -040023:14
mithroGreywhind: do a23:15
mithrogit pull23:15
mithroGreywhind: then a23:16
mithrogit branch -a -v23:17
mithroGreywhind: well?23:22
Greywhinddo you need the output?23:22
Greywhind[Greywhind@localhost tpclient-pywx]$ git branch -a -v23:22
Greywhind* singleplayer               99712f7 [ahead 2] Merge branch 'singleplayer' of git:// into singleplayer stable                     e2ee45c [behind 1] Updated the submodule to the latest head. origin/HEAD                39f8c95 Fixed account creation. origin/schemepy            5588eea Added code to check the schemepy requirement and setup the sys.path.23:22
Greywhind orgin/sirngleplayer        084cf47 Lots of cleanup, reduced some flickering and better window positions. origin/stable              39f8c95 Fixed account creation. origin/tp04                d3b8b0e Make tp04 branch depend on tp04 version of the submodules. origin/tpclient-pywx-0.2.x 0e7e5e3 Don't die on a permission denied for making the file executable.23:22
Greywhind origin/tpcliet-pywx-0.3.x 39f8c95 Fixed account creati on.23:22
mithroGreywhind: and you can push now?23:23
mithrowhats it say?23:24
Greywhind[Greywhind@localhost tpclient-pywx]$ git push23:24
Greywhindfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly23:24
mithrowhat does your .git/config look like?23:29
mithroit sounds like you cloned from git://23:33
mithrorather then git+ssh://23:33
mithroyou can fix that by changing your .git/config23:33
Greywhind[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true23:34
Greywhind[remote "origin"] url = git:// fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*23:34
Greywhind[branch "stable"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/stable23:34
Greywhind[submodule "libtpclient-py"] url = git://
Greywhind[submodule "libtpproto-py"] url = git://
Greywhindthat didn't paste well23:34
Greywhindi'll use a pastebin23:34
Greywhind[branch "singleplayer"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/singleplayer23:34
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at
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mithrochange the following line23:47
mithrourl = git://
mithrourl = git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpclient-pywx.git23:47
GreywhindPermission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).23:48
Greywhindmaybe i have a different key, since i've changed computers23:48
mithroGreywhind: that is probably23:49
mithrosend me your new key23:49
mithro(the .pub version)23:50
mithroand I'll upload it23:50
Greywhindssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAvh4SgreMh3J5Pw7bNgscHc6gUK/U5gINbt5W11rL6eaf+ASUWGAwCjbmupXt3HiCWym4qfvrR1bPc4S2ZgiFuirw9zsZGuBsk5WrtRJJ7GT25QSd5sfqffHhILmmmUntjf7zcS4v9xt+8uUrS/lV29Nby8ayDYihc4ykTzD6A94XY9I/wywxKPi80nVJmqrMEcGxGvNxjWcwzMUgSSF3XtfxWQpRGdEOsnjdWCRYaWIT9qsk8Lth2a+2bUfGAExC2pL9Ue3lljZbQimj00AlMrSSy9Jz7/gL/UapqfMAstsFpNXYeF9JRRlb0XYa0+9iPEorAFHiBJrentg2f3+6Ow== [email protected]23:50
Greywhindthat wasn't supposed to go there23:51
Greywhinddamn past23:51
Greywhindbut i guess since it's the public key, it's not a security issue?23:51
mithrothat is fine23:55
mithroGreywhind: ahh your username is nathan not Greywhind23:56
mithronew ssh-key added23:56
mithrocan I remove the old one?23:56
mithroor do you still use that?23:56
Greywhindmithro: i probably won't use it23:58
Greywhindbut i might if i'm at home during the summer and need to submit changes for Mac23:58
Greywhindbecause that's where that computer is23:58
CIA-69Greywhind tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * r09e9524b361b /windows/main/ Fixed bugs with deleting the last message.23:59
CIA-69Greywhind tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * r99712f73cf75 / (16 files in 5 dirs): Merge branch 'singleplayer' of git:// into singleplayer23:59

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