Wednesday, 2008-08-13

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CIA-32victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * re860ff45e0d7 / (8 files in 3 dirs): Finished creating representation of Risk game-world; UniverseMap is now fully functional.00:49
CIA-32victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r340990fab5aa /gencon/ (8 files in 5 dirs): Universe Map complete and functional; Full Game Status, as well as the Client Methods and Object Converter modified.00:49
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* llnz_work wanders off01:20
llnz_worklater all01:20
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mithroezod: ping?04:11
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ezodmithro: pong, still around?09:29
shenkiezod: he went to bed a while ago09:38
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CIA-32aaron tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * r4088552e33ef /windows/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Added opponent adding page to single player wizard.11:28
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ezodJLP: ping?13:14
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CIA-32victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r261dbb39b0b5 /gencon/ (13 files in 9 dirs): Implemented an Object Converter for Risk. Some minor changes to clientlib, and gamelib.15:45
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CIA-32victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * re8cf6c95da38 /gencon/clientLib/RISK/ Done implementing method for fetching all objects from server, and converting them.16:24
CIA-32victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * rdcff24d53a5b /gencon/ (6 files in 6 dirs): Seems like I've finished implementing both clientlib, and gamelib (aside from giving orders).16:25
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llnz_workmorning all16:34
llnz_workI will probably disappear at some point, when the network dies16:35
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Iwanowitchezod: ping17:20
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ezodIwanowitch: pong17:50
Iwanowitchezod: For your singleplayer wizard, I think that theoretically you could also test daneel-ai with DroneSec.18:04
IwanowitchIf I spend 30 minutes of work on it.18:04
IwanowitchThat means you don't have to merge branches as dronesec runs on tpserver-py.18:05
IwanowitchThen again, I don't know if you got DroneSec running already in your wizard.18:05
IwanowitchAnd I don't promise daneel-ai will give a challenge, it will just be for testing.18:05
ezodIwanowitch: sounds cool, i would like to try tpserver-py/dronesec anyway.. i'll let you know if/when i get that working18:08
Iwanowitchezod: Kay. Good luck.18:11
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mithroIwanowitch: so how goes the AI for risk?19:30
mithroI saw lots of questions on the list about various aspects19:30
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Iwanowitchmithro: yeah, I'm working on it, I think I have something going19:31
IwanowitchNeeds a bit more tweaking.19:31
IwanowitchThough I haven't managed to play a game yet by myself against it, my X server crashed last time I tried it :/19:32
IwanowitchAnd it eats quite some time to play a bit of a game. Though I'll be making time for it tomorrow.19:32
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mithrodoes it provide a challenge yet?19:40
CIA-32victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r4c7e46fedad7 /gencon/ (7 files in 5 dirs): Bugfixes; Internal representation of Risk game-world is fully functional.19:40
mithroanyway, I'm off to work19:41
IwanowitchI dunno. Will try to play a game against it tomorrow.19:41
mithroIwanowitch: have you tried it against vi1985's AI?19:41
IwanowitchNo. Haven't seem him around in a while.19:41
IwanowitchAlso, I'm a bit scared to get beaten. But shhh.19:43
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mithroezod: ping?20:54
mithroIwanowitch: so did you add DroneSec support as well then?21:01
Iwanowitchmithro: Well, not yet, I tried it once but couldn't ge the server working immediately.21:02
IwanowitchThough I don't think it'd be hard to add very basic support as a test.21:02
mithroit should be damn simple to get tpserver-py running21:03
IwanowitchYeah, but the thing complained when starting a game, something about that sql module.21:03
IwanowitchAnd then refused to do anything else.21:04
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Iwanowitchmithro: I'll take another look at it when ezod tells me he got the server going, otherwise I'll just stick with Risk for now.21:08
mithroIwanowitch: it should tell you if you have any missing requirements21:32
mithroIt will even suggest the apt-get command you should run21:32
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mithroezod: ping?21:59
ezodmithro: pong22:08
mithroezod: so the problem I'm having is the pages22:08
mithroXRC doesn't seem to want to load them22:09
ezodthe LoadOnPanel() part?22:09
mithroLoadOnObject appears to be what you are using22:10
ezodthe pages are using LoadOnPanel now22:10
mithroand it works?22:11
ezodLoadOnObject didn't work22:11
ezodat least in
mithroit was segfaulting for me as you where not checking the XRC load22:11
ezodi had to make all the objects in XRC wxPanels rather than wxWizardPages22:11
mithroso you got a corrupted wx object22:11
CIA-32mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r9d0280665d8b /windows/xrc/ Check that the XRC object was successfully loaded.22:11
CIA-32mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * rcbfe1454afa2 /windows/xrc/ (21 files): Updated these generated files.22:11
ezodloads properly now, as far as i can tell22:14
ezoddid you get my note about the locale stuff in not working with
mithroso are you actually moving forward now?22:19
ezodthe wizard is basically complete as of today22:21
ezodi can start a game with it22:21
ezodadd opponents, etc.22:22
mithroTraceback (most recent call last):22:25
mithro  File "./windows/", line 622, in OnSinglePlayer22:25
mithro    wizard = SinglePlayerWizard(self)22:25
mithro  File "./windows/", line 393, in __init__22:25
mithro = SinglePlayerGame()22:25
mithro  File "./tp/client/", line 133, in __init__22:25
mithro    for xmlfile in os.listdir(os.path.join(sharedir, 'servers')):22:25
mithroOSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/share/tp/servers'22:25
mithromight want to check /opt/tp/ too22:32
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llnz_workand /usr/local/share/tp as well22:39
mithrobrb lunch22:41
mithroezod - btw you can merge the risk branch into your config branch very easily23:15
mithroshould be as simple as23:28
mithrogit merge risk23:28
mithroezod: do you know about $?23:29
mithroand $PID and $PPID23:30
mithrollnz_work: so what are your thoughts about merging the student branches into mainling tpserver-cpp?23:31

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