Tuesday, 2008-08-12

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llnz_worklater all00:43
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CIA-32aaron tpserver-cpp-config * rd187a52fc42e /tpserver/main.cpp: Set up signal mask so that daemonizing works properly (as non-root).01:04
mithrohey ezod01:15
mithroI know what is causing your problem01:15
mithroI just no idea how to fix it01:15
mithroshenki: ping?01:17
tpb<http://ln-s.net/28tJ> (at api.opensuse.org)01:18
mithroit's bigger os maybe it includes symbols01:18
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mithrotim@vaio:~/development/debs$ file ./usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ogre/renderer/OGRE/_ogre_.so01:55
mithro./usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ogre/renderer/OGRE/_ogre_.so: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped01:55
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shenkimithro: $ sudo dpkg -i python-ogre-dbg_0.0.0-5_amd64.deb03:54
shenki[sudo] password for shenki:03:54
shenkiSelecting previously deselected package python-ogre-dbg.03:54
shenki(Reading database ... 249063 files and directories currently installed.)03:54
shenkiUnpacking python-ogre-dbg (from python-ogre-dbg_0.0.0-5_amd64.deb) ...03:54
shenkidpkg: error processing python-ogre-dbg_0.0.0-5_amd64.deb (--install): trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ogre/io/OIS/_ois_.so', which is also in package python-ogre03:54
shenkidpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)03:54
shenkiErrors were encountered while processing: python-ogre-dbg_0.0.0-5_amd64.deb03:54
shenkimithro: does the -dbg package replace the standard one?03:55
shenkimithro: ok, installed. how do i run it under gdb?03:56
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mithroshenki: ping?08:22
shenkimithro: pong08:29
mithrothe -dbg package replaces the standard one08:29
mithroyou should be able to do the following08:29
mithrogdb python08:29
mithrorun tpclient-pyogre08:29
mithro(or any of the other things which crash)08:30
shenki#0  0x00007f8c00000000 in ?? ()08:33
shenkiNo symbol table info available.08:33
shenki#1  0x0000000000732008 in PyString_Type ()08:33
shenkiNo symbol table info available.08:33
shenki#2  0x00007f8c5372e400 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libboost_python-gcc42-1_34_1.so.1.34.108:33
mithrooh - dang no symbols in libboost_python :/08:34
* shenki gets python debug stuf08:34
mithroyou using ubuntu?08:34
mithroyou still need to enable the debug repository however08:35
mithrotim@vaio:~/Desktop$ more /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debug.list08:35
mithro#deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com hardy main universe08:35
mithro#deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com hardy-updates main universe08:35
mithro#deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed main universe08:35
mithro#deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com hardy-security main universe08:35
tpbTitle: Index of / (at ddebs.ubuntu.com)08:35
tpbTitle: Index of / (at ddebs.ubuntu.com)08:35
tpbTitle: Index of / (at ddebs.ubuntu.com)08:35
tpbTitle: Index of / (at ddebs.ubuntu.com)08:35
shenkihere's a message that pops usp when the program is starting (before tpclient-ogre prints out "No module named avahi_disalbed"08:35
shenkiyep, got them08:35
shenki(i'm on intrepid)08:35
shenki#0  0x00007f4500000000 in ?? ()08:36
shenkiNo symbol table info available.08:36
shenki#1  0x0000000000732008 in PyString_Type ()08:36
shenkiNo symbol table info available.08:36
shenki#2  0x00007f45684bf400 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libboost_python-gcc42-1_34_1.so.1.34.108:36
shenkiNo symbol table info available.08:36
shenkihmm, that's not right...08:36
shenkioh, i was going to tell you the strange message: warning: Lowest section in /usr/lib/libicudata.so.38 is .hash at 000000000000015808:38
mithroyou can ignore that08:41
shenkiok. what does it mean?08:41
mithrodid you install libboost-python1.34.1-dbgsym ?08:41
mithroand restart gdb?08:41
shenkii tried re-installing the lib08:41
shenkiand now it wont run - but that's because i have to tweak the symlinks as I did before, the defualt libboost_python-gcc42-mt-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 points to the py24 not py25 version08:42
mithrowhere did you get libboost_python from?08:44
shenkithe repo08:44
mithroyou need to make sure you get it from ubuntu's repo, not mine08:45
shenki? i haven't got your repo in my sources.list08:45
shenkiso no chance of that08:45
mithrobtw - libboost-python1.34.1-index  != libboost-python1.34.108:45
mithrodpkg --list | grep libboost-python08:45
shenki~$ dpkg --list |grep libboost-python08:46
shenkiii  libboost-python1.34.1                      1.34.1-11ubuntu1                          Boost.Python Library08:46
shenkiii  libboost-python1.34.1-dbgsym               1.34.1-11ubuntu1                          debug symbols for package libboost-python1.34.108:46
shenkiii  libboost-python1.34.1-index                0.0.0-1                                   Extra index stuff for boost-python08:46
shenkiii  libboost-python1.35.0                      1.35.0-5ubuntu1                           Boost.Python Library08:46
shenki22:16 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with tpb08:47
shenki22:16 <tpb> Error: "$" is not a valid command08:47
mithrookay - this is not going to work libboost-python1.35.0 !=libboost-python1.34.108:47
shenkithank tpb08:47
shenkibut i have 1.34.1 installed too08:47
mithroremove 1.35 anyway08:48
shenkisame result08:49
mithroanyway I can get access to this machine?08:51
shenkii thought i stopped the segfaulting, and it was just wierd glsl stuff?08:51
shenkino, it's my laptop08:51
mithrobecause if it is saying08:51
mithro[22:36] <shenki> #2  0x00007f45684bf400 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libboost_python-gcc42-1_34_1.so.1.34.108:52
mithro[22:36] <shenki> No symbol table info available.08:52
mithrothen your dbgsym is not installed correctly08:52
shenkinormally when you run software under gdb, it loads all the debug info before it will let you continue executing the code08:52
shenkithis doesn't happen with the way we're running it08:53
shenkiis there something strange we should be doing for python?08:53
mithroyes, because the modules are loaded dynamically08:53
mithrogdb loads the symbols as the libraries are loaded08:53
mithro(which for most things is right at startup)08:53
mithroon a totally unrelated note - do you have ekiga installed?08:53
shenkiare we sure? it's not printing any loading symbols messages08:54
mithrowant to test something?08:54
shenkii haven't used ekiga on this install, im not sure if it's set up...08:54
shenkiit looks like it is.08:55
mithroany idea how to make a call?08:55
shenkiyep. i used it lots when i was living in cambridge08:56
mithrohow do I call you?08:56
shenkipm me your sip address08:56
shenkisec, mandy and i are just testing08:57
shenkihmm, our accounts aren't connecting08:58
shenkito ekiga.net08:58
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mithrohey bddebian09:44
bddebianHi mithro09:46
mithroGSoC comming to a close but lots of cool things have been accomplished09:47
bddebianMy work life has been a freakin' nightmare lately but I hope to get the Debian packages fixed up soon since we now have wxwidgets09:49
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CIA-32aaron libtpclient-py-singleplayer * r30217a3dbced /tp/client/SinglePlayer.py: Added listing functions for server and ruleset parameters.12:52
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CIA-32aaron libtpclient-py-singleplayer * r1fa4f3f5f409 /tp/client/SinglePlayer.py: Fixed parameter value formatting.14:12
CIA-32aaron tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * r0e3c9af6f420 /windows/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Ruleset, server, and all options are implemented in single player wizard.14:18
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llnz_workmorning all17:07
JLafonthey llnz17:08
llnz_workhi JLafont17:09
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CIA-32verhoevenv daneel-ai * rf237f77dfd51 /basic.py: Add list of players to the constraint store18:36
CIA-32verhoevenv daneel-ai * r03de24949576 /mod-risk.py:18:36
CIA-32Switch to logger & fix wormholes pointing to star systems and not18:36
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remaximseems like you found lots of follower19:05
remaximjust stopping by looking what happend in the last months19:05
llnz_workyes, we have quite a few people19:06
llnz_workmany are google summer of code students19:07
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remaximerrrr... is the music already in the game?19:27
llnz_worknot that i know off19:29
llnz_workone of the students is working on a 3d client19:29
remaximsounds like that s not enough ...19:34
remaxim3d clients usually aren't supposed to be done by one person only19:34
llnz_workremaxim: why not?19:41
llnz_workhe is using the existing protocol and client libraries19:41
llnz_workand existing graphics engine (orge3d-python)19:41
remaximprogramming, graphics, modeling ... there s much work to do. to much to be done by 1 person IMHO19:41
remaximah, ok... then it s maybe OK19:42
llnz_workthe models/skins were done earlier19:42
llnz_workand there isn't many (currently)19:42
remaximah, ok! that's great!20:12
remaximsorry for answering that late!20:13
remaximjust type my name so I answer faster20:13
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remaximI m off! bye21:13
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* jsmiller will be in and out (helping with trip packing).23:28

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