Thursday, 2008-07-31

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llnz_worklater all01:00
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mithroJLafont: ping?01:47
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jsmillerwow, an IRC storm?03:30
* jsmiller is decompiling a "spinning globe" applet03:30
jsmillerhmmph, worthless obfuscation code, let me figure out what that's hiding...03:31
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CIA-32pluskid schemepy * r024abde855ec /schemepy/mzscheme/mzhelper.c: mzscheme backend now works with mzscheme 4.x07:27
CIA-32pluskid schemepy * rf332965a7124 / (doc/index.html schemepy/mzscheme/mzhelper.c): Try making the mzhelper code compatible with both mzscheme v3 and v4.07:27
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CIA-32aaron libtpclient-py-singleplayer * r44d7806f6dbd /tp/client/ Added AI client list and server start functionality.13:03
Iwanowitchvi1985: ping13:06
vi1985Iwanowitch: hey13:06
Iwanowitchvi1985: How's the work going on your Risk AI?13:07
vi1985Iwanowitch: was dealing with client trouble earlier this week :) Now I'm starting to look at how to represent the Risk game-world13:08
vi1985Iwanowitch:  you?13:08
Iwanowitchvi1985: Haven't had much time the last few days, though it should be better now. Investigating the wormholes now.13:09
vi1985Iwanowitch:  what are the wormholes exactly?13:10
vi1985Iwanowitch: I saw the patch, and the blog entry, but I don't get the full specs for them13:10
Iwanowitchvi1985: I don't know, I'm still looking. In libtpclient-py, they appear as a class similar to Universe and Fleet. Subtypes of objects, thus.13:13
Iwanowitchsubtype 513:13
vi1985Iwanowitch: hm, perhaps they're a way to inform the client what are the connections in the graph?13:14
Iwanowitch like these13:14
tpb<> (at
Iwanowitchtype 5 is wormhole13:14
IwanowitchBut the docs aren't updated yet it seems.13:14
IwanowitchIt seems to have extra data in the form of start and end, two positions.13:15
vi1985Iwanowitch: do they match the list of adjacent planets?13:16
IwanowitchI suppose so, yes.13:16
vi1985Iwanowitch: in that case they might just tell us the adjecencies in the graph. what do you think? (ps- could you write "vi1985" in front of the message... if I don't hear a beep I might miss it :))13:19
Iwanowitchvi1985: Yes, I supose they do. However, they just tell the locations of endpoints, not the id's of planets/systems. It's mostly visual, it seems.13:20
Iwanowitchvi1985: Then again, it should be easy to match those positions to the right id's13:21
vi1985Iwanowitch: the 3d position? this just seems like extra work on both sides ... (extract position --> send --> match with planet) ... but yes, there should be no prob to match them.13:22
Iwanowitchvi1985: Well, I think they are only used as visual overlay right now.13:23
Iwanowitchvi1985: Though I'm going to inquire on the mailing list about possible alternatives13:23
Iwanowitchvi1985: Got to go now though, be back in an hour or so13:24
vi1985Iwanowitch: k, ping me when you're back; I'm encountering an issue loading the 'risk' ruleset in tpserver-cpp13:26
CIA-32victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r5e426147e616 /gencon/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Made the 'alleles' ruleset-nuetral. Implemented a wrap-around of traits, in case the game lasts longer than 'fresh trait values' do.13:52
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Iwanowitchvi1985: back14:40
Iwanowitchvi1985: I tried to make clean and ./ && make again to get the module to load properly.14:41
Iwanowitch(which worked)14:43
vi1985Iwanowitch: Thanks! I'll give it a shot.14:58
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vi1985jphr, hey15:50
jphrvi1985 hey15:51
vi1985did you get around to reading Iwanowitch's post to tp-devel?15:51
jphrmmhmm, just got back from running an errand and am replying now15:51
vi1985cool :). If you've got some time, I have another question :)15:52
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vi1985jphr: you mentioned "constellation bonuses". Just wondering how you're planning to implement both a) recognizing constellations, and b) knowing what the bonus is ahead of time,  for clients?15:54
vi1985jphr: sorry if this question is redundant :). Haven't probed the game that much yet!15:55
jphrAs it stands I will most likely be implementing the bonus like so. Each Constellation is a container that holds systems and consequently planets, this is already true. Each constellation also has a bonus parameter that is already implemented. When bonus reinforcements are being awarded I will traverse the each constellation in the universe (besides wormholes) and check to see if one person owns every planet. If one person DOES own every planet15:57
vi1985jphr: I was wondering how the client will know which stars the constellation consists of, and whether the "constellation bonus" will be fixed, or variable for each constellation? (also, how would the client know about the bonus?)16:00
jphrConstellation bonus is fixed16:00
jphrDoes the client have any idea about the objects heirarchy? Like everything belongs to the universe? Galaxies belong to the universe, planets belong to their systems?16:01
jphrSince All planets in risk belong to their system, which in turn belong to their constellation16:01
jphrThere are no rogue planets16:01
JLafont-laptopjphr: I think its based on a planet's parent16:01
JLafont-laptopor an objects parent in this case16:01
jphrJLafont: AI wise if you can find out the parents parent, you'll know the galaxy16:02
jphr(of the planet)16:02
vi1985jphr: in this case, there should be no prob determining the constellations :). You see, it was a redundant question after all!16:02
jphrvi1985: thats good :P16:03
vi1985jphr: so just to be sure: a "constellation" is a "galaxy" ?16:03
jphrIt was actually a galaxy way back a few months ago, but Mithro told me I could name the object whatever I wanted :P16:04
vi1985oh. give me a minute to test it...16:04
* vi1985 note to self: never erase test routines...16:06
jphrI'm going to shut down my irc client and mail for the rest of the day to record some screencasts, any other questions before I go?16:08
vi1985jphr: nope, have fun.16:10
jphrok, cya later16:11
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vi1985Iwanowitch: still here?16:16
Iwanowitchvi1985: Yeah, was just reading the conversation here.16:16
vi1985Iwanowitch: am getting weird results in client; I was probing for different designs, and it's as if there are no designs at all in Risk.16:17
vi1985Iwanowitch: when asking for design-ids from server, it returns an empty list16:18
vi1985Iwanowitch: did you try anything like this?16:18
Iwanowitchvi1985: ARE there designs in Risk, then?16:18
Iwanowitchvi1985: I don't think it's needed for any part of the ruleset?16:19
vi1985Iwanowitch: hm... i might be confused then. Isn't it where all the objects are specified? like Universe, Constellation, etc... ??16:19
vi1985Iwanowitch: (it's been a while since I had to do this!)16:20
Iwanowitchvi1985: no, I think it's only for ship designs, though I might be wrong16:20
vi1985Iwanowitch: oh, you might be right.16:20
vi1985Iwanowitch: in that case, i'll do something else.... but first, did you read jphr's reply?16:20
vi1985Iwanowitch: (to the tp-devel thread)16:21
Iwanowitchvi1985: Then again, I'm not entirely sure where the "Constallations" name is stored instead of the "Galaxy" name. Should take a look.16:21
Iwanowitchvi1985: yeah, I read it16:21
vi1985Iwanowitch: did you get what jphr meant by what are "wormholes" a visual aid to? I mean, they are possibly a visual aid to help see the graph edges, but then again it can be something else16:23
Iwanowitchvi1985: Yeah, I think that's what he meant. Mostly for people playing the game via tpclient-pywx or perhaps other clients, they can easily draw lines for the wormholes to make the connections between systems clear.16:24
Iwanowitchvi1985: Apart from that, they have no real use in the ruleset, though we can use them perhaps to match with the planets to get the adjacency info.16:24
Iwanowitchvi1985: s/perhaps//16:25
vi1985Iwanowitch: right, so the connections mean actual connections, by which troops can be moved. This needs to get cleared out 100% :)16:26
Iwanowitchvi1985: Well, the move system worked without wormholes too. What jphr did was just add all the edges as wormhole objects to the list of objects. To him they have no further meaning than to visualize the conections in the client.16:27
vi1985Iwanowitch: ok, that's what I meant :).16:28
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Iwanowitchvi1985: it seems the name of "galaxy" or "constellation" is nowhere used in the client. The only place I think it jumps up is the protocol which says "subtype 1 => galaxy type", but that can be interpreted as just a layer in a hierarchy of objects (the way it's used here).16:36
vi1985Iwanowitch: yep, I get the same result. Moreover, there isn't a separate type for "wormholes", but they are considered to be a galaxy.16:52
vi1985Iwanowitch: I'm actually having trouble retrieving the wormholes from the server... for some reason, it doesn't want to send them to me, even when specifically requested. I can try some other methods to get them....    Did you encounter anything like this?16:54
Iwanowitchvi1985: I'm pretty sure there is another type, but it might not yet be implemented in your protocol library yet.16:54
Iwanowitchvi1985: I use libtpproto-py, which mithro patched16:55
vi1985Iwanowitch: Oh, I guess this might be the root of the issue..16:55
vi1985Iwanowitch: But that's weird, since they show up as "type 1 : galaxy"16:56
vi1985Iwanowitch: or rather, the entire collection of wormholes does.16:56
vi1985Iwanowitch: Thanks, I'll take a look at the patch16:56
Iwanowitchvi1985: Yeah, the wormholes all have one galaxy as parent for some reason.16:57
Iwanowitchvi1985: Not sure why jphr did that.16:57
Iwanowitchvi1985: It's actually a galaxy named "Wormholes"16:57
vi1985Iwanowitch:  yeah. maybe it's there to make it convenient to only extract the wormholes?16:58
Iwanowitchvi1985: might be16:58
vi1985Iwanowitch: ok, I saw the patch. I guess there needs to be a counterpart in java.17:01
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llnz_workmorning all17:09
vi1985hey llnz_work17:14
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CIA-32nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r14f46f2cd21b /modules/games/tae/ (fleetbuilder.cpp taeturn.cpp taeturn.h):17:23
CIA-32Added final game over checks, final score tally, and game over message17:23
CIA-32to all players.17:23
llnz_workhi vi198517:31
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mithroAlklomion: hey19:55
Alklomionhey mithro19:55
mithrohow goes everything?19:56
AlklomionI'm just working on the User Interface still - I'm a bit behind due to a hectic week19:56
Alklomionbut... I have a mobile phone!19:56
AlklomionMotorolor Razr v3x19:56
AlklomionMotorola even19:56
mithroAlklomion: ahh cool20:01
mithroso where is the UI up too?20:05
mithrodo you have any more screenshots?20:05
mithrohave you tried out any of the other libraries?20:05
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AlklomionNo, I've been mostly playing in J4ME20:06
mithroso, what have you figured out?20:07
mithrohave you tried playing with doing a starmap type thing?20:08
AlklomionEssentially, I've planned the interface order to be linear up to the starmap, so it goes Login -> Download -> Starmap.20:09
AlklomionAfter the starmap is reached, you can either select items off the map itself, or access the main menu which will have some options (choose object for those who don't want to scroll the starmap, exit, messages and possibly more). I've been thinking about the starmap.20:09
mithroso what do you have actually working at the moment?20:10
AlklomionIt should be implementable as a canvas that places items at their x or y coordinates based upon their actual planet x/y (except on a smaller scale)20:10
Alklomionone sec20:10
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AlklomionSorry about that.20:11
AlklomionI've been planning out (class-wise) what gets called from where.20:11
Alklomion(ie i've made an empty interface for the starmap and added functions so that one button goes to the main menu, which is empty, I'm adding stuff to it today20:12
mithrowhy not add a "place holder" graphic on each of the empty pages and send me a "screenshot tour"20:13
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AlklomionSure. Can I send that tonight, as I'll be working on this all day.20:17
AlklomionMithro: the project fair day is November 13th20:22
mithroAlklomion: okay20:22
mithroas long as it is today :)20:22
mithroAlklomion: ahh then I won't be able to make it, I'll be in New Zealand during that time.20:24
mithrollnz_work: oh crap - I just realised I never got you that suite size20:30
mithroJLafont: ping?20:30
JLafont-laptopmithro: pong20:30
mithroJLafont: almost ready for the phone call?20:31
llnz_workmithro: oh, yeah, i was supposed to remind you20:31
* llnz_work has been too busy20:31
mithroAlklomion: so what are we going to have ready by end the of next week?20:31
mithrowhat are our goals?20:31
JLafontmithro: yeah20:31
mithroJLafont: let me finish up with Alklomion and then I'll call20:32
JLafontsure thing. Not in a hurry20:33
Alklomionmithro: I think we should aim at having the UI design done and agreed upon by then.20:33
Alklomionthe project's drawing to a close - 6 - 7 weeks left. Are you fine with the code generator being an optional thing? I'm content with staying on the TP project to finish it!20:34
Alklomion(implementation finished in that time, testing after, I believe)20:34
mithroAlklomion: well, I definately think that is a good goal to have the UI design done and agreed upon by next friday20:36
mithroAlklomion: but that requires you to keep in contact and send me a bunch of screenshots before then20:39
mithroso lets say an email every second day?20:40
AlklomionSounds achievable20:41
mithrowell, I need to go and chat with JLafont20:41
AlklomionOk - ui by next friday, send you a screenshot tour tonight and e-mail communication to work out what we're doing.20:42
JLafont-laptopuh oh20:42
mithroAlklomion: okay20:42
Alklomionhave a good day.20:43
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CIA-32aaron libtpclient-py-singleplayer * refb7c0bfb487 /tp/client/ Several minor code improvements.23:58
CIA-32aaron libtpclient-py-singleplayer * rca141cbd28d5 /tp/client/ Start AI clients, initialization exceptions.23:58

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