Wednesday, 2008-07-23

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mithrovi1985: okay give it another go00:07
vi1985mithro: nothing there yet :)00:07
mithrovi1985: I mean do another push00:08
vi1985mithro: k, one sec00:08
CIA-31victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r1966e03e9a66 / (TestGenome2_gnm gencon/test/ Test push.00:09
vi1985mithro: back to normal, thanks!00:09
mithroappears that git started enforcing "core.sharedRepository"00:11
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Alklomionhey mithro, are you there?00:15
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* llnz_laptop wander off01:04
llnz_laptoplater all01:04
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mithroAlklomion: yes am now01:10
Alklomioni've had sort of a lazy week and have just started getting back on track - I had a problem with importing j4me as a library today - fixed that a few minutes ago. It required rebuilding the project and restructuring the Jar01:13
Alklomioncongratulations on your new appartment by the way01:13
mithroAlklomion: thanks01:38
mithroso where are we at?01:38
mithrodo we have a login screen yet?01:39
Alklomionnope - i'm beginning that in a few minutes01:50
Alklomionjust finishing lunch01:50
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shenkimithro: build completed over night, still segfaults06:09
mithroshenki: :(06:09
shenkimithro: how do i run it under gdb?06:10
mithrobadly :)06:10
tpbTitle: 3 still pushing mobile data value - Whirlpool Broadband News (at
mithroif these opensuse guys would hurry up I could do some more comprehensive testing07:24
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mithrohey JLafont07:59
mithroshenki: ping?08:03
mithroshenki: you first need to figure out how to produce a dbsyms package08:03
shenkimithro: how do i run it under gdb?08:18
shenkiso i can work out what libs i don't have symbols for08:19
mithroshenki: running under gdb won't help08:19
mithrountil you can get debug symbols for python-ogre08:19
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shenkiyes, but that doesn't mean i don't want to know how to run it under gdb :)08:27
shenkire: symbols08:27
shenkii thought that dh_strip was the part of building a deb that takes your symbols away08:28
shenkiand python-ogre doesn't call dh_strip08:28
mithrotim@vaio:~/development/python-ogre/generated/ogreal_0.3$ file /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ogre/renderer/OGRE/*.so08:30
mithro/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ogre/renderer/OGRE/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), stripped08:30
mithrothat looks stripped?08:31
shenkiyes, i agree08:31
shenki(my 64bit ones are stripped too)08:31
shenkii'm confused as there's no dh_strip call08:32
shenkiwell, there must be at some point. but $ grep dh_strip rules  | wc -l08:34
shenkior my understanding of this whole show is off08:40
mithroscons probably strips08:40
shenkiwe need to set CFLAGS=-g, right? otherwise there's no debug info being put there in the first place08:40
shenkithat sounds like it. i'll give it a go.08:40
shenkimithro: where's an appropriate point to add -g to the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in
mithronowhere really08:44
mithroit's not really designed to add a flag like that to everything08:44
shenkiok. line 83 looks like an appropriate point08:46
shenkijust for testing08:47
shenkihmm. i wonder if the build system will recognise that i've changed the CFLAGS08:51
mithroyou will have to a complete build from a clean repository08:52
mithroif you get it working08:53
mithrowe should probably enable it by default08:53
mithroand then get the debs to do dh_strip08:53
mithroit looks like when you call dh_strip you can get it to make a dbg package08:53
shenkiyeah, ubuntu has a hax that overloads dh_strip and creates the dbg debs08:53
mithrolooks like debian has a similar thing08:56
mithrobut you have to enable it by hand08:56
mithrodh_strip -plibogre14 --dbg-package=libogre14-dbg08:56
shenkithis is the first build i'm doing that will (could?) use a warm ccache08:57
mithroif you change something like -g09:00
mithroccache is of no use09:00
shenkihhm, bummer09:04
mithroccache only really make sense in places where you are rebuild the same code multiple times with the same input09:16
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mithrowell I'm going to head off home09:19
mithroshenki: you shouldn't need to rebuild gccxml, pygccxml or pyplusplus09:21
mithroas they are not the things which are segfaulting (they are just code generators)09:22
mithroyou do need to recompile the boost_python_index stuff09:22
mithroshenki: I bet it will be somewhere casting a pointer to an int3209:25
mithroor similar naughty stuff09:25
shenkimithro: yeah, that would be a safe bet09:25
shenkimithro: i've left it to compile over night, sleep time now09:26
mithrosame for me09:26
mithrosee ya!09:26
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vi1985~seen jphr13:32
tpbvi1985: jphr was last seen in #tp 2 days, 1 hour, 58 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: <jphr> morning13:32
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jphrany had trouble pushing to their repos today?15:21
nulerenI haven't tried yet today, but I'll let you know if mine doesn't work15:22
jphrfrom what it looks like 'git push --dry-run' thinks everything is ok, but 'git push' itself fails when unpack fails on the server15:23
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nulerenjphr: my repo won't push either15:56
nulerengetting a permission denied error when it tries to unpack15:56
jphrnuleren: on something like "./objects/43"?15:57
nulerenjphr: yep, mine is .objects/6615:57
jphrmithro: ping?15:58
jphrnuleren: well thats not very good for us is it...15:58
nulerenjphr: haha, nope its not15:58
jphrwant to start a dev list email?15:59
jphrI'll reply to your post to corroborate it :P15:59
nulerensounds good hah16:00
nulerenok, email is sent16:04
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jphrnuleren: emailed as well16:28
jphrits good you use cg and i use git exclusively, that way you won't get blamed for using cg :}16:29
nulerenlol true16:30
nulerenafk for a bit16:30
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llnz_laptophi all17:04
llnz_laptophi nuleren17:04
llnz_laptophi jphr17:04
jphrllnz_laptop: any chance your having git push troubles as well :P?17:04
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llnz_laptopi could be, but haven't pushed anything in a couple of weeks17:08
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CIA-31llnz libtpproto-cpp * ra2c889a8c4b6 /index.dox: Updated future documentation areas to reflect current library.17:14
llnz_laptopnope, works for me17:14
llnz_laptopwhat version of git do you have?17:15
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mithrojphr: pong?19:54
jphrmithro: hi19:54
mithrojphr: I recommend talking ot nuleren about how he did his cool river stuff19:54
jphrmithro: can't speak for long, but I "ping"ed you back when because nuleren and I can't git push atm. But we put an email to the tp devel list19:55
mithroI think you could do the same with your conteitents19:55
jphrI'll have to take a look19:55
jphrbut, family is beckoning me to go, so I have to run19:56
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mithrojphr: should be fixed now19:56
jphrmithro: thanks19:56
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r5ecf5ef21e30 /modules/games/risk/ (5 files): Created txt files for screencast scripts. Cleaned up sample conf a little19:56
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r4323dd2f1944 /modules/games/risk/ (sc-risk-adv.txt sc-risk-basic.txt thisweek.txt): Updated sc-*.txt files19:56
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r211fedad259d /modules/games/risk/ (sc-maps.txt sc-risk-basic.txt): Added more to screencast scripts.19:56
jphrmithro: thank you very much19:57
jphrbye bye19:57
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mithronuleren: ping?20:02
nulerenmithro: pong20:03
mithronuleren: can you try and push now?20:03
CIA-31nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r664186911be8 /modules/games/tae/ (fleetbuilder.cpp tae.cpp taeturn.cpp):20:03
CIA-31TaeTurn now determines the combatants in a combat turn and enables their20:03
CIA-31combat orders.20:03
nulerenmithro: excellent, thanks20:03
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