Monday, 2008-07-14

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nashmithro: Yes I run de00:19
nashmithro: Yes I run debian00:19
mithrohave you installed the tpclient-pywx debs?00:19
nashNot on the machine I'm at at the moment00:20
mithroI just imported the wxWidgets repo into packages.thousandparsec.net00:20
mithroso you should only need to add that00:21
mithroand it should get wxWidgets00:21
mithroonly I don't have a machine to test with00:21
nashSo - have a deb line?00:22
mithrodeb sid main00:22
tpbTitle: Index of /debian (at
mithrothen try00:22
mithroapt-get install tpclient-pywx00:22
nashamd64 or just x86?00:22
mithroit should be for all00:23
mithro(don't know about tpserver-cpp)00:23
nashapt-get update in process00:23
nashmithro: the seal:3142 is the apt-proxy00:26
mithrohrm - looks like there is no amd6400:27
nashLet me try another machine00:29
* nash tries his only 32 bit machine00:31
nash sudo apt-get install tpserver-cpp00:41
nashtpserver-cpp: Depends: tpserver-cpp-scheme-guile (= 0.4.1-1) but it is not installable or00:41
nash                         tpserver-cpp-scheme-mzscheme (= 0.4.1-1) but it is not installable00:41
nashezod: Broken packages00:41
nashBoth tpserver.*-guile and mzsheme are missing00:42
nashtpclient-pywx seems to be installing okay00:43
mithronash: this is not ezod - he is gentoo00:43
nashmithro: Actually that was xchat managling a paste00:43
nashezod: Broken packages00:43
nashI type E:00:43
nashIt get ezpd00:43
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mithrohello jsmiller00:47
mithronash: what did tpclient-pywx download to install?00:47
jsmillerhi Mithro00:47
nashmithro: So any idea what to do to fix the tpserver issues?00:47
nashmithro: Seems to be00:47
nashHaven't run it yet00:47
mithronash: I mean00:47
mithrowhat did apt-get download?00:47
mithrodid it get wxwidgets?00:47
jsmillerm: don't know Git, wanted to get a releasable milestone before I tried to figure out the tool and the repository00:48
nashmithro: python-wxgtk2.8 ?00:50
mithronash: yeah - could you just paste the output somewhere?00:50
nashmithro: Want the whole lot?00:51
mithronash: yeah00:52
mithroit's only bits :)00:52
nashMay take a moment00:53
nashGot it all yet?00:55
jsmillerducking out, the wife needs the computer00:55
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mithronash: I think pastebin is probably a better idea :)01:00
nashWell trying again01:00
nashI'm getting libwxgtk2.8-0 from01:01
nashGet: 1 unstable/main libwxgtk2.8-0 [3463kB]01:01
tpbTitle: | Linux Australia's Free and Open Source Software and related multimedia content mirror (at
mithroI just saw that01:02
tpb<> (at
mithrolooks like they have added support01:02
mithroso I can stop doing this except for etch01:02
nashThere you go01:03
mithrocan you try your amd64 machine again?01:03
nashGive me a minute01:03
mithro(there will be no tpserver, but there should be tpclient-pywx)01:04
nashmithro: Be a little while - have a few other issues.01:06
nashmithro: Trying now01:32
mithronash: okay01:33
nashmithro: No key for the repo ;-)01:36
mithroI need to poke bddebian01:38
CIA-62mithro libtpproto-py * ra11affee097b /debian/update-debian-changelog: Change the deb version from 0.2.4+0.2.5+<gitinfo> to 0.2.4+<gitinfo>.01:44
CIA-62mithro libtpclient-py-stable * rce35a20f251a /debian/update-debian-changelog: Change the deb version from 0.2.4+0.2.5+<gitinfo> to 0.2.4+<gitinfo>.01:57
mithroezod: ping?02:09
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mithroezod: ping?03:11
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JLPbddebian: hey ho10:19
bddebianHi JLP10:23
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JLPjphr: ahoy14:13
JLPjphr: got the link?14:13
jphrJLP: downloading the video now :P14:13
JLPjphr: cool, i'll close BT to make it aster14:14
jphrit'll only take another few minutes, i'll let you know14:14
jphrIt's done, torrent away14:20
jphrJLP: I had to transcode it, imovie hates ogg :(14:33
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JLPyay, plane ticked for akademy 2008 is payed for and reserved15:22
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CIA-31verhoevenv daneel-ai * re0f31fee5851 / Forgot to remove a debugging statement17:53
IwanowitchThat can't be the right commit message.17:54
IwanowitchOh well.17:54
jphrcan someone help a newb out? I have a library I compiled to a thing.a, how do I use that library in tp?17:59
jphroh, i think i found it18:01
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CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rd48483d6153c / (23 files in 4 dirs): Removed seperate ticpp as a seperate library and incorporate source files into risk folder18:38
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r403c9d1ae214 /quickstart-risk-bid.conf: Extended normal turn time for quickstart config files18:38
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r766b71b0f75c /quickstart-risk-random.conf: Forgot to add 1 file to update18:38
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rd4a7e622709a /modules/games/risk/ (mapimport.cpp testing-risk.conf thisweek.txt): Attempting to get tinyxml to work properly, updated todo docs18:38
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r8c9701b31933 /modules/games/risk/ (9 files): Moved over from ticpp to tixml, having build problems and tixml is just as easy to use18:38
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CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r9c218a9983e3 /modules/games/risk/ (mapimport.cpp testing-risk.conf): xml input now works properly. No logic exists for processing, but each element is touched19:20
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mithroezod: ping?20:28
mithrogreywhind: ping?20:28
greywhindmithro: pong20:29
mithrogreywhind: any luck with python-ogre?20:29
mithroI managed to build debs for it - but that doesn't help you all that much20:29
greywhindmithro: not really20:30
mithrogreywhind: even after changing "STABLE=True" bit20:30
greywhindmithro: i'll go over it with you later.20:31
mithrogreywhind: okay feel free to poke me20:40
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ezodmithro: pong?21:12
mithroezod: hey - how goes everything21:16
ezodmithro: no complaints, get my email?21:17
mithrowhich one?21:17
ezodregarding the new branches for *-py stuff21:17
CIA-31juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * r697ad035c372 /TODO: Updated Todo21:18
CIA-31juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * r441701232b1a /tp/server/ (bases/ tpserver-py will now end a turn when all players request it.21:18
mithroezod: how are the student report things going?21:18
ezodmithro: i've got mine and jphr's so far21:18
ezodmithro: am i waiting on the others to email me directly?21:19
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mithroezod: I didn't see you reply to the previous email?21:29
ezodmithro: which?21:29
mithrothe mid-term one - it has the emails of all our students in it21:30
ezodmithro: should i ask everyone for their reports? jphr sent his unprompted, i thought maybe you'd already told them21:31
mithroI kind of have when I've caught up with them21:32
mithrobut maybe an offer directly from you might help?21:32
mithrorather then them all having to go via me21:32
ezodalright, i'll let them know21:33
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mithroezod: do you have the latest copy of your report?21:38
ezodmithro: same url,
tpb<> (at
mithroany recent changes?21:39
ezodi added a little excerpt and changed some wording21:39
ezodif it's still too, er, dense, i can probably make it more readable still21:40
mithrowhat is the editable version again?21:40
ezodalthough 'editable' is debatable ;)21:41
ezodit's a bunch of text boxen and hand-placed graphics21:41
mithroI think that the "screenshot" heading is a little silly21:44
mithroyou did this formatting in a very weird way :)21:45
ezodi know21:45
ezodit wasn't intended to be reusable originally21:46
ezodand re: screenshot heading, agreed, now that i look at it :\21:46
* ezod needs to relinquish control of the computer shortly21:47
ezodmithro: if you have any suggestions, especially relating to the formatting, i'd love to hear them before i do any others :)21:49
ezodneed to go now, but i'll read logs/email21:50
mithroezod: using styles will make your life much easier21:55
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shenkimithro:   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ogre/gui/CEGUI/", line 12, in <module>21:57
shenki    ctypes.CDLL("/usr/lib/", ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)21:57
shenkibut your debs install only /usr/lib/, /usr/lib/
mithroshenki: that is fixed in svn21:58
shenkimithro: should they be adding a symlink /usr/ symlink?21:58
shenkimithro: ah, fail.21:59
mithroJLafont: ping?21:59
shenkimithro: fixed in the python, or in the deb?21:59
mithroyou will need to update svn21:59
mithroand rebuild the deb21:59
mithroyou'll get a -1 version then :)21:59
shenkisure. but i want to fix it for now, so i can play tp-ogre at work21:59
shenkii'll putin a symlink for now22:01
shenki\o/ failed X request22:15
shenkiin X_GLXCreateContext22:16
shenkiwell, that's what the request was22:16
shenkiit appears opengl is buggered on my system22:17
mithrocan you run glxgears?22:29
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mithrooff to lunch22:30
shenkimithro: turned out everything from mesa to dri to x was in a wierd state on my machine. fixed now. different error22:47
shenkithis time it's not me, i think22:49
tpb<> (at
shenkior, i fial at reading22:52
shenkimithro: ok, the log that's there now isn't my system. i don't think.22:56
shenkias in, it's a real error in tpclient-pyogre22:56
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r226809630d81 /modules/games/risk/ (mapimport.cpp mapimport.h reinforce.cpp risk.cpp risk.h): Retooled create* functions into helper functions. Test map creation via xml works.23:13
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mithroshenki: ahh yeah23:54
shenkiahh yeah?23:59

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