Sunday, 2008-07-13

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jsmillerHi #tp folks, I've drafted a version of a random name generator pursuing the issue on sourceforge, and sent a message to Mithro via email.03:12
tpbTitle: Names generated from starwars.txt using seed 2447098587 via Django and AppEngine (at
jsmillerThanks, tpb-bot. :)03:12
jsmillerI have a more general question, if anyone can help:  how do I join the tp developer mailing list?03:14
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jsmillerU.S. West Coast going to sleep, take care, all.03:55
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CIA-62jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r97bc00e30fa0 /src/ Animate camera zoom13:39
CIA-62jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rb2df79d8db6d /src/ Fix zooming limits, which also fixes keyboard zoom issue13:39
CIA-62jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r418a9c575896 /src/ ( Pressing center (c key) will gradually move the camera towards the selected object rather than instantly.13:39
CIA-62jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r5a9b05d3986b /src/ ( Double click on the system window will center the map on that system13:39
CIA-62jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rc037b681b52b /src/ Fix some missing reference in message window13:39
CIA-62jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r2b8532faf720 /src/ Parse html messages13:39
CIA-62jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r4e028b65faf8 /src/ Move fleets if their position has changed between turns13:39
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CIA-62verhoevenv daneel-ai * r81437a9844ae /daneel-ai: Made retrieving order descriptions a bit more flexible17:56
CIA-62verhoevenv daneel-ai * r12f9751ab1ba / (daneel-ai rules-rfts Implemented Build Fleet order, added building of more scouts to the bot, some tadbits17:56
CIA-62verhoevenv daneel-ai * r4c336c4325f1 / ( Fixed bug where an activce constraint would only fire one rule when multiple are applicable17:56
CIA-62verhoevenv daneel-ai * r9ef23e0d7b63 / (daneel-ai rules-rfts): Added resources, colonists, transports17:56
CIA-62verhoevenv daneel-ai * r204e6c79c01c / Few more tests17:56
CIA-62verhoevenv daneel-ai * rfa68dcd20e12 / Added test on one constraint firing same rule multiple times, still fails for now17:56
CIA-62verhoevenv daneel-ai * re1cd5d4bec17 / (daneel-ai rules-rfts): The bot will now try to colonize a planet if it finds one17:56
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nashIwanowitch: You around?19:24
nashmeeting in a minute, then I'll be back19:24
Iwanowitchnash: Yep, I'll stay around for a while19:25
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CIA-62verhoevenv daneel-ai * r5e07fc4a4c89 /daneel-ai: Added option for connection uri19:33
CIA-62verhoevenv daneel-ai * r536dd66b7223 / (README TODO): Updated documentation19:33
mithroanyone here running hardy?20:07
IwanowitchYes, Kubuntu.20:08
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mithroIwanowitch: want to see if you can install this package?20:09
mithroJLafont: ping?20:09
Iwanowitchmithro: sure20:10
mithroFollow the instructions here20:10
tpbTitle: Index of / (at
mithrothen try20:12
mithroapt-get install python-ogre20:12
Iwanowitchmithro: python-ogre: Depends: libboost-python1.34.1-index but it is not installable20:16
IwanowitchThere's a libboost-python1.34.1 package though, i suppose you meant that.20:18
mithrodo an update and try again20:18
IwanowitchWell, it seems to work, but it's not authenticated. Downloading now...20:20
IwanowitchNo errors.20:21
IwanowitchI suppose I could try the ogre client then?20:22
mithroi'm yet to get the demo's packaged in a deb20:23
IwanowitchWell, it doesn't run, but I suppose it got to do with "edit plugins.cfg to point to the plugins/ folder within your Python-Ogre directory"20:26
IwanowitchBut there's no file like that to be found.20:26
mithroIwanowitch: try running "python" first20:27
mithroIwanowitch: in the src directory20:28
mithroyou may need to20:28
mithrodo a20:28
mithroln -s /etc/OGRE/plugins.cfg plugins.cfg20:28
IwanowitchMmm, I don't have CEGUI.20:30
mithroIwanowitch: can you paste the output somewhere?20:31
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at
IwanowitchCEGUI and its OGR bidings are in the Ubuntu packages though.20:33
IwanowitchI suppose.20:33
mithropython-ogre should depend on that20:33
IwanowitchIndeed. It's already installed.20:34
mithrooh I see the problem20:34
mithroit should be looking for20:34
IwanowitchI have that one. So yeah, probably.20:35
mithroIwanowitch: can you try this20:38
mithro>>> import ctypes20:38
mithro>>> ctypes.CDLL("", ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)20:38
Iwanowitchmithro: Seems to work: <CDLL '', handle 81e1d20 at b7ccdfec>20:39
mithrookay cool20:46
mithrouploading a new version20:46
IwanowitchHmm. Can anyone confirm they got a mail "Some bugs" from the tp-devel list? It appears in my sent folder but not on the list archives.20:48
mithroIwanowitch: you use gmail right?20:50
mithroit got through fine20:51
mithroyou can actually check the archieves if you want20:51
IwanowitchOh, yes. Now it does.20:51
IwanowitchCould have sworn it wasn't there 5 minutes ago.20:52
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mithroIwanowitch: okay, do an upgrade now21:19
Iwanowitchmithro: seems to pass now21:29
IwanowitchI had to do the usual trickery to set up the libraries to local paths (cfr scratchpad)21:29
IwanowitchI suppose system libraries would work as well.21:30
Iwanowitchmithro: RuntimeError: DynamicModule::DynamicModule - Failed to load module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:32
IwanowitchAlso, it doesn't respond to SIGTERM.21:33
mithroIwanowitch: usual trickery?21:42
mithroyou mean the tp python libraries21:43
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mithroIwanowitch: I'm going to upgrade out git so that we can use submodules and make that hackery go away21:57
IwanowitchOkay. It's not too big a hurdle, but anything that helps can only be good.21:59
* Iwanowitch wonders when nash will be back.21:59
IwanowitchIt's getting late here.21:59
* nash is back22:00
nashMultiple things going on here22:00
nashANyway - doing review shortly... anything in particular you want me to look at?22:00
IwanowitchErr, well, I don't know... The fact that the logic of the bot is seperated in a fairly small rulefile, I suppose.22:01
IwanowitchThat's kind of the aim.22:01
nashLoaded question... a minisec ruleset?22:02
nashHow long to do that one?22:03
IwanowitchWell, I've got a few things hardcoded at the moment that are specific to RFTS and I don't know anything about minisec. I'd guess 2 or 3 days of good work.22:05
IwanowitchNot saying it'll be a perfect bot by then though. :)22:05
nashJust wondering about that.  Documentation on writing one?22:06
IwanowitchFor minisec? Non-existing yet. I didn't really have that in mind. I could get some basic support up tomorrow if you want to.22:09
IwanowitchThen again, you'd need to replace 2 methods in the bot-code and write your own rulefile.22:10
IwanowitchCan't be that hard.22:10
IwanowitchaddCacheToStore and createOrders.22:10
IwanowitchcreateOrders can probably be kept for a big part.22:11
nashIt;s in your goals though?  The documentation that is?22:11
IwanowitchWell, addCacheToStore too.22:11
IwanowitchYes, sure.22:11
nashhmm.. google soc site is rather... slow... at the moment22:14
IwanowitchMmm, getting close to the deadline. I can imagine.22:14
nashIwanowitch: Probably...22:14
Iwanowitchnash, mithro: Got any questions or remarks left? Otherwise I'm heading to bed.22:51
nashSleep well22:58
IwanowitchThanks. Night.23:00
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JLafontmithro: pong23:06
JLafontonly for a little bit tough23:10
JLafonthave to go23:17
JLafontbye bye23:17
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mithroJLafont: wanted you to test the python-ogre debs23:41
mithronash: do you run debian?23:43
mithroezod: ping?23:50
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