Thursday, 2008-05-22

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CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * rc144c72b0b0f /m4/ (ax_boost_base.m4 ax_boost_signals.m4): New versions of autoconf tests for boost from
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r2cbe6fa33281 /modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp: Removed old char* handling, use std::string instead in Minisec.00:05
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rea50d2051bb0 / (3 files in 2 dirs): Merge git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpserver-cpp00:05
tpbTitle: Autoconf Macro Archive (at
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llnzhi GlobalWarming00:25
llnzhow can we avoid you today? :-p00:25
CIA-56victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * rf964ae0cc748 /gencon/ Final polish towards next (sub(sub))stage in coding the client.00:25
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CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp * rce1b2af643e9 /tpserver/frame.cpp: Don't support TP01 anymore, removed check for later versions.01:57
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pluskid~seen mithro02:11
tpbpluskid: mithro was last seen in #tp 2 hours, 18 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <mithro> see ya!02:11
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llnzhi pluskid02:21
pluskidhi llnz02:21
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp * r7aa76d3ce0c9 /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h):02:29
CIA-56TP04 support for fail frames, including references.02:29
CIA-56Woops, guess that means version 0.5.1 will be out as soon as I've sorted02:29
CIA-56the build on OS X.02:29
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pluskidjoin #rubinius02:40
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llnzhi xdotx04:25
CIA-56pluskid schemepy * rda5f364a27c6 /schemepy/mzscheme/ (Makefile mzhelper.c): Added helper for mzscheme.04:48
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CIA-56pluskid schemepy * ra5ccd84f1d9d /schemepy/
CIA-56Modified symbol implementation, use __new__.07:46
CIA-56Instead of __metaclass__07:46
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llnzdo i pass a list of all frame for the sequence number, or each frame individually?08:12
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Marcel-hi @all08:32
llnzhi Marcel-08:32
Marcel-llnz: I had a thought about an account spam creation. How much accounts can one Ip create per hour?08:33
Marcel-If endless it is possible to floud the server, isn´t it?08:34
llnztpserver-cpp currently doesn't limit account creation08:34
llnzthough if it ever became a problem, limiting is an option08:35
llnzthere are already settings to disable account creation08:35
Marcel-yup, another question: Is it possible to rename an account?08:35
llnzand the game admin (or other process) could create them from outside08:35
llnzcurrently no08:35
Marcel-planned for TP04 ?08:36
llnzexcept for stopping the server, editing the database and restarting it08:36
llnznot currently08:36
llnzactual accounts are fairly short lived (one game)08:36
Marcel-Do you have an example of a protocol frame, maybe with a list and a enum. I ask because I´m currently at the point to generate the objects to formated strings. And currently I have the following generated: <n>1result<1>[<n>0<<n>>0]08:41
Marcel-The header is missing, this is only the data.08:41
Marcel-<n>1 is a 32bit int and result is a string and then comes the <1> List with one item (int and long).08:42
llnzok, i'll use tp04 fail frame as an example08:43
Marcel-thank you08:44
llnzassume header has been dealt with already08:44
llnzthe data would be something like:08:44
llnzbefore i do that, my notation08:44
llnz<12> 32bit number (decemal 12), litstring a literal string08:45
llnzso, something like:08:45
llnz<5><14>Wrong Password<2>[<-10>, <2>;<0>, <1>]08:47
llnzthat is: the error code, the length of the result string, the result string, the number of items in the list, and two items in the list, each two 32bit ints08:48
llnzall numbers are in network byte order08:48
Marcel-ah the value of the int should be in the <>08:49
llnzyeah, that normally how we notate it08:50
llnzsee the example at the bottom of the protocol page(s)08:51
Marcel-means I need to change some parts in the generator :/ . Okay, thanks for help.08:51
llnzthe actual data sent would be:08:51
llnzactually, it's a little hard to show08:52
llnzthe numbers are in binary (network byte order)08:52
llnzthat whole message is 42 bytes08:52
Marcel-Means the string will be translated into binary code?08:53
llnzmeaning that the first 3 bytes are 0 followed by the byte with value 5, followed by 3 bytes 0, one byte 14, byte utf-8 code for W, byte utf-8 code for r, etc08:54
llnzthe utf-8 codes for those characters are the same as ascii08:56
llnzdoes that help?08:56
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Marcel-him, not really. First I will do the rest of the string formating and then I will do this string to byte converting thing. Could I use a binaryserializer for this?09:01
llnzi'm not sure, i've never programmed in c#09:01
* llnz wanders off09:02
llnzlater all09:02
bddebianLater llnz09:02
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JLPahoy all09:34
ezodhey JLP09:34
bddebianHello JLP09:35
Marcel-hi JLP09:35
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CIA-56pluskid schemepy * r3dd54adb6d7d /schemepy/ (guile/ mzscheme/mzhelper.c mzscheme/ Basic structure added for mzscheme backend.10:49
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * rce1b2af643e9 /tpserver/frame.cpp: Don't support TP01 anymore, removed check for later versions.10:57
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r7aa76d3ce0c9 /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h):10:57
CIA-56TP04 support for fail frames, including references.10:57
CIA-56Woops, guess that means version 0.5.1 will be out as soon as I've sorted10:57
CIA-56the build on OS X.10:57
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r30eaaf6af5d6 /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h): Merge git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpserver-cpp10:57
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CIA-56pluskid schemepy * r3f8ae92317c9 /schemepy/ (5 files in 3 dirs):11:30
CIA-56Added bool conversion support for mzscheme.11:30
CIA-56Seems still not work yet. Like only starting the11:30
CIA-56VM will cause an infinite loop and consumes a lot11:30
CIA-56of memory.11:30
CIA-56pluskid schemepy * r2b52386631c1 /schemepy/ ( mzscheme/mzhelper.c mzscheme/ The mzscheme backend passed the bool testcase.11:53
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jphrIs there a simple way to ask game if the game is started or not?16:42
ezodjphr: in tpserver-cpp?16:44
jphrezod: yes16:44
ezodjphr: Game::getGame()->isStarted()16:45
jphrezod: awesome16:45
jphrezod: returns a bool correct?16:45
ezodjphr: i believe it returns 'started' from game which is a bool16:46
jphrgreat thank you16:46
ezodyeah bool16:46
ezodjphr: np16:46
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CIA-56neufelry tpserver-cpp * rf7844c8716e1 /AUTHORS:17:26
CIA-56Name: Ryan Neufeld - jphr17:26
CIA-56Email: [email protected]17:26
CIA-56Changes: Added name+nick+email to AUTHORS in risk branch17:26
CIA-56jaffer tpserver-cpp * ra61470831d51 / (37 files in 5 dirs): git-pulled main repository onto #risk branch17:26
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r002df20a3d67 /modules/games/ Modified modules/games/ to include Risk folder to be commited shortly17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r6a38d603da7d /modules/games/risk/ ( risk.cpp risk.h): Added basic shell of risk ruleset.17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r196d2b8c1096 / Accidentally left out changes made to configure.ac17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * re480c4ad5081 / Fixed a commented out line in configure.ac17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r3403bc2029d8 /modules/games/risk/ (risk.cpp risk.h): Fixed syntax errors in risk.cpp, risk.h17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * rbe5dbecb6b06 /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: More syntax errors.17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r75bf14f5bddb /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: included objectmanager.h instead of objectdatamanager.h17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * rda88c72dc0d9 /modules/games/risk/ (risk.cpp risk.h): Some discrepencies existed when comparing risk to minisec. Corrected the required extern "C" section in risk.cpp and moved "public:" up in risk.h17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r78aad53179a5 /modules/games/risk/ (risk.cpp risk.h): Renamed namespace from Risk to RiskRuleset. Figured this may be causing me problems (its also more clear)17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r5e1c399b30ef / ( tpserver/ Merged changes from the main branch to this branch17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r2f0f06e8de09 /modules/games/ ( risk/ Removed trailing whitespace in risk/Makefile.am17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r91c3b3cbe414 / (6 files in 4 dirs): Merge with git:// (to fix mac os x compile issue for jphr)17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * rb39b32b35c1c /modules/games/risk/risk.h: small test change to be pushed sideways, not to be pushed to main :p17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r68cd9f9863ae / (4 files in 3 dirs): Merge git://
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * re49d14f118f0 /AUTHORS: merged main branch changes, tidied up AUTHORS (by removing myself for the time being)17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * rea50d2051bb0 / (3 files in 2 dirs): Merge git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpserver-cpp17:27
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r30eaaf6af5d6 /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h): Merge git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpserver-cpp17:28
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r8fbc8fffba63 /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Added comments to risk.cpp modelling what happens in minisec.cpp17:28
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r879c98b9f962 /modules/games/risk/ (risk.cpp risk.h):17:28
CIA-56Added a bit of logic to Risk::onAddPlayer.17:28
CIA-56 -Player cannot join ANYTIME if NumPlayers >= setting risk_max_players17:28
CIA-56 -Player cannot join once game has started if no open spaces exist to be claimed17:28
CIA-56Added private: bool Risk::isBoardClaimed() to run a check to determine if board is fully claimed17:28
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * rd755ce135946 /modules/games/risk/ (riskturn.cpp riskturn.h settings):17:28
CIA-56Create riskturn.cpp&.h as well as a "settings" file17:28
CIA-56 -RiskTurn inherits TurnProcess and is only a shell at the moment17:28
CIA-56 -settings records settings i've used and settings in consideration17:28
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * rcfe8ffedd74a /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Small modification of risk.cpp17:28
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r8fbc8fffba63 /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Added comments to risk.cpp modelling what happens in minisec.cpp17:28
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r879c98b9f962 /modules/games/risk/ (risk.cpp risk.h):17:28
CIA-56Added a bit of logic to Risk::onAddPlayer.17:28
CIA-56 -Player cannot join ANYTIME if NumPlayers >= setting risk_max_players17:28
CIA-56 -Player cannot join once game has started if no open spaces exist to be claimed17:28
CIA-56Added private: bool Risk::isBoardClaimed() to run a check to determine if board is fully claimed17:28
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rd755ce135946 /modules/games/risk/ (riskturn.cpp riskturn.h settings):17:29
CIA-56Create riskturn.cpp&.h as well as a "settings" file17:29
CIA-56 -RiskTurn inherits TurnProcess and is only a shell at the moment17:29
CIA-56 -settings records settings i've used and settings in consideration17:29
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rcfe8ffedd74a /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Small modification of risk.cpp17:29
jphroh fack17:30
jphrwell if anyone wants to help, i somehow just pushed all my changes to the main repo17:30
CIA-56victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * rad0525e71578 /gencon/ ( Added more functionality; fixed certain things.17:36
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CIA-56jaffer tpserver-cpp-risk * r595e2014b92f /modules/games/risk/ (risk.cpp riskturn.h): SORRY: fixed some typos/syntax that caused things to not compile.18:48
CIA-56jaffer tpserver-cpp * r595e2014b92f /modules/games/risk/ (risk.cpp riskturn.h): SORRY: fixed some typos/syntax that caused things to not compile.18:51
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llnzhi all20:09
llnzhummm.... :-/20:28
Alklomionhi llnz20:29
llnzhi Alklomion20:29
Alklomionguess mithro couldn't get online at this time20:29
AlklomionSo time to go, catch ya20:30
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llnzmissed him20:30
llnzmithro should be arriving in the USA about now20:30
* llnz wonders how to revert a large number of commits that are no longer sequenal20:32
llnzany git experts in the house?20:33
nashllnz: Have you pushed them?20:42
nashllnz: if not, just git-revert <patchid>20:42
nashfor each patch (from most recent to first)20:42
nashyou can skip them20:42
llnzthey are in the master branch of tpserver-cpp20:49
llnzand in the risk branch20:49
llnzbut i only want them in the risk branch20:50
llnzuntil i merge it later20:50
nashJust revert those patches in the maister branch20:53
llnzit's a lot of patches20:54
nashthen use git log to generate the list, then for i in `cat list` ; git revert $i ; done20:54
llnzand wont that wipe out the risk branch when it is merged, and cause problems when the risk branch is merged into master at the right time?20:55
nashnot sure20:56
llnzie, in risk merge master, then later on master merge risk20:56
nashOtherwise you need to do it with a rebase20:56
llnzwhat about commit a patch that removes the unwanted things, merge to risk, in risk revert the patch20:57
nashThat sounds much worse to me20:58
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* llnz sighs21:03
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llnznew, idea21:08
llnzcreate a new branch from the last tag point21:08
llnzcherry pick the good commits into it21:09
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jphrllnz: you still here?21:20
llnzjphr: decided what we are going to do21:23
jphroh good21:23
llnzi'm going to create a new branch for me, with the current "mainline"21:23
jphrscrap the existing main and then rewrite with mainline?21:24
llnzwill merge back into master when risk is ready to be merged21:24
llnzyeah, basically21:24
jphryeesh, that doesn't really sound ideal21:24
jphra git admin can't just remove those commits?21:25
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llnzhumm... they seem to end up with different commit ids21:27
llnzoh ffs21:29
jphrmithro's doing his thing in north america with google isn't he?21:30
llnznash: help please21:30
jphri gotta say again I feel like shit about this21:31
nashllnz: ?21:31
llnzjphr: don't worry too much about it21:31
nashllnz: Does it break anything?21:31
llnznash: yes, cherry-picking creates new patch ids21:31
jphrnash: if you mean my commits, no, I made sure they don't21:31
nashSo then don't care21:31
nashWorry about real problems...21:32
nashIf you do a release just put "contains experimental risk code, not working"21:32
jphrwell we can do a delete commit to remove all reference to it can't we?21:32
jphri mean the history is still full of junk21:33
jphrbut that can be cleaned up later21:33
llnznot worried about the history21:34
llnzjust trying to make/keep the main working and releasable21:34
jphrwell if the Risk folder is removed all that needs to be fixed is modules/games/ by removing "risk"21:34
jphrnah it still compiles atm21:35
nashIf it compiules and non-risk works... it's still working and releasable21:35
nashSo there is no problem21:35
llnzhumm... ok21:35
nashANd you are just wasting time doing this21:35
jphrafter i commited my "SORRY: " fix everything compiles21:35
llnzjphr: i know, i have been following locally21:36
* llnz recompiles21:36
llnzyeah, all good21:37
llnzjphr: while you are here, want to try to get to the bottom of your osx build problem?21:38
llnzWhat files starting with libboost_signals do you have in /opt/local/lib/ ?21:38
jphrone second21:39
llnzcan you try configure --with-boost-signals=boost_signals-mt-1_35  ?21:40
jphrwith the whole path or just that line?21:40
llnzwith everything else21:40
jphrok, one second21:41
* llnz thinks that should work and if that works he knows what the problem is21:42
jphrit got through the part it failed21:42
jphrok, gunna make now21:42
jphrnever got this far before21:42
jphrso what did you think the problem was/is21:44
llnzit checks for libraries ending with .so, .a and .dll21:45
jphr(finished the make, i'll install and test it)21:45
llnzneeds to check for .dylib21:45
jphrinstalled and works21:45
jphrthank you so much21:46
llnzbtw, there are tricks so that you don't need to install it to test it21:46
llnzi'll add the fix now21:46
jphryeah, it puts it in the tpserver folder doesn't it?21:46
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp * r98972c4c5e34 /m4/ax_boost_signals.m4: Hopefully added test to automatically detect libboost_signals on OS X.21:47
llnzyeah, and you have give the ruleset command/setting the path to the ruleset library module21:48
jphrI can go ahead and cg-rm those files and push that up right?21:48
llnztry running and configure without the "with-boost-signals" bit21:48
llnzwhat files?21:48
jphrmodules/games/risk/* and the folder21:49
llnzdon't worry about it21:49
jphrand change modules/games/ by removing " risk"21:49
jphrare you sure? I just have to commit21:49
jphrerr push21:49
jphrthat way its gone completely21:49
llnzi'm sure21:49
llnzbecause if you pull that patch into the risk branch all your code will be gone21:50
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jphrwell I have a backup, I can pull the change and readd them? I really just want to respect your branch, I can make my branch work more easily21:50
llnzif you want, all the history will still  be there21:51
jphryeah, a constant reminder :(21:51
jphrinterestingly, I can't push that commit to the main branch21:53
llnzyou will probably need to update first21:53
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llnztell me if configure passes without passing it "--with-boost-signals"21:56
* llnz is afk21:56
jphrrunning now22:00
jphrllnz: actually doesn't work without it22:00
llnzdoesn't it?22:05
llnzwhat does it say (from boost/signal.hpp... yes, onwards)22:05
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * r2d8e90a2b25d /modules/games/ (7 files in 2 dirs): Removed all reference to risk in the main branch.22:08
jphrsorry, was doing that, i'll give it a go22:10
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp * rbe8dc74a4a2e / Forgot a reference to risk in configure.ac22:14
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jphrmmkay, I think by some weird coincidence it actually does work without the signals flag22:15
llnzso it does work?22:16
jphrfrom what I see yes, just running make now22:17
jphryes it works, and runs22:17
jphrI really appreciate all your help, and also want to apologize again for my git screw up22:18
llnzdon't worry about it22:18
jphrmaybe we should put a note up in the "starting out with git" about being careful when working with branches, as cg-push and git push do not push to the same branch in some cases22:19
llnzok, that's a good idea22:19
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r98972c4c5e34 /m4/ax_boost_signals.m4: Hopefully added test to automatically detect libboost_signals on OS X.22:19
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rf975b1d2f251 /modules/games/ (7 files in 2 dirs): Removed all references to risk to clean up main branch.22:19
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r2d8e90a2b25d /modules/games/ (7 files in 2 dirs): Removed all reference to risk in the main branch.22:19
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rbe8dc74a4a2e / Forgot a reference to risk in configure.ac22:20
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r9a985f3e07b6 / ( m4/ax_boost_signals.m4): Merge git://
jphrthats weird22:20
jphroh IC, that was my branch, phew, thought i screwed up again lol, i'm on edge22:22
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r58114422bb31 / (8 files in 3 dirs):22:27
CIA-56Readded risk references after merging main branch change to remove them22:27
CIA-56 -This was done to fix a mistake I made by merging to main branch22:27
jphrand that is that, besides a messy history, problem solved22:28
jphrand now thanks to you I don't have to monkey around with a vm22:28
llnzlooks like I'll be doing a release in the next few days22:29
llnz ;_)OS X Support22:29
jphrwhat sort of changes? HAHA22:29
llnzand TP04 Fail frame support22:29
llnzand some refactoring22:29
llnzand a few other things22:29
jphrmm, ya, Any chance of making guile detection work better with fink?22:30
llnzwhat's the matter with it?22:30
jphrwell it just seems like the boost thing, atm I have to add the flag --with-guile=/sw/share/guile/1.8/scripts/binoverride for things to work with guile (installed via fink)22:31
jphrand I also have to export a bash variable22:31
jphrnot that I really care to much, but it is required for me to compile22:31
llnzwhat's the bash variable?22:31
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jphrmithro documented them on the wiki here:
tpb<> (at
jphrexport CPPFLAGS=-I/sw/include22:33
llnzso is guile.h in /sw/include ?22:33
jphri belive so, I'll check22:33
jphrlibguile.h is there22:34
llnzok, what does running guile-config compile22:34
llnzok, what does running "guile-config compile" produce22:34
llnzi might be "/sw/share/guile/1.8/scripts/binoverride/guile-config compile"22:35
jphr-I/sw/include -D_THREAD_SAFE22:35
llnzso it's really just looking in /sw/share/guile/*/scripts/binoverride for guile-config in tpserver-cpp22:36
llnzlibtprl I will look at later22:36
* llnz wonders if he should just add that to the path22:38
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp * rb09b0533beb9 / Check for guile-config in the fink/OS X location.22:40
llnzjphr: try that without "--with-guile=..."22:40
llnzi might fail22:41
jphrwhat is "s/i/it/" btw?22:41
llnzit's a search and replace (perl style), replaces "i" by "it"22:42
jphrhecking for guile-config... no22:42
jphrconfigure: WARNING: Cannot find Guile configuration script22:42
jphrconfigure: error: Either MzScheme or Guile must be used.  Please install mzscheme or guile. See ./configure --help if one is already installed.22:42
llnznote that i'm lazy and it's wrong, because that creates "it mitght faitl"22:42
llnzwell.. it would if it had the g tag22:42
llnzhumm... ok22:42
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp * r5c60e1f0d858 / Don't be so smart, only check for guile 1.8, not *22:43
llnztry that22:43
jphrok doing that now (sorry bout the delay)22:48
llnzno prob, i'm doing other things too22:48
jphrthat works without guile :D22:49
jphri'll have to test with a session without those cppflags if you want?22:49
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * rb09b0533beb9 / Check for guile-config in the fink/OS X location.22:57
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r5c60e1f0d858 / Don't be so smart, only check for guile 1.8, not *22:57
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r7890b5843bdd / Merge git://
llnzthat would be a good idea23:03
jphrrunning it without flag (and I don't think it was even on before)23:05
jphrA ok23:07
* llnz goes back to asynchroning libtpproto-cpp23:18
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jphrgoodnight, thanks for the help llnz23:48
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