Wednesday, 2008-05-21

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CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp * r39f3e1b58859 /modules/games/minisec/build.cpp:01:36
CIA-29OS X doesn't have uint, replaced with uint32_t.01:36
CIA-29There are some places where type size specifiers are not present in the01:36
llnzhi JLafont01:40
JLafonthey llnz01:41
JLafonthow have you been doing?01:41
llnzdoing fine, you?01:41
JLafontyou could say that01:41
JLafontI'd say very well01:42
JLafontI should get my laptop tomorrow!01:42
* JLafont dances01:42
JLafontI can finally do something01:45
JLafontand test it01:45
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JLafontAren't you holding a birthday party tomorrow llnz?02:08
llnznope, not that i know of02:08
JLafontthat was nash02:09
JLafontOh well02:09
JLafontWhat have you been up to?02:09
nashJLafont: Wife's birthday party is today02:10
llnzi had a meeting at uni, finishing up a project02:10
nashWhich means I have tomorrow available02:10
llnznash: tell her "Happy birthday from Lee and Megan" :-)02:10
JLafontdouble awesome: On both of you02:10
JLafontllnz whats the project?02:10
JLafontnash: Tell her happy b-day, from that cool kid called one in the TP channel02:10
llnzsome simulation studies and software development, nothing really interesting02:11
JLafontI disagree02:11
JLafontyou really don't have to02:12
JLafontIt really shouldn't mean anything to her.... unless you have been talking about me... in which case I would hope they are good things!02:12
JLafontSimlations + software developemnt are interesint and if I do say so myself... give this  youngster what could be considered nergasms02:13
JLafonts/interesint/ interesting02:14
llnzJLafont: unfortunately, it's under NDA02:14
JLafontahhh ok02:14
JLafontin that case02:15
JLafontSounds important02:15
JLafontAnd fun02:16
llnzmy thesis on a different topic but still a simulation study is available online though02:16
tpb<> (at
llnzhumm... the conference paper version hasn't made it into google yet02:18
JLafontsp SCTP = bleh?02:20
llnzStream Control Transport Protocol02:20
JLafontbut it sound from the paper that is not thet best approach02:21
JLafontlooks like I should avoid that02:26
JLafontsoooo..... what *did* work?02:28
llnzsctp was no better than udp02:29
llnzthe results from the testbed lineup with the simulations02:29
JLafontThat reminds me of an Isaac Asimov Story02:30
JLafontWell.. UDP does at least02:31
JLafont"keep talking" if you need more information you mention it, but until then you keep talking about the current informtation as much as you can so that you both know what is going on"02:39
* llnz is afk, dinner02:41
JLafonteventually yyou will either say what the other side needs, or you will ask and get the information eventually, but until then, just say everything you can02:41
* JLafont must be the only Isaac Asimov around QQ02:41
JLafontIsaac Asimov fan02:43
nashJLafont: just the only one paying attention02:48
JLafontWell then02:48
JLafontnot sure what to say about that02:49
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JLafontIsaac Asimov's short stories are really good though. I wouldn definately recommend them02:51
nashAs would I02:53
JLafontDid you read the "worlds is big enough/last half of his complete series?02:54
JLafontI thought those were the best ones he had02:55
nashI couldn't tell you off hand02:57
nashI've read everything that was in opus collections, plus quite a few more in collected works02:57
JLafonthe has so many of them its hard to keep track of them02:58
nashAnd they appear in multiple locations02:58
tpb<> (at
JLafontthats the one I have02:59
JLafontI highly recommend it02:59
JLafontA very fun read03:00
JLafonthe claims it has his favorite and his 3rd favorite short stories03:01
nashi wonder how long his list is03:12
JLafontI wouldn't be surprised if he had at least half of his stories on his favorite list03:14
nashThe other half on his list of don't likes...03:18
JLafontI would guess, but it makes me sad. I really like that book03:19
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JLafontmost of the stories were really good03:19
nashAnyway.. off home... talk to you later03:21
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* llnz is back03:35
llnzhi mithro04:02
* llnz ponders toolkit interface for libtpproto-cpp04:21
mithrotoolkit interface?04:25
* mithro is off to free food04:25
mithrobe back in a bit04:26
llnzthe interface libtpproto-cpp uses for getting the rest of the application to set timers and listen for socket events04:26
llnzbasically, tapping into the apps event loop04:26
mithroahh okay05:10
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llnzhi jotham05:18
llnzwant to discuss battlexml now?05:18
jothami am at work05:21
llnzstill? :-(05:23
jothamalways it seems like it05:24
mithrohey jotham05:31
* mithro is at work too05:34
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llnznotjotham: finally going home?07:36
notjothamgot home just before07:37
notjothamam trying to figure out some of this los-cocos shit07:37
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llnzhi Marcel-08:00
Marcel-hi llnz08:02
notjothamsweet got the pyglet los-cocos scene manager running properly,
tpbTitle: Imagebin - A place to slap up your images. (at
notjothamstole that from astronomy picture of the day08:28
notjothamprobably just list all the battlexml's avaliable there, rather than have the load, not sure about how to do a decent scrolling selection box in pyglet :\08:29
notjothamfear i am gonna have to write my own08:29
notjothamwidgets, the bain of immature graphics libraries08:29
notjothamovertired here08:29
llnzthen go to bed, battleviewer will wait08:31
* llnz decides to take his own advice08:37
* llnz wanders off08:37
llnzlater all08:37
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llnzmorning all16:26
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r13ae6f3a03a9 /tpserver/playerview.cpp:16:36
CIA-29Fixed ObjectIdList condition for entry.16:36
CIA-29Wrong direction, modtime > fromtime. Doesn't need check for -1, because16:36
CIA-29(unsigned) -1 is greater than all modtimes.16:36
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * ra337a9b5ce22 /tpserver/ (4 files):16:36
CIA-29Fixed all the other getIdList processing to have the correct TP04 behaviour.16:36
CIA-29Reversed less than symbol.16:36
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r1ccc9eb8b10c /tpserver/playeragent.cpp: Missed CategoryIdList handling, fixed TP04 behaviour.16:36
CIA-29fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-risk * r216b363393a1 /modules/games/rfts/planet.cpp: Added notification msg when a planet's population completely dies.16:36
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r8ea2156faf78 /modules/games/rfts/planet.cpp:16:36
CIA-29Only send message once, and don't error.16:36
CIA-29Would have segfaulted and didn't compile. Good message though.16:36
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r32b74a6e14a1 /tpserver/playerview.cpp:16:36
CIA-29Iterate over the correct sets (not maps) in PlayerView.16:36
CIA-29Caused all objects to disappear when server is restarted with persistence.16:36
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * rdbefbb2221a3 /modules/persistence/mysql/mysqlpersistence.cpp:16:36
CIA-29Get the max turn number from the right table, objectparamrefquantitylist.16:37
CIA-29Was causing fleets to loose all it's ships.16:37
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r6fec20c8286e /modules/games/minisec/minisecturn.cpp:16:37
CIA-29Fix the handling of dead object in MinisecTurn.16:37
CIA-29Was causing the ai's to error out when they tried to change the orders on16:37
CIA-29the object, which no long existed. Probably fixes the random errors with16:37
CIA-29tpclient-pywx that gave no error message.16:37
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r095d48cbff9b /modules/persistence/mysql/mysqlpersistence.cpp: Better place for clearing object dirty flag in tpmysql.16:37
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r0f605673370e /tpserver/object.cpp:16:37
CIA-29Clear the dirty flags in ObjectInfo and ObjectRelationships.16:37
CIA-29Speeds up processing, and prevents the database for being written to as often.16:37
CIA-29fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-risk * reb3f430833b8 /modules/games/rfts/ (4 files):16:37
CIA-29fixing rfts' ResourceListParam; attempt to 'center' universe object.16:37
CIA-29(might remove resource list param later. centering may not work 100%)16:37
CIA-29fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-risk * r9c460ce61ca4 /modules/games/rfts/ (planet.cpp planet.h resourcelistparam.cpp): bug in the resource list lookup. fixes some populations tending to die extremely fast ;P16:37
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r235c1e2a6cf1 /AUTHORS: Added xdotx to the authors.16:37
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r743fc56d466b /modules/games/rfts/ (5 files): Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/var/lib/git/tpserver-cpp.git16:37
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r142817ed94b5 / ( modules/games/minisec/ Added missing files to dist tarball16:37
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * rdc4eacf14667 / (ChangeLog NEWS Release files, 0.5.016:37
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * r3274bd298611 /tpserver/ (playerconnection.cpp playerconnection.h playertcpconn.cpp):16:37
CIA-29Refactored the common out-of-game frames in PlayerConnection.16:38
CIA-29GetFeatures, TimeRemaining, SetFilters and GetGameInfo now only have one16:38
CIA-29(41 lines omitted)16:38
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp * ra5b3a34a8e4c / (4 files in 3 dirs):16:50
CIA-29Fixed all the other uint for OS X.16:50
CIA-29Hopefully that's all of them now.16:50
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CIA-29victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * re69890453e32 /gencon/ ( Substantial additions and reorganization of Client. Many issues resolved, others clarified. GenConRunner class was added.17:28
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CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp-risk * ra5b3a34a8e4c / (4 files in 3 dirs):19:58
CIA-56Fixed all the other uint for OS X.19:58
CIA-56Hopefully that's all of them now.19:58
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rb39b32b35c1c /modules/games/risk/risk.h: small test change to be pushed sideways, not to be pushed to main :p19:58
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r68cd9f9863ae / (4 files in 3 dirs): Merge git://
CIA-56jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * re49d14f118f0 /AUTHORS: merged main branch changes, tidied up AUTHORS (by removing myself for the time being)19:58
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llnzhi bddebian21:12
bddebianHi llnz21:13
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CIA-56victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * rb0d5b1ad14b0 /gencon/ ( Ironed out some issues.23:10
* llnz ponders23:12
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* mithro is waiting at the Airport to head to the US23:25
llnzwow, cool23:26
mithrohey JLafont23:27
mithrojust updating your key now23:27
mithroJLafont: updated23:28
mithrodid you see my post on your blog?23:28
JLafont-laptopI might make setting up tpserver-py on windows a pet project23:30
JLafont-laptopSomething to do on weekends or during coding breaks23:30
JLafont-laptopprobably won't take more than an hour23:30
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp * rc144c72b0b0f /m4/ (ax_boost_base.m4 ax_boost_signals.m4): New versions of autoconf tests for boost from
tpbTitle: Autoconf Macro Archive (at
CIA-56llnz tpserver-cpp * r2cbe6fa33281 /modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp: Removed old char* handling, use std::string instead in Minisec.23:47
mithrollnz: any idea what is up with jphr's merges?23:50
llnzwhat about them?23:53
mithroanyway I have run now23:53
mithrosee ya!23:53

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