Friday, 2008-05-09

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* llnz ponders03:30
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llnzhumm... jotham hasn't made it back yet :-/03:53
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JLPgood morning everyone05:09
llnzhi JLP05:09
llnzwhat are you up to?05:09
JLPbreakfast :)05:10
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llnzhi AquaFox05:15
AquaFoxhi llnz :).05:15
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* JLP added all the new feeds to ohloh06:10
llnznot much to show just yet06:13
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llnzmind you, by the time ohloh gets around to them, they should06:33
JLPah you mean enlistments for source code, i just added the blog feeds06:39
llnzoh, hehe06:41
JLPbut yes i will add the enlistments too, can't hurt :)06:41
llnzi forgot about the blog feeds06:41
JLPdone, i think everything si there now06:53
llnzi think all the repos are on the sloc page too06:53
JLPoh of course i also have to change parsek so that it now points to kde svn06:55
llnzanyone working on it yet?06:55
JLPnot much yet, even i've been to busy to do any work06:56
JLPbut because it is part of kde there will be some graphic design students working on an icon/logo for it :)06:57
* JLP needs focus follows viewing direction :)07:33
llnzi know the feeling07:34
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llnzhi Marcel-08:39
Marcel-hi llnz08:40
llnzhow are you going?08:40
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Marcel-I did not do much. I´m waiting for the documentation of the java source code generator.08:43
Marcel-llnz: Do you know if Krzysztof is working on it?08:46
llnzhe might be, i'm not sure08:46
Marcel-Could you setup a git repository for the libtpproto-csharp library? So I can start contributing the first bits of the network code while Krzysztof is working on the documentation.08:48
* llnz pokes mithro 08:48
llnzhave you created an ssh public key?08:49
Marcel-Sometimes ago. But the key is lost. Where can I create one? I used git only one times and failed.08:51
llnzyou need to send the ssh public key you will use for uploading to our repos08:52
Marcel-ah okay, any way need to go to post office. I´m away for an half of an hour.08:52
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llnzlater all09:25
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JLPahoy bddebian09:40
bddebianMorning JLP09:41
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * red63aabc3fe8 / (4 files in 2 dirs): Test case for wrapping Python callable as Scheme lambda passed.12:41
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r715d032738a8 /tests/
CIA-29Added a test for lambda param apply order.12:48
CIA-29I was bit by a similar bug in VM.apply. I constructed12:48
CIA-29the parameters list through a serial of cons but forget12:48
CIA-29to reverse it. All original test cases pass without12:48
CIA-29problem because all test cases only tested functions12:48
CIA-29who do not care about the order of parameters (like '+').12:48
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r486ba8d07e9b /doc/log_book/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Complete the task of converting a Python callable to a Scheme lambda.12:52
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llnzmorning all19:09
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llnzbbl, maybe23:56
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