Thursday, 2008-05-08

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mithrogreywhind: yeah, cogito has gone away00:00
mithro(in 8.04)00:01
greywhindmithro: tpclient-pywx runs in my Ubuntu now :)00:04
mithroI think I ended up just installing the version from gusty00:04
greywhindmithro: adding BU_EXACTFIT doesn't seem to help00:17
mithrohrm :/00:18
greywhindstill seems to be a couple pixels too wide. and changing the font size doesn't do anything either00:19
mithrocheck the padding?00:27
greywhindmithro: what attribute controls padding?00:34
mithrothe left/right/top/bottom I believe and the "Border" ?00:34
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greywhindmithro: hmm... it seems to me that there must be a better way to do this00:39
greywhindmithro: how can i add a custom class to an XRC file, if it extends wx.Button, rather than hard-coding it in place of an XRC element?00:40
mithrogreywhind: hrm?00:40
greywhindmithro: my FilterManagerControl is a class extending wx.Button, and i want to add it using XRC rather than code in the file.00:40
greywhindcan that be done?00:41
mithrokind of - it's not easy to do however00:41
mithrowhy are you subclassing a wx.Button and not just binding to it?00:41
greywhindmithro: binding to it?00:46
mithroIE just connecting the events with "button.Bind"00:46
greywhindmithro: well, i need init as well...00:47
mithrogreywhind: hrm? what do you change in a buttons init?00:47
tpbTitle: Nopaste - FilterManagerControl init (at
mithroso could your class not just be given the button as an argument to __init__00:52
greywhindmithro: hmm... interesting idea.00:55
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greywhindmithro: i'll work on it more tomorrow.00:59
mithrookay cool00:59
greywhindmithro: it would be great if you could do a final quarter evaluation by next thursday or friday.01:00
mithrogreywhind: can you send me an email with the questions again?01:00
greywhindmithro: sure01:00
greywhindwhen i restart back into Mac OS X, i'll do that01:00
mithrogreywhind: okay cool01:10
Lukstrmithro: you got a job with the google?01:13
nashcommit spam incoming01:14
CIA-29nash galaxie * r04dc7eee47f6 /galaxie.c:01:14
CIA-29REmove substrindup, use talloc_strndup instead.01:14
CIA-29Also move main option structure to talloc memory management.01:14
CIA-29nash galaxie * r0c68b000204e / (galaxie.c tpe.h): Can now disable GUI at compile time.01:14
CIA-29nash galaxie * rb3123f9910c3 /server.c: Implement proper 3/4 protocol handling at a packet level.01:14
CIA-29nash galaxie * r6fa570f7c4c7 / (galaxie.c server.c): Remove old fixmes.01:14
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CIA-29alklomion /tmp/iUPFYbaplH/hswCEmmSl4-midp * rf03ddd4b661d / (86 files in 4 dirs): (log message trimmed)01:30
CIA-29Removed From all these files:01:30
CIA-29lists (replaced with vectors)01:30
CIA-29all resultant list methods replaced with vector equivalents01:30
CIA-29for-each loops (replaced with for loops)01:30
mithrohello Alklomion01:39
Alklomionhey mithro01:40
mithroso how does it go?01:41
mithroyou didn't send out action items from last week01:41
mithroAlklomion: got it compiling yet?01:48
Alklomioni'm trying to work out01:48
AlklomionSystem.err.printf("%s: Sent frame seq %d, type %d (%s)%n", getClass().getName(), frame.getSequenceNumber(), frame.getFrameType(), frame.toString());01:48
Alklomionyou've used c printf before so possibly you know what its doing01:48
Alklomioni know its assigningt he first %s to getClass.getName01:49
Alklomionthen %d to frame.getSequenceNumber01:49
Alklomiondoes it then assign the ned %s to the next one? or use the first one?01:49
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Alklomionmithro: any idea?01:56
mithroit just goes sequentially01:57
mithro%d means format the output as a number01:57
mithro%s means format the output as a string01:57
mithrohello jmtan01:57
jmtanhi everyone01:58
mithrojmtan: what was your blog again?01:58
mithrofor some reason I had not added you to GSoC feed01:59
mithrobtw don't forget to add your feeds to planet-soc01:59
jmtanyup, i just got my account approved today02:00
mithrojmtan: your patch got included in tpserver on git02:04
Alklomionthanks mithro; essentially System.err.println(getClass().getName()+": Sent frame seq " + frame.getSequenceNumber() + ", type" + frame.getFrameType() + " " + frame.toString()); does the same job02:06
jmtangreat, thanks02:06
mithrojmtan: thank llnz, would be good to see if you can compile from git02:07
mithrojmtan: cool to see the progress02:09
mithrojmtan: would be good if the client took a url on the command line like the other clients do02:10
jmtani didn't realise the other clients had that, i'll add it in02:10
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jmtani'm trying to find out why overlays appear over cegui elements, since i read cegui uses overlays too02:11
mithrojmtan: they probably have a "z-order" or similar02:12
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mithrojmtan: the other weird behaviour I get is that network traffic seems to only work when my mouse is not inside the Ogre window02:12
mithrobut it only happens sometimes02:13
jmtanthat is weird, so it hangs indefinitely until you move the mouse out?02:13
mithroI think it's probably a problem with the GIL in python-ogre02:14
mithroI don't get the windows you do when I've logged in however02:14
jmtanum, it's just the template layout02:14
jmtani haven't added in any widgets or functionality yet02:15
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r3a8e1379a4dc /tests/ Added testcase for Scheme lambda.02:34
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r9bb5a69fafe5 / (doc/src/type-mapping.rst tests/ Added shallow=True meaning for the lambda conversion.02:34
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r659e337ef130 /tests/ Added test case for plain cons pair.02:34
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * rd05e30bc203b / (5 files in 3 dirs): Test case passed for Symbol and Cons.02:34
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r33e5ceb302ec / (schemepy/guile/ tests/ Python None should be mapped to Scheme eol ? Currently no.02:49
jmtanmithro: when i run it creates a configure file which points to the wrong directory for, otherwise everything else is fine02:55
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JLPgood morning everyone03:13
*** JLP changes topic to "Thousand Parsec - || Why not help out? - | || || IRC Logs at || tpserver-cpp release 0.5.0"03:14
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * rb673eb70a0bc /doc/log_book/todo/ (2 files): Added task for benchmark and pyscheme porting.03:15
CIA-29alklomion /tmp/pvNGfNnexJ/dMwgtdzS53-midp * rd9f67998cdcb /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ (6 files):03:20
CIA-29removed String.format and printf statements (replaced with midp compatible statements)03:20 is still very erroneous and some of the other erroneous classes extend java classes that do not exist in JavaME03:20
CIA-29via git-CVS emulator03:20
mithrojmtan: have a chat to llnz about that03:32
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mithroJLP: how did the topic change?03:41
JLPmithro: looks like tpb sets the previous one sometimes03:58
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r7239dfc63927 / (5 files in 4 dirs): Testcase for lambda passed.04:24
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r068dd4d1538d /doc/log_book/todo/05-08-refactor-fromscheme-move-from-scm-to-vm.txt: Added a task for refactoring the fromscheme method.04:24
* mithro watches pluskid put the other GSoC students to shame ;)04:25
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jmtanyeah, he is good :)04:42
llnzwell... it's early days yet04:58
llnzjmtan: wrong directory?05:00
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jmtanonly when running autogen.sh05:00
llnzoh? what exactly is wrong? what happens?05:01
jmtanit gives me this line in the configure script: LIBLTDL='${top_builddir}/'"${lt_ltdl_dir+$lt_ltdl_dir/}"05:02
jmtanafter which i run ./configure, and then the Makefile contains this line: LIBLTDL = ${top_builddir}//libltdlc.la05:03
jmtanwhich is incorrect because it should be LIBLTDL = ${top_builddir}/libltdl/libltdlc.la05:03
jmtanbut the version i download from the main site already has the configure file, so i don't have to run autogen05:05
jmtanthe one from the main site has this in it's configure file:   LIBLTDL='${top_builddir}/''libltdl'/libltdlc.la05:05
jmtanand produces a correct Makefile05:06
llnzam i missing something in to make sure it is set?05:07
jmtani'm not very sure, everything seems correct05:16
llnzok, i will keep an eye on it05:17
llnzit is supposed to do all that automatically05:18
jmtanalright, if you have anything you want me to try just let me know thanks05:19
llnzjmtan: which distro?05:20
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * reb147e7c0b6b /doc/log_book/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Finished the task of symbol conversion.05:38
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llnzhi peres06:24
peresllnz: konbanwa06:25
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* llnz wanders off09:13
llnzlater all09:13
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CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rf69f8854cbc7 /src/ ( tpclient-pyogre): Renable debug text09:40
CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rcf4d0e9703b3 / (src/ windows/system.layout): Trying out a layout for starmap09:40
CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r8327ef8af39b /src/tpclient-pyogre: Configure cegui to render over text overlays09:40
CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * ra1d16c765bb2 /src/ ( tpclient-pyogre): Specify server as command-line parameter09:40
CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r21cbfbdb8d6d /windows/system.layout: added window titles09:40
CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r0f9bab7248cd /src/ Toggle windows using the toolbar09:40
CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r84e3151b9b04 / (6 files in 2 dirs): Added in-game console, accessible using ~09:40
CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rdbf2c7fdff9a /src/ Set OIS mouse display area properly instead of hardcoded09:40
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JLPbddebian: ahoy10:08
bddebianHello JLP10:09
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mithrojmtan: great to see the commits10:49
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * rf382d9084ee1 /doc/log_book/todo/05-08-support-converting-a-python-callable-to-a-scheme-lambda.txt: Added task for converting a Python callable to Scheme lambda.10:52
Marcel-mithro: Is it possible to get git commits as RSS feed?10:54
Marcel-From all projects10:54
Marcel-not only one10:55
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* Marcel- has found a way10:58
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r1b205c5158de / (19 files in 8 dirs): Refactor: move 'fromscheme' and 'type' from SCM to VM.11:31
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r6b411b1c2cd6 / (schemepy/ tests/
CIA-29Changed Lambda wrapper to remember the VM it was created from.11:50
CIA-29This is only possible with 'fromscheme' a instance method of VM.11:50
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r6b1b3f841f00 /schemepy/guile/
CIA-29Make toscheme a instance method of VM (instead of a static method)11:50
CIA-29Just to keep it consist with the 'fromscheme' method currently, but11:50
CIA-29it might be required in the future (for converting a Python callable11:50
CIA-29to a Scheme lambda).11:50
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r5172d0123c36 / (3 files in 3 dirs): Test case for pyobject to Guile smob conversion created and passed.12:42
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * reb8e35f7456d / (schemepy/guile/ tests/ Added test case for python callable.13:05
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * rb8d003b5cb74 /doc/ (html/type-mapping.html src/type-mapping.rst): Converting from Python to Scheme no longer *always* deep conversion.13:10
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * rcd7e1ea34df6 /schemepy/guile/
CIA-29Refactor toscheme: move it from SCM static method to VM instance method.13:20
CIA-29SCM.toscm is still there but with only limited type support. This is for13:20
CIA-29internal use only. Because it is not always convenient/possible to get13:20
CIA-29a vm instance.13:20
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * re3c6ed48fee0 /schemepy/guile/ Added shallow support when converting from Python value to Scheme value.13:31
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CIA-29victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * rc4a91f7a59ed /TO-DO: Initial16:45
CIA-29victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r684551f35f8b / (COPYRIGHT README): some more text files16:45
CIA-29victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r436b6770236a /gencon/ ( some preliminary class stubs16:45
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llnzezod: you there?17:02
llnzhi all17:02
llnzIwanowitch: i know you are not ignoring me, I read the logs :-)17:03
Iwanowitchllnz: Okay, now you're just being creepy :P17:03
ezodllnz: here17:05
ezodllnz: but i may need to leave abruptly :\17:05
tpb<> (at
ezodllnz: very nice :)17:06
llnzi wrote that last night, will answer you email (which i just got) specifically shortly17:06
IwanowitchI feel like I'm hopelessly behind with everyone working so hard around me.17:07
ezodllnz: sounds good, thanks17:07
ezodIwanowitch: i've barely started... i defended my thesis monday, and i'm still working on my final draft *and* a paper this week17:10
* llnz has added gencon-rfts-ai to the sloc page17:32
* llnz wanders off to uni/work17:36
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bddebianHeya nash21:27
nashHow is life?21:28
bddebiannash: Oh, what other package was missing from Debian besides the e16 stuff?21:28
nashbddebian: e17 stuff.  I'm pretty sure everything is in experimental these days21:28
nashneeds talloc, evas, ecore, eet, edje21:29
bddebianI'm not running experimental.. ;-P21:29
nashAre you running unstable?21:30
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nashThen you can add experiemental sources lists without problem... just put it at priority 1, and you'll only get experimental if it's not in unstable, and since experimental requires unstable anyway, it's all fine21:32
mithromorning people21:33
nashheyo mithro21:33
bddebiannash: Experimental frightens me :)21:34
nashbddebian: Thats why you only install the things you need.21:34
CIA-29noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * r70bda677143f /windows/ (main/ xrc/panelMessage.xrc): Improved FilterManagerControl code - now uses XRC for button.21:35
mithrogreywhind: ping?21:40
greywhindmithro: pong21:40
mithrofilter button looks much better :)21:40
greywhindmithro: k good :)21:40
mithrohave you should positioning the filter pop-up so that it covers just the message window?21:40
mithros/should/looked at/21:41
greywhindmithro: no, but i can if you'd like21:41
mithroi think it might look better?21:41
greywhindmithro: does it grow too large at the moment?21:42
mithroit's placement seems a bit weird21:42
greywhindmithro: oh, sorry, didn't notice the respnose21:52
greywhindmithro: what about its placement seems odd?21:52
mithroit doesn't seem to fit with the reset of the UI21:55
mithroit pops up over the button21:56
mithrorather then above/below it (in the Y coord)21:56
greywhindmithro: errr.... not on mac21:56
greywhindmithro: on mac, it pops up below the button21:57
mithrocheck it out on Ubuntu then21:57
greywhindmithro: will do21:57
tpb<> (at
greywhindmithro: oh - i bet it's getting pushed up by the bottom of the screen21:57
mithroit could be an off the botton problem21:57
mithroand the thing is not been expanded to the whole grey box21:58
mithroI think the positioning would be better if it replaced the message box?21:58
greywhindmithro: i'll work on it21:58
greywhindmithro: probably tomorrow21:58
mithrookay col21:59
mithrostill not email about the evaluation21:59
greywhindmithro: oh right21:59
greywhindlet me do that now21:59
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* llnz ponders22:48
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