Tuesday, 2008-04-08

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mithrocompile tpcl to javascript and then run it right in the browser00:01
mithroalso interesting http://www-sop.inria.fr/mimosa/fp/Bigloo/00:02
tpbTitle: Bigloo homepage (at www-sop.inria.fr)00:02
llnzhehe, cool00:02
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* llnz wanders home01:05
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mithroAlklomion: having any luck?02:11
Alklomionlots :)02:11
Alklomioni'm doind the analysis document02:11
mithroAlklomion: that sounds promising? :P02:11
Alklomionthe class i'm dreading the most has over 100 compilation errors in it02:12
Alklomionthe rest tend to have between 0 and 2002:12
mithroAlklomion: want to forward me the log?02:12
Alklomiondo you have the link for that pdf creator program you sent me in an e-mail? i've lost the email02:15
Alklomionno matter, i found it02:15
mithrogoogle "pdf creator" :)02:15
mithroalthough plain text would be preferred :P02:20
mithro(of the compile log problems)02:20
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Alklomionmithro: you've got mail02:27
mithroAlklomion: thanks02:31
mithrojust a quick look over the document - I think you should split out the various libraries that can not be found and see if you can find MIDP or replacement implimentations02:32
mithroAlklomion: could you also start new email threads instead of always replying to the previous ones02:34
Alklomionsure, sorry02:35
AlklomionYeah, a lot of the collection stuff, such as array lists, lists and such may need to  be converted to Vectors02:38
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mithroAlklomion: yes possibly, I link Lists and ArrayLists are generics stuff?02:53
Alklomioni believe so02:54
Alklomiontype safety on vectors or something along that line02:55
Alklomionanyway, catch you later03:24
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llnzhi all03:58
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JLPahoy all04:19
llnzhi JLP04:20
JLPlet's see what's the situation with applications04:22
JLP12 slots?04:27
JLPoh i see this is just a request, nothing definite from google yet04:28
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* llnz will have to have a day when he does nothing but add navigation links and categories to the wiki05:16
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accAgonllnz: Hi, I answered your email.05:38
llnzhi accAgon05:38
llnzi will read in a minute05:38
accAgonCurrently I'm trying to play my first game in tp :D05:39
llnzwell... looks like the autoconf test isn't working05:49
llnzdid you see my question about the version of gnutls (libgntls)?05:50
accAgonyeah, hm oh sorry, wait I will take a look at it05:51
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accAgongnutls is not build -.- , I will try to get gnutls working05:58
llnzyou don't need gnutls06:02
llnzpass --without-libgnutls to configure to prevent it being used06:03
accAgonbut better with gnutls or?06:03
llnzwelll, i would like to know why it failed on mandriva with gnutls06:04
accAgonMandriva: installing libgnutls11-1.0.25-2mdk06:07
accAgonopenSuse: installing gnutls-1.4.4-1706:07
accAgonmaybe because of this?06:07
accAgonMandriva: installing gnutls-1.0.25-2mdk06:07
llnzhummm.... my local debian say libgnutls26   2.2.2-106:09
accAgonWhich version do I need?06:13
llnzaccAgon: from the test in tpserver-cpp, it needs to be at least 1.2.1006:15
llnzi'll fix the test in libtpproto-cpp in git in a moment06:16
accAgonhm, in mandriva libgnutls is installed but in opensuse libgnutls is not installed only gnutls06:19
accAgonI will change the dependencys for libtpproto-cpp that it requires libgnutls, too06:21
CIA-28llnz libtpproto-cpp * re9a4d7445ad0 / (configure.ac tpproto/Makefile.am):06:24
CIA-28Updated libgnutls test.06:24
CIA-28Borrowed from tpserver-cpp.06:24
llnzyou should be able to grab that change (patch) and apply it to the release06:33
accAgonWhat did you fix?06:34
llnztest for libgnutls to test for 1.2.10 or later06:34
accAgonbtw: this are the installed libs in /usr/lib64: libgnutls-extra.so libgnutls-extra.so.26 libgnutls-extra.so.26.1.2 libgnutls-openssl.so libgnutls-openssl.so.26 libgnutls openssl.so.26.1.2 libgnutls.so libgnutls.so.26 libgnutls.so.26.1.2 libgnutlsxx.so libgnutlsxx.so.26 libgnutlsxx.so.26.1.206:34
accAgonHow can I get this patch?06:35
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1mwM> (at www.thousandparsec.net)06:37
llnzthere is an link labled "URL: ", download that and patch06:38
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JLPahoy mithro06:56
mithrohi battousai1373 - you new here?06:57
battousai1373yeah, I applied to GSoC today.06:57
battousai1373I was in here earlier, but from what I understand most of you were at work.06:57
mithrobattousai1373: better late then never! :P06:57
* mithro is in Australia and llnz is in New Zealand06:58
battousai1373That's what I figure.06:58
battousai1373I'm in the US.06:58
llnzhi battousai137306:58
battousai1373hey llnz06:58
mithro~seen greywhind06:59
tpbmithro: greywhind was last seen in #tp 1 day, 12 hours, 16 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: <greywhind> AlexEvt: he's on almost every day between 7:00 PM EST and 3:00 AM EST (approximately, sometimes later)06:59
battousai1373llnz: You were Tyler Shaub's mentor last year, correct?06:59
battousai1373ah ok06:59
battousai1373He's mentioned you quite a few times.07:00
battousai1373good things, I promise :)07:00
llnzhehehe, cool07:01
mithroahh - your the other Digipen guy?07:01
battousai1373I'm in my third year, hence the late app...They're trying to kill us, I think.07:02
battousai1373so far unsuccessfully07:02
mithrohe he07:06
battousai1373So how's tp doing for slots? I heard you were trying to get some more.07:07
JLPbattousai1373: we don't know yet, we all think we should get at least 507:11
JLPbattousai1373: just started reading your application07:17
battousai1373all right, cool07:22
mithrobattousai1373: but we have no control over that07:22
battousai1373Last year, I was bzflag's #5 before the reorg. They lost their 5th slot, so I know how that goes.07:23
mithrobattousai1373: damn that sucks :/07:32
battousai1373It was pretty disappointing, and I wound up working in Sears hardware.07:32
battousai1373but I also randomly met another DigiPen student there, and he's cool as hell, so it wasn't all bad.07:33
battousai1373He was looking for a game team, so I sent him Tyler's way. It's worked out well.07:34
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llnzhi AquaFox07:54
llnzbattousai1373: hehe, people make a big difference07:54
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battousai1373llnz: yeah, they really do. Unfortunately, a good portion of the development community, at least at DigiPen, is socially retarded.07:57
battousai1373I don't even know what "weird" is anymore. :)07:58
llnzdon't worry, neither does anyone else08:09
battousai1373That's comforting(?)08:15
llnzdepends on how you look at it08:15
battousai1373I really don't mind. It's at least mildly amusing at times.08:16
battousai1373doesn't really affect me otherwise08:17
battousai1373but, oh the stories I could tell...08:17
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JLPahoy jmtan08:23
jmtanhi there08:23
jmtanjlp, do you have experience with python? i'm trying to get an application working with py2exe08:25
jmtanit's for thousand parsec08:25
JLPjmtan: nope, just know some basics, mithro can help you with this08:26
mithrojmtan: heyo!08:26
jmtanhi mithro, hope that this is not a bad time08:27
mithrothinking about bed possibly08:27
jmtani have some quick questions about packaging py2exe?08:27
jmtanwhat sort of problems did you encounter with the pywx client?08:28
jmtanfor packaging08:28
mithroit's a very tricky thing to get right08:28
jmtani know for a fact that not all the necessary dlls will be copied over08:28
mithrojmtan: btw have you decided to use a revision control system?08:29
jmtanbut without any error log it's hard to track down issues08:29
jmtanyeah actually i was using mercurial previously08:29
mithrojmtan: yeah - it's very frustating08:29
jmtanmithro: i'm going to switch over to git and try it out soon08:29
jmtanmithro: how do you track down errors with py2exe?08:30
mithrojmtan: okay - if you have been using mercurial then you shouldn't have many problems with git08:30
jmtanmithro: also we use svn at our school, which is quite good also08:30
mithrojmtan: can I clone your repository from somewhere? I have mercurial locally08:30
mithrojmtan: it's a little bit of black magic08:31
jmtanmithro: hosting is kind of a problem for me :) i'll have to see what i can do08:31
mithrojmtan: want to just send me a tarball then?08:31
jmtanmithro: sure, i will find your email and send it over08:32
mithrobrb phone08:34
mithrojmtan: where are you getting python-ogre? http://python-ogre.org/ ?08:35
tpbTitle: Python-Ogre (at python-ogre.org)08:35
jmtanmithro: yes, i use their 1.2 RC for windows version to compile the exe, but usually develop with linux08:37
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mithrojmtan: hold on I'll fire up my windows box08:38
JLPahoy andrei and karol08:39
karolhi all08:39
jmtanhi karol08:39
andreiJLP, Hello08:40
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mithrojmtan: downloading python-ogre for windows now08:46
mithrojmtan: going to take 10 minutes08:47
jmtanmithro: okay, brb08:47
jmtanmithro: sent you the email08:48
mithroyeah got it08:48
jmtanmithro: back, how is it? sorry to disturb your bedtime09:00
mithrookay the demos seem to work09:00
mithroabout to run your code09:00
jmtanyou need to change the lines in plugin.cfg09:00
mithroopps don't have numarray09:01
mithrodoes python-ogre require numarray? most things have moved on to Numpy/scipy09:02
jmtanno.. it's a carryover from the old pyogre client, sorry09:02
jmtani'll remove it09:03
mithrowow, managed to segfault it :P09:03
jmtanoh no09:04
jmtanare you running xp?09:04
jmtanme too09:05
mithroI get an error on line 122 of tpclient-pyogre09:05
mithroahh - had to enable the opengl plugin?09:06
jmtanso you just run and it crashes?09:06
mithroit seems to be working now09:06
mithrojust waiting while it downloads demo109:07
jmtanit also runs for linux, but i can't test it in macosx09:09
jmtanpython-ogre is supposed to support it though09:09
mithroI can see the stars09:10
jmtansorry i didn't add actual features, just wanted to get it running :)09:10
jmtanat least it's updated to python-ogre09:10
mithrojmtan: nah - getting it running is the first step09:10
mithrojmtan: so where is your setup.py?09:10
mithroyou need a setup.py to build a py2exe executable09:11
mithropy2exe is a disutils extension09:11
jmtanoh, i use a batch file for that09:12
jmtanit's worked for me so far09:12
jmtanhold on i'll get the wiki link09:12
mithrosetup.py lets you also packaged for mac and linux09:12
mithro(given some very frustrating tweaks)09:13
tpbTitle: WinBatch - py2exe.org (at www.py2exe.org)09:13
mithrothat is a rather interesting way to do it :P09:13
jmtani'll have to look into using setup.py09:14
jmtanbut the method should be the same09:14
jmtanfor windows at least09:14
mithroyes that is true09:15
mithrohrm git for tpclient-pywx is borked09:15
mithrodoes this page look okay to you? - http://git.thousandparsec.net/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=tpclient-pywx.git;a=summary09:16
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1mzT> (at git.thousandparsec.net)09:16
jmtanit's the same as any other page09:17
mithrohrm - epiphany is having a fit :/09:17
jmtanfirefox3 is good :)09:17
mithroit doesn't like the & for some reason09:17
mithrodunno - maybe something went wrong because I didn't restart epiphany after upgrading xulrunner09:18
mithrojmtan: http://git.thousandparsec.net/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=tpclient-pywx.git;a=blob;f=setup.py;h=bb3ed8a76a172faee5f0a63e670e8a93d3c73ac4;hb=HEAD09:19
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1mzZ> (at git.thousandparsec.net)09:19
mithrothat it the current setup.py for tpclient-pywx :/09:19
mithroso how does py2exe fail?09:20
mithroor does the resulting executable fail?09:20
jmtanyeah the exe fails09:20
mithroit's probably not finding it's requirements09:20
jmtanbut it doesn't crash or anything09:20
mithrois there a *.log file in the directory?09:20
mithrohrm py2exe by default directs the output to the *.log09:21
mithrohave you tried running it from the console?09:21
jmtanthe console just shows the prompt again09:21
jmtani'm sure you're right, there must be some dll i didn't copy in09:22
jmtani can send you my batch or the binary if you want09:23
mithroactually I don't think it's a dll problem09:25
mithrothat would pop-up with a dialog box saying that it can't open a given dll09:25
mithroI think python is failing fairly early09:26
mithroI would recommend using setup.py09:26
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mithroit makes it easier to control the py2exe options09:26
jmtanyup, i didn't notice setup.py until now... too used to the old method09:27
mithrojmtan: well I need to head to bed09:29
mithroif you havn't figured it out by the weekend I'll have another crack at it09:29
jmtanalright, good night09:29
mithrojmtan: I'm often around during the day if you want to chat about various thing09:29
mithro(but I'll be at work so can't do any testing)09:30
jmtansure, i'll be studying for exams but i might drop by anyway :)09:30
mithroprocrastination is why I think tpclient-pyogre was written in the first place ;)09:40
* llnz wanders off09:56
llnzlater all09:56
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* karol plays volley10:55
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CIA-28jezuch documents * r8f9dc3110539 /protocol/protocol3.xml: Remove ObjectParameters from protocol3.xml as they are unused (at least not as parameters) in TP03.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * rbac6450ef5b6 /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol3.xml): Remore <descstruct> elements in protocol3.xml where they are empty and tweak DTD to allow it to not exist.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * rdc921811899b /protocol/protocol.xml: Update protocol.xml too.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r74a178422fc7 /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Turn useparameters and descparameter into a property just like others - with a name, longname and optional description.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r2ea2e15a2281 /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Add a @typefield attribute to useparameters and descparameter that points to a field of the enveloping structure holding the id of parameter type or indirect parameter set type (as in {Order,Object}Desc; this is TBD).11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * rabf150121f96 /protocol/protocol.xml: Restore descstruct elements in ObjectParams parameterset in protocol.xml, because if there's for one parameter, there should be for all (that's polymorphism :)).11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r4919004d8385 /protocol/protocol3.xml: Reintroduce ObjectParams into protocol3.xml as a parameterset describing TP03 objects in terms of "direct" object parameters.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r76cfd76e9fb9 /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Define and use the syntax of magical useparameters@typefield attribute.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * rf7f6e9771d8f /protocol/protocol3.xml: Re-remove descstruct elements from object definitions in protocol3.xml.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r7960ed6c9d83 /protocol/protocol.xml: That document describes TP04+ :)11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * rf9d23904a7c1 /protocol/ (protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Some cleanups from indent police and for property names.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r74bd66b01b58 /protocol/protocol.xml: Rename a property named "int" to "intvalue", because generated code doesn't like it ;)11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r12a9a1c15709 /protocol/protocol.dtd: Forgot that dot has a special meaning in regexps ;)11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r761b30f7f080 /protocol/protocol.xml: Remove descparameter for OrderParams in protocol.xml, as there are none for orders.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r63309d284022 /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol.xml protocol3.xml): XML-ifise the "typefield" descriptors. No need for special description laguage, but parsing that will be much, much more difficult.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r4de687ff41f8 /protocol/protocol.dtd: Fixed one typo and one wrong attribute datatype.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r07f73a9d3c4b /protocol/protocol3.xml: Remove ObjectParameters from protocol3.xml as they are unused (at least not as parameters) in TP03.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r9ee640ea5183 /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol3.xml): Remore <descstruct> elements in protocol3.xml where they are empty and tweak DTD to allow it to not exist.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * rc2d67d9e88bf /protocol/protocol.xml: Update protocol.xml too.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * rff695ecf33ba /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Turn useparameters and descparameter into a property just like others - with a name, longname and optional description.11:50
CIA-28jezuch documents * r230bc257da07 /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Add a @typefield attribute to useparameters and descparameter that points to a field of the enveloping structure holding the id of parameter type or indirect parameter set type (as in {Order,Object}Desc; this is TBD).11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * rab17699addb6 /protocol/protocol.xml: Restore descstruct elements in ObjectParams parameterset in protocol.xml, because if there's for one parameter, there should be for all (that's polymorphism :)).11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * r332c496f04c3 /protocol/protocol3.xml: Reintroduce ObjectParams into protocol3.xml as a parameterset describing TP03 objects in terms of "direct" object parameters.11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * r24a80e9ed515 /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Define and use the syntax of magical useparameters@typefield attribute.11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * r0f6d20a33a8c /protocol/protocol3.xml: Re-remove descstruct elements from object definitions in protocol3.xml.11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * r0683193b41cb /protocol/ (protocol.xml protocol3.xml): Some cleanups from indent police and for property names.11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * rffd6c218b787 /protocol/protocol.xml: Rename a property named "int" to "intvalue", because generated code doesn't like it ;)11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * r8df294fb2227 /protocol/protocol.dtd: Forgot that dot has a special meaning in regexps ;)11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * r01571e12f86b /protocol/protocol.xml: Remove descparameter for OrderParams in protocol.xml, as there are none for orders.11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * rd72673bed1c0 /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol.xml protocol3.xml): XML-ifise the "typefield" descriptors. No need for special description laguage, but parsing that will be much, much more difficult.11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * r05cc4523a1dc /protocol/protocol.dtd: Fixed one typo and one wrong attribute datatype.11:51
CIA-28jezuch documents * r5d703dd9c0f3 /protocol/ (protocol.dtd protocol.xml protocol3.xml):11:51
CIA-28Merge branch 'experimental-xml'11:51
CIA-28 protocol/protocol.xml [caused by formatting cleanups]11:51
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * racb6158f865c / (40 files in 6 dirs): Massive patch implementing a support for useparameters, along with some related and unrelated cleanups (sorry). Definitely looks like a field after battle. This needs to be tested yet! :)11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r0b681b176cf4 /src-generator/net/thousandparsec/netlib/generator/UseparametersTypeField.java: Forgot that dot has a special meaning in regexps ;)11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r5a56f743d961 / (4 files in 2 dirs): Make the ordering of groups in generated Visitor class deterministic (sorted by group name); and run the generator with Java 1.6, which doesn't split text nodes while parsing XML.11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r82561aed6125 /src-test/net/thousandparsec/netlib/test/TestOrderParams.java: Widen search for existing orders in TestOrderParams (it still looks like somethig is wrong, because it doesn't work for fleets either ;))11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r0d4cd852f87c / (9 files in 2 dirs):11:52
CIA-28Add support for descstruct to generator. Description structures are generated as11:52
CIA-28a nested subclasses of <parametersetname>Desc class, so it may conflict with a11:52
CIA-28similarily named frame [and, as a result, fix wrongly generated comments in11:52
CIA-28TP03's OrderParams class].11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r6d5714c5ed21 /src-generator/net/thousandparsec/netlib/generator/ (4 files): Add support for descparameter to generator and fix some ommissions required by this.11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r29abe3af0e5a /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/Frame.java: Fix deserialisation and magic check of frame header in TP04 mode.11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r07d1573f2be3 /build.xml: Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://[email protected]/git/libtpproto-java into experimental11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * rb2f769147bf3 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/PipelinedConnection.java: Don't catch all exceptions in PipelinedConnection's receiver - most errors are already caught in the low-level Connection itself.11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r355a044f706c /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/DefaultConnectionListener.java: Make DefaultConnectionListener more flexible - add three flags to print sent frames and/or received frames and/or errors. By default all three are set.11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r9a187eab204f /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/DefaultConnectionListener.java: Even more flexibility in DefaultConnectionListener: differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous incoming frames.11:52
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r9cc9b9a678be /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/PipelinedConnection.java:11:53
CIA-28Improve exception handling in PipelinedConnection. Distinguish between protocol errors and I/O errors - the latter are final while the former leave a chance that the connection can continue.11:53
CIA-28As a bonus, close the connection when the receiver quits.11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * rdacf6e344c77 /build.xml: Compile with debugging information.11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r6fe3144eeec0 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/PipelinedConnection.java:11:53
CIA-28Use correct close() method and try to avoid deadlock when the receiver task is exiting (not tested!) (but rare, I hope for some unlucky guinea pig to hit this ;))11:53
CIA-28And in the process remove InterruptedException from throws clause of PipelinedConnection.close().11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r21ac29101c72 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/PipelinedConnection.java: The receiver task's ExecutorService does not need to be stroed in an instance field.11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r5bf6739281f9 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/PipelinedConnection.java: final frenzy!11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * rdc5b79d7113c /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/PipelinedConnection.java: Barf if the PipelinedConnection's pipeline is closed and someone tries to use it.11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r3c3783718f1f / (5 files in 2 dirs): Publicise parameters' types (ids) in public static final ints of classes representing them.11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r1ecdc833352b /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ (FinishedTurn.java TP03Decoder.java TP03Visitor.java): Regenerate tp03 files from slightly updated protocol3.xml with FinishedTurn frame copied from tp04 ("tp03+" protocol).11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r08a886fa789c /src-generator/net/thousandparsec/netlib/generator/ (4 files): Propoagate UseparametersTypeField type upwards and don't try to get useparameters@typefield attribute (which does not exist on this branch).11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r2bbf44f0a082 /src-generator/net/thousandparsec/netlib/generator/UseparametersTypeField.java: Simplify UseparametersTypeField extensively to not parse the description itself but just accept pre-prepared values.11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * rf8f04fb482b1 /src-generator/net/thousandparsec/netlib/generator/ (StructureHandler.java UseparametersHandler.java): Implement UseparametersHandler.11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * rea3627abe4f5 /src-generator/net/thousandparsec/netlib/generator/PropertyHandler.java: Fix supposedly a typo in error message ("without an unknown type"?...)11:53
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * ra132aa506659 /src-generator/net/thousandparsec/netlib/generator/ (3 files): Complete and fix useparameters handling on experimental-xml branch.11:54
CIA-28jezuch libtpproto-java * r1d93e4591aec /src-generator/net/thousandparsec/netlib/generator/PropertyHandler.java: Fix supposedly a typo in error message ("without an unknown type"?...)11:54
CIA-28(10 lines omitted)11:54
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jmtanhi epyon12:14
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AlexEvthi folks!16:52
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mithromorning people19:31
mithronash: hows life?19:43
nashit's okay19:48
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llnzhi all20:03
nashheyo llnz20:07
llnzhi nash20:07
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mithrohey greywhind20:32
greywhindmithro: hey.20:32
* bddebian must be in the doghouse20:46
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bddebianHello JLafont20:53
greywhindmithro: do you think you could give me some direction? i'm not sure what to do.20:53
mithrogreywhind: okay20:53
mithrogreywhind: so where are we at?20:54
greywhindmithro: well, the last thing i submitted was the code cleanup in Resource.py20:54
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greywhindif there are any remaining problems with it, or there's another file I need to fix stylistically, I can do that.20:55
mithrogreywhind: so basically we have 2 months left right?20:55
greywhindmithro: about 1.5 actually, as far as the official internship goes20:55
mithroso what do you want to have at the end of that?20:57
greywhindmithro: well, i think it would be nice to have at least one more interesting feature to talk about in my last quarter summary. if the next version release happens to coincide, that would be fairly nice as well.20:58
mithroso what do you think that interesting feature should be?21:02
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greywhindmithro: good question. that's what I need your help with.21:02
mithrogreywhind: well, what do you think it should be?21:07
greywhindmithro: i really don't know... some of those help popups you want to build in, perhaps, or another overlay if i have time21:08
greywhindor something else, if you have any ideas21:08
mithromaybe message filtering?21:08
greywhindmithro: like searching through your messages for keywords and such?21:09
mithroyeah - and the ability to click "filter" and any message which is similar is no longer displayed21:09
greywhindmithro: that sounds good21:10
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bddebianWhat, am I in trouble because I said Java was Satan? :-(21:18
* nash_ waves at bddebian _because_ he said java was satan21:22
greywhindmithro: so... for filtering. do you want it to be something that is saved, then have a pref window where you can remove filters? or do you want it to be more like, "at the moment, I want to search for _____ and ignore ______"21:22
bddebianHeh, hi nash_21:23
mithrogreywhind: did you end up playing stars! at all?21:23
greywhindmithro: no, i haven't.21:23
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mithrogreywhind: sorry, got called into a meeting23:11
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