Thursday, 2008-03-27

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mithrollnz: he he00:06
mithrowow, we have 28 people in here00:06
mithroI think that is a record00:06
midorikidStanding room only.00:07
JLPmithro: 31 was the highest00:07
mithroJLP: you keeping track?00:07
JLPmithro: yeah, i keep an eye on it :)00:07
JLPunless something is going on when I sleep :)00:07
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* JLafont shouldn't mention the 50+ people parties we have here when JLP goes to sleep.00:13
* JLP hopes all these people didn't party too much and will not forget to submit applications :)00:16
Epyonmithro, have you looked at my app?00:17
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Epyonnash, you're back :D00:18
mithroEpyon: sorry, have not had time00:18
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mithrogot to actually do the work I get paid for00:18
Epyonmithro, no worries :)00:18
mithroJLP: ping?00:19
JLPmithro: pong00:19
mithrooh wait00:19
mithroyou heading to bed soon?00:20
JLPmithro: should be, 5:24 here00:20
mithroJLP: the orders problem is cause by RFTS not resetting the modified value on your objects00:20
mithroso tpclient doesn't redownload them00:21
mithroand hence the order types don't change00:21
nashEpyon: Yes, but don't tell anyone ;-)00:21
JLPmithro: oh, makes sense ye00:21
Epyonnash, I submitted an enchanced EliteSec proposal :>00:22
nashHeh - cool00:22
nashEpyon: You could resubmit last years proposal too ;-)00:22
EpyonThe procedural design one?00:23
Epyonstarship design*00:23
nashalthough elite sec could be cool - is it on the wiki?00:24
EpyonNope I submitted it directly to the app00:24
EpyonI can upload it to the wiki if you want thou'00:25
nashYeah, I'll read it after vil985's one00:25
EpyonAf for the other one -- no way! That stuff is scary :P. I did procedural cities and now I see that procedural starships would be scary as hell :P00:25
nashheh - okay00:26
mithroI wonder if you could "grow" space ships kind of like procedual trees00:26
mithrowith a kind of genetic/neural net feedback loop based on a "hot or not" like web app00:27
EpyonYou can. The catch only is you need solid boolean geometry for that00:27
CIA-13noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * r98e4dff39d60 /windows/main/ (overlays/ Removed commented-out code from Resource overlay and IdleFinder window.00:28
tpb<> (at
EpyonI wikified it a little too00:32
nashEpyon: It's on the list of things to read, hopefully today00:32
EpyonAs for me, it's time for a beer :D00:32
EpyonIf I'm still on the channel when you read it, please comment on it :)00:32
brennan_With this new version of my proposal, should i make a note of where i made changes?00:32
brennan_i know that was a wierd question00:33
mithrobrennan_: that would be helpful00:33
mithroof course if you are using the wiki you get that free with the history page :)00:33
Epyonbrennan_, no it's not -- actually better note it -- no one wants to read a whole proposal if only a few lines changed :)00:33
brennan_there is a wiki? or do you mean the TP wiki?00:34
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Wiki - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
brennan_Epyon: i figured that it would be, i just wanted to make sure it wouldnt look tacky00:35
Epyonmithro, is the other 3d engine proposal online?00:35
mithronot sure00:35
JLPi've seen that at wesnoth all the proposals are on the wiki00:36
EpyonJLP, I noticed your comment on one of the other apps -- is Game Programming experience that important?00:37
JLPEpyon: i'm just helping the peple to mention everything they can that would be a plus, this is just one of those00:39
* Epyon wonders if he mentioned everything00:39
EpyonJLP, should I like mention ... everything ... related?00:40
nashbrennan_: Put a note that makes it clear it has updated - a revisions sections, and let the wiki take care of it00:40
JLPit would then be great if students would go around on forums and other public places with coments and think the same, did i mention this...00:40
JLPprobably we should compile a list of the most frequent comments in one place00:41
EpyonJLP, it's just that it's quite hard to decide what you'd consider revelant, and what would just be boasting00:43
mithroJLafont: ping? How goes your python-ogre application?00:44
mithro~seen JLafont00:45
tpbmithro: JLafont was last seen in #tp 31 minutes and 54 seconds ago: * JLafont shouldn't mention the 50+ people parties we have here when JLP goes to sleep.00:45
JLafontmithro: pong00:45
JLafontmithro: Just have to do timeline and milestones and i'll be done00:45
mithroJLafont: oh the other thing - I'm still not 100% happy with your milestones in your AI app00:45
mithroI think you need to say things like00:46
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mithro"The AI will connect to a server and issue move orders to it's scouts"00:46
JLafontI'll be more specific00:46
mithronot what the AI "can" do, what the AI "will do"00:47
mithro(or the user of the AI)00:47
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mithroThe AI will be able to set the behaviour to "aggressive" which will cause the AI to actively seek out and destroy enemy colonies00:48
mithros/The AI/The user/00:48
brennan_okies, i setup my wiki page with my application
mithroIE It's the difference between "tpclient-pywx can support 3d coordinates" to "tpclient-pywx will display objects in a 3d starmap"00:49
tpb<> (at
brennan_i havent updated it yet from last night though, im working on that right now00:50
mithrobrennan_: my comments about timeline still apply00:50
mithrobrennan_: okay00:50
brennan_i know00:50
brennan_im working on it right now00:50
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mithrowb andrei00:55
mithrobrennan_: good good00:55
andreimithro, Hey00:55
andreimithro, Never buy a gateway laptop (it's why I log on and off of IRC, they overheat)00:56
mithrocan you get gateway in Australia?00:56
andreiNot at the moment, they have some sort of really confusing deal with Asus or soemthing of the sort preventing them from temporarely selling things outside of the US00:56
JLafontNever buy a Tangent, they charge you $1,000 to replace an LCD on a 4 year old laptop.00:56
andreiEven the gateway people were confused by what was going on..00:57
mithrohave to run a erran will be back in 30 minutes00:57
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llnzhi Arc01:02
EpyonFor 1000$ you can buy a pretty decent new laptop here O.o01:04
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CIA-13noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * r12275a1b8a96 /windows/main/ Cleaned up and commented code in winIdleFinder.py01:10
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llnzhi Nuleren01:53
NulerenI just sent in my app a little bit ago01:54
llnzhehe, add your irc nick to your application  :-)01:55
Nulerenits at the bottom =P01:55
NulerenI can move it up to the top though01:55
llnzah, hadn't got that far yet01:55
llnznope, its fine01:55
Nulerenmy app ended up being a lot longer than I intended...01:56
NulerenI tried to include all the rules for the ruleset, but there was no way it would fit in the 7500 char limit01:57
EpyonNuleren, don't worry, all my apps are around the 10k limit :P01:57
EpyonThe malicious could say I talk too much and do too little ^^01:57
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NulerenI think my unabridged version hit about 15k ;)01:58
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EpyonNuleren, what did you apply for?01:58
EpyonNuleren, if I hadn't had the limit in mind I'd probably hit 20k :P01:58
EpyonOr more D:01:58
NulerenEpyon: I'm applying to make a ruleset clone that's also a game that should take about an hour to play01:59
NulerenEpyon: Its a modified version of the board game Tigris and Euphrates02:00
EpyonSpaceTigris and NebulaEuphrates? :P02:00
NulerenI was thinking "The Fertile Parsec"02:01
EpyonI like my name -- short and cool -- EliteSec :P02:01
* Epyon opens up today's last beer02:02
midorikidLee, I've created a wiki page for my GSoC proposal.  It's for a protocol compliance test suite.  Do you think you could take a look since that's right down your lane?02:03
tpb<> (at
llnzmidorikid: sure02:04
midorikidGreat, thanks!02:04
llnzNuleren: typo in your pdf, page 3: "Player 3 wins", should be player 2, afaict02:07
llnz(section 3.4)02:07
Nulerenahh thanks02:07
JLafont3D client proposal done!02:09
JLafontI sent it to the mailing list for judging and butchering02:10
JLafontWell, hopefully it is not that bad02:14
* llnz stops reading for a minute to go fix dinner02:18
JLafont... now I'm hungry02:18
mithrowow, that took way longer then expected02:31
JLafontmeetings have a way of doing that02:37
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Nulerentime for me to get some sleep... goodnight all02:44
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* llnz is back02:45
llnzmidorikid: good proposal02:51
llnzdates are better than what week02:51
EpyonI never understood that date stuff :/02:52
EpyonDates are for major milestones. Any more specific you get the more chaos ensures.02:52
EpyonNot that I have anything against chaos :P02:53
Arcthe Vorlons do, and theirs is the only opinion that counts in that matter02:53
EpyonVorlons O.o02:53
EpyonWTF are Vorlons? o.O02:53
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Arcnot a B5 fan, I see.02:54
EpyonNope, I don't do coke xP02:54
llnzand i'm still a little confused as to what exactly you are going to test02:54
EpyonDidn't y'know? There's always something to test!02:55
midorikidHi, I'm back.02:55
Epyonmidorikid-san, llnz read your proposal, apparently you're more lucky than me :P02:55
midorikidllnz: Thanks!  Specifically I'm testing the serialization and deserialization for the cpp server and client libraries.02:56
llnzEpyon: your's are on my todo list02:56
midorikidThere's a little more to it, though.02:56
llnzmidorikid: so testing the protocol stream?02:56
Epyonllnz, I imagine those got quite big :]02:56
llnzEpyon: you have no idea02:57
llnzmany of the proposals are enormous02:57
llnzEpyon: in fact i've had you two open since they were posted, just so much happening02:57
llnzand having to work02:57
llnz(which is over now)02:58
JLafontWho are you? What do you want?02:58
midorikidMoslty the lower level stream, but I also want to have tests for higher level things like making sure a server responds with the correct error frame when sent a bad request, for example.02:58
Epyonllnz, I'm just counting that a true man can tell that it's not size that matters xP02:58
llnzEpyon: i did have a quick read of EliteSec, and am very interested02:58
llnzmidorikid: ah, cool02:59
Epyonllnz, that's cool, cause so am I :D02:59
* Epyon hopes TP will get 5 slots this year.02:59
* llnz hopes for 10!02:59
midorikidOr more!02:59
Epyonllnz, I'm a realist :)03:00
EpyonLast year we were hoping for 5 and got 3.03:00
EpyonI hope this year it will be 5.03:00
* Epyon wonders if there's a correlation between the amount of apps and the amount of slots gained.03:01
JLafontArc, The Shadow ships were much cooler than the Vorlon's pseudo living ones03:01
JLafontEpyon: There is a post where they mention something about it03:01
Arcand both shipes could be done much better with desktop 3d cards03:02
Arc^ modern03:02
EpyonIf so, I could reapply my proposal from last year for count's sake03:02
JLafontI'm kinda sad they cancelled that show, I even liked the spin-off03:04
* Epyon is furious they canceled Firefly03:04
JLafontEpyon, well... its Fox.. thats what they do03:05
llnzsame here Epyon, firefly rocked03:05
JLafontOMG this show has good ratings!! Lets cancel is and add more Simpsons and reality TV!03:05
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midorikidI didn't start watching Firefly until it had already been canceled, but I still wanted more.  :(03:06
EpyonWell, it's because they're not Japanese -_-. They couldn't see a good show even if it hit them in the face with a sledgehammer -_-03:06
llnzmidorikid: watched serenity?03:06
midorikidYeah, that's what prompted me to watch the series.  haha  Out of order.03:07
JLafontThey cancelled... lets see.. Tidus, Arrested Development03:07
JLafontFamily Guiy03:07
Epyon"Canceled" is the best rating FOX can give for me to watch a show xP03:07
midorikidFuturama :(03:08
llnzthere is a list on wikipedia the for popular shows the fox canceled03:08
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JLafontI'm kinda sad, Fox has a decent new show out and I'm worried it'll get cancelled :(03:09
llnzEpyon: feedback here? pm? email? webapp?03:10
brennan_okies, updated my application on the wiki.
tpb<> (at
brennan_ugh, its 330am here, i should get some sleep for class tomarrow, night all03:22
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llnzjust had some feedback for brennan_03:22
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midorikidI'm off to bed, too.  Good night, y'all!03:35
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llnzwow, i might actually do some coding tonight03:39
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llnzhi mithro04:23
llnzor rather, wb04:24
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BZA_mithro: hey mithro04:32
mithrohey BZA_!04:32
BZA_mithro: I finally cought some time to work on my TP submission stuff, so here I am04:33
BZA_mithro: ok, so if I remember correctly, you were telling me that acations for a turn are decided before turns are executed, or something to that effect, correct?04:35
mithroBZA_: yes - someone described it quite well earlier04:35
mithro[13:48] <ZylGadis> (turn-based is chess: I move, you move. tick-based is the typical browser game: everyone moves, tick, everyone moves, etc)04:37
mithroby that04:37
mithrowe are "tick-based"04:37
BZA_mithro: ok, so it seems like this somewhat breaks the Risk play flow, since where you place troops, where you attack, etc are all heavily based on the current state of the board at the beginning of your turn, and the board can change drastically between turns04:39
BZA_mithro:  but, maybe  the way it can happen is that pre-turn decisions are not as heavily based on move decisions and then the only bug hurdle is making it such that if two territories attack each other in the same tick, how to resolve that04:46
BZA_mithro:  but the fundamental problem here is that with each of theresompromises, you are losing parts of what makes it a Risk clone.  Ideally with a Risk clone, someone who has played Risk should be able to step in and not need to re-learn things04:48
mithrothat is true04:49
mithroyou could probably change it into 1 person goes each turn04:49
mithrobut again you need to resolve a complete turn04:50
BZA_mithro: do you mean turn or tick? can one person go one tick and the next person go the next?04:50
mithroperson A, tick, person B, tick, person C, tick04:51
BZA_oh, well then that is fine then, no compromises should need to be made then.  although it might take several ticks to resolve 1 turn04:52
BZA_like player selects troop deploymet, tick, player selects first attack and it is resolved, tick, player attacks again..., tick, player reinforces, tick, next player's turn04:53
BZA_mithro: basically break one game turn down into its phases where deployment and reinforcement are each one tick and then every attack and resolution is one tick04:57
mithroBZA_: you definately don't want to do that really04:57
BZA_mithro: really04:57
mithroplayer 1, tick, player 2, tick would be much preferable04:58
JLafontalright, time for me to go sleep.05:00
JLafontmithro, First Draft of my PyOgre proposal is in the mailing list.05:01
BZA_mithro:  the problem with that is traditionally each attack requires resolution before the next can be properly plotted05:01
JLafontnite everyone05:01
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mithroBZA_: it would definately change the stratergy05:01
BZA_mithro: I wonder if the player was limited to one attack per turn how that would affect the pacing...05:02
BZA_mithro: so am I right in my assumption that the curretn setup is that the player choses his actions to take and then, on the tick, those actions get resolved?05:04
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llnzBZA_: that is right05:26
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BZA_llnz: so, where can I put the first draft of my Risk design up on the wiki, like the clone rulesetpage under Risk in space, or on a new Risk in space page?05:47
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mithrosorry about that05:59
mithroI went to dinner and still figuring out this setup05:59
BZA_mithro: np, I am putting my design do up on Risk Alternate page06:02
llnzBZA_: that's fine06:05
BZA_mithro: question: if a player has 2 armies in a territory and they select to place three more before their attack, if they attack from that territory, do I  assume they have 5 units to attack with, or do I assume they have the amount of units they had at the very beginning of the turn?06:35
mithroBZA_: up to you06:36
BZA_mithro: so I can resolve the number of units on the board when attacking without having to wait until the turn end?06:37
mithroBZA_: you could resolve things in a given order06:38
BZA_mithro: okay, at the tick I first resolve troops on the boeard, then I resolve attacks, then I resolve reinforcements, that should work fine.06:39
mithroBZA_: makes sense06:39
mithrominisec in tpserver-py works the same way06:40
mithrodoes A, then B, then C, then D06:40
BZA_mithro:  there might be a problem though, since before the tick the player needs to select how many armies from that territory to attack with =/06:46
mithroBZA_: a player should be able to figure it out06:46
mithroBZA_: and so should a server06:46
mithro(IE it knows if the first order is "Add Troops: 5" and the Second is "Attack <abc> with x"06:47
BZA_mithro:  I agree, but what about the case where when it comes to attack resolution and there are only 5 units in the territory, but the player selected 6 units before the tick?06:48
mithrodo something reasonable?06:49
BZA_mithro: yeah, ok.  If the player makes a mistake, we just correct/round it durring resolution06:49
BZA_mithro: so, I have the Risk Alternate page up to date and factoring in all the tick based stuff, if you get a chance, please take a look07:01
mithroI will in a minute07:01
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mithroBZA_: do you have the link?07:23
tpb<> (at
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mithrosorry about taking so long07:24
mithroa harddrive in my home server died yesterday07:24
mithrostill trying to re-setup my network07:24
mithroBZA_: okay that looks quite good but this is only really a start of the application07:27
BZA_mithro:  oh yeah, I am going to work on my application/proposal tomorrow07:28
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BZA_mithro: ok mithro, I have to get some sleep.  I will try to get on this weekend and get my proposal draft/app done tomorrow.  Thanks for all your help tonight g'night.07:44
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mithrowb napi07:53
napiThought I was getting a train this morning... I'm not \o/ going down later this afternoon at somepoint instead. figured instead of working, I'd research lol07:54
JLPmirning all08:11
llnzhi JLP08:12
* llnz wanders off08:13
llnzlater all08:13
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JLPdoze_, Trollin: ahoy, looks like you are new here and came while i was sleeping08:24
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Ohmhey people08:52
xdotxheya Ohm08:52
OhmHow many appliciants has TP got now?08:53
JLPOhm: ahoy08:53
JLPOhm: 1408:53
Ohmalright, cool08:53
JLPit's going a bit slower this year, but the ones we got are very detailed and long08:54
Ohmyeah, I've been reading the mailing list08:54
JLPlooks like people are waiting longer and working more on them before submitting08:54
Ohmthat's gotta be better though08:57
JLPOhm: yeah it is better quality, but i'm also afraid that the lower number of applications in the end will mean less slots09:00
OhmIf it's a general trend they have to take it into account when calculating the slots09:01
Ohmthey did take in a load more mentor orgs than they had planned for, though09:01
mithroJLP: do you remeber how many applications came in at the last moment?09:05
mithro(last year?)09:05
JLPmithro: nope i don't09:05
Ohmhey, comparing 3D starmap vs tech tree browser, which would be worth more to you?09:06
OhmThose are the two things I feel the most interest in doing09:07
mithro3d starmap possibly09:07
Ohmstarmap stuff actually intersects with some other projects I've been considering doing09:08
Ohmuh, and by starmap I mean research screen09:08
Ohm /tech browser09:08
mithroa cool tech browser would be good09:09
mithrobut it's going to be a bit nebulous09:10
mithroas tp04 support has not been added to tpclient-pywx yet09:10
mithroand the research proposal is just being proposed now09:10
JLPand it will probably take even more time to have a ruleset that uses it09:10
OhmThat, coupled with needing to create everything to handle TP04/research might make this too large for 3 months09:11
mithroOhm: well - we wouldn't expect that09:11
mithroOhm: I think your task would be evenly divided between helping the the research stuff in tp04, implimenting a research GUI with dummy data and general client work09:12
JLPlooks like i was bit too fast about all higher quality applications this year, the last 14th one about MTsec is lacking quite a lot of detail09:12
mithroJLP: what are you looking at?09:13
* mithro remebers he did a spreadsheet from last year somewhere....09:13
JLPmithro: in google webapp, the second one on the list09:13
mithroit's probably sitting on my server which is now in peices on my floor :(09:13
mithroJLP: it just appeared to bug you :)09:15
JLPmithro: yeah :(09:15
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JLPmithro: i got a feeling he didn't even take a good look at the state of MTsec and other stuff, if at all09:16
mithronapi: ping?09:16
napimithro, pong09:16
mithrojust reading your application now09:17
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mithroit's a rather unshal style of application :)09:17
JLPwtf is wrong with the firefox it's crashing all the time09:17
napiunshal = ? unusual?09:17
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napihmm thats not good- used same layout and format for my 3 apps lol09:18
mithronapi: it reads like a discussion09:19
napiIMO thats how it should be to a degree09:19
napiI'm no expert on TP- the people reading it are09:19
napiI'm in no position to say "this is the way to do it"... rather I want to say "these are the options. Which is the best? I don't know- I'll have to look into them myself, and work with the devs and the community to find out"09:20
napimithro, if you want me to re-write it to be more assertive I don't have a problem doing that- just make a quick comment and I'll get to work09:22
mithronapi: i heard you could just update anytime now09:23
mithronapi: okay things that need to be done09:24
mithro1 - We need a timeline09:24
mithro2 - We need to know how you are going to impliment it09:24
mithrois it going to be a C Apache module, PHP web app, Python FastCGI, etc?09:24
napigah I hate timelines lol09:26
mithronapi: well, it gives us an idea of what your estimates are09:26
mithrohow realistic you think things are09:26
mithrowe also want functional milestone list09:26
napihehe I know... I just don't like doing them :p09:26
karolHi everybody, hope I'm not break any netiqette by asking straight away :) -> how high is the priority of the persistence module for GSoC?09:27
napirighty. ripping out the middle and re-writing09:27
mithrokarol: that is entirely dependent on 1. number of slots, 2. llnz, 3. quality of the student09:30
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mithroa good quality student who is going to start with the SQL persistence and we think is likely to help llnz with the core of tpserver-cpp would be worth his weight in gold09:30
karolmithro: how many slots are there available?09:31
Ohmgoogle still haven't announced that09:31
mithrokarol: we won't know until after the student deadline09:32
karolmithro: pardon me, who/what is llnz? ;)09:32
mithrothe slots are somewhat proportitional to the number of applications09:32
karolad llnz> got it, google :)09:32
mithrollnz is the tpserver-cpp master09:33
mithroand will be mentoring all the tpserver-cpp tasks09:33
mithroezod: ping?09:34
mithronapi: can you talk about the proposal first and yourself second09:34
mithronapi: you forgot that people can try out Thousand Parsec without having to download or install anything09:34
napisaid that bit- "Without software dependancies, it opens up playing games to places that they might normally be restricted from (offices, schools, pda's!)"09:35
napiie in places where users often can't install their own software09:36
napiand yeah, can change the order round09:36
Ohmweb app?09:36
napiOhm, yes09:36
napimithro I just followed a template I saw from some mentors 'advice to students' page I read the other day. Will reverse it for you guys though :)09:36
Ohmmake it fit on 640x480 :)09:36
napimind if it has scrollbars? :p09:37
mithronapi: I think you are missing the point - people who play TP already are not necassrily the target - people who want to play thousand parsec for the first time are09:37
napimithro fair point. Will emphasize that09:37
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napigod dammit why are both ruby channels well populated but completely dead09:45
napiso annoying09:45
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napitrying to work out if theres a good solution that doesn't depend on apache09:53
napithat might well be the easiest way of doing it, but by far the less elegant09:53
mithronapi: whats wrong with just a CGI script?09:53
napithe clienty stuff I'm not worried about- theres a whole host of choices on how to do those- will worry about that in a minute09:54
napibut need to actually have the server push info to the web client09:55
napiso need to let it establish a connection, and be able to send/receive data09:55
mithronapi: ?09:55
mithronapi: would that not work like any other ajax09:56
mithroor those funky "download progress meeters"09:56
napihmm maybe i'm over-complicating this, or maybe I'm not explaining what I mean09:58
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napiI hope it's the former, but I can't help but worry it's the latter09:58
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mithronapi: well, tpclients are based around doing an initial big download and then just incremental updates09:58
napiaye- I know how to do that stage already09:59
napiit's the stage before that09:59
napiestablishing the connection and transferring the data09:59
mithronapi: I think something like those AJAX download progress pages would work fine10:00
napiheh you're still 1 step ahead of what I'm talking about10:00
napito get to that stage (the download progress bar) you need to establish a connection with your browser10:00
napiwhich means the server has to be listening for it10:00
napithere's 2 ways of doing this10:00
napieither building a small-scale webserver into the existing tpserver process10:01
napior building an apache module that acts as a middle-man10:01
mithroI think you are missing something10:01
napiit spoofs a tcp client connection to the server for sending/receiving (as the protocols are already there for doing it all), then sends/receives to a connected web client10:01
napiI think so lol \o/10:02
mithrotpserver (on server a) <- tp protocol -> web client daemon half  (on server b) <- SQL??? -> web client (on server b) <- http -> users browser10:03
mithroto the user, it just looks like any standard web 2.0 program10:04
napiumm - why 2 different servers?10:06
napiand why "half" for the daemon?10:06
mithrobecause server a could be any tpserver10:07
mithrobecause (server a) could be any tpserver10:07
mithrothe web client is just a standard thousand parsec client10:08
mithroit's not intergrated into the client in anyway10:08
mithroit's not intergrated into the server in anyway10:08
napiI know that10:11
napiit's the "web client daemon half" bit which is what I can't work out10:11
mithroI think of it something like this10:12
mithroa person submits information to a php form10:12
mithrowhich inserts into a mysql data "please connect to XYZ and download the universe"10:12
mithrothe web client daemon half is watching the mysql database10:13
mithroand sees the message10:13
mithroso it makes a connection and downloads the universe into the mysql database10:13
mithrothen inserts into a mysql database "I have downloaded the universe"10:13
napithen the web client collects it and sends it up to the browser10:16
mithronot really10:16
mithrothe user then goes to a "starmap page"10:16
mithrowhich is generated from data in the database10:16
mithrolike any other normal web application10:17
mithroof course it could be all ajaxy :)10:17
napihehe ofc :p10:17
mithrono point sending the complete data about the universe to the browser if the user doesn't want to see it10:18
napiah yeah- I worded that badly10:18
mithroof course it could be done with something other then mysql/php/etc10:18
napiI didn't mean sends it all up - meant it sends it up when the browser requests it10:18
mithronapi: yeah10:19
napiI think the daemonhalf and the web client could be merged into one tbh10:19
mithrothe daemon is in charge of connecting to the tpserver-cpp and holding open a long term connection10:19
napiweb client daemon is listening on port XXXX (http) but doesn't connect to tpserver-cpp until a connection is established10:20
mithro(as tp is designed around a stateful protocol and http is a stateless protocol)10:20
napicollects login details, then collects universe information and dumps it into the database10:20
mithrodownloading the universe can take many minutes10:20
napibrowser requests something (eg the starmap), web client daemon starts sending the info up10:20
mithroand you want to keep the connection open for as long as the user is logged in10:21
napiCan use lots of ajaxy loading bars. First one is collecting universe data, then subsequent ones for whenever it's sending up information to the browser10:21
napiwhen the browser is closed, the disconnection header triggers the client to disconnect from the tpserver-cpp10:22
napiok. this is starting to make more sense10:22
mithroI see it has kind of a MVC type abstraction10:22
mithrothe daemon deals with all the tp stuff10:23
mithrowhile the "main" web app just shows the data in various pretty ways10:23
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mithroanyway I REALLY should be in bed10:23
napidefinately think combining the daemon and the client would be the right way of doing it10:23
napiok. am going to re-write my app10:23
mithro(should have been in bed an hour ago)10:23
napicheers for the help mithro :)10:23
napinight mate10:23
Ohmsleep well10:24
* JLP has to go10:27
JLPsee you all in few hours10:27
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napiBAM! I've got it10:42
napitake it, strip it of all the stuff we don't need, add tcp support10:42
napiclient is done10:42
napithen just got to do all the scripts for making everything pretty in the browser10:43
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napiany one got mithro's email address?11:05
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napiWhats the "support for creating designs" all about for the web client?12:53
napidesigns for what?12:53
ezodlook/layout for different rulesets perhaps?12:57
napirighty. leaving for my train in 20 minutes- any questions from mentors about my app before I go? :)13:02
napi(or from any one else in fact... doesn't just have to be mentors)13:02
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Ohmnapi: sounds awesome13:04
Ohmthe idea in general13:04
napigood enough for me ^^ :p13:05
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napiRight i'm off. have a good weekend all. see you sunday13:25
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ezoddoes tpserver-cpp not depend on libtpproto-cpp?14:56
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jothampretty busy16:35
jothamterms of pop16:35
Nulerenit's probably mostly SoC applicants like myself :P16:41
jothamguess so16:42
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flyankurcan a student apply for 2 diffrent tasks(projects.)17:20
* JLP_ is finally back17:25
JLP_ahoy all17:25
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JLPflyankur: sure, no limit on the number17:26
JLPflyankur: but ore then 3 is also probably not a good idea since it then often happens that each idea doesn't get enough attention in detail17:27
flyankurbut as per given .. some ideas are small enough..17:28
flyankurso it was like this.. i want ot work on MTsec.. coz when i read sme documentation.. of minisec.. it felt great.. and challenging too..17:29
flyankurbut if i dont get it.. i would rather like to work on the idea " universe in an hour"17:30
JLPflyankur: yeah, you can submit two applications, one for mtsec improvements and one for "quicksec"17:30
JLPflyankur: i only warn about too many applications because in most cases the applications from students who turn in more then 3 are too short and lack detail17:32
JLPflyankur: of course it may not be that bad if all the applications are for the same mentoring projects, where then there is only one thing to research for application17:32
JLPbut if you apply to 3 different mentoring organizations then you have to research at least 3 projects from 017:33
flyankuryeah... thanx..17:52
flyankurill keep in mind..17:53
TrollinAnyone know if a Settlers ruleset has ever been looked at? From a quick loot over, it seems to be right up TPs alley17:53
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JLPTrollin: hm i think settlers has not yet been considered for TP, on a first thought i think it wouldn't even be possible to represent it with current protocol18:00
JLPTrollin: maybe you can find a way to map it in some way to objects/orders available in TP, but I still think it would be a limited subset18:01
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jphrJLP: ping18:02
JLPjphr: pong18:02
jphrJLP: so i got a 2nd draft of my proposals up :D18:03
jphrJLP: should I wait on submitting them until i get more feedbacK?18:04
JLPjphr: in the google webapp?18:04
jphrJLP: eys18:04
JLPjphr: let me check18:04
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jphr JLP: I gotta run and make dinner, I will pop back in shortly18:08
JLPjphr: hm can't see your application in the webapp18:10
* JLP checks wiki18:12
JLPjphr: the comment about the dates in schedule still apply18:16
JLPto both proposals18:16
JLPjphr: potencial risks and problems (with preventive, currative steps) are also not in there18:17
JLPjphr: you should also add information if you will be writing about your progress on your blog or webpage18:21
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JLPjphr: after that i think both proposals can be put into google webapp and we will polish it from there18:22
JLPSmokingRope: i believe you had some questions about the 3d client18:23
* JLP fetches himself some pizza18:23
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JLPmibocote: ahoy18:52
mibocoteJLP, hey18:52
JLPmibocote: probably here for google summer of code?18:58
IwanowitchUrghl. I'd like to check out the RFTS game on demo2, but I can't create an account. Using tpclient-pywx from the Ubuntu packages on your site.19:04
Iwanowitch"Account creation Error - bad username or password"19:05
JLPIwanowitch: it looks like the game currently has 4 players which is the maximum for this ruleset if i remember correctly19:05
IwanowitchAh. Okay.19:05
IwanowitchSo, local server than?19:06
JLPIwanowitch: yeah, until the demo2 restarts19:06
IwanowitchRTFS has no ruleset package?19:08
mibocoteJLP, sorry about delay, and, yes, here for gsoc19:09
* xdotx stretches19:09
xdotxmorning all19:09
xdotxer, afternoon, evening, etc19:09
JLPIwanowitch: it should be there in the modules if you have checked out from git, it is not yet in the latest released version19:09
vi1985xdotx: evening ;)19:09
JLPxdotx: ahoy19:09
IwanowitchNah, got it in the released versions. Suppose I need to checkout the code.19:10
xdotxheh uh oh. RFTS running on the demo servers?19:10
xdotxit can be config'ed to allow more players. 4's the default19:10
IwanowitchWell, it probably isn't configed to allow more, and it has 4 :)19:10
JLPmibocote: cool, so have you already picked your favourite idea?19:11
IwanowitchWell, I get a pretty non-descript error message on trying to create a new player, anyway.19:11
xdotxi think there were limited options for denying a new player19:11
mibocoteJLP, not yet, still looking at the project. I just dropped in to get a sense of the community19:12
JLPprobably something to make better in the next version of protocol19:12
IwanowitchLimited... You did reject me :(19:12
JLPmibocote: ok, take your time, feel free to ask if you have any question19:12
xdotxhmm. at the ruleset level all you can say is to allow the new player or not19:14
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IwanowitchOh well. I'll try to get it running locally then.19:16
vi1985howdy nash. I think I spammed you too much today :-P19:17
nashvi1985: It's nothing like our sales team... ;-)19:17
vi1985nash: are you suggesting my spamming abilities aren't on par with your sales team?! I'm trying my best! lol :)))19:19
nashvi1985: Fortunately not.  For starters you aren't CCing me on messages about quotes on toner cartridges19:19
vi1985hehe :)19:20
nashvi1985: It will be a little while before I answer them btw... probably after lunch local time - it's about 10:30am now... so 3-4 hours I'd say19:20
vi1985nash: yeah no worries.19:21
IwanowitchHmm. Build errors in modules/persistence/mysql. Any easy way to disable building that?19:32
IwanowitchOr I suppose the problem is with missing headers or something, but I don't really need persistence anyway.19:32
Iwanowitch"mysqlpersistence.cpp:455: error: 'class IGObject' has no member named 'setDirty'"19:33
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nashIwanowitch: --disable-mysql or similar on the configure line19:34
nashElse if you like in the mail archive for tpdevel I have  a hacky patch to force it off19:35
* JLP is to sleepy to be able to stay up until 6am again19:35
JLPgood night all, see you in about 8 hours or more19:36
nashSleep well19:36
xdotxJLP: nightynight :)19:36
Iwanowitchnash: I only see --with-mysql here, which is not really helpful :)19:37
nashMake it --without-mysql I think19:38
IwanowitchWell, that seems to work. Thanks.19:39
nashIwanowitch: Bonus points if you fix mysql before SoC starts ;-)19:40
IwanowitchYeah. I doubt that's going to happen.19:41
IwanowitchI might if my application is accepted (hint) ;)19:41
nashIwanowitch: If you did you'd massively increase your chances of getting a slot for _any_ application19:42
* nash notes that goes for everyone applying ;-)19:42
IwanowitchProblem is I don't have time next few weeks, I barely have time to do my applications and I feel like I have to rush them. Don't like it.19:43
IwanowitchWhoo. Got the game running. Does this affect my chances for getting in? ;)19:50
nashIwanowitch: Yes19:50
nashIf people have played the game it's a start.  Patches are a big boost too19:51
IwanowitchHmm. Are there pictures available for planets? It shows the "downloading media" picture which shouldn't quite take that long for a local game.19:52
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IwanowitchWait, it is downloading.19:52
IwanowitchFrom where?19:52
nashThe main tp server - in theory19:52
IwanowitchThat might explain it, I suppose. Doesn't seem like a smart move if the game gets popular ;)19:54
nashIwanowitch: a) data is cached (see ~/.tp)19:54
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nashb) It's game specific, so a server can use it's own cache19:54
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nashc) Maybe later we can slide into other hosting services to get data... ;-)19:55
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IwanowitchHmm. Trying to insert an order ends the game with a network error.19:55
Iwanowitch  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/tp/client/", line 471, in OnCacheDirty19:56
Iwanowitch    raise IOError("Unable to insert the order...")19:56
nashLovely ;-)19:56
nashThat's mithro's bug ;-)19:56
IwanowitchDamn. No points for finding a bug, either ;)19:56
IwanowitchOh well. Patch available or coming?19:57
IwanowitchI don't know much about Python, so I'm not going to try, sorry. :)19:58
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IwanowitchI don't think you have other working clients, right?20:00
JLafonttry 0.3.020:00
JLafontIt used to work at least20:01
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jphrmithro: hello20:24
nashmithro: Iwanowitch had some problems inserting orders20:27
mithrowow, more new people20:27
mithroIwanowitch: I'm happy to see if I can help20:27
Iwanowitch0.3.0 works though20:27
Iwanowitch0.3.1 shows the message "Unable to insert the order..."20:28
mithroIwanowitch: okay, can you tell me the following20:28
mithro1. Which OS you are using20:28
mithro2. Which server you are connecting to20:28
mithro3. Who you are login in to20:29
mithro4. A reproducable way to cause the error20:29
Iwanowitch1. Linux, Kubuntu 7.1020:29
mithro5. Send me the tpclient-pywx.log found in your home directory (or Document-Settings on windows)20:29
Iwanowitch2. locally running, with RTFS ruleset20:29
Iwanowitch(because I couldn't create an account on the demo server)20:30
mithroIwanowitch: you mean a local tpserver-cpp?20:31
Iwanowitchmithro: Yes.20:31
IwanowitchFresh from git.20:31
mithroI bet I know what the problem is20:31
mithrohopefully 0.3.2 will make "Unable to insert an order" a non-fatal operation20:32
jphrmithro: btw, wanted to ask you, JLP mentioned that my project roadmap should include specific dates, is a roadmap of "week" time scale not exact enough?20:33
IwanowitchSo I'm not sure 3 is applicable. If you want, I can try to get the logfile again.20:33
mithrojphr: dates are easier to visualise20:33
jphrmithro: ok i'll change them then20:33
mithrobrb bday cake20:33
Iwanowitchmithro: Hmm, seems to work now, so I'm not sure about a reproducable way to make it happen. I'll try to experiment a bit.20:35
IwanowitchErm. I got a message about my fleet being moved but it's still at its old position on the map and on the object list. What gives?20:38
IwanowitchIs "fix the damn bugs in tpclient-pywx" a viable project idea? ;)20:41
nashIwanowitch: if only ;-)20:43
mithroIwanowitch: yes - but that bug is in tpserver-cpp :)20:47
IwanowitchSomething about the parents?20:48
mithroyeah, RFTS doesn't seem to reparent the universe properly20:48
mithrowell - it's probably that it doesn't update the modtime correctly20:48
IwanowitchI can't seem to give commands to my planet anymore, either.20:49
mithroIwanowitch: the orders you can give to a planet depend on which turn it is20:49
* mithro pokes xdotx 20:49
JLafontIts every other turn on RFTS20:50
IwanowitchWell, I can't give an order for about 5 turns in a row now :)20:50
mithroIwanowitch: that is because RFTS isn't updating the mod time again20:50
mithro(so it doesn't know to download the object with the different allowable orders)20:50
xdotxah ha20:50
* xdotx looks in to that20:50
Iwanowitchxdotx: Come on, fix your ruleset already ;)20:51
greywhindmithro: did you have time to look at my IdleFinder code clean-up patch yet?20:51
mithrogreywhind: no20:51
greywhindmithro: when you do, i'd like to know whether it looks better, and whether there are more style changes you'd like me to make20:52
mithrothis will of course come back to bite me as he is going to turn up some tpclient-pywx bugs eventually20:52
xdotxTP's greatest weakness: who to blame when something goes wrong ;P20:52
Iwanowitchxdotx: actually, how mature is RTFS? I'd like to take the write-an-AI project for RTFS, but that would be a bit hard if it keeps acting like this, I'm sure you understand...20:52
IwanowitchOr rather, how mature will it be by the start of the SoC? :)20:53
nashxdotx: No, the greatest weakness is there is only one person who looks at each piece of code20:53
IwanowitchThen again, we could work together on getting the bugs out, too.20:53
xdotxIwanowitch: it's the least mature. but ideally by the time you're ready to work with it it'll be doing nice20:53
mithroIwanowitch: I think you will find that an AI will drive the stablity up quickly20:53
xdotxand yes, i plan on working together with anyone doing an RFTS-related project20:53
IwanowitchOkay. More challenges. I like it.20:54
mithrogreywhind: yeah, that patch looks good20:54
nashAbsolutely - AIs greatest feature is lots of testing ;-)20:54
* xdotx nods20:54
mithrotpsai-py found like 30 bugs in the minisec ruleset20:55
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IwanowitchThe client stealing focus on update isn't too nice, either. And I'm pretty sure it's the client's code now :)20:55
greywhindmithro: anything else in IdleFinder that's not good style-wise? (feel free to answer this later, if you don't have time at the moment)20:55
mithrogreywhind: still quite a bit you could clean up20:55
mithrogreywhind: each method should have a comment like that found in the Config stuff20:56
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greywhindmithro: ah. wasn't sure where to find example comments, but now that I know, I'll add them.20:57
mithrogreywhind: I have to admit it's a little bit of a "do as I say not do as I do" :)20:58
mithrogreywhind: libtpproto-py has pretty good method comments20:58
greywhindmithro: ok. i'll check those two places for examples.20:58
mithrohello protohack, is this your first time here?20:58
mithrogreywhind: and if you find things which are hard to understand - please do get on my case about them20:59
protohackyes it is20:59
mithroprotohack: you interested in GSoC?20:59
protohackI wasn't sure what y'all were talking about so I couldn't chime in20:59
protohackyes, very much so21:00
protohackI was actually the one who sent you the email from my account earlier today21:00
mithroKevin Cherry?21:02
mithroahh cool21:02
protohackI have to admit I've never been on irc, but I have heard a lot about it. Seems pretty cool so far.21:03
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protohackSeems kind of like the old chat room stuff21:03
nashprotohack: irc is _the_ old chat room stuff21:04
protohackWay back when I used to use AOL, I use to be in chat rooms all the time. Thank God though I don't have AOL anymore lol21:04
bddebianHey folks21:04
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protohackHow's it going?21:05
bddebianBeauty thanks, you?21:05
protohackSo are most of the people here developers for Thousand Parsec?....oh and I'm great.21:05
nashprotohack: Or potential ones ;-)21:06
protohackI personally would love to be part of the team21:06
protohackI love C++ (and a lot of other languages too) and love making games.21:07
protohackOh, which reminds me...21:07
mithrohey bddebian21:08
mithrobddebian: did you end up getting a tpclient-pywx package built?21:08
bddebianHeya mithro.  Yes, should be netlib, clientlib, and tpclient-pywx for all three distros21:08
nashprotohack: Fix a bug, add a feature and you can be it... it's fairly simple to get on board ;-)21:09
mithrobddebian: you rock!21:09
protohackHave y'all seen this commercial on t.v. where they have these two guys sitting back with game controllers and talking about how much they like programming games?...They are actually lying back relaxed and acting like it is easy to make games. Game development can be very difficult and I personally feel commercials like that demean the job of a game developer21:09
nashprotohack: There is still lots to do in tpserver-cpp ;-)21:09
nashprotohack: Most people have no idea what programming is about... it's not just game development ;-)21:09
protohackI definitely know that - that most people don't know what programming is about21:10
xdotxprotohack: the sooner you quit watching tv the better imo ;)21:10
protohacklol, fair enough21:10
protohackso about the tpserver-cpp...where can I get information on what needs to be done.21:11
andreiBeing a game developer is signing yourself up for a life of poor wages and horribly long hours; I wonder why anyone would do it?21:11
JLafontI'm going to go tweak some graphics brb21:11
xdotxi'm sure they try to blow up "game programming" like it's the coolest shit on the block.21:11
jothamandrei: because it's currently the rockstar industry of software development21:11
andreiI think it's one of the few jobs that works you more and pays less than doing a PhD (per hour anyway)21:11
xdotxandrei: we get great wages really ;)21:11
andreixdotx, Heh, none of the game developers that i know make much per hour.21:11
nashprotohack: The bug list, FIXME or other obvious problems in the code, any developer, the roadmap...21:12
jothamdid you guys read the article written by the owner of Stardock about game industry and commerce?21:12
jothamit was very good21:12
protohackNo, have to Google that21:12
xdotxanybody in the industry is here because they -want- to make games. the pay is just what makes it possible21:12
nashprotohack: ask llnz... just fix persistence ;-)21:12
jothamif you want to make money in technology, tech service/admins make the most21:12
protohackI agree with xdotx on that last comment21:12
jothamand get the best perks21:12
JLafontmithro, I sent the pyogre proposal to the list, any feed back would be great21:12
andreijotham, I think it's a bit sad. There are much cooler jobs that help society more than writing games :P21:12
JLafontmithro, when you have time21:12
bddebianI'd be a game developer if I wasn't a frickin' idiot :(21:13
jothamandrei you find what a bit sad?21:13
andreijotham, That people are so obsessed with getting into the games industry21:13
xdotxandrei: i don't know anyone on an hourly wage. are they designers?21:13
jothami don't know anything about that andrei21:13
IwanowitchYeah, fix persistence.. Or make it *build*21:13
andreijotham, Oh.. around good universities it seems most people are obsessed with games21:13
protohackWell, actually andrei, I personally feel that games help people's mental health. They give them an oppurtunity to let loose and relax.21:13
greywhindprotohack: agreed21:14
protohackSo I think it does help society21:14
jothamandrei: you should read the article i mentioned, i'll find a URL to it21:14
ezodandrei: if helping society had anything to do with it, scientists would have $12M contracts and nba players would be applying for financial assistance :P21:14
andreixdotx, Well, you get paid per month but end up working a lot more due to overtime. So per hour it's not all that good :P21:14
andreiezod, It's what I'm waiting for :P21:14
andreiezod, Please write the NSF and DARPA21:14
andreiezod, :)21:14
xdotxandrei: well, i suppose if you consider all that time "work"21:14
andreiprotohack, I think a lot of people waste a lot of time playing games. (perhaps this is a poor argument to make on #tp). But spending 3-4 hours  a day doing that seems like a waste21:15
nashIwanowitch: I can get it to build... just comment out a dozen lines ;-)21:15
andreijotham, Heh, sure :)21:16
Iwanowitchnash: Well, yeah, but a more constructive way might be better ;)21:16
mithroJLafont: please keep poking me21:16
mithrohey jotham21:16
JLafontmithro,  will do21:16
xdotxpersonally, i quit playing games when i started making them. no time for that non-sense ;P21:16
IwanowitchErm, can someone (mithro?) tell me the difference between libtpclient-py and libtpproto-py?21:16
nashIwanowitch: The smaller the code base the better ;-)21:16
protohackandrei - then again, relaxation can still be important. I agree that if people play games too much, they can become quite unproductive. However, wanting to get away from stress every once and awhile is a good thing21:17
jothamhere is the Stardock owners article about games and piracy
tpbTitle: Piracy & PC Gaming » Forum Post by Draginol (at
andreixdotx, Heh. I play an evening or two every few months usually. I much prefer hacking on code to playing :)21:17
Iwanowitchnash: have you seen my 0-byte game? Runs smooth on every architecture!21:17
andreiprotohack, Agreed, I am unsure if this truly does reduce stress though21:17
andreiprotohack, People get extremely worked up over games21:17
llnzIwanowitch: libtpclient-py is the client interface which uses libtpproto-py for the protocol implementation21:17
andreiprotohack, I know a handful of people that dropped out of university due to WoW :P21:18
protohackxdotx - yeah same here. I make them more than I play them. But then again, it is important to still play games for inspiration in your own games and to know what people like21:18
xdotxheh. i suppose i play a couple times a month. it's not really possible to give up smash bro.s in this apt.21:18
nashIwanowitch: Yeah, but can you get the linker to accept it?21:18
Iwanowitchllnz: So, you could build any Python client on top of libtpclient-py instead of "raw" libtpproto?21:18
protohackwell, WoW is another thing. That game is evil IMO. I have never played it and never will as I have heard similar stories21:18
mithroIwanowitch: libtpclient-py includes features like threading stuff and caching stuff21:18
Iwanowitchnash: Wasn't there someone in the obfuscated c contest that did that? Besides, I distribute binaries ;)21:19
jothami distribute ascii art21:19
protohackxdotx - indeed, I love smash bros21:20
ezodmithro: while we're on this topic, re: your comment about my proposal applying to tpserver-py as well... until i looked at it i was under the impression they both relied on a libtpproto-*... apparently that's not the case?21:20
mithroezod: tpserver-py depends on libtpproto-py21:20
ezodmithro: yes, but why doesn't tpserver-cpp similarly depend on libtpproto-cpp?21:21
mithroezod: libtpproto-py supports both servers and clients21:21
mithroezod: ask llnz :)21:21
ezodheh, k, brb21:21
nashIwanowitch: Exactly... it's a class IOCCC entry - it caused a rule change ;-)21:21
llnzezod: because libtpproto-cpp is client side only, include similar game layer to libtpclient-py21:22
protohackI'll brb21:22
mithroezod: libtpproto-cpp came after tpserver-cpp i'm pretty sure21:22
SmokingRopemithro: do you have any war stories from developing the python client?21:22
mithroSmokingRope: yes :)21:22
nashsmallest self replicating program: touch selfrep ; ./selfrep > ./selfrep2 ; diff -q selfrep selfrep221:22
nashdiff: Files are the same21:22
mithrowxPython is both the devil and really cool21:23
* SmokingRope waits emphatically for mithro to begin21:23
mithroSmokingRope: please don't get me started ;)21:23
SmokingRopemithro: i was hoping to address some of it in the next revision of my proposal21:24
mithroJLafont: a good start21:24
Iwanowitchnash: gotta love pathetic examples :)21:24
mithroJLafont: I think you need to expand the milestone section21:25
mithroJLafont: some "mock-up screenshots" of the UI would be a good addition21:25
JLafontmithro, thanks I  had a couple more ideas and by the time I got back home I forgot them.21:25
mithroJLafont: proof that you have looked into the python libraries also good21:25
nashIwanowitch: Bah - it was great - it showed up how pointless the whole self rep thing is...21:25
JLafontmithro, thanks will do.21:25
mithroJLafont: IE Fixing up tpclient-pytext would be a good starting project (maybe this weekend if you have time :)21:26
JLafontI should have some free time this weekend21:26
andreiJLafont, Ah.. free time..21:27
mithroJLafont: you need to also mention stuff about how you will deal with 3d artwork21:27
andreiJLafont, I remember that21:27
mithro(IE the fact we don't have a lot)21:27
mithrowhat about themeing the UI?21:27
mithroJLafont: btw I'm just throwing ideas out there21:27
nashIwanowitch: See
tpb<> (at
JLafontmithro, yeah I know, I was thinking about themes and skinning, but I'd rather have a working21:28
JLafontUI before I work on it21:28
mithroJLafont: so would I21:28
mithroshowing that you have thought about things like that is good21:28
mithroJLafont: what level of hardware will you be targeting?21:29
JLafontmithro, low-to-mid end computers21:29
mithroI think the timeline and milestones could be combind into a single section21:29
Iwanowitchnash: Yeah, I know about that one. It lacks an elegant implementation of quicksort though ;)21:29
mithro(ordered by time)21:30
IwanowitchApart from that, it does all important things a beginning programmer could wich for.21:30
mithroJLafont: assume that we have forgotten everything which we talked about on IRC :)21:30
JLafontJLafont, haha ok, I'll be sure to think that way21:31
nashAhh.. solves part of the problem21:31
tpb<> (at
nashIwanowitch: how about that?21:31
Iwanowitchnash: haha, grand. A blazing fast pure object oriented language.21:34
IwanowitchWe should port TP to it.21:34
nashIwanowitch: 'T' is unused21:35
IwanowitchSounds good.21:35
protohackDoes anyone know why C++ is used for making games instead of Java. I am a fan of both so it doesn't matter to me but was just wondering.21:38
JLafontC++ is faster21:39
nashC++ is more portable & faster21:39
IwanowitchJava is on the rise though.21:39
nashOlder mature tools and libraries21:39
nashJava versions come out fairly quickly21:39
mithroplus it's java! :P21:39
nashC++, once a decade... maybe21:39
mithroJLafont: any thing else you would like me to comment on?21:39
nashand they aren't radical rewrites each time21:39
JLafontmithro, not right now. Thanks! Lemme fix and work on what you told me and I'll get back to you21:40
mithroGames are all about a few gun programmers, java is all about making crappy programmers slightly less crappy (while at the same time making gun programmers suck)21:40
xdotxllnz: any idea why star systems and the universe don't show an update mod time, even though touchModTime() was -definitely- called?21:40
mithrowoot! 3221:41
llnzxdotx: i think i know21:41
* mithro pokes JLP - is that the new record?21:41
xdotxllnz: i'm suspicious of object view, but that's just because i haven't worked with it at all21:41
SmokingRope~ maxusers ?21:42
protohackllnz - I started what I think to be a personal chat with you a little while ago. I just want to make sure you got my messages?21:42
llnzxdotx: yes, the objectview must be be updated21:42
llnzprotohack: nope21:43
Iwanowitchprotohack: Freenode is a bit backwards for private messages.21:43
nashprotohack: You need to registred I believe21:43
protohackllnz - ah, glad I asked then21:43
nashprotohack: And it doesn't bother to mention this when it drops your messages21:44
xdotxllnz: ah. i see what's up. i think i can fix this21:44
protohackI was just wondering if you could email me any information on persistence in tpserver-cpp so I could look into it. My email is [email protected]21:44
llnzprotohack: have a look at the persistence.h and the persistence module in tpserver-cpp git21:45
protohackah ok21:45
protohackI will look into that when I get off work tomorrow21:47
xdotxllnz: it'd be nice to pass a bool to getObjectView() to specify to make one for that ID if it doesn't exist21:47
llnzxdotx: i would rather not, make it hard to do the wrong thing21:48
xdotxllnz: even with a default arg?21:49
llnzmaybe... i'll have to think about it21:50
llnzis it really needed?21:50
xdotxllnz: it looks like it's always used that way, and i hate code repeat21:51
xdotxeasy to mess up21:51
protohackActually, I think I will go ahead and look at that persistence.h file some tonight and see what I can do. I'm bout to go for now but I will be back on here tomorrow with any news on my progress21:52
protohacksee y'all later21:52
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IwanowitchI've written the abstract of my proposal. That should be enough for today.22:00
IwanowitchGoodnight everyone who is in roughly the same timezone as me.22:01
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tpbTitle: Index of /~irc/stats (at
greywhind_yay! 6th! :)22:19
nashHow the hell did I get to #222:28
greywhind_nash: you talked?22:29
jothamnash is always running his mouth off22:29
nashself seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 2 times.22:29
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andreiI'm 4th for the week? How'd that happen..22:46
andreimithro, I updated the timeline for my application22:52
andreiJLP, mithro, Mind taking a look when you get the chance?22:53
mithroandrei: probably won't be until after lunch22:53
andreimithro, Thanks :) there's no rush22:53
andreiBy the way, anyone can see it at:
tpb<> (at
andreiI should put a link in the wiki to it..22:53
SmokingRopei put a copy of my abstract in the full proposal22:54
mithroandrei: if you had used a wiki we could better see how much work you have done :)22:54
mithroandrei: can you add dates to your weeks?22:55
andreimithro, That's true. I just haven't had time to transition all my stuff from my old unviersity account to the new setup I use :)22:55
mithrogoing to lunch22:55
andreiSmokingRope, Yeah, I did the same22:56
SmokingRopeandrei: i didn't see it22:56
SmokingRopeandrei: is that the rationale?22:56
andreiSmokingRope, The description is the abstract :)22:56
andreiSmokingRope, Doesn't read like one?22:57
tpb<> (at
SmokingRopei didn't read it, i was just browsing through the headings22:57
SmokingRopei'll read it though22:57
andreiSmokingRope, Heh, thanks :) the more eyes the better22:59
SmokingRopein the rationale paragraph, second sentence, They would also allow for for22:59
andreiSmokingRope, Heh, thanks :)23:00
andrei(I may have said that a few times, I feel like a bot now)23:00
andreiTell me if it makes sense as well. I went through quite a few iterations to get it from AI-stuff to the level where it should make sense to everyone23:01
andreiWhich is how that for for got in there most likely23:01
andreiSmokingRope, One note. The orange is really hard to read :) (I suggest something like dark blue)23:02
andreiSmokingRope, Nice, spatial partitioning is a really cool problem (I used to write realtime raytracers for fun; you get to try out a whole lot of different partitioning algorithms for that :P)23:03
SmokingRopeandrei: i'm actually writing the whole thing using policy based design23:04
SmokingRopeandrei: if it works out, i may make it open source23:04
SmokingRopeandrei: this way i can easily switch the grid bsp buidler with one that does an octree, or plane selection based on the geometries faces without extra effort23:05
andreiSmokingRope, Heh, yeah.. then you get to do hybrid approaches, because none actually work well in the general case :)23:06
SmokingRopeThis area23:11
SmokingRope route is perfectly safe if I can't be attacked till I reach my base23:11
andreiThanks :)23:11
SmokingRopeyour abstract talks about making the AI into a library at some point however isn't really supported in the remainder of the proposal23:16
andreiI'll make that clearer. The AI would always be a library, never coupled to a parsec client. I just meant spin off as in, have its own project after SoC23:18
SmokingRopeit does seem to be really relevant to the proposal, but you might want to add some supporting statements in the remainder if you want to keep it23:18
andreiThanks :)23:18
SmokingRope*does = doesn't23:18
SmokingRopei also am left wondering after reading the paper what type of interface your AI client will have23:19
andreiI've yet to decide that :P I thought of outlining one.. but I'm not exactly certain what API I want yet23:20
SmokingRopei got the impression you are just going to have a console app that uses the game library, but it wasn't really covered23:20
andreioh, you mean, the TP client?23:20
andreiYeah, no GUI :P23:20
SmokingRopethe user interface23:20
andreiI thought you meant API to the library :P23:21
andreiI don't want there to be a GUI for the AI intentionally23:21
andreiThat means people have to fiddle with it23:21
SmokingRopethe abstract made it sound like you were going to leverage the wxpython client or something23:21
andreiAh, no. Just swig bindings to the C++ protocol libraries23:21
SmokingRope'bound to a thousand parsec client'23:22
andreiIn the sense of, I'll write a client to do it.23:22
andreiBut it'll be a really minimalist client (aside from having a prompt it'll be nothing but marshalling frames to and from the AI library)23:22
SmokingRopemaybe 'as a standalone parsec client' would make that clearer to me23:22
SmokingRopeit would be cool to have the AI write out it's logic and decisions to the console23:23
andreiSmokingRope, Yup, that's definitely a feature I'm intersted in23:24
SmokingRopeyou could then watch in horror as 10 battleships are directed towards your home planet23:24
andreiSmokingRope, My research area involves learning :) so I plan to try that out in the AI and see if I can get it to learn new strategies23:24
andreiSmokingRope, After SoC that is23:24
andreiSmokingRope, Heh, yeah. And by printing out the traces it would be able to learn from its own mistakes :P23:25
andreimithro, Welcome back23:25
andreimithro, I added the dates :)23:25
SmokingRopeandrei: lol, another thing i was wondering was whether it was going to do all the inferencing in real-time23:26
andreiSmokingRope, Yup :)23:26
andreiSmokingRope, Because it's fast :)23:26
SmokingRopeandrei: i read somewhere recently (AI typically only gets about 8% of CPU time in video games)23:27
andreiSmokingRope, That's still fine23:27
SmokingRopemithro: WB23:27
andreiSmokingRope, TP does not use much in the way of CPU anyway (and this does not have to be CPU intensive at all)23:27
SmokingRopeyou could always run the AI on a seperate machine too23:28
mithroSmokingRope: you have 10 minutes per turn! :)23:28
SmokingRopeandrei: will your AI support clustering?23:29
mithroalthough when you have 10,000 fleets that could start causing a problem :)23:29
andreiSmokingRope, In the proposal. No. The idea is to build a general platform for rule-independet AIs so that things like clustering can be built on top of it23:29
andreiSmokingRope, So there's no reason why it couldn't be done. I just have no time to look into things like that over SoC :)23:29
SmokingRopeandrei: :)23:30
andreiSmokingRope, (well, if I'm really optimisic I'd say I do, but it would be insane to promise that :P)23:30
SmokingRopeyour abstract got me thinking that i also could use certain information about units in a 3d client23:32
andreiHeh, yup. And if you had this AI you could ask it questions in a high level manner :)23:33
SmokingRopeif the movement speed of a ship is available, i could always calculate how long the server is going to need to move it to the destination and make the ship movement seamless23:33
mithroI have found that adding better support for AI's have made the other clients better23:33
SmokingRopesame thing with build orders23:33
andreiYou could do even cooler things like. If a planet is threatened highlight it. Or if a trade route is :)23:34
andrei(if we had trade routes that is :P)23:34
SmokingRopedoes tp plan to support wormholes or fixed travel routes?23:34
mithroSmokingRope: for sure!23:34
SmokingRopeascendancy has explicit paths between solar systems, and wormholes to teleport23:34
SmokingRopethen you draw lines from the different systems and you can rotate it in 3d23:35
mithroSmokingRope: nobody has quite figure out the best way to deal with that yet23:35
SmokingRopelooked really cool23:35
andreiSmokingRope, One really cool thing to do after SoC is to modify the client to offload parts of the empire management to the AI :)23:35
andreiSmokingRope, That would make the game a lot more interesting23:35
mithroandrei: unlike some projects we are *very* happy to do that23:36
mithro(some game projects see assitive AI as cheating)23:36
andreiYou could play a large TP game by giving commands like "Attack this planet" and have the AI build up, attack, and take it over :)23:36
SmokingRopei noticed that the python client says everything has no z component in their coordinates23:37
andreimithro, Heh, I find that's because their AIs tend to be all or nothing23:37
andreimithro, Either it's so good it's way better than the player, or it's so bad it's not worth it23:37
mithroSmokingRope: tpserver-cpp just sets the Z to zero when generating23:37
mithroI believe you can actually move in the Z direction23:37
andreimithro, This AI would be really easy to scale (or look a few more ply ahead, or enable/disable some modules) in terms of difficulty. So you could easily make it adapt to the playing quality of the user23:38
andreiSo if the user is better, the AI should be better :)23:38
mithroandrei: I'm still very skeptical about your AI ;)23:38
andreimithro, Why?23:38
mithroandrei: but skeptical as in "I want to see if he can pull this off"23:39
andreimithro, Ah, ok. Not skeptical as in "He's insane" :P23:39
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andreimithro, That's good. I'm sure I can. AIs work like this for chess (which is as complicated as TP)23:39
mithroandrei: well a little bit of "He's insane" but you have enough hutzspar to sound like you might just be able to23:40
andreimithro, (because you have to be insanely good at chess to be remotely close to what an average human can do)23:40
andreimithro, Heh, well. I don't like sleep and this is my area of research. Those two should go well together  :P23:41
mithroandrei: there was a cool paper about giving humans the ability to actually perform "real though experiments" in chess using assisted AI23:41
andreimithro, real thought experiments?23:42
mithrosignificantly raised the ability of players23:42
andreimithro, You should check out advanced chess :)23:42
mithroandrei: "If I put this peice here, what could possible occur next"23:42
andreimithro, It's something Kasparov suggested a while ago23:42
andreimithro, Yeah, that's exactly it. You play cooperativly with a computer23:43
andreimithro, There's an organization and everything for it23:43
andreimithro, (I used to play a lot of chess before I got into math and cs)23:43
mithroI see it as using the computer as your "memory" effectively23:43
mithroit makes you less likely to make a "stupid" move just because you didn't see something23:44
andreiHeh, yup. But the advantage it would give a grandmaster is doubtful23:44
mithroI think you would get a different type of grandmaster23:44
andreiHeh, I agree. I think it would make the game a lot more interesting23:45
mithroit would make the game more about high level stratergy23:45
SmokingRopehas anyone proven there isn't just one optimal solution to winning chess?23:46
vi1985SmokingRope: they have only recently "solved" checkers... chess is way more complicated :)23:47
mithroSmokingRope: you mean like tic-tack-toe23:47
andreiWell, it's all about positional play + strategy. But computer would help by providing some extra insight23:47
SmokingRopei'm just saying a simple proof that there can or cannot be a 'always win' solution, for chess23:47
andreiSmokingRope, Nopes, otherwise there would be no more chess tournaments :P23:47
SmokingRopeno more chess tournaments? :)23:48
mithrolots of AI people into Go23:48
andreiSmokingRope, Well.. if tere was a surefire way to win it would be pointless :)23:48
andreimithro, Yeah.. that's because it's so insanely complicated23:48
mithroas it's both simpler and more complicated then chess at the same time23:49
andreimithro, And even beginner go players and just destroy the computer23:49
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mithrohello BZA_23:49
andreimithro, And the handicap system in go is incredibly cool and works extremly well :)23:49
vi1985andrei: an intermediate level chess player is surely way more adept than a computer at "seeing" the game... chess AI would simply have more calculation ability23:49
BZA_mithro: hey hey23:49
mithrovi1985: depends on your memory23:50
andreivi1985, Not at all. It turns out looking a few extra ply ahead often doesn't help much23:50
andreivi1985, Most modern chess is positional23:50
Landonandrei: aw :( I guess I probably couldnt pass a Go Turing test then23:50
mithrovi1985: my chess playing style was very weird as I have a shocking memory23:50
andreivi1985, As in, good players don't look many moves ahead. If you ask grandmasters how far ahead they look they'll say 1 move23:50
BZA_mithro: The first draft of my GSoc Proposal is up at please take a look if you get a chance, I would love any feedback from you or anyone else in the community23:51
tpb<> (at
* mithro can't fit the complete chess board in his "working memory"23:51
andreimithro, Ah, that tends to be a chunking issue. As in, you have 7 spots of working memory. Your brain helps by making little templates and grouping information23:51
andreimithro, So the more chess you read/play that memory should expand :)23:52
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vi1985andrei: lol 1 move, I'd like to hear that! I studied some chess theory myself, and it's hard to even begin to imagine giving the computer the ability to "see". sure, there are approximations and heuristics, and hard-coded pre-rated positions, but it's not the same23:52
andreimithro, You also lose that ability if you don't use it (well I do) I used to be able to play most of a game from reading it, now I have to stop and draw the game out every 8-9 moves (it gets better when I play more chess)23:53
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andreivi1985, Well.. what do you mean by see? If those algorithms make it play chess well, and pull of amazing combinations; who is to say that's not seeing? :P23:54
mithroI also tended to be fairly reckless :)23:54
mithrowhich scared the fsck out of other moderate players but got me clobbered badly sometimes23:54
andreivi1985, Chess computers play some amazingly deep moves, that often surprise grandmasters23:55
andreimithro, Heh, being reckless can be fun. People often forget and trade position for pieces :P23:55
mithrocomputers have the advantage that they can be unbiased and unemotional23:55
vi1985andrei: if you analyze the kasparov-Deep Blue matches, you'll see that the AI proceded by playing closed-posinion, conservative games. Humans use different tools. Not to say these tools cannot be immitated, but I'd like to see a chess engine that plays like Tal!23:56
andreimithro, TYeah, that really screwed Kasparov23:56
andreivi1985, Have you read Kasparov's comments about how Deep Blue played?23:56
mithrowhich can make them VERY good at poker23:56
Landonmithro: haha23:56
vi1985andrei: no, I haven't. I just looked at the few final games, and their analyses23:57
andreivi1985, After the first or second game they rebooted it. After that Kasparov said it played like a human, before it played like a machine23:57
vi1985andrei: are they online?23:57
andreivi1985, I'll see if I can find them again23:57
mithroBZA_: you really need some "You will be able to do X"23:57
vi1985andrei: thanks! I'd like to see that.23:58
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mithrothese should be seperate bullet points23:58
andreivi1985, I have a book.. but it's at my parent's place (I hate having to leave my library behind every time I move :P)23:58
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vi1985andrei: no worries, I'll take your word for it ;)23:58
vi1985andrei: do you know if IBM ever published Deep Blue code, or at least some documentation?23:59
mithrowb greywhind23:59
JLafontWasn't deep blue dismantled immediately after the match?23:59
greywhindmithro: thanks... no idea why my internet keeps cutting out for a few seconds every once in a while23:59

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