Tuesday, 2008-03-25

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mithrocome on people, the PSF has 7 applications while we only have 2 :P00:52
JLafontI just finished my revision of my AI proposal00:59
JLafontsubmitting it now00:59
JLafontI wrote in some crappy pseudo code to try to explain how the program would work.00:59
JLafontgah, too many characters on my detailed proposal...01:02
JLafontLooks like I'll have to cut something off the detailed proposal.01:03
mithroJLafont: you can link to an external document01:13
JLafonthad to cut out the pseudo code and behavior details from the "official one"01:13
JLafontyeah I did01:13
JLafontOr at least I think I did. I put the google docs link in the external document field01:15
mithroJLafont: okay01:15
JLafontNow a break, and then I start hammering out the 3D client one01:16
mithroJLafont: I recommend that you add some milestones to you Timeline01:17
mithrowith some specific details IE01:17
mithroAI will be able to do X01:17
JLafontDo you want estimated dates on the milestones?01:19
JLafontOr something more general like : "These are our milestones that will occur at some point during the project"01:22
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mithroJLafont: estimated dates are good01:23
mithroof course we will adjust them as we get a clearer picture of your progress01:23
JLafontYeah, that makes sense. Just didn't want it to be set in stone01:24
mithroJLafont: this is FOSS, nothing is set in stone ;)01:24
mithroJLafont: I would highlight the parts in your linked document which are not in the main application?01:25
mithromaybe a different color?01:25
mithrosome things like the "this AI will be deterministic" etc would be good01:26
JLafonthmmm apparently I can't update the detailed description :(01:27
mithroJLafont: you should be able to after I leave a comment01:27
mithrobut you only get one shot at it01:27
mithro(per comment)01:27
mithroJLafont: any luck?01:30
JLafontyeah, I added a comment with the milestones01:30
JLafontAlso made a note of information not on the proposal on the external link01:31
mithroyou google doc could use some better formatting :)01:32
JLafontyeah, I was just trying to keep it simple for the proposal01:33
JLafontFormatting  now01:33
mithroJLafont: much easier to read now :)01:42
mithroI would wrap the peusdo code in a <pre> type thing01:42
mithrosome of your paragraph indenting is a little weird01:43
mithro(some paragraphs have a first line indent, some don't, some have a different size indent)01:43
JLafontok indentations fixed01:46
mithroJLafont: still not seeing fixed with font for the code :(01:53
JLafontlemme see what I can do01:53
mithrodon't know how you do it in Google Docs - but definition lists would work much better for01:54
mithroAggressive:    This personality will place defense of assets at a lower priority and will place the acquisition of new assets or the destruction of enemy forces as its highest priority. This personality would attempt to use overwhelming force to crush all opponents.01:54
mithroit's a little hard to read at the moment01:54
JLafontok. Removed the overwhelming force part. Added clarification that it basically meant it would assign more units to attacking.02:00
JLafontdoes the pseudo code look right now?02:00
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mithroJLafont: I was talking about formatting rather then the actually text02:11
mithroJLafont: almost there is one very very long line02:12
mithro    /*Will take a threat with its last explored number of units, grow that number by 5% for everyturn unexplored, and determine the number of units it needs to defend         succesfully. This         number will be compared with the defensive power of the Planet and possible increases of those defenses of that planet from production turns.*/02:12
mithrosome enters might be nice :)02:12
JLafonthaha sure02:13
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mithroJLafont: you have a giant gap in02:37
mithroResearcher: X% of RP will go into Researching until the maximum of Mark IV ships is achieved. One that is done, all the other behavioral patterns will be proportionately                     increased to fill in the loss of research need.02:37
mithrowell heading home now02:42
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JLPmorning all05:14
mithrohey JLP05:18
mithromore new faces05:18
mithrohello Sontariel and nightlyhawk05:18
nightlyhawkhi mithro :)05:19
mithronightlyhawk: so what are you interested in again?05:20
Sontarielhello :)05:21
mithroSontariel: so what are you interested in?05:22
nightlyhawki like working on AI stuff, especially anything related to machine learning. but i've seen that JLafont got a good head start and is already working on a good proposal for the AI client05:23
Sontarieli dont decide yet :)05:23
Sontarielim chosing between webclient and 3d client...05:24
mithronightlyhawk: AI is being a hot topic at the moment it seems05:30
mithroSontariel: If you are really interested in both put in 2 applications! :)05:30
Sontarielmithro, i had some experience in web game dev... i worked on one browser mmorpg...05:33
mithroSontariel: cool05:34
Sontarielits on perl + AJAX... now im very interested in ruby on rails...05:35
mithroI prefer python :)05:35
mithroI would much prefer ruby to perl however :P05:36
* JLP added some comments to Jabawock's proposal on wiki05:36
JLPSontariel, nightlyhawk: ahoy05:36
SontarielJLP, hi %)05:37
nightlyhawkgood morning, JLP ;)05:37
mithroJLP: greywhind did the mac DMG05:37
mithroI just going to test then upload to sf05:37
* JLP is off to work05:55
mithroJLP: have fun05:55
mithroJLP: uploading dmg now06:02
mithro~seen xdotx06:17
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 4 days, 10 hours, 48 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: <xdotx> llnz:  :)06:17
mithroJLP: uploaded06:32
CIA-13mithro web * rb3ee239690a9 /downloads/tpclient-pywx/ (tpclient-pywx_0.3.1.dmg tpclient-pywx_0.3.1.dmg.size): Added Mac OS X binary dmg image for 0.3.1 release.06:38
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llnzhumm... llnz-dev2 and demo1 keep crashing07:00
* llnz will have to keep an eye on it07:22
mithrollnz: any ideas?07:28
llnzdefinitely something in minisec, i think07:28
mithromaybe triggered by the latest 0.3.1?07:29
llnzi wouldn't have thought so07:29
llnzprobably something in the view or object code07:29
mithrollnz: did you get a chance to see my post about the persistence in tpserver-cpp?07:30
llnzyes, i'm working on replying to email currently07:30
* llnz hates long days, has been awake for 18 hours so far07:31
mithrollnz: no hurry07:41
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* llnz wanders off07:59
llnzlater all07:59
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mithrohello andrei09:42
andreimithro, Hi09:43
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* vi1985 *wonders why Google makes it difficult to edit the application* 10:46
vi1985Hey guys, could you possibly make a small comment on my webform application so that I can update it? jezuch had done so already, but when I made a comment to acknowledge the feedback, it reverted back to not letting me edit it :-/ thanks11:18
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mithrovi1985: you only get one chance :/11:19
vi1985mithro: so google is simulating life now? :)11:19
mithrovi1985: done11:21
vi1985mithro: thank you kindly11:21
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1j4j> (at www.thousandparsec.net)11:29
ezodre: server configuration and single-player mode11:29
ezodcomments are appreciated :)11:30
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* JLP gets back from work14:43
* JLP goes reading ezod's proposal14:47
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JLPezod: i've put some comment to your proposal15:19
andreiJLP, http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~abarbu/soc/thousand-parsec15:21
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1iXj> (at csclub.uwaterloo.ca)15:21
andreiJLP, I added to the timeline15:21
andreiJLP, So that it's clear what should work when15:21
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midorikidHello, all!15:26
JLPmidorikid: ahoy15:26
JLPandrei: i'll take a look again15:26
ezodJLP: thanks, taking a look now15:28
JLPandrei: i think it looks very good now, fine to put it into the google gsoc system15:29
JLPwe can still polish it there if needed15:29
JLPmidorikid: do you also plan to take part in google summer of code?15:31
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midorikidYes, I do.  I wanted to talk to Lee about my idea since it's in his area.  I might just email the list.15:32
JLPmidorikid: yeah, to reach llnz it is probably best to use ML15:33
midorikidI talked to him about unit tests for tpserver-cpp a few months ago, but he said it was in a state of flux and I should hold off on it.15:33
midorikidThanks.  I think I'll lurk around here anyway. :)15:34
JLPmidorikid: yeah i remeber something, so your application will be about unit tests fo c++ server?15:34
JLPmidorikid: feel free to, you're most welcome15:35
ezodJLP: re: toy code - what did you have in mind?15:35
midorikidOriginally I was just going to do some straight up unit testing, but it looks like a protocol compliance test suite (from the ideas list) is more urgently needed.  The two are pretty closely related.15:36
JLPezod: for example if you have written something privately just to learn some toolkit or something like that, or maybe you have at some point done any prototype code stuff like that15:36
JLPmidorikid: yeah protocol compliance test would be realy cool stuff to have in my opinion15:37
ezodJLP: cool15:37
* JLP will now put up an announcement about the release of tpclient-pywx 0.3.115:45
JLPbddebian: are debian/*buntu packages available?15:47
andreiJLP, Hurrah; thanks for all the help :) I'll put it on later tonight15:48
andreiJLP, Tell me if you have any other concerns about it (in terms of implementation as well)15:49
JLPandrei: awesome, looking forward to it15:49
JLPandrei: i'll read it again when it is up there after i finish writing about the new release15:49
andreiJLP, Thanks :)15:50
bddebianJLP: I have Debian packages for libtpproto and libtpclient but tpclient-pywx is not building15:50
JLPbddebian: aha, so i will write that they will be available soon, thanks15:56
ezodJLP: recommendations applied16:01
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1j4j> (at www.thousandparsec.net)16:01
JLPezod: looks very good now, so you can now put it into gsoc system and we will polish it from there16:04
ezodgreat, thanks :)16:05
ezodfor those reading/writing gsoc apps: is it necessary to duplicate the abstract in the detailed description field?16:14
ezodassuming it contains pertinent information to the application as a whole16:14
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JLPezod: i think it is better to not dupliate it16:20
JLPezod:  the size of the application is limited and we can read both anyways, so no need to read the same thing twice16:21
JLPezod: oh yeah, since you have the gentoo repository for tpclient-pywx, i suppose you will also update soon to version 0.3.1?16:22
JLPezod: i'm asking so that i can mention it in the news16:22
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ezodJLP: yep, i'll add that16:23
JLPezod: awesome, thanks16:24
JLPezod: don't forget about libtpclient and libtpproto, i think they were also updated16:24
ezodJLP: k16:24
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CIA-13jlp web * rf35c3f024560 /news/2008-03-25-2020.news: Added news about tpclient-pywx 0.3.116:36
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tpb<tpb@worldforge> New news from http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/rss.php: wxPython Client 0.3.1 Released17:02
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mithromorning people17:37
bddebianHeya mithro17:43
bddebianmithro: Is setup.py for tpclient-pywx actually making the graphicdir dir ?17:44
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JLPmithro: ahoy17:50
mithrohey JLafont17:55
mithrobddebian: it should be17:55
mithroi have not had a chance to really look17:55
mithrobddebian: oh I see the problem18:02
mithromove lines 107 to 11518:02
mithroto line 12718:02
mithro(after try:makedirs(codepath_temp)except OSError:pass)18:03
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midoriki`Oiy!  This connection is poor.  I'll see y'all when I get home.18:17
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mithroJLP: thanks for handling the release18:48
mithro~seen nash_18:48
tpbmithro: nash_ was last seen in #tp 6 weeks, 5 days, 21 hours, 9 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: * nash_ is back18:48
mithro~seen nash18:48
tpbmithro: nash was last seen in #tp 3 weeks, 5 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: <nash> night18:48
JLPmithro: no problem, just adding the news on SF.net18:48
mithroJLP: cool - I always forget places18:49
mithroJLP: we need a short announcement for freshmeat18:50
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JLPmithro: yeah, i have that in mind too :)18:52
mithrohey cherez18:55
cherez'lo, Mithro.18:57
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mithroJLP: you can link directly to the tpclient-pywx downloads19:15
tpb<http://ln-s.net/JkJ> (at www.thousandparsec.net)19:15
JLPmithro: yeah you're right, i forgot about this19:16
mithroJLP: any luck from the m2f guy?19:43
JLPmithro: didn't come around to send that yet19:46
mithroahh okay19:47
SmokingRopei've got an updated copy of my proposal if you guys want to look it over: http://easlnx01.eas.muohio.edu/~hannasm/thousand_parsec_proposal.html19:55
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1ifg> (at easlnx01.eas.muohio.edu)19:55
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JLPSmokingRope: i'll check it out as soon as i finish puting the news on freshmeat19:57
mithroJLP: thanks for that19:58
mithroJLP: actually, do you have the forums and details to contact the m2f developer?19:58
mithroezod: ping?19:59
JLPmithro: http://www.mail2forum.com/forums/index.php - see the red frame at the top19:59
tpbTitle: Mail2Forum :: Index (at www.mail2forum.com)19:59
SmokingRopei appreciate you guys reading over the proposals20:00
mithroSmokingRope: no problems20:02
mithroI think your deliverable need a little more "functionality" behind them - IE "Client is able to login to the server"20:03
SmokingRopedo you think more example apps and background would be good? I've got lots of source code and *some screenshots that aren't quite as relevant to the actual proposal20:06
SmokingRopei'm also interested in what you think of my time estimates, if anything20:08
* JLP now looks at SmokingRope's proposal20:10
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mithroSmokingRope: they could be useful20:13
* nash_ waves20:13
* nash_ wonders wtf he has an underscore20:13
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mithrohow goes everything?20:14
mithroJLP: can you invite nash to the Google doc?20:14
JLPmithro: was just about to ask for the google account :)20:14
nashbusy bisy bisy :-)20:14
mithroJLP: great minds thing alike20:14
nashmy first name last name20:15
nashis my gmail account20:16
JLPnash: invite sent20:18
* nash will look later20:25
mithrobrb going to get coffe20:28
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SmokingRopehas the C++ server ever been compiled on windows?20:48
JLPSmokingRope: http://blog.mithis.net/archives/tp/10-compiling-tpserver-cpp-under-windows20:51
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1cYM> (at blog.mithis.net)20:51
JLPthere are two more blog posts after that20:52
SmokingRopethanks JLP20:53
SmokingRopeon an unrelated topic, have any of you played Ascension?20:54
JLPSmokingRope: nope, i think i haven't even heardabout it, the closest comes Ascendancy20:54
SmokingRopeAscendancy, lol20:54
SmokingRopei haven't played it in a while, that's what i meant20:54
SmokingRopethat was my first 4x game20:55
JLPSmokingRope: yeah it's an old game20:55
JLPSmokingRope: my first was galactic civilisations on OS/2 Warp20:55
SmokingRopeOS/2 Warp, hehe20:56
JLPSmokingRope: yeah that was what was on our very first family computer :)20:58
SmokingRopeafter ascendancy i stumbled upon MOO320:59
SmokingRopemy only complaint was that empire management got way too complicated after a point21:00
JLPSmokingRope: sadly i never played any of MOO, i guess i should some day try to run MOO2 which is supposed to be the best21:00
SmokingRopethere is a distinct lack of publicity for 4X games21:02
SmokingRopei don't think i've ever noticed a new 4X game release21:04
SmokingRopei gues civilization could be an exception21:04
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JLPSmokingRope: there are some releases but they realy don't get much attention from the press or the community :(21:07
nashthey generally aren't high profile titles aiming for vast sections of the community.21:07
JLPSmokingRope: oh yea some og my thoughts about your proposal (now that i finally have gotten to the end :))21:07
SmokingRopeit's too long isn't it!21:07
nashSimilarly new crochet games don't make a big splash either21:07
JLPSmokingRope: ah no, i like detailed proposal, it is just that maybe it will not fit into limited space at google21:08
JLPSmokingRope: no worries though, you can link to the full length proposal21:08
JLPSmokingRope: in which case the additional things could be colored in some other color to quickly see what is the difference between the google one and the complete one21:09
JLPSmokingRope: other thing is that now you have phases long about one month, maybe you could also partition those into about one week long chunks and put a couple of delivarables into each week21:11
SmokingRopemithro said he wanted more detail there too21:12
JLPSmokingRope: maybe in the application submitted to google you only list delivarables points with dates and the description of phases only remains in the long verson21:12
JLPSmokingRope: mithro probably said he wants more points like the * the client can show universe with objects, * the client can be used to read messages ...21:13
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SmokingRopeyea, breaking it down into smaller chunks will definitley have the individual features21:14
SmokingRopethat stuff is usually easier to do once there is a clear design though21:14
JLPSmokingRope: cool, that's the way to go, easier to keep track and see how it goes, even for someone who doesn't know much about 4x for example21:15
SmokingRopei can definitley put in my guess now21:15
mithroSmokingRope: things like "The client will do x" are good21:15
mithrowhere X is things that a player might be concerned with21:16
SmokingRopein one of my software engineering classes we identified the dependencies of features during design, and so the set of features implemented each week was based on what was needed first21:16
SmokingRopei.e. can't give orders untilconnected to server and selecting things is available21:16
mithroSmokingRope: true, but as developers we tend to get too concerned with things like API documentation and such - I want to see things which affect an end user21:17
mithronash: you see the 0.3.1 release?21:18
mithroJLP: do you want to add people's proposal URLs to the document?21:20
nashmithro: I saw it.21:20
nashHaven't tried21:21
mithronash: should be much better under windows and Mac OS X21:21
mithroI spent way to much time trying to get things working better on those OSes21:21
nashmithro: So no reason to bother then21:21
mithronash: well there are a bunch of other fixes, and it plays RFTS much better now21:21
JLPmithro: yeah will add them, unless someone is quicker then me21:22
mithroJLP: sadly, very busy at work at the moment :(21:22
JLPSmokingRope: also say in the application if you already have a blog/webpage where you will write about your progress21:28
SmokingRopehm, that's tricky21:28
SmokingRopeit's a WIP blog21:28
JLafontmake a Google Blog21:29
JLafontThats what I'm doing at least21:29
JLPSmokingRope: yeah or on wordpress.com or something like that21:29
SmokingRopei'll look into it, a istarted my blog because i wanted source code syntax highlighting, does google have that?21:30
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mithrohey bddebian21:49
mithrodid you get my message about a possible fix for the graphics problem?21:49
bddebianYeah but haven't had a chance to try it yet :-(21:49
mithrobddebian: if you can confirm it works, I'll commit a patch21:50
bddebianOK, give me 5-10 minutes21:50
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bddebianmithro: Yep, seems to have worked21:59
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ezodpatch for tpclient-pywx? may as well add this to the gentoo ebuild before i put it up22:03
JLPmithro: applications and links added to document22:10
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andreiJLP, mithro It turns out my proposal is quite a bit longer than allowed by the google form22:23
andreiJLP, mithro Is it ok if I just provide a link instead of the description?22:24
andreiIt's 12.5k characters instead of 7.5k. I've always been surprised by the size limit of that form22:25
JLPandrei: no problem, there is a special field to provide link to a more complete document22:25
andreiJLP, Awesome, so I'll leave the description empty then :)22:26
JLPandrei: so cut some details out from google application and maybe mark the additional stuf in detailed version in some other color to quickly spot it22:26
andreiJLP, Ah; ok. I was just going to put the whole application on the other website22:27
ezodebuilds are ready22:28
andreiJLP, I'll just do that; I fear cutting parts of it because it tends to be that people don't put as much importance on them22:28
ezodcomplete with new evilness in the client ebuild :D22:29
andreiezod, Heh, nice. Did you ever get it into layman?22:29
andreiezod, I still haven't heard back from them22:29
ezodandrei: haven't submitted it yet, i want to test it a little more22:30
* ezod wonders if having a 3-line-long sed pipe in the middle of src_install() is frowned upon22:31
andreiezod, That's why layman is so great :P you don't have to worry about that sort of thing22:32
andreiJLP, Okies; it's submitted :)22:33
andreiJLP, Read it over when you get a chance and tell me what you think22:33
andreiActually, anyone can read it: http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~abarbu/soc/thousand-parsec22:33
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1iXj> (at csclub.uwaterloo.ca)22:33
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jphrmithro: ping?22:45
jphrJLP: ping?22:46
JLPjphr: pong22:47
jphrJLP: can i ask you something about project roadmaps?22:48
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jphrJLP: would you devs rather see a GSoC student spend a week or two producing complete pseudocode for their project, or jump right in with less coding and use a more iterative approach?22:49
JLPjphr: hm, i think this is best to choose by yourself, what suits you best22:49
jphrJLP: ok, personally i am most comfortable with good pseudo-code and planning :P22:50
mithrojphr: pong22:50
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mithrojphr: I think I would the second option is best while you are still getting familiar22:50
andreimithro, I updated my SoC proposal and uploaded it :) if you have time, could you take a look and tell me what you think? (and if you have any other concerns/reservations)22:51
mithroandrei: sure, probably won't get to it till tonight22:51
andreimithro, Sure, no rush :)22:51
jphrmithro: oh? how bout a compromise, iteratively produce pseudo-code then implement ! hehe22:51
mithroandrei: don't forget to email the list so others know you have done so22:51
andreimithro, Thanks22:51
andreimithro, Ah, okies; I'll do so22:52
mithrojphr: well python is practically pseudo-code indented properly22:52
JLafont^ This is true22:52
jphrmithro: yes yes, i had planned on using c++, i haven't actually looked at the python stuff22:52
JLafontI can only think of pseudocode as python code now22:52
andreijphr, The risk of pseudocode is that you convince yourself something works when it doesn't22:53
jphrtrue true22:53
andreijphr, That's far too easy to do (indeed, no one suspect debugging would exist up until the first bugs actually happened)22:53
JLafontI use pseudocode to give me a rough idea of the structure of my program22:53
andreijphr, If you have time you should check out that story (I can dig up the paper); it's really interesting22:53
jphrandrei: sure, i'm sure my comp.sci. student assoc wouldn't mind having that too22:54
andreijphr, http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=90121522:55
tpbTitle: The Airy Tape An Early Chapter in the History of Debugging (at portal.acm.org)22:55
andreiJLafont, I just draw something out and reason about how things will work and the implement it22:55
jphrandrei: thanks22:56
JLafontandrei, yeah I do that too, Both help in coding but professors generally want pseudocode22:56
andreiJLafont, Heh; I just hand in Haskell code instead of pseudocode usually :P Most people can't tell the difference between algorithms in haskell and pseudocode22:57
andreiJLafont, In plus, I like the amusement factor of writing at the bottom of my code "You can just run this using ghc" :P22:58
JLafontI should really look into learning haskell22:59
andreijphr, There are a lot of really cool CS stories like that. I wish I'd saved all of them as I read them22:59
jphrandrei: hehe22:59
jphrandrei: I have a prof who IS just a big walking story, every time he opens his mouth its either something insightful or hilarious about working as a programmer23:00
andreiJLafont, You should :) It's awesome, lets you do a lot of interesting things that you can't in most languages23:00
andreijphr, Heh, profs like that are nice. They don't come along very often :P23:01
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jphrmithro: Does TP expect GSoC students to not work during the summer?23:05
mithrojphr: GSoC is expected to be a "full time job" over the period23:05
jphrmithro: ok23:06
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andreimithro, Was that meant to underscore your previous point?23:09
andreimithro, (I apologize for the bad pun)23:10
mithrojust reading logs I had a network hiccup23:10
mithrojphr and JLafont sorry it appears I may be getting you two confused :/23:11
jphrmithro: oh? i hadn't noticed :P23:12
JLafontmithro, I'm  confused as to how you have confused us.23:12
mithrojphr: well python is practically pseudo-code indented properly <- JLafont is the python interested guy?23:12
mithroor am I just more confused then I though23:13
* JLafont is the one interested in Python23:13
jphrmithro: oh NOW i see, Yes i am interested in c++ not python (well I am interested in python, but not for TP :P)23:13
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_brennanwoot, i finally finished my application!23:30
_brennanok, so it wasnt THAT hard23:30
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mithrojphr: python puesdo code is good way to test thing however23:36
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vi1985By the way, anyone knows when is the estimated ETA for TP04 protocol, and will it be backward-compatible to TP03?23:37
jphrmithro: yes. hey, does TP have any way of showing a players actions in real time23:38
mithrojphr: no23:38
jphrmithro: say I move a ship, and instantly it moves?23:38
jphrmithro: does updating from the server always have to pop the gui out to the update window?23:39
mithrojphr: in tpclient-pywx it does23:39
jphrjphr: it doesn't in a different client?23:40
mithrojphr: in galaxie it's pretty transparent23:40
mithro(from what I understand)23:40
jphrjphr: mmkay, is it too much for a ruleset to be built with a specific client in mind?23:40
jphrmithro: whoops23:40
JLafontjphr, from how I understand it, the rulesets are defined in the server.23:41
JLafontjphr, and the users can use any of the clients to connect to it.23:42
jphrJLafont: I'm just thinking, to implement risk's turn by turn moves, it would play best if you could have VERY short rounds, of a few seconds, update, then continue. Since mithro says you cannot have actions take place instantly inside of a turn for a user23:42
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mithrojphr: I wouldn't be very happy with that mapping personally23:46
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jphrmithro: Do you prefer applications be in to google b4 the end of the application period? or do you have no preference23:52
andreijphr, They have to be in before the end23:53
jphrmithro: Well i think I want to try my hardest to implement risk as risk should be. I will still word my application with that as the goal. But I've noted in my documentation that I am open to implementing it with some rulechanges that would make the game fit into TP more easily23:53
jphrmithro: rest easy knowing I won't butcher TP if you don't want me to, but I will still try to make Risk as Risk should be :P23:53
mithrojphr: adapting the Risk rules is half the fun23:54
mithroThousand Parsec is not a board game implimentation framework23:54
jphrmithro: i can see it, changing in my mind! I'll see what I can do23:56
mithrojphr: if you have an "example game session" then it much easier to see how it would work23:57
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mithro(IE a thought experiment type thing)23:57
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jphrmithro: Well focusing on more TP-like turns would be actually a lot easier, I would probably have to spend quite a bit of time balancing it, instead of butchering the TP framework23:58
jphrmithro: by example game session, do you mean walking through how things get going in the game?23:59

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