Saturday, 2008-03-22

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llnzhi all00:05
JLafontllnz: Allo00:06
llnzhi JLafont00:06
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* JLafont was bored and wrote another name generator from the tp unmotivation page.00:21
* JLP can't sleep again because of this damn wisdom tooth00:28
llnzJLP: that's no good00:29
llnzJLafont: cool00:29
JLafontJLP: Ouch00:30
JLPyeah it sux, i should be recording tutorial videos now that the bug in wxpython client is fixed, but damn i can hardly talk00:32
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JLafontSo should I submit the name generators as a patch?00:36
JLPJLafont: yeah, good idea, post it to tp-devel mailing list00:38
JLafontwill do00:38
JLafontThey are all pretty simple, but you can keep adding to it from the files00:39
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JLafonthmm, should I just zip it into a tarball and put it up as an attachment?01:01
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* JLafont has never really submitted a patch01:02
JLPJLafont: yup that's ok, unzipped diff is also ok01:05
JLafonthmm, ok01:05
JLafontok brb, need to restart and then I'll tar it up and send it01:13
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JLafontI technically have 3 different generators, should I zip them into one tarball or submit 3 different ones?01:23
JLPJLafont: i would zip them into one but ether way is fine01:25
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JLafontok done, I ended up splitting them into different folders in the tarball.01:44
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llnzhi brennan02:15
llnzbbs, dinner02:28
JLPbrennan: ahoy, are you here for google summer of code?02:33
brennanJLP: Yes I am. I actually just posted in the forums about wanting to help work on the metaserver02:40
JLPbrennan: ah cool, i already answered what i think the integration should be02:41
JLPbrennan: maybe llnz knows more about it, or mithro, whi currently isn't around02:42
brennanokies, well ill be back, its 311am local, so i should prob get some sleep, lol03:06
JLPbrennan: yeah, sleep is good :)03:09
tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Remote host closed the connection)04:18
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mithrohey people04:38
mithro~seen xdotx04:38
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 1 day, 9 hours, 9 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <xdotx> llnz:  :)04:38
JLPmithro: ahoy04:39
mithrohey JLP04:39
mithroim going to finish up this "help" window and then do a release04:39
mithroI'll probably reply to some stuff on the mailing list and forums too04:39
mithroJLP: thanks for looking after the forums05:01
llnzhi mithro05:02
mithrollnz: btw, I think you are better of fixing persistence rather then working on adding async support05:02
llnzmithro: ok05:03
mithrowe don't really have any performance problems yet?05:03
mithroJLP: do you have time to update the translations?05:07
llnzmithro: not really05:22
mithroI can run 5 second turns with ~5,000 objects without much problems05:22
llnzi found that 1000 planets was taking 30-40 seconds to do an EOT, once the 5 AI's got going05:23
llnzand the slowest thing is building the combat to take place list05:24
llnzprobably needs an octtree or similar05:25
llnzkdtree maybe05:25
mithrollnz: I think it's still a bit of a non-issue - while you have any segfaults in the tpserver-py persistence is way more important05:27
llnzs/tpserver-py/tpserver-cpp/ ??05:27
mithrohe he, yeah05:27
llnzthere are not many segfaults left05:27
llnzMTSec has a few, but minisec is just about rock solid05:28
mithroI'm sure we will start hitting segfaults in RFTS as we start playing it more regularly05:28
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r05ca1e7c2808 /windows/ Freeze updates when hiding/unhiding the game box.05:31
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * rb61b4ebdb0ad /windows/main/ Removed the unneeded update.05:32
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * re02f7a32cbe1 /windows/main/overlays/ Need to also call SetSize on Windows.05:32
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * rf0b4a9b4ba8e /windows/main/ Fixed the Zoom under Windows.05:32
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r6317f9762d36 /windows/ (main/ Removed the old winReportBase - everything should be using winReportXRC now.05:32
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * ra02c9caf3010 /windows/xrc/ Added Close to the mapping.05:32
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * raca5da10e85b /windows/ (main/ xrc/ xrc/winHelp.xrc):05:32
CIA-13Added a help pop-up when you don't have any objects.05:32
CIA-13 - This window will be used for other help in other places soon.05:32
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r589517f8fe8d /locale/tpclient-pywx.pot: Updated the translation template.05:32
llnzdemo2 isn't registering with the metaserver, Required key name doesn't exist05:33
mithrollnz: i'm getting a weird bug, sometimes when I login the user doesn't have the right id05:33
llnzthat's odd too05:34
mithrobut I can order everything around05:34
* llnz finds his bug05:34
mithroI've had it happen with both minisec and RFTS05:34
mithrobut only since I have updated to a recent version05:34
llnzthat is odd05:37
CIA-13llnz tpserver-cpp * r193761edb1e7 /tpserver/metaserverconnection.cpp:05:38
CIA-13Escape ruleset name in Metaserver update request.05:38
CIA-13Should fix demo2 not being able to register with the metaserver with RFTS.05:38
llnzmithro: new versions of tpserver-cpp? or the client?05:38
mithrothe server05:38
llnznothing should have changed recently to affect that05:39
llnzwhat id do you get?05:39
mithroI should add a python-inspection terminal which lets you find out things like that05:43
llnznot so odd05:54
llnz> Demo2 server: Running on tpserver-cpp (Version: 0.4.1) playing TP RFTS (Version: 0.5)05:59
mithrodid xdotx fix the modtime stuff?06:42
llnznot sure, maybe06:43
llnzit's fully up to date06:43
llnzas will demo1 the next time it is reset06:43
CIA-13mithro web * r9a548b155364 /documents/tpclient-pywx/index.php:06:45
CIA-13Online help for tpclient-pywx.06:45
CIA-13 - JLP could you help update this?06:45
CIA-13mithro web * rf19613979e0b /bits/ Merge with git+ssh://
mithrorunning in gdb again?06:45
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r85b13f8e3f88 / (6 files in 5 dirs):06:46
CIA-13Add a help menu back, including:06:46
CIA-13 - An about box06:46
CIA-13 - Link to website help.06:46
mithrollnz: before you go - can you give the client a whirl to make sure I have not broken anything06:46
llnzumm.. sure, which?06:47
llnzwhich branch?06:47
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mithroorderxrc branch is gone06:51
* llnz has master, dev and statetracker branches06:52
mithrostatetracker went away a long time ago06:53
mithroso did dev06:53
mithrowe now have06:53
mithro"stable" (which is just an alias for tpclient-pywx-0.3.x branch) and tpclient-pywx-0.2.x (which is EOL)06:54
mithroyou should track stable06:55
mithroI will make a tpclient-pywx-0.4.x branch when I start moving to add tp04 support06:56
llnzhow can i ask git what branch the current branch is tracking?06:56
mithrogit branch06:57
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r1da6c2c01e03 /windows/xrc/winHelp.xrc: Remove the encoding for Windows again.06:57
mithroa checkout is so quick it might be better to just remove your stuff and do a fresh checkout06:58
mithro~seen greywhind06:59
tpbmithro: greywhind was last seen in #tp 15 hours, 5 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <greywhind> jphr: it does that on all links, actually06:59
llnzfound bug07:00
llnzadd too many ships to a buildfleet order, then click the D button to remove them, fails with traceback07:00
llnzTraceback (most recent call last):07:01
llnz  File "./windows/main/", line 986, in OnDelete07:01
llnz    selected = self.Choices.GetSelection()07:01
llnzAttributeError: 'wxListCtrl' object has no attribute 'GetSelection'07:01
mithrohow much is too many?07:01
llnzmore than zero, should be enough07:02
llnzany at all, actually07:02
llnzalso, the resource view has never worked for me07:04
llnzand still doesn't07:05
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r1640a126ce37 /windows/main/ Fix the deletion of items in a list order argument.07:05
mithrollnz: oh? what doesn't work07:06
mithroMinisec only has 2 resources so is really uninteresting07:06
mithrotry RFTS or MTSec07:06
llnzresource overlay07:06
mithrollnz: that is unhelpful - what doesn't work?07:06
mithrodoes it just show a black screen?07:06
mithroany errors on the console07:06
llnzthe stars as they were, and a long-ish traceback on the console07:07
mithrollnz: well can you paste the output including the full output of requirements07:07
llnzwill post requirements in a second07:08
mithrohrm... I wonder HTF you are getting a long in that list07:10
llnztpclient-pywx crashed in video playback and now my second screen keeps reseting07:11
* llnz wanders off to restart and and sleep07:14
llnzlater all07:14
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CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r5c52cef897ea /extra/ Give the opener a name on creation.07:42
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r11e3f36e29fa /windows/ Import the opener at the latest chance possible.07:42
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r66fca8aafa67 /windows/ Use the Thousand Parsec website instead of localhost.07:42
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r4f368454d865 /windows/ Fixed the Icon for the About box.07:42
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r6e1877a7ab06 /windows/main/ Fixed keyboard shortcuts on the starmap under windows.07:42
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * re9798ae9cc9c /windows/main/overlays/ Changed reduce(int.__add__, []) to sum([]).07:42
mithro~seen xdotx07:43
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 1 day, 12 hours, 14 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: <xdotx> llnz:  :)07:43
mithroanyone here got a windows computer?07:44
* Epyon 07:49
mithrohey Epyon07:49
mithrowant to test the 0.3.1 binary for windows?07:49
EpyonI can test the binary, but you know that I have little TP experience :)07:50
mithroEpyon: it should be getting easier to actually play :)07:51
Epyongive the link then07:51
mithroEpyon: I'm still in the process of creating it07:52
Epyonkk, ping me when it's done then :)07:52
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r115bc472c888 /windows/ Submit the version information correctly.07:53
mithroit would be really cool if we are able to give a slot to doing a 3d python client07:53
mithroas I could use all my experience otherwise to help make it easy to distribute07:54
EpyonYeah, I guess. You have to answer yourself however, what would be more benefical - a 3d clien or a web-based one :)07:54
EpyonBecause I doubt you'll have the slots to take both.07:54
mithroEpyon: it's a hard question07:55
EpyonI know :)07:55
mithroweb client is easier to access07:55
EpyonI don't expect an answer yet07:55
mithrobut the biggest complaint is that things are ugly07:55
EpyonAFAIK your current goal is to take one client, one ruleset, one AI and probably one more engine thing if slots allow07:55
* Epyon pondered about using the phrase "our goal" but finally decided otherwise :P07:56
mithroEpyon: it will depend on the quality of the applications - there will be atleast one ruleset I know that for sure07:56
EpyonI will still try to push through the Elite/Frontier/TravellerSec thingie07:57
EpyonBut without nash's support it will be rather hard :P07:57
EpyonAnd I promised JLP to resubmit the random procedural ship design app to make for app numbers :P07:58
mithrorandom procedural ship design app would be ubber cool08:06
mithrobut it'll all depend on the number of slots we can get08:07
Epyonmithro, yeah, but to tell the truth I'm concerned whether I could actually pull that one off with usable results :)08:08
mithroships are a little harder then cities I think?08:08
EpyonNow that I worked on the citygen of BZFlag, I learned of the generation pitfalls08:08
EpyonAnd it seems to me that without implementing proper boolean mesh operations it would be impossible to create mesh-correct shipdesigns08:09
EpyonThere is one library that supports those, but it's a big mess08:09
EpyonI'd rather work on something that I know I can deliver :)08:10
Ohmoh, you did the cities for BZFlag?08:10
EpyonOhm, yeah, but the generator didn't get much publicity yet.08:11
OhmI read about that somewhere, saw images and such. Looked very nice08:11
Ohmprobably the bzflag site08:11
OhmFound it when looking through some of last year's mentoring orgs08:11
EpyonIt's this one -- -- hoewver the screenshots are a little out of date08:12
tpbTitle: BZW City Generator (at
OhmEpyon: ah yeah, I found it08:12
Ohmthey wrote a post-mortem sort of report on what they'd learned from GSoC08:12
Ohmthere's a bit about your work in there08:12
EpyonYeah, brlcad wrote it -- it was really cool08:12
mithrobrlcad is pretty cool, I met him at last year's mentor summit08:13
Ohmyeah it's a very nice piece of work08:14
mithroEpyon: give this a whirl -
tpb<> (at
Ohmthere's the report08:15
mithrohey Ohm08:18
mithrohow goes everything?08:18
Ohmmithro: pretty well, actually08:18
Epyonmithro, "the installer you are trying is corrupted or incomplete"08:19
mithroEpyon: wtf?08:19
OhmI think I'm going to fail the next math test, though.08:19
mithroEpyon: can you do a md5sum?08:19
OhmLuckily, we get to do them as many times as we want08:19
Epyonmithro, let me recheck it -- I may have some connection issues08:19
EpyonI'll do the md5 right away08:19
mithrotim@vaio:~$ md5sum tpclient-pywx-0.3.1-setup.exe08:20
mithrof1ef750bb23a844cd8de331ee9c1b971  tpclient-pywx-0.3.1-setup.exe08:20
EpyonIt's different08:20
Epyonsith, somethings wrong with my connection :/08:21
EpyonI barely can download it at all, I get 6.0 kb/s max08:21
mithroEpyon: damn, that site should have a load of bandwidth08:21
EpyonErr, from chaosforge I have 140kb/s :/08:22
EpyonSomethings wrong with the site08:22
EpyonI get 0.0 at TP now08:22
CIA-13juanmy777 sandbox * rceaeafcc96f9 /jlafont/ (14 files in 3 dirs): Added JLafont's name generators.08:22
EpyonYep, no transfer at all :/08:25
mithroI'm getting ~80kb/s08:25
EpyonI can't connect at all :?08:25
mithrocan you traceroute to it08:26 opens fine but slow08:28
Epyon~tim/ too, but the exe wont connect08:28
mithroyou mean the client?08:29
mithroor downloading the e.exe08:29
EpyonI mean the installer08:29
Epyondownloading it08:29
mithroEpyon: did you trace a traceroute?08:38
Epyoncan't find the traceroute program here -_-08:41
mithrotracert on windows I believe08:41
EpyonTracing route to []08:42
Epyonover a maximum of 30 hops:08:42
Epyon  1     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
Epyon  2     1 ms     1 ms    <1 ms []08:42
Epyon  3     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms []08:42
EpyonTrace complete.08:42
EpyonWierd O.o08:42
EpyonProblem seems to be on my end08:42
mithroyou wanted08:42
mithrotracert www.thousandparsec.net08:42
mithronot the url :)08:42
Epyonoh, the site opens just fine, so I don't see a problem08:43
mithrothe server seems to be working fine08:43
Epyonwoah, 21 hops and counting O.o08:44
Epyon25 hops O.o08:45
mithrowant to pastebin that?08:52
mithroEpyon: that looks like your ISP is having some packet loss issues08:56
mithrothe * is where a packet was lost08:56
EpyonMy ISP sucks :(08:57
mithroEpyon: any luck?09:16
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JLafontgood morning10:31
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mithrobddebian: hey11:00
*** mithro changes topic to "Thousand Parsec - || Why not help out? - | || tpserver-cpp vs tpsai-py - || IRC Logs at"11:00
mithrobddebian: going to do a release of 0.3.1 within 24 hours11:00
mithrobddebian: any chance you could get the debs ready?11:02
mithroso it's only a short step to doing 0.3.111:02
bddebianI can try but it likely won't be today.  Wife's birthday today.  I'm not even supposed to be on here! ;-)11:03
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mithrobddebian: he he okay11:04
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mithrowell, I'm heading to bed11:16
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JLPahoy all11:58
JLafontallo JLP11:58
bddebianHello JLP11:59
JLPlooks like i've just messed mithro12:06
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JLPdamn what's with all this snow14:01
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llnzhi all18:02
JLPllnz: ahoy18:03
JLafontallo llnz18:03
llnzhi JLP and JLafont18:04
* JLP goes updating slovenian translation of wxpython client18:26
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llnzhi andrei19:01
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andreillnz, Helll19:07
andreierm Hello19:07
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ApacheChiefHey Mithro, think I could bug you about TP for a few minutes?19:23
JLafontApacheChief: I think its safe to leave a message and he'll answer when he comes back19:26
ApacheChiefwell, I'd really just like to talk to anyone about TP a bit :)19:27
ApacheChiefI'm trying to research it for Google's SoC, but I'm still kinda confused19:28
ApacheChiefI've got osme free time today so I decide to look over a couple of the clients -- I'm trying to get in for designing a Web Client for TP :)19:28
* llnz is here19:28
ApacheChiefHeyo :)19:29
ApacheChiefI think I'm starting to figure out what TP is all about -- it's just a base for any kind of RTS + turn based game, right?19:30
ApacheChiefand then the client/server use a similar "rule set" to play a game19:30
JLafontI think right now its only for turn based 4x games19:30
llnznot RTS19:30
ApacheChiefah yeah, 4x19:30
JLafontServer has the rule-set, client is independent19:30
ApacheChief"like starcraft" I remember reading19:30
ApacheChiefkk, so clients get the ruleset from the server?19:30
ApacheChiefor well, what is a rule set?19:30
llnzthe clients are generic, they don't know anything about the ruleset, except what the server tells it19:30
ApacheChief(sorry fi these are stupid questions)19:31
llnzvia the protocol19:31
ApacheChiefI tried to play a game from the demo server and had no idea what was going on19:31
ApacheChiefI tried a few times actually--all I saw were planets/ships in the top left of the window19:31
llnzthe same client could connect to Minisec, MTSec and RFTS and not need any changes19:31
JLPApacheChief: yeah, the client only knows about the possible objects, orders and other things defined in protocol, it only knows how to display them19:32
ApacheChiefalright, gotcha19:32
JLPApacheChief: the server also tells the client which orders are available for which object type19:32
JLPApacheChief: and after the turn is done the server processes all the orders according to the ruleset on the server19:33
ApacheChiefan order being like "Move" or "Attack"?19:33
ApacheChiefso there are a few fundamental types that I need to understand19:33
ApacheChieforders, objects, and what else?19:33
llnzApacheChief: have a look at the protocol documentation19:34
ApacheChiefshould I research the protocol a bit to find out myself?19:34
ApacheChiefalright :)19:34
ApacheChiefI'll browse around and see what I come up with19:34
tpb<> (at
ApacheChieftyvm :)19:34
llnznote that tp03 in that document isn't the latest, but has most of the information19:35
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brennan_is llnz or mithro here? i had a question or two about the metaserver and JLP yesterday said that you guys were the ones to talk to20:05
llnzhi brennan_20:06
brennan_ok, so i was looking at the suggestions that mithro put on my forum topic, and i thought putting details about who is on a server would be cool20:09
brennan_but a guess im just not seeing it, but is there anywhere that points to where the player info is? is it in the SQL database the metaserver is connected to?20:10
brennan_im thinking im just out of it atm and not seeing it20:11
llnzthe metaserver holds it's info in an SQL db20:11
llnzthe servers tell the metaserver about how many players it has20:11
llnzthe info about each player is in the server, and the metaserver could use the protocol to get that information20:12
brennan_thats what i figured, i just kinda wanted to make sure20:13
greywhind_mithro: ping?20:25
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bddebianHeya gang21:12
llnzhi bddebian21:12
bddebianHello llnz21:13
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JLafontbddebian: allo21:19
bddebianHi JLafont21:20
JLafonthow are you doing?21:21
bddebian'bout the same as always thanks. You?21:21
JLafontI'm doing well, just trying to figure out some of python's kinks21:22
* JLafont would like python to have an #ifndef21:23
JLafontI guess i'll wait for mithro to come by so I can ask him about the client library21:28
* JLafont is now away.21:51
ApacheChiefllnz/mithro, so I've taken a browse through the protocol description and I think I actually understand a good deal of it; for my GSoC application should I try to make a small demo that can connect to a server or some such?22:06
llnzApacheChief: if you can, that would help your proposal a lot22:07
ApacheChiefalright great22:07
ApacheChiefI'll have to get started then :)22:07
ApacheChiefknow when applications are due?22:07
llnz31 march, iirc22:07
llnzbtw, it pays to use the protocol/client libraries if you can22:08
ApacheChiefyep, already got the PHP one ;)22:08
ApacheChiefphp protocol library22:08
ApacheChiefthere doesn't seem to be a client library, right?22:08
llnzyou might been to update the library a little22:08
ApacheChiefI suppose I should write that as a base for my thing22:08
llnzyou don't need to22:09
ApacheChiefthe php protocol lib?22:09
llnzdon't need a client library if it wouldn't add anything useful or noone else would use it22:10
ApacheChiefyou don't think so?  I think it'd be beneficial(sp) if I wrote it generic enough so if someone wanted to write their own web client they could still benefit somewhat from mine22:11
llnzyeah, that could help, but depends on how you structure your client22:11
ApacheChiefMight also be good practice for me as a student to try and write something with a "team" in mind--since I've never really done that, all the code I've really written was just for myself22:11
ApacheChiefI don't have a pretty great idea of how to structure it right now; I have used AJAX and a lot of PHP (in the past), but not much Socket stuff22:12
llnzyou should always write with a team in mind, who is going to update your code later?22:12
ApacheChiefllnz, exactly, I need to learn how to do that :)22:12
ApacheChiefI think that should be a large focus of my work if I get accepted22:12
CIA-13llnz tpserver-cpp * r8cf45eac6a25 /modules/persistence/mysql/ (mysqlpersistence.cpp mysqlpersistence.h):22:14
CIA-13Added methods to retrieve and update position3dobjectparam to mysql persistence.22:14
CIA-13Need to do the other object params and link them up in the object persistence22:14
CIA-13llnz tpserver-cpp * r7f2130670986 /modules/persistence/mysql/mysqlpersistence.cpp:22:14
CIA-13Added missing delete before insert in updatePosition3dObjectParam tpmysql.22:14
CIA-13Needed to make sure we can store the latest values.22:14
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mithrogreywhind: ping?22:44
mithroJLafont: why would you need #ifdef in Python?23:01
greywhindmithro: pong23:02
mithrobrennan_: when a server sends information to the metaserver, the metaserver connects back to the server to reverify the details - it could get the players at this time23:02
mithrogreywhind: hey, didn't actually expect you to respond :)23:03
mithrogreywhind: can you check the client on Mac OS X please?23:03
greywhindmithro: ready to release today?23:03
mithrogreywhind: yeah23:03
brennan_mithro: ok, how is it connecting exactly, i cant seem to findout how, maybe im just missing something and being the noob23:03
mithroif you can confirm everything works under Mac, I will do it in an hour or two23:04
greywhindmithro: ok. checking.23:04
mithrogreywhind: specially check the help menu and the login as guest23:04
greywhindmithro: nice new guest login dialog23:05
mithrogreywhind: yeah23:06
mithroI hope to eventually have one of those windows each time you open a window for the first time23:06
mithroJLP: ping? got that translation for me?23:06
greywhindmithro: well, the online help is rather scarce...23:07
mithrobrennan_: not quite sure what you mean "how" ?23:07
mithrogreywhind: yeah - that needs some work, but atleast that page can be fleshed out23:07
mithrowe really need to update the PDF manual23:07
mithrogreywhind: did it open the correct browser?23:08
mithrobrb 523:08
greywhindmithro: seemed to be right23:08
greywhindmithro: everything looks good here23:08
mithrogreywhind: okay cool23:15
brennan_mithro: i mean like, i guess i havent looked at the server files, kinda scared of them abit cus i dont know python, but how is the server transmiting info to the metaserver?23:16
mithrobrennan_: the server does a http request to register23:16
mithrobrennan_: then the metaserver uses the Thousand Parsec protocol to verify the details against the tpserver23:17
mithrobrennan_: this is generally refered to as "backconnect"23:20
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CIA-13mithro libtpproto-py * rd1e412604bf5 /tp/netlib/discover/pyZeroconf/ Correctly exit on None in pyZeroconf.23:38
CIA-13mithro libtpproto-py * rda5b971ef95a /tp/netlib/ Version bump.23:39
CIA-13mithro libtpclient-py-stable * r58bf795d9fa3 /tp/client/ Version bump.23:41
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * rbcddf1a5f0ed / Fix with the move of COPYING to ./doc23:42
mithrogreywhind: can you test building the package again?23:42
greywhindmithro: ok23:42
mithrogreywhind: if so, I'll tag and release23:43
ApacheChiefquick question, what port does the demo server run on?23:43
greywhindmithro: building works, but the version_str problem appears again23:48
mithrogreywhind: oh? you need to do a "git reset --hard" before building a release23:50
mithrocan you check everything works from the package23:50
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * re24fbeeb5b2c /setup.nsi: Version bump of the Windows setup file.23:54
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * rf015bc731b56 / Also exclude pyreadline.23:54
mithrogreywhind: after I have pushed the tag, you will need to rebuild the package one last time23:54
greywhindmithro: right23:54
mithrogreywhind: everything working?23:55
greywhindmithro: did what you suggested... same problem23:55
greywhindtpclient-pywx Error23:55
greywhindAn unexpected error has occurred during execution of the main script23:55
greywhindAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'version_str'23:55
mithrogreywhind: hrm?23:55
mithroyou did a "git reset --hard" then a "python py2app" ?23:55
greywhindmithro: yes23:56
mithrowhen is the error occuring?23:56
mithroin the packaged program?23:56
greywhindmithro: after building the package and starting the program from the package23:57
greywhindor from the GIT checkout23:57
mithrooh, you also want to do a "git reset --hard" after the setup.py23:57
greywhindmithro: that fixes the one in the GIT checkout, but not the package23:58

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