Tuesday, 2008-03-18

* llnz wanders off home00:00
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mithroJLafont: probably a good idea00:07
mithroJLafont: having proof that you can code is always good :)00:07
JLafonthaha sure.00:09
JLafontI have a couple of AI projects I've done00:09
JLafontI have to wait until I get back on campus though00:09
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mithro~seen xdotx00:33
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 4 days, 15 hours, 13 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: <xdotx> agreed00:33
* Epyon feels wierd selling himself to other orgs.00:51
mithrowhy? Do you think your good enough to get into Thousand Parsec? ;)01:00
Epyonmithro, I noticed that Wesnoth also takes part -- but they seem really sceptical about ranbdom/procedural generation so I guess I'll pass on them :P01:06
mithro~seen nash01:07
tpbmithro: nash was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 5 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes, and 19 seconds ago: <nash> night01:07
Epyonmithro, so what do you need for TP most now? Because it seems that BZFlag isn't going to accept another map generation proposal, and the wesnoth guys seem sceptical about the whole procedural thing xP01:13
mithroEpyon: if you are going to do procedual generation - it would have to be space ships or planet graphics01:14
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EpyonWhat about EliteSec?01:15
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mithroEpyon: EliteSec would probably be welcomed01:19
mithrowould you be doing it on the C++ or Python server?01:19
EpyonProbably C++01:23
EpyonBut it doesn't make much of a difference for me -- I know both languages equally well -- but I'd like to know C++ better -- hence the choice :P01:24
mithroI'm gunning to try and get some rulesets on tpserver-py and take it out of the "toy" stage01:25
EpyonIf you'd convince me I'd do it in python, but I'd be only moderately happy 'bout it :/01:26
mithrowe will probably have a C++ ruleset too01:27
EpyonBut damn, if there were a Elite-like ruleset, I'd be a regular TP-player myself -_-01:28
mithroEpyon: well, feel free to impliment it outside GSoC! :)01:32
Epyonmithro, believe me, the world would be a much nicer place if I had time to execute all my ideas :)01:33
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1h5y> (at digg.com)02:12
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mithrohey llnz  :)03:18
JLPgood morning all03:26
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mithrohey JLafont_03:38
mithroand JLP03:38
JLPmithro: has the news about TP@GSoC been sent out to various sites/forums already while I was sleeping?03:40
mithroJLP: no03:40
JLPmithro: alright, will start doing that then03:41
JLPprobably it is best to come up with some generic Games @ GSoC news for generic sites and post TP only to things like Stars! Autohost03:42
mithroJLP: sending you now03:44
mithroJLP: sent03:45
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* JLP checks mail03:58
JLPcool, thanks mithro04:02
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JLPxdotx: ahoy05:10
xdotxJLP: heya05:10
llnz~seen peres05:15
tpbllnz: peres was last seen in #tp 2 days, 17 hours, 14 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: <peres> so please don't worry :P05:15
xdotxgsoc day being the same day as Saint Patrick's seems to be a bad idea05:17
llnzhi xdotx05:18
xdotxheya :)05:19
* llnz just realised he doesn't have long to release tpserver-cpp 0.5.0 with last year's gsoc code before this year's gsoc06:39
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llnzhi BZA06:42
BZAllnz: Hi06:42
JLPBZA: ahoy06:43
BZAllnz: I have a preliminary design doc for a risk ruleset I wanted to give to mithro, but it doesn't look like he is around.06:44
BZAJLP: Ahoyhoy right back atcha =)06:44
llnzBZA: email would probably be a good option06:44
BZAllnz: where can I find his email address?06:45
llnzgsoc page on the wiki :-)06:46
llnzor [email protected]06:46
BZAllnz: I also found [email protected]06:47
* llnz wonders where that points06:48
llnz[email protected] also works06:48
BZAgreat, sent that off.  One less thing to do for now =)  g'night guys06:55
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mithroJLP: ping?07:38
JLPmithro: pong07:38
mithrohow goes the promotion stuff?07:38
mithroto bad we didn't get the forums working :/07:39
JLPmithro: promotion goes slowly but steadily, hard to do it from work :(07:40
mithroJLP: yeah :/07:40
JLPmithro: well the forums can be up quickly, it is just the ML connection that is holding it back07:40
mithroJLP: do you want to quickly put up a single forum and link the website to it07:41
mithrowe probably need a decent theme too07:41
JLPmithro: maybe that connection could be a project idea07:41
JLPyup that too07:41
llnzhumm... maybe some of these smaller projects the dedicated students will do to prove they are keen07:44
* JLP is thinking if i should post to FreeOrion forums07:45
* JLP feels kinda bad about it, like stealing their developers07:45
* llnz wonders if he suggests that enough whether it would actually happen07:45
llnzJLP: hehehe, well, hopefully we can all work together (eventually)07:45
mithroJLP: i've posted there before :)07:48
JLPmithro: me too, encouraging them to participate in GSoC07:48
mithroI dont understand why GSoC never gets lots of Diggs on Digg07:49
JLPmithro: yeah too bad, maybe google should put the link to the GSoC webpage07:50
JLPi've tried posting the link into #gsoc channel but this didn't have any effect at all :(07:51
* llnz goes to digg it, just to make JLP feel better07:53
JLPmaybe if LH posts it people would be all over it :)07:53
* JLP hugs llnz :)07:53
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* JLP gets more good news, ministry of culture will finance KDE4 translation into Slovenian language08:16
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mithrohello Ohm08:20
mithroOhm: we are officially part of GSoC now08:24
Ohmawesome, congrats!08:24
JLPOhm: ahoy08:26
mithroOhm: so getting your application ready now? :)08:28
OhmI'm going to get started with it today, yeah08:28
mithrocool - what where you interested again?08:29
* JLP should now really add Parsek to the ideas page, with all the hard work translating KDE comming up there will be even less time to work on it :(08:30
Ohmmithro: working on schemepy or AI would be cool, but I'm pretty sure I won't be doing AI things (considering you have an already experienced programmer on that)08:32
mithroOhm: we have an experiance AI programmer? That is news to me :)08:32
Ohmotherwise I'd love to do random work on pywx client08:32
Ohmmithro: I thought the guy who did the current AI was going to do AI things again this year?08:32
OhmHard to compete with somebody who already knows the project well, if we choose the same ideas08:33
mithroOhm: nope, I did tpsai-py08:33
mithroand I'm a mentor08:33
Ohmhow odd08:33
mithroI believe JLafont was interested in AI08:33
Ohmyes, it was probably him I was thinking about08:33
Ohmhow odd08:33
mithroif we have to AI projects they can battle each other! :08:34
Ohmanyways, it'd be fun to implement a message board or 3D starmap into pywx08:34
mithroOhm: it will be a bit difficult to put together a strong tpclient-pywx "do stuff" application so please work on it earlier and get plenty of feedback08:35
Ohmfeels like the starmap would teach me about 3D-stuff, while the message board would let me learn about protocols08:36
Ohmboth of course would be good for interface building experience08:36
Ohmmithro: Oh I as definitely thinking of focusing on one of them, making my application to TP specific08:37
Ohma "i want todo stuff" application would look pretty unmotivated to me08:37
mithrothe message board stuff is probably a weeks worth of work in reality08:38
mithroOhm: Oh I mean a proposal do do a bunch of the smaller tpclient-pywx tasks08:38
Ohmah yes08:38
OhmI definitely intend to get lots of feedback on the application08:39
mithronone of the tpclient-pywx tasks apart from the 3d stuff is really a full GSoC by itself08:39
Ohmnot doing so would just be wasteful08:39
* llnz wanders off08:40
llnzlater all08:40
Ohmsee you08:40
OhmThe 3d stuff feels intimidating, though.08:40
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OhmI've never worked with that kind of stuff before08:40
mithroit's smaller then the "do a complete 3d client" as all the infrastructure is already there08:41
Ohmdoes the client already handle 3d coordinates and stuff, but without making it visible to the user?08:41
mithrobut that does involve another learning curve08:42
mithroOhm: the client has all the XYZ coords it just ignores Z08:42
mithrogreywhind: ping?08:43
Ohmmithro: oh, by the way, I watched all the miniconf videos08:48
mithroI guess I should head to bed08:48
mithroOhm: where they interesting at all?08:49
Ohmyeah, definitely08:49
mithroOhm: cool08:49
mithronow you know what I look like :)08:49
OhmI'd say pyglet beat the others08:49
Ohmcould hardly hear what the guy talking about crayons said, sadly08:49
mithroOhm: dang08:49
Ohmheh, you also have a TP-shirt!08:49
mithroOhm: so do the other developers :)08:50
Ohma good carrot ;)08:50
Ohmpyweek was pretty cool aswell08:50
Ohmcommercial was a bit of a letdown, but still interesting08:51
Ohmcrystalspace was very cool, but pyglet even cooler08:51
Ohmoh well, I should make some breakfast. You sleep well08:51
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JLafontYay for sleep!10:53
JLPJLafont: exactly :) if only you could do it in parallel with work :)10:57
JLafontJLP: That would be a dream come true10:57
JLafontAnd now to do a quick implementation of my AI idea11:01
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* JLP gets back from work13:24
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JLPcherez: ahoy13:43
JLPcherez: nice to see you again13:44
EpyonJLP, no idea when mithro will be online?13:47
cherezJLP: Saluton!13:47
JLPEpyon: 4:21 @ mithro13:47
Epyon!seen mithro13:48
Epyonduh, forgot the command -_-13:48
JLPEpyon: probably he'll be online in about 3-5 hours13:48
JLP~seen mithro13:48
tpbJLP: mithro was last seen in #tp 4 hours, 58 minutes, and 43 seconds ago: <mithro> Ohm: so do the other developers :)13:48
EpyonGood :)13:49
OhmI think he went to bed13:50
JLPcherez: ready to try once again with gsoc?13:50
Ohmtime to cook some food13:51
cherezJLP: I'm leaning toward it.13:52
JLPcherez: cool13:52
JLPcherez: you applied with MTSec last year, right?13:52
cherezHas anyone done MTSec yet?13:54
Epyoncherez, afaik not, but I'm willing to do the graphics for it :)13:55
JLPcherez: something is running on demo2 server :)13:55
JLPcherez: but it is not complete as far as i know13:56
cherezI may have to check that out.13:58
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JLPniphree: ahoy, great to see you again14:39
niphreeJLP: hello, nice to see you too14:39
niphreeEpyon: hi :>14:40
JLPniphree: so what project are you thinking about this year?14:43
niphreeJLP: I don't know if I'll join gsoc this year, I don't know if I'll have time for it14:46
JLPniphree: too bad :( lack of time really sux14:46
niphreeJLP: yes :/14:47
niphreeJLP: but maybe I want to help with my previous project14:48
JLPniphree: sure, you're more than welcome to, anytime you have some free time14:48
niphreeJLP: ok :]14:50
EpyonLet's make niphree a mentor xP15:06
JLPIf she has enough time and would like to do this then I don't see any reason why not to15:07
niphreeno, no, very bad idea :D15:15
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mithrocherez: ping?18:06
mithrowelcome back18:27
cherezmithro: pong18:29
mithrocherez: good to see you back around18:29
greywhindmithro: do you know who I might talk to about the age requirement for SoC?18:30
mithrotook me forever to try and find your email as you didn't include your nick in your email :)18:30
mithrogreywhind: well, you could try lh on #gsoc - I don't think they are able to do much about it I'm afraid18:31
mithrowhich is a real bummer :/18:31
greywhindmithro: probably not... but I might as well try18:32
cherezHow did the projects turn out last summer?18:33
mithrogreywhind: I'll definately investigate some other options for you - but none of them are as good as GSoC18:33
mithrocherez: 3 success, 1 failure18:34
greywhindmithro: well, it's hard to find things as good as SoC18:34
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1hLJ> (at www.thousandparsec.net)18:34
CIA-13mithro web * rb0a974e963ef /news/2008-03-17-2121.news: Made the headline a little shorter.18:39
mithrogreywhind: I'm really disappointed :/18:39
cherezWas that php client the failure?18:39
greywhindmithro: i am as well.18:39
mithrocherez: it was going to be a python web client, and yes that one did not pass18:40
cherezAhh, that's too bad.18:40
greywhindlh said there was no way around it, as I expected.18:41
mithrogreywhind: sorry :/18:42
mithroanyway have to run to work18:42
greywhindk. cya later.18:42
mithroI'll be back in 30-40 minutes18:42
* llnz goes to work18:50
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tpbNew news from http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/rss.php: Thousand Parsec accepted into Google Summer of Code 2008!19:02
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mithrohey people19:23
Epyonyo mithro :)19:29
mithrohey Epyon19:29
mithro~seen nash19:29
tpbmithro: nash was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 5 days, 18 hours, 55 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <nash> night19:29
mithroI wonder what has happened to nash19:29
EpyonWeeks? O.o19:29
EpyonHe's alive at least -- Pigdin reports he was last seen on jabber 1 day and 18 jours ago19:30
mithroEpyon: it could just be his computer signing in :)19:32
cherezSo what things are the devs hoping to get done this year?19:34
mithrowe are concentrating on making the games more usable/playable19:36
mithroso that means19:36
mithro 1. New playable games19:36
mithro 2. Improving the clients and servers19:36
greywhindmithro: sounds good.19:37
mithrocherez: www.thousandparsec.net/wiki/Ideas_for_Programmers19:37
cherezWhoo, MTSec again. :P19:37
mithrocherez: not a huge amount of progress in that regard19:37
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1bX9> (at www.thousandparsec.net)19:38
cherezWhoo, I could touch up my proposal from last year and resubmit it.19:38
mithro~seen BZA19:38
tpbmithro: BZA was last seen in #tp 12 hours, 43 minutes, and 23 seconds ago: <BZA> great, sent that off.  One less thing to do for now =)  g'night guys19:38
mithro~seen xdotx19:39
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 14 hours, 20 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <xdotx> heya :)19:39
cherezSchemepy looks pretty fun too....19:40
cherezmithro: Is the gist of the Schemepy improvements just adding new backends?19:45
mithrocherez: and the test suite to make sure all the backends work to the same level is important19:45
mithroI have to admit that is probably one of the lower priority tasks19:47
mithrobut it is pretty fun to work on19:47
mithrogreywhind: ping?19:47
cherezI got that impression reading it.19:47
cherezI've written a lot of game servers lately, some purer programming would be a nice change. :)19:47
mithroif we got a few rulesets for tpserver-py working then it would become more important19:47
greywhindmithro: pong19:48
mithrogreywhind: so I'm hoping to do a release this weekend19:48
mithroso where is all your stuff at?19:48
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mithrohey llnz19:55
mithroit's been a bit weird that we haven't gotten more students appearing here yet19:55
mithroJLP: ping?19:57
greywhindmithro: heh... what would you like me to do by the release?19:58
mithrogreywhind: well, did you end up doing the no-objects popup?19:59
greywhindmithro: i did... try logging in to Demo1 as guest with the updated orderxrc branch client20:00
mithrojust testing now20:00
mithrookay, we should probably update that text a little20:00
mithrogreywhind: so how far along is your resource selection stuff?20:01
greywhindmithro: well, if you want me to totally change it to get rid of some of those bugs, not very far :(20:01
greywhindi'll do as much as I can today, though20:01
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JLPmithro: pong.20:18
JLPjaffer: ahoy20:18
mithrogreywhind: okay20:18
mithroJLP: just looking through the mailing list logs and it looks like a majority of students where participating through the forums20:19
mithroso I think we should make getting a working forum (even if not linked to the mailing list) a high priority20:19
jafferSpeaking of students, I should introduce myself, as I am one of them20:19
mithrogreywhind: well, we just need the code to be in a stable state by friday my time20:20
mithrogreywhind: it would also be good if you could build mac packages over the weekend20:20
JLPmithro: interesting info, will try to bring it up right away20:20
greywhindmithro: if i don't get the new selector built by Friday, would you rather use the slightly buggy one or the old single-selection one?20:20
JLPmithro: do I only create a GSoC forum or all the others too?20:21
mithroJLP: not sure20:21
mithromaybe a GSoC forum would be a good start20:21
mithro(and a read-only developer/user forums)20:21
JLPjaffer: great to see you here, have you looked at the ideas page yet?20:21
mithrogreywhind: not sure, I'll leave it in your hands to figure out which works best20:21
jafferJLP: yes I have, I'm a 2nd year comp sci student, havent worked on any big projects, I think I would be able to tackle creating a ruleset.20:22
greywhindmithro: well, the only bug that happens on my computer is the "refuse to give focus back" one20:22
jafferJLP: I actually emailed llnz a few minutes ago about it, since I understand he is the rulesets guy20:22
greywhindmithro: the other issues don't appear on Mac20:22
mithrojaffer: llnz is the tpserver-c++ guy20:23
mithroI'm the tpserver-py guy20:23
jafferoh, it mentioned on the mentors list he was on rulesets :P20:23
JLPjaffer: it depends on the server for which you would like to do ruleset for20:26
jafferJLP: c++ is what I know best20:26
JLPfor c++ server/rulesets llnz is the right persion, for python ones mithro is20:26
JLPjaffer: so yit looks like you got the right persion :)20:27
jafferJLP: lol, I thought about it long and hard, didn't want to mess up first impressions!20:27
JLPjaffer: don't worry to much, that's why we are here for, to answer the questions you might have20:28
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mithrohey bddebian20:28
JLPjaffer: and pointing you in the right direction20:28
JLPmithro: should the forum just be called GSoC or should I create some common forum that could also be used for AI competitions or other Special Events20:29
bddebianHeya mithro20:29
mithroJLP: which ever you think is best20:29
jafferJLP: awesome. The process of getting a GSoC project is so foreign to me compared to applying with a company for a position :P20:30
JLPmithro: in my opinion all this belongs simply to the Development forum :)20:30
mithrojaffer: becoming part of a FOSS project is nothing like applying for a company really :)20:31
JLPjaffer: yeah it is much more relaxed and fun :)20:31
mithroJLP: the other option is to setup a phpbb 2.x series with the older m2f20:31
jaffermithro: i've noticed. I haven't lurked on irc in so long though!20:31
JLPmithro: well for now i will create a Special Events forum and when we get M2F working I will create the other ones to mirror mailing lists20:32
mithroJLP: sounds good20:32
mithromake sure you add a welcome post20:33
mithrowhen does the GSoC application process open?20:33
jaffermithro: 24 to 31st20:33
mithrookay, thats next monday20:33
jafferyeah, atleast university is in between exams now20:34
mithroJLP: I'll have a look at fixing the remaining m2f problems over the weekend20:34
mithroJLP: I think we should just pick a decently looking dark/black theme rather then worrying about finding the perfect one20:35
jafferso can any of you tell me what kind of coding skills are required to make a ruleset?20:36
mithrojaffer: well you will need either C++ or Python skills, and you will need to learn some scheme20:42
jaffermithro: Ok, i have c++, I will probably start delving into scheme in my spare time this week20:43
mithrojaffer: I would recommend diving into the C++ code in tpserver-cpp and looking at the existing rulesets too20:43
jaffermithro: that I can do20:44
cherezmithro: Is the Python server still lagging behind the C++?20:44
mithrocherez: kind of20:44
mithroI think it's more stable and the code is cleaner20:45
mithrobut the c++ server has had a whole bunch of new features which should make more advanced stuff easier20:45
cherezAs a matter of principle, I hate to see a Python server lagging behind a C++ in features.20:46
JLPmithro: forum created, looks ok?20:47
mithrocherez: I do too20:47
mithrobut I've been concentrating on the client20:47
mithroJLP: can we get a black theme for the forums?20:49
cherezWho would be the one to talk to about server work?20:49
mithrocherez: python server work? that would be me20:49
JLPmithro: just looking on that theme page20:49
cherezOh, sweet.20:49
mithroJLP: there where a couple there that where not perfect, but we could make do with20:50
JLPmithro: would this one be ok: http://www.phpbb3styles.net/db/style/Black+Pearl20:52
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1eLu> (at www.phpbb3styles.net)20:52
jaffermithro: do you know what times llnz is usually active on irc?20:52
mithrojaffer: he is in New Zealand20:53
mithronormally active around 5-6 hours from now20:53
jaffermithro: i just noticed that :P20:53
mithrosometimes he is active now depend on what is going on at work20:53
* mithro pokes llnz 20:53
JLPmithro: or this one: http://demo.phpbb3styles.net/BlackDiamond20:53
tpbTitle: BlackDiamond phpBB3 Styles Demo - phpBB3styles.net (at demo.phpbb3styles.net)20:53
mithroJLP: yeah looks fine - would probably work quite well with the tp logo in the corner20:53
mithroJLP: either one would be fine20:54
mithroI think I like the cleaner BlackDiamond a little better20:55
JLPi like the green colored circle in the second one, almost like the color on the webpage20:55
mithroJLP: yeah, lets go with BlackDiamond20:56
JLPmithro: ok BlackDiamond it is :)20:56
greywhindJLP: i like that one20:59
jafferi'm assuming its easiest to grab a copy of the source code and set up cogito in linux correct?21:01
mithrojaffer: yes, there is setup instructions on the wiki21:03
jaffermithro: ok, I am probably already there21:03
jafferwell then I must depart to boot into linux21:04
JLPwow what's with my upload, blazingly fast at about 1k/s21:04
jaffergoodnight all21:04
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mithroJLP: woot, you back in the 1990's21:05
Epyonmithro, I'll probably be applying this year again21:06
mithroEpyon: okay cool21:07
JLPthe theme is st21:07
JLPjust have to change the logo21:07
mithroJLP: a little squashed :)21:22
JLPmithro: yeah, noticed21:22
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CIA-13tim * r67 media/promotion/logo/ (zzorn-black.png zzorn-black.svg): A version of the zzorn logo for black backgrounds.21:24
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mithroJLP: have a look at them21:24
CIA-13tim * r68 media/promotion/logo/ (zzorn-black.png zzorn-black.svg): Small updates to be like the version on the business cards.21:29
mithroJLP: those are the logo on the business cards21:29
* JLP checks it out21:30
JLPmithro: hm looks like inkscape is not able to open the svg file21:32
mithroJLP: WTF? It was produced in inkscape21:33
JLPmithro: hm now it works, look like something went wrong when downloading21:35
mithroJLP: :/21:36
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jphrmithro: couldn't register jaffer as my user name so I had to change it to this21:39
mithrojphr: ahh okay21:40
mithroI figured as much from your host mask21:40
jphrmithro: yeah, so I just cg clone the bits from git I need? tpserver-cpp?21:41
mithrobe back in 1 hour21:44
tpb<http://ln-s.net/rVo> (at www.thousandparsec.net)21:45
jphrmithro: thanks, ttyl21:45
jphrwhat is the best version of automake to use?21:48
* llnz gets back from meeting21:55
jphrllnz: hello21:55
llnzhi jphr21:55
jphrllnz: Name's Ryan neufeld, I'm hoping to be a GSoC student. I sent you an introduction email an hour or two ago :D21:56
jphrllnz: I need to be off to study for a midterm, i'll let you read my email and I will talk to you later on21:57
llnzsure, no problem21:58
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CIA-13jlp web * r1fe20725e91a /bits/start_page.inc: Enabled Forums link22:33
CIA-13jlp web * r0f334104f288 /news/2008-03-17-2121.news: Merge with central repository22:33
JLmithro: Is RFTS coded for the Python Server?22:40
mithroJL: no22:40
mithroJL: it is a ruleset for the C++ server22:41
*** JL is now known as JLafont22:41
JLafontmithro: So I'd have to code the AI in C++?22:42
mithroJLafont: nope22:42
mithroAI are just computer controlled clients22:42
JLafontAhhh ok22:43
mithrothey connect to a server and work just like any other user22:43
JLafontThat awesome, I'll have to play around with it a little bit more then22:46
JLPwell link to forums is active now, the GSoC forum seems to work22:49
JLPmithro: i've marked you as admin for the forum22:50
mithroJLP: cool22:50
JLPi guess i should better get sleeping now, 4 am here22:50
JLPgood night all22:50
greywhindmithro: ping?22:51
mithrogreywhind: pong22:51
greywhindmithro: i've replaced the popupctrl with a button, but i'm not sure how to cause the selection window to hide when I click elsewhere, rather than going behind the front window...22:52
mithrogreywhind: I think you can hook on the loss of focus event22:52
greywhindmithro: hmm... do you happen to know what the event is?22:53
mithronope, I'm pretty sure it has a confusing name too :/22:53
mithromaybe something like Activate22:53
mithroanother option is to bind on mouse motion and check for mouse events outside the window22:53
greywhind"A focus event is sent when a window's focus changes. The window losing focus receives an EVT_KILL_FOCUS event while the window gaining it gets an EVT_SET_FOCUS event."22:55
greywhindmithro: the only problem with that is that the window doesn't seem to be losing focus when i click outside it, but it does when i click on one of the controls inside it...23:01
mithrogreywhind: those FOCUS events are not quite what you want23:01
mithrothey are for things inside a window23:01
mithroyou want ACTIVATE I think23:01
greywhindmithro: hmm... k23:01
greywhindmithro: alright! it works!23:07
mithrogreywhind: wow! cool :)23:07
CIA-13noegnud tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * r720870223fc0 /windows/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Redid some of the Resource Selector code to remove some tough bugs.23:20
greywhindmithro: try that23:20
mithrowill need to check it a bit later23:26
greywhindmithro: ok. let me know how it goes (either today, if within the next... 2 hours, or tomorrow)23:27
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[1]ApacheChiefHi guys, I'm interested in writing the Web Client in PHP/Ajax--what's up? :)23:38
mithro[1]ApacheChief: your nick looks familiar :)23:46
mithrowhere you around last year?23:46
[1]ApacheChiefI did come here a while ago23:46
[1]ApacheChiefI _think_ so23:47
mithroI guess we could always search the IRC logs :)23:47
[1]ApacheChiefI was looking for this project and re-found it, I think I forgot to come by this last summer, not sure though23:47
[1]ApacheChiefsure, lol23:47
[1]ApacheChief[2007-11-29 19:24:55] <ApacheChief> Hi, mithro?23:48
[1]ApacheChief[2007-11-29 19:25:05] <mithro> hi ApacheChief23:48
[1]ApacheChief[2007-11-29 19:25:09] <mithro> your new around here?23:48
[1]ApacheChief[2007-11-29 20:22:28] <ApacheChief> I think I can be a little helpful for ya guys23:48
[1]ApacheChief[2007-11-29 20:23:05] <ApacheChief> I can, hopefully, do PHP/Ajax23:48
[1]ApacheChiefthat's as far as I got on IRC23:48
mithrohe he okay23:49
mithroso you are not here for GSoC, or?23:50
[1]ApacheChiefI am for GSoC now, that I'm actually in college and such :)23:50

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