Sunday, 2008-03-16

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mithrollnz: the first tpclient-pywx to support tp04 will probably occur in the 0.4.0 series01:18
llnzi guessed01:19
mithrowhich will probably occur after GSoC01:19
mithrodepending on what students end up working on01:35
JLPgood morning everyone02:59
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mithrohey JLP03:39
mithroso where are we at regarding the forums and the intro videos?03:39
JLPmithro: with intro videos the dissapearing search box is holding me back03:43
mithroJLP: oh? why?03:43
mithrojust don't do the behaviour which triggers it?03:43
JLPmithro: with forums i would like to try to import one maling liat into test03:44
JLPmithro: the problem is that it is hidden by default when i start the client03:44
mithroJLP: hrm....03:44
mithroJLP: when did it start occuring? or has it always done that?03:44
JLPmithro: is there and archive of announce mailung lists in mbox format somewhere03:44
mithroJLP: yes, you can find them on lester.mithis.com03:44
JLPmithro: hm can't say for sure, i think it started after the arrows bellow the tree were added03:45
tpbTitle: Index of /pipermail (at
mithroJLP: does it occur in the 0.3.0 release?03:45
JLPmithro: hm let me see, i forgot if i already tried 0.3.003:46
JLPmithro: just tried 0.3.0, no buttons there but search still hidden03:51
mithroJLP: hrm...03:51
mithrowithout being able to reproduce it's very hard to fix03:51
JLPmithro: it also looks liek it is dependant on the number of systems in the universe, in demo2 which has less of them search is partialy visible03:54
JLPso it looks like when i was recording first there were only a few systems in the game and the bug was not triggered03:56
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JLPmithro: those mbox archives are old: or am i looking in the wrong place04:09
tpbTitle: Index of /pipermail/old (at
mithroJLP: hold on a sec04:13
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JLPmithro: looks like import worked04:33
tpb<> (at
mithroJLP: only one message?04:38
JLPmithro: i see them all here04:39
mithroI only see one message?04:43
mithroO wait04:44
mithroI see them all now04:44
mithroJLP: any luck with filters?04:45
mithroI could probably put some together04:45
JLPmithro: i don't think i can make filters, i would need to learn php first04:46
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mithroJLP: you need to add a bbcode filter?04:52
JLPmithro: to forums-to-mail?04:53
mithroyeah I think so?04:53
JLPmithro: yeah i know, i forgot to add it, will add it later for non-test04:54
mithroprobably want to add a password to the admin interface too :)04:56
JLPmithro: there is no options to set password for this04:57
mithroJLP: you need to add a .htaccess thing04:57
JLPmithro: will do05:00
mithrowhere is the svn for mail2forum again?05:00
mithroany luck with the themes?05:01
JLPmithro: i couldn't find svn anywhere05:03
tpbTitle: Subversion (at
mithroJLP: <- that is empty?05:05
tpb<> (at
JLPmithro: as for the themes, don't know which one to choose05:05
tpbTitle: phpBB3 Styles, Themes, Templates, Skins (at
JLPmithro: yeah i noticed all ones from lee are empty05:05
mithroJLP: any idea what happened to the rest of my topic ?05:12
mithroJLP: also looks like it's not properly setting the reply to header05:15
mithroJLP: maybe import a slightly more complicated list then announce?05:16
JLPmithro: hm topic titles are indeed just cut off, at first it looked like it is only becuase the column is too narrow05:18
JLPmithro: reply to works fine for me05:19
mithros/reply to/threading/05:19
mithro(in replay too)05:19
* llnz wanders off06:14
llnzlater all06:14
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mithroJLP_: ping?08:32
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mithroJLP: ping?18:03
JLPmithro: pong18:03
mithroJLP: how do I upload a filter to test?18:03
JLPmithro: ftp to forums.thousandparsec.net18:04
mithroI'll have a play with filters later tonight18:05
mithroany luck with the bbcode filter?18:05
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JLPmithro: i can try it now, will have to remove the f2m chain and recreate it with the filter in between18:10
mithroJLP: oh okay18:10
mithroheading to work18:10
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llnzhi mithro18:47
mithrohey llnz18:48
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mithrohey jotham18:56
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remaximping mithro20:26
llnzhi remaxim20:28
remaximhey llnz20:28
remaximI m here to say goodbye20:28
remaximhave a nice time working on this thing ;)20:29
llnzoh :-(20:29
remaximit was limited in time anyway... it just took longer than I thought20:30
llnzfeel free to come back any time20:30
remaximthanks ...20:30
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remaximI ll be back some other day to say goodbye to the others...21:27
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greywhindmithro: ping?21:34
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mithrogreywhind: pong22:41
mithrowas in a meeting then lunch22:42
mithrogreywhind: feel free to send me an email or just leave some stuff on irc22:43
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