Thursday, 2008-03-13

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mithroAlklomion: ping?00:31
mithrohello CISCO, you new here?00:31
mithroAlklomion: all the stuff you sent me look fine00:32
mithroI'll send you a response tonight00:32
Alklomioncool, i'll need to add something about the library and conversions00:32
Alklomioni'd be interested if we could pass the weekly meeting with you off as something we do on IRC00:33
CISCOfirst time here00:33
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mithroAlklomion: that could be a possibility00:42
Alklomionit could certainly be beneficial to all parties - Chris doesn't need to be at the client meetings, the city is out of the way and you tend to be on IRC all the time00:43
mithrohe he00:48
mithroyeah, I do tend to be on here way to much :)00:48
mithroCISCO: do you need help with anything?00:48
mithrobe back in 500:49
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* mithro is back00:53
mithroAlklomion: have you had any luck investigating MIDP stuff?00:54
Alklomionfurther than reading wikipedia, not yet00:54
mithroAlklomion: I think that is one of the most important things you should be looking into00:55
mithroas finding a good simulator/emulator/etc is going to be important00:55
mithroand it will also dictate which hardware we look into getting00:56
mithroAlklomion: any luck with the SSH tunnel?00:56
Alklomioni have not been to uni to try it there00:57
mithroAlklomion: okay00:58
mithroAlklomion: your on Windows mainly?00:58
AlklomionI'll most definitely spend some time over the weekend reading up on MIDP00:58
Alklomionmithro: yes00:59
mithroAlklomion: okay01:05
mithroAlklomion: I would recommend installing cygwin01:06
mithroAlklomion: I'm hoping to do a 0.3.1 release of tpclient-pywx just before easter01:08
Alklomionbug fixes?01:13
mithroAlklomion: and loads of new features01:26
mithrokind of "we forgot we hadn't finished everything" features :)01:27
mithroalso trying to improve the support for playing RFTS01:27
mithroAlklomion: also trying to clean up for the Google Summer of Code01:32
mithrowhich brings in a load of new recruits01:32
mithrotake a look at
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
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mithrohey llnz03:15
llnzhi mithro03:15
mithrollnz: you got some more time to do some work on the tpserver-cpp ideas?03:16
llnzyes, i should do03:17
mithrosome of them are not really big enough for GSoC - maybe group then together in a similar way to the tpclient-pywx?03:17
mithrollnz: i think it's okay to make that page a little GSoC specific for the moment03:18
llnzi thought I would mark the ones that are gsoc sized, and maybe the ones people have said they would look into03:18
llnzah, ok03:19
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mithroyay! I have nice fonts back04:49
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mithrohey everyone05:45
llnzwb mithro05:45
mithrooh, llnz - did you see my commit from last night?05:45
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JLPmorning all05:47
llnzwhich one?05:47
llnzhi JLP05:47
tpb<> (at
llnzah, yeah05:48
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mithrohrm, something seems to be broken with RFTS and caching06:11
mithroxdotx: HTF do I build a colonist ship?06:14
llnzmithro: iirc, building things only occurs every 3 turns06:14
xdotxmithro: need colonists ;)06:14
mithroI can build scouts fine06:14
mithroxdotx: you are not changing the modtime each turn for planets06:15
llnzmithro: that might be the core not doing the right thing06:15
mithroxdotx: you change which orders are valid on the planet each turn right?06:16
* xdotx nods06:16
llnzmaybe it should have multiple queues?06:17
mithrollnz: well, it's because production only happens every second turn06:17
mithroso you can only add produce orders every X turns06:18
llnzwhy not allow them being added every turn, but only process that queue every other turn06:18
llnz(other than tpclient-pywx not supporting it yet)06:19
xdotxthat's kind of confusing?06:19
xdotxwhy can you add something that doesn't do anything?06:19
xdotx(or so it will seem to the player)06:19
llnzbut if the first order in the queue is a build order and i want to change it and it's not the correct turn then i will not be able to06:20
llnzit should do something (for example, the turns to complete should decrease by one)06:21
llnztpserver-cpp even has support for disabling order queues06:21
xdotxllnz: ah, so then you're saying add the order, but give it a few turns to complete06:21
xdotxllnz: yeah i could see that making sense and being convenient\06:22
mithroxdotx: split fleet doesn't let you set the name of the new fleet06:22
mithroxdotx: you definately want to be able to queue up orders for multiple turns06:23
* xdotx was just following the RFTS design06:24
mithro008-03-13 20:58:27 < Info  > End Of Turn started06:25
mithro2008-03-13 20:58:27 < Info  > End Of Turn finished06:25
mithrotpserver-cpp> Segmentation fault (core dumped)06:25
llnzmithro: bt please :-)06:25
xdotxi've definitely hit a couple crashes in RFTS EOTs06:27
* llnz is going to change the TurnProcessor interface soon06:28
mithroxdotx: I can colonise a planet that a fleet is not in orbit around :)06:37
xdotxmithro: ...wha? re...wha?06:38
xdotxmithro: but.. but you're orbiting that star system right?06:39
mithroxdotx: nope06:39
xdotxmithro: erm. lemme check that :P06:39
xdotxhmmm.. yeah. you can can't you06:41
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tpb<> (at
mithrohello Preferred, you new?06:42
Preferredtotal newb06:42
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BZAbut, I am not lost, I am here because I am interested in TP for the comming GSOC06:43
mithroBZA: what do you want to know?06:44
xdotxmithro: that's my friend that's interested in the risk clone ;)06:44
mithroxdotx: ahh cool :)06:44
BZAyou'lle forgive me if I din;t know right now what I want to know right now06:45
BZAand I am no TypingPro++06:46
tpb<> (at
* llnz has a look06:49
mithroBZA: we have two pages which might be of interest to you06:51
tpb<> (at
BZAmithro: wonderful06:51
mithroBZA: which operating system do you run?06:53
CIA-13llnz tpserver-cpp * r57655e572952 /tpserver/objectview.cpp:06:54
CIA-13Also test if object is null before !object->isAlive in ObjectView::packFrame.06:54
CIA-13Fixes Bug 1913418.06:54
CIA-13llnz tpserver-cpp * r995aa460dba2 /tpserver/ (objectview.h playeragent.cpp): Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/var/lib/git/tpserver-cpp.git06:54
mithroBZA: this page might also be useful06:55
tpb<> (at
BZAmithro: I fully intend doing the research by both checking out as much web resources as I can, playing a ruleset (probably xdotx's) of rech for the stars ASAP so that I can get a good idea for my proposal06:56
mithroBZA: cool06:56
mithroI would recommend using the current git version of tpclient-pywx06:57
BZAmithro: I am very excited about a risk ruleset thou :)06:57
mithroI've been working on improving the RFTS support06:57
BZAmithro: okay, great06:58
mithroBZA: cool, it's probably slightly easier than RFTS but should be quite fun06:58
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BZAmithro: RFTS == ?06:58
xdotxReach For The Stars06:58
mithroIt's a classic 4X game06:59
BZAmithro: ah okay :)06:59
tpb<> (at
BZAmithro: yeah, I remember xdotx talling about it.  I am pretty familiat, I have played MOO2 and GalCiv2 a decent ammount07:00
mithroBZA: cool07:00
mithrohopefully, we will eventually be able to clone all of them too :)07:00
BZAmithro: GalCiv2 clone would be some serious AI work though07:01
mithroBZA: it's still a while off :)07:02
mithroBZA: if you have any questions - please feel free to ask07:15
BZAmithro: I completely will.  I plan on putting in as much research as I can before I submit my app.  Balancing that with school, that is the tricky part =)07:17
mithroBZA: we are happy to help07:18
BZAmithro: glad to hear07:18
mithrostudents who participate in the community are much more likely to get accepted :)07:19
xdotxmithro, master of the carrot :P07:22
llnzmithro: is the tpserver-cpp section on Ideas for Progammers page a bit better?07:25
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JLPis nash ok? haven't seen him for a while07:28
llnzJLP: he is away (travelling, iirc)07:29
xdotxqgit is my new friend07:29
mithroJLP: I think he is holidaying in NZ?07:32
llnzmithro: i thought it was business in Asia somewhere07:32
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JLP_heh, looks like the other ISP went down07:39
* llnz should sleep07:40
* llnz wanders off07:42
llnzlater all07:42
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mithroJLP: :/07:48
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mithroJLP: any luck with the videos?07:51
JLPmithro: i recorded some tests with voice yesterday, today when i get back home i will start recording the real stuff07:53
mithroJLP: you seem to travel alot :)07:54
JLPmithro: at least two times a day :)07:54
mithroJLP: btw what do you do?07:54
JLPmithro: mainly documentation and qa07:55
mithroJLP: I mean, as a job/student/etc?07:56
JLPmithro: the above was for job (part time), otherwise physics student07:57
mithroJLP: oh, I remeber that now :)07:57
mithroxdotx: can you make the home planet have the home world resource?08:07
xdotxmithro: is that what determines the map centering? ;P08:08
mithroit will default to the home world if it can find it08:08
mithrootherwise it defaults to the universe object08:08
xdotxthat would explain the behaviour08:08
mithroxdotx: Is this bug still open?
tpb<> (at
mithroThe messages seem to look fine at the moment08:09
xdotxnot sure. lemme see08:09
mithro <- is that a problem too?08:09
tpb<> (at
mithroxdotx: I don't seem to be able to reproduce your hiding bug08:15
mithrogot a reproducable walkthrough08:15
xdotxmithro: ah i remember the newline thing now. i don't think it obeys a '\n' but instead i switched to <br/>08:18
xdotxi'd call it resolved08:18
mithroyeah, the whole "formatted strings are unspecified" :)08:18
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * rce1425c45792 /windows/main/ Fix the download average calculation.08:34
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * ree67d8bbf585 /windows/main/ Prevent errors about pyDeadObject.08:34
mithroxdotx: I think I have a possible fix for your problem - but I have no idea how to reproduce it08:38
xdotxhmm. all i think i did was just resize the lowest panel back up after the first turn ended08:39
* xdotx shrugs08:39
mithroxdotx: well, if you apply this patch08:42
tpbTitle: general pastebin - mithro - post number 940963 (at
mithroxdotx: should I delete the other key?08:46
xdotxmithro: yeah i think08:47
mithroxdotx: done08:47
mithrogive it a try08:47
xdotxPermission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). :(08:49
mithroahh your user is not xdotx :)08:53
mithroit's tyler08:53
xdotxoh doh. didn't set it in the key08:53
mithroMar 13 08:49:12 verbal sshd[23606]: input_userauth_request: invalid user xdotx08:55
mithroMar 13 08:49:12 verbal sshd[23606]: Failed none for invalid user xdotx from port 39973 ssh208:55
mithroxdotx: any luck?08:58
xdotxmithro: er, do i specify a user as part of the url?08:59
mithrogit+ssh://[email protected]/08:59
* xdotx knew that08:59
mithroxdotx: did that patch help you at all?09:00
xdotxmithro: hadn't tried it yet09:01
mithroslack! :)09:04
BZAmithro: I am taking off to get some sleep.  Thank you for all your help and I will be sure and check back in09:08
mithroBZA: cool09:08
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xdotxmithro: can't seem to reproduce the hiding search field09:13
mithroxdotx: with or without the patch?09:13
xdotxmithro: with09:13
mithroxdotx: what happens if you revert it09:13
xdotxmithro: how do i revert?09:15
mithropatch -p1 -R < patch09:15
xdotxmithro: uh oh. not getting it without it either09:18
mithroxdotx: :/09:18
xdotxmithro: maybe after i get some more sleep...09:18
mithroxdotx: okay, keep me informed09:18
xdotxcan do09:18
mithroxdotx: it would be nice if we could get RFTS all fixed up before GSoC starts :)09:19
mithrogot till monday next week ;)09:20
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mithromorning people19:03
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mithro~seen greywhind19:35
tpbmithro: greywhind was last seen in #tp 2 days, 22 hours, 8 minutes, and 41 seconds ago: <greywhind> mithro: and the move orders seem to work now as well19:35
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mithrohey bddebian21:11
bddebianHello mithro21:12
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* llnz ponders22:03
mithrohey llnz22:15
llnzhi mithro22:16
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