Wednesday, 2008-03-12

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mithrotpclient 0.3.x series has 17,098 more LOC then the 0.2.x series00:00
mithrowhich is rather interesting00:00
mithroactually scratch that00:01
mithroOhm: you alive?00:10
Ohmhi yes00:14
Ohmthat's a lot of change00:15
mithrotim@vaio:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx$ git diff --shortstat TPCLIENT_PYWX_0_2_000:15
mithro> 154 files changed, 41712 insertions(+), 5807 deletions(-)00:15
mithroBut of course, we need to exclude the external programs and the XRC xml descriptions (which are generated using a graphical tool),00:15
mithrotim@vaio:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx$ git diff --shortstat TPCLIENT_PYWX_0_2_0 ./windows/xrc ./extra/wxFloatCanvas ./extra/ ./extra/ ./graphics ./locale00:15
mithro> 84 files changed, 32919 insertions(+), 1217 deletions(-)00:15
mithroWhich leaves,00:16
mithro 70 files changed, 8793 insertions(+), 4590 deletions(-)00:16
mithroOverall, that means that the 13,383 lines change and the code base has increased by 4,203 lines.00:16
mithrothat is about a year's worth :)00:16
Ohmbut most of this is in protocol libraries and such, right?00:19
mithrono, that is just the client00:19
Ohmwhere is all that code00:19
Ohmall I've looked around in is the .py files of windows and windows/main00:20
mithrocheck the tp directory00:23
Ohmi've downloaded the code locally00:24
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tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Lines of Code (at
Ohmoh shit00:33
Ohmjust about all of it was in xrc00:33
Ohm18k of the rows00:37
mithroand other people code changes00:39
mithro(IE PyAUI and wxFloatCanvas00:39
mithroOhm: but you should try out the 0.2.x series to see how lucky you are :)00:43
Ohmas in playing Minisec with others?00:44
Ohmexcept for the two or so hours of MoO2 I played a few weeks ago, yesterday was the first time I played games for months00:45
Ohmme and some friends got together and played some Diablo 200:45
mithroOhm: as in tpclient-pywx 0.2.x is MUCH harder to use then 0.3.x series00:45
mithroand looks a lot more crappy00:46
OhmI seem to be running 0.3.0+0.3.100:47
Ohm1117bc git rev00:48
Ohmoooh christ, misunderstanding cleared up now00:48
OhmI was thinking you meant "how lucky you are" as in test my luck/skill at something00:48
Ohmnow I realise you just mean to imply how horrible 0.2.x was in comparison00:49
OhmI'll take that as a sign that I need to go to bed.00:50
Ohm6 am :/00:50
Ohmgood night00:51
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mithrohowdy people04:19
mithroanyone alive04:22
* mithro nudges jotham 04:22
JLPmithro: morning04:26
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mithrohey JLP04:31
mithrojotham: you where pondering pushing some code the other day?04:32
mithrojotham: what ended up stoping you?04:33
jothami am chronically fatigued04:33
mithroahh :/04:34
jothamneed to stop working 14h days04:34
jothamjust got home now04:34
mithrosounds like a good idea04:34
mithrojotham: where is the battleviewer at now?04:35
jothamnowhere, waiting for me to patch the animations back in04:36
jothamthen i'll do my push04:36
jothamit's only like 8 hours work04:36
jothami just need to be not chronically tired04:36
jothamholy crap i can't stand OS debates04:36
* jotham closes another window04:36
mithrojotham: okay, if you need any help just poke me04:43
mithro~seen nash04:43
tpbmithro: nash was last seen in #tp 1 week, 6 days, 4 hours, 9 minutes, and 29 seconds ago: <nash> night04:43
mithro~seen llnz04:43
tpbmithro: llnz was last seen in #tp 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 52 seconds ago: <llnz> bbl04:43
mithroJLP: so where are we at with the forums?04:57
mithroJLP: any chance we could get them setup and running before GSoC student applications start?04:59
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mithroxdotx: ping05:02
JLPmithro: the test forum is up and connected to the mailing lists05:02
mithrohey llnz05:03
llnzhi mithro05:03
mithroJLP: have you got filters which strip off the [tp-test] and footer and stuff?05:03
xdotxmithro: heya05:03
mithroxdotx: didn't actually expect you to answer! :)05:03
JLPmaybe it would be good if as many people as possible subscribe to tp-test mailing list and try out  the test forum before i create the real ones05:03
mithroJLP: can you import archieves?05:04
mithroxdotx: so how to I setup and play a RFTS game? :)05:05
xdotxmithro: isn't there a quickstart-rfts.conf?05:06
mithroxdotx: probably05:06
mithrobut I have no idea how to play/what to do :)05:06
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JLPmithro: i think there are no filter for striping stuff, i only see: Uppercase filter, BBCode parser05:09
mithroJLP: time to brush up on your PHP? :)05:09
mithrothe filters look pretty easy from what I can see05:10
mithroI'm hoping to release 0.3.1 just before easter05:10
JLPmithro: you mean learn PHP from scratch :)05:10
mithroxdotx: so if you want anything in the next major release - you need to ask now :)05:10
JLPmithro: as for importing old posts, i don't know, maybe it can go from Mbox05:11
mithroJLP: all the achievers are available05:11
xdotxmithro: i don't have anything for ya now. i'll be sure to get a list as soon as it's too late though ;)05:12
JLPmithro: then it would be probably the best to have them in mbox and upload the mails to webhosting and import from there?05:13
mithroxdotx: I don't understand why my own objects are red in RFTS?05:13
mithrowhy are they owned by "Owner: guest (1)" ?05:14
xdotxmithro: ahha! you got that one too!05:14
xdotxmithro: i saw that bug 1/3 times05:14
mithroxdotx: :/05:16
xdotxmithro:  and also  :( @ bugs05:16
xdotxmithro: i suspect problems with the object param lookup, but that's mostly just because it's ugly and wasn't my change :P05:17
mithroxdotx: does your move take an object id?05:18
xdotxmithro: hmm, i believe it should05:19
mithroxdotx: then it should be called "Move To" really :)05:20
* xdotx nods05:20
mithroguess I should detect the order argument types rather then the name05:21
llnzmithro: yes, yes you should...05:22
xdotxmithro: oh, i know a change i want05:23
xdotxmithro: but i don't remember if this was a client specific thing or not. (most probably a protocol thing). i want to specify the name/type of resources.05:23
xdotxlike you know how there's the "on the surface" "minable" etc? i want to change those strings05:24
mithroxdotx: you mean the parameters on the planet?05:24
llnzmithro: he means the definitations/names of the three quantity parameters for each resource on a planet, etc05:25
mithrollnz: yeah05:25
xdotxmithro: aye05:25
xdotxer, @ llnz05:26
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* llnz wanders off, very tired05:52
llnzlater all05:52
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mithroxdotx: ping05:57
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * r63c878b90f5b /windows/main/overlays/ Detect the possible orders which are suitable for rightclick.05:57
mithroxdotx: :)05:58
xdotxmithro: ooo05:58
mithroxdotx: that code gives you "Move" and "Merge"05:59
mithroit just looks for any order with one argument which is either a position or object06:00
xdotxmithro: ohh, another thing: if/when you resize the bottom panel (with info and msgs) up, it can cover up the search field and then it's hard/impossible(?) to get it back06:03
mithroxdotx: hrm? can you post a screenshot?06:04
tpb<> (at
mithroxdotx: ahh06:12
mithrointeresting theme :)06:13
xdotxhmm. i'm not sure how much of the look is my theme.. but i guess it would explain why i've always liked the look of the client :P06:14
mithroxdotx: he he possibly06:22
mithrolooks more gamey on your computer06:22
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * r1fe9dc9d90bb /windows/ (main/ xrc/ xrc/orderObject.xrc): Added the object order argument parameter.06:27
mithroxdotx: that fixes the other problem...06:28
xdotxmithro: cool06:30
mithroI'm unsure why it's much slower then the other one06:33
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CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * r389dc3b5f3cf /windows/ (main/ xrc/orderObject.xrc): Use a wx.ComboBox instead of a wx.Choice as it is much faster.06:54
xdotxout. bed time.07:01
mithroxdotx: dang, just about to push another commit you might like :)07:02
xdotx:P tomorrow07:02
xdotxor.. later today, depending on how you look at it07:02
* xdotx waves07:03
mithroxdotx: he he okay07:03
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * rd4d334c5ce72 /windows/main/overlays/ Use a similar auto-detect method in the path overlays (as used by the right-click method).07:09
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * r2c54cf3a43f2 /windows/main/ (overlays/ Sort the values on the map in a predictable way.07:26
CIA-13mithro libtpclient-py-stable * r162651cd54b3 /tp/client/ Add a way to request the EOT to occur.08:10
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * r51999692aa72 /graphics/ (6 files): Add transparency to the icon graphics.08:10
CIA-13mithro tpclient-pywx-orderxrc * r7601d0798755 /windows/ Add a way to request EOT to occur.08:10
mithroJLP: ping?08:10
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mithrowell, off to bed10:32
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* JLP shuts down the computer to put the good sound card in so he can start recording the video tutorials16:27
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mithroI dont think !list wil work in this channel :)17:45
Junstari see, how do i access Tbble's server then?17:45
JLPmithro: ahoy17:46
JLPmithro: now that i have some decent soundcard i'm doing some test sound recordings17:48
mithroJLP: yay!17:49
JLPmithro: i've tried myself and my sister and i sure hope i'll be able to convince her to do land us the voice17:49
JLPmithro: i think she has a much better voice than me17:49
mithrohe he okay17:50
mithroJLP: did you see the summer of code page I added to the wiki and the links from the Ideas page?17:50
mithroJunstar: Tbble's server?17:51
JLPmithro: yes, i checked it briefly17:51
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TBBleWow. I wonder if that person was after a FServ I used to run (on another network) two or three years ago...18:24
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mithroJLP: you see some of the changes I pushed last night?18:50
mithro~seen xdotx18:50
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 11 hours, 46 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: * xdotx waves18:50
mithroxdotx: ping?18:50
Epyon~seen Epyon18:53
tpbEpyon: Epyon was last seen in #tp 1 day, 22 hours, 45 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <Epyon> :/18:53
* Epyon loves recursion ^_^18:53
JLPmithro: yeah i've seen it18:56
mithrohey Epyon18:56
mithroJLP: you see this one ->;a=commit;h=7601d07987550d08a9c1efa557578f0659a6b67618:57
tpb<> (at
JLPmithro: yes19:04
mithroIt works pretty well when testing by yourself19:05
xdotxmithro: what's up?19:17
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bddebianHowdy folks19:24
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mithroxdotx: have a look at the patches I pushed last night19:35
mithroxdotx: move orders are now shown on the starmap under RFTS19:36
mithroxdotx: you can also end a turn in the client19:36
mithroxdotx: would also like your help improving the following pages19:36
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
mithroxdotx: I could use some feedback :)20:01
Epyon~seen Epyon20:10
tpbEpyon: Epyon was last seen in #tp 1 hour, 16 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: * Epyon loves recursion ^_^20:10
* Epyon loves recursion ^_^20:10
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xdotxwhoops. actually back now :P20:41
xdotxmithro: how do you end turn via client?20:49
xdotxmithro: hmm. also it seems after the first turn, you can hide the search field again :P20:54
mithroxdotx: Ctrl-T or in the menu20:55
mithroI'll add a little button down near the EOT counter soon20:55
mithroxdotx: I have not fix the search field thing yet20:56
xdotxk fyi, it doesn't hide the first turn / when you first load the client. but turns after that it does20:56
xdotxmithro: k, had some git fussiness. end of turn seems to work. i'm not sure my config cooperates with ending turns before timeup though21:00
mithro#turn every 10 minutes21:06
mithroturn_length_under_threshold = 60021:06
mithroturn_length_over_threshold = 1021:06
mithroturn_player_threshold = 121:06
mithrothat is what I'm using21:06
xdotxmithro:  ooo. i have a friend that might be interested in this:
tpb<> (at
xdotxgotta run again. back in a few hours.. prolly won't get much done till friday-ish though (more like saturday your time) :/21:21
mithroxdotx: well, put him in contact with us :)21:31
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