Friday, 2008-02-29

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krazytekn0mithro: does tpserver-cpp build?00:02
mithroshould do00:02
mithrokrazytekn0: what OS?00:02
krazytekn0mithro: ubuntu gutsy x6400:02
mithroshould do00:03
krazytekn0all I see is a and no configure00:03
mithrokrazytekn0: you have to run ./ is you downloaded from git00:03
krazytekn0mithro: aah.. ok00:03
krazytekn0is an idiot00:06
* krazytekn0 is an even bigger idiot00:06
mithrokrazytekn0: oh?00:09
krazytekn0mithro: ok I'm having some issues building libtprl, something about "cant find tgetent in termcap or ncurses libraries" is this a known issue? version thing with ncurses maybe?00:14
Lukstrusing a non-standard ncurses?00:15
krazytekn0well I don't think so, I'm just using the ncurses that came in ubuntu gutsy00:16
krazytekn0I found the problem don't mind me00:19
krazytekn0Man I love apt00:24
krazytekn0I don't understand why OS X can't take a lesson from debian on this one. there's no good way to install unix stuff on macs. macports and fink both suck...00:28
Lukstrlook up fink00:28
Lukstryeah fink > nothing thou00:29
krazytekn0true, it is. but almost every time I try to install something with port or fink it just downloads the source and screws up the compilation. I can do that on my own :P00:31
mithroI'll be back in 20 minutes00:36
mithrosorry :)00:36
krazytekn0what about galaxie? to me it looks like it's blown full of syntax errors when I try to "make" am I doing something wrong or is it not functional yet?00:51
mithrokrazytekn0: I think you are doing something wrong00:54
mithroif you check above the syntax errors you will probably see some missing includes00:55
mithroprobably EFL00:55
krazytekn0yeah, I just found that, I should really read before I start typing00:57
krazytekn0sudo emacs /etc/apt/sources.list01:01
krazytekn0oh crap wrong window...01:01
* krazytekn0 is getting tired01:01
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xdotxhey llnz03:44
llnzhi xdotx03:45
llnzhow is it going?03:49
llnzhow was gdc?03:49
xdotxpretty good. gdc was cool, got some shirts, talked to some smart people03:51
llnzi'm on my way to San Fran on Thursday03:52
xdotxfor the big G?03:52
llnzyeah, interview next friday03:52
* xdotx grins03:56
xdotx"#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>"03:56
llnzyeah, yeah... i know03:57
xdotxdoes this mean i can use other boost stuff if/when i feel like it?03:57
llnzmaybe, what other boost stuff did you have in mind?03:57
llnzBoost.Signals is on my list to include03:57
xdotxi'm a big fan of s.. yeah, signal and function03:58
xdotxi use boost function on a regular basis03:58
* llnz has a look at boost.function03:58
xdotxit's... it's just awesome03:59
llnzhummm... could that be useful for the callback for timers?03:59
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llnzaka, TimerCallback04:00
llnzi'll have a better look shortly04:00
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xdotxthe bind syntax is -really- nice, and it lets you generalize all functions very, very nicely. it's perfect for callbacks, or any case of function pointer abstraction really04:00
pereshi there04:01
llnzprobably need Boost.Functional as well, for Bind()04:01
mithrohey everyone04:01
mithrohey peres04:01
llnzhi peres, mithro04:01
peresmithro: hi04:01
peresllnz: hi04:01
mithroperes: I still have not gotten that git repository for you?04:01
mithroxdotx / llnz: you boostifying tpserver-cpp?04:01
peresmithro: i still don't know where to upload my stuff to04:01
mithroperes: what OS where you on again?04:02
peresmithro: i'm on xp, and will be for a long time04:02
llnzmithro: discussing the possibilities04:02
mithroperes: did you end up installing TortoiseCVS or git for windows?04:02
peresmithro: i have changed laptop last week, so i'm reinstalling everything right now04:02
peresmithro: which one is the least worse solution?04:03
xdotxoo, reinstalling on xp, ouch04:03
mithroperes: git for windows works okay04:03
peresperes: ok, so it will git04:03
mithroperes: then I need an ssh key04:04
peresperes: i can use putty for that, right?04:05
mithroyes, but you will need to export it in openssh format for me to use04:05
peresdownloading right now04:08
mithroperes: cool04:08
mithroxdotx: boost::format has been really useful04:10
mithroI no longer end up building istringstreams :)04:10
* xdotx looks at that one04:10
mithroC++ printf :)04:11
xdotxah.. yep04:12
xdotxwas gonna say it kinda reminds me of the python string formatting04:12
xdotxbut maybe that's just because of the '%'s04:12
xdotxit pretty much just looks like a wrapper around an istringstream though04:13
mithroxdotx: probably is, but I don't care - it's much easier to use quickly04:14
mithroI'm going to spend some time fixing up MInisec messages in tpserver-cpp04:14
peresmithro: which kind of key? ssh1-rsa, ssh2-rsa, ss1-dsa?04:20
llnzperes: ssh2-rsa04:21
peresmithro: dcc?04:22
llnzxdotx: also looking at using boost.Random04:38
xdotxllnz: yeah.. boost is just generally "for the win". often when i'm bored i just go browse the seemingly endless list04:41
xdotxllnz: and i've gotten into the habit of checking out their stuff whenever i think to implement something that feels somewhat "standard"04:42
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CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * ra69b5f6d9450 /tpserver/ (playerview.cpp playerview.h):04:50
CIA-12Removed more unneeded code.04:50
CIA-12getObjectSeqNumber or somesuch, no longer used.04:50
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JLPmorning all05:32
llnzhi JLP05:34
llnzxdotx: btw, the player object can now store "score" values05:37
xdotxllnz: oh yay05:38
llnzMinisec uses them to know when a player is already "dead", and the highest playerid they have played against (in case they win)05:39
CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * rfd2e4371f7e4 /tpserver/ (playerview.cpp playerview.h):05:42
CIA-12Made getOwnedObjects method's name consistent, and added method for persistence.05:42
CIA-12This helps a lot, can set the lists of visible, owned and usable things05:42
CIA-12(objects, designs, components), then let PlayerView load them on demand,05:42
CIA-12which is not done yet and requires changes to Persistence baseclass.05:42
CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * r25c8d97489ea /modules/persistence/mysql/mysqlpersistence.cpp:05:45
CIA-12Worked on tables and workings for Player and the Views/Usables.05:45
CIA-12Not complete yet and not tested. New methods in Persistence base class are05:45
CIA-12coming that will help complete more.05:45
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CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * r8b074fb62e54 / (4 files in 2 dirs):06:01
CIA-12Added Save and Retrieve methods for the various View classes.06:01
CIA-12Namely, Object, Design and Component. In tpmysql, methods only have06:01
CIA-12TODO comment, need to be written.06:01
xdotxbed time for me06:13
llnzcya xdotx06:14
* xdotx waves06:15
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llnzhi Lukstr07:47
* llnz wanders off07:50
llnzlater all07:50
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CIA-12jezuch libtpproto-java * r6e863adde886 / (5 files in 2 dirs): Regenerate protocol classes in master branch. It looks like something got mixed up.08:14
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AquaFox|LaptopDoes tp have svn?11:22
AquaFox|LaptopI wanna connect to the svn to start devving..11:22
AquaFox|LaptopAnybody here/11:22
AquaFox|Laptopit's git.11:23
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bddebianHi AquaFox|Laptop11:40
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Lukstrhowdy all14:51
JLPahoy Lukstr and everyone else14:52
* Lukstr is in love with lex/yacc14:52
bddebianHi Lukstr, JLP14:52
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Lukstrwhat the15:22
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llnzhi AquaFox15:31
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llnzhi krazytekn016:00
krazytekn0hi linz16:01
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Lukstrhowdy greywhind18:06
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Lukstrwb JLP18:10
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JLPahoy all, how is everyone18:19
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llnzhi all20:13
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mithromorning people20:57
bddebianHeya mithro21:01
mithrohi bddebian21:02
mithrohow goes everything?21:02
mithrohello AquaFox21:02
* mithro pokes Appleman1234 21:02
bddebianLame. You?21:02
llnzhi mithro21:04
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mithrobddebian: oh, why lame :/ ?21:05
Lukstrhello all21:05
bddebianmithro: Packaging issues21:06
mithrobddebian: :/21:06
mithrobddebian: tp packaging or other?21:06
bddebianNah some other games stuff21:07
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AquaFoxmithro, hi.21:37
AquaFoxGoing to school :D.21:37
AquaFoxSee ya later.21:37
* AquaFox hates timezones.21:37
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tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2008-02-29T21:50:55 not replied to.21:52
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tpbmode change by on worldforge: +nt21:53
tpbmode change by on worldforge: -o tpb21:57
tpbmode change by on worldforge: -t21:57
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mithroAppleman1234: ping?22:07
mithrowb llnz22:07
llnzmithro: thanks22:07
Appleman1234mithro: I was going to have the manual done by friday, but I had a emergency to deal with22:07
Appleman1234mithro: I am about 5 pages through with screenshot updating22:08
Appleman1234I will push the git repo by the end of today22:08
mithroAppleman1234: could you push the git repo now so we can have a look?22:20
mithrollnz: what is the preferred formatting for tpserver-cpp?22:20
mithros/formatting/code formatting/22:20
llnzmithro: generally, its 2 or 4 space indenting, opening braces on the end of the line (ie, if and for)22:21
llnzextra indent for continued lines22:21
mithrois it 2 or 4?22:21
llnzeither, some parts are 2, some are 4..... most is 222:22
mithroare you working on minisec at all?22:22
llnznot at the moment, working on persistence and related core areas22:24
Appleman1234mithro: You having a look isn't going to make it faster but ok22:25
mithroAppleman1234: but it means if you have to run of, we can continue your work :)22:25
Appleman1234Appleman1234: true, and I apologise for all the delays so far22:26
mithroAppleman1234: that is okay22:26
mithrollnz: tpserver-cpp is likely to remain single threaded in the near future?22:35
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llnzmithro: yes, i'm hoping so22:38
mithroI've been looking into non-blocking SQL stuff22:38
mithronothing really exists22:38
llnzah, ok22:39
mithrotwisted has a way of solving this problem22:44
mithro(in python)22:44
llnzstage had a thread for the database blocking queries, and did async in and out of that thread22:44
mithrollnz: yeah, you need to end up doing something like that22:47
mithrollnz: are you using any specially formatting for member varibales?22:50
mithroie a m_ or camel case or?22:50
llnznot really (you need a member variable?)22:51
mithrollnz: not at the moment22:52
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llnzmithro: for member variables, i tend to use all lower case, but not always22:58
mithrollnz: well, I've found one method I think should be added to the order base class22:58
llnzwhich is?22:59
mithrollnz: a method to get the object which this order is on23:00
llnzwhy, normally if it's needed, it is passed as a parameter23:01
llnzs/why, //23:01
mithrollnz: well - I'm seeing a lot of this in the minisec orders23:01
llnzi had been thinking about it23:01
mithro  // Get the object that this order is on.23:02
mithro  uint32_t oid     = Game::getGame()->getOrderManager()->getOrderQueue(orderqueueid)->getObjectId();23:02
mithro  IGObject *object = Game::getGame()->getObjectManager()->getObject(oid);23:02
llnznot the object id, the order queue id23:02
llnzorder queue doesn't have to be on an object23:02
llnzmultiple order queues on one object23:02
Appleman1234mithro: did you clone a git repo with a ssh:// prefix that address ?23:03
mithroAppleman1234: ?23:03
Appleman1234mithro: nevermind, give me a second, git is being fussy23:04
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Appleman1234mithro: I am unable to push the git repo and I believe it has something to do with the symptoms listed at
tpb<> (at
mithroAppleman1234: do you have the output of git?23:09
tpbTitle: Nopaste - git output (at
mithroAppleman1234: what command are you running? and what operating system?23:12
Appleman1234 git-push ../tpclient-pywx +ssh://[email protected]/home/users/appleman1234/public_html/manual23:12
Appleman1234gentoo linux23:12
mithroyou in your repository directory right?23:14
mithrogit-push git+ssh://[email protected]/home/users/appleman1234/public_html/manual23:15
Appleman1234Yes I am23:15
Appleman1234That gives No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.23:17
Appleman1234Perhaps you should specify a branch such as 'master'.23:17
Appleman1234fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly23:17
Appleman1234Tried adding master didn't like that either23:17
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mithrogit config remote.origin.url git+ssh://[email protected]/home/users/appleman1234/public_html/manual23:20
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mithrogit fetch origin23:21
llnzbbl, hopefully23:23
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mithroAppleman1234: did that above fetch work?23:27
Appleman1234I didn't see it23:28
Appleman1234which fetch ?23:28
mithrogit config remote.origin.url git+ssh://[email protected]/home/users/appleman1234/public_html/manual23:29
mithrogit fetch origin23:30
mithrodid that work?23:32
Appleman1234same error as before23:39
Appleman1234so it didn't23:39
mithrowe need to fix that error first23:45
mithrossh [email protected]23:45
mithroand see what you get from that23:45
tpbTitle: Nopaste - output (at
mithroAppleman1234: okay23:50
mithronow go to a temp directory and try the following23:50
mithrogit-clone git+ssh://[email protected]/home/users/appleman1234/public_html/manual23:50
Appleman1234 /tmp or do I make a tmp directory ?23:51
Appleman1234nevermind made one23:52
mithrojust make a directory which you can remove later23:52
Appleman1234Initialized empty Git repository in /home/benjamin/Development/tp/tmp/manual/.git/23:52
Appleman1234fatal: no matching remote head23:52
Appleman1234fetch-pack from 'git+ssh://[email protected]/home/users/appleman1234/public_html/manual' failed.23:52
Appleman1234damn k3b and mixed cd23:54

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