Tuesday, 2008-02-26

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greywhindmithro: works00:00
mithrogreywhind: cool - actually do you want to commit that patch since you figured out the problem :)00:01
greywhindmithro: sure.00:01
CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * rcd51ae0795f6 /windows/main/panelOrder.py: Re-fixed the Orders panel layout on Mac.00:03
mithrogreywhind: my next thing to attack is the key stuff00:05
greywhindmithro: did you see my paste?00:09
mithrogreywhind: yes00:10
mithrogreywhind: you probably need to regenerate your .py file from the .xrc00:10
greywhindmithro: regenerate it how? that is the auto-generated file...00:11
mithrogreywhind: cd into ./windows/xrc/00:11
mithrothen do a00:11
mithropython generate.py winResourceSelect.xrc00:11
greywhindhttp://rafb.net/p/b55RDS58.html (14 lines)00:13
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)00:13
mithrogreywhind: don't use XRCed to use generate that file00:13
greywhindstill the same.00:13
greywhindmithro: that's how i did it before.00:13
greywhindmithro: i didn't use XRCed00:13
mithrogreywhind: ahh I see what you are doing wrong00:14
mithrohrm - or maybe not00:15
mithrogreywhind: I really need to see all the code to figure out what is happening00:15
greywhindmithro: i can do that...00:15
greywhindwant me to paste it or commit it?00:15
mithrogreywhind: commit is probably the easist00:16
greywhindmithro: ok.00:16
greywhindit will be broken.00:16
mithrogreywhind: that is okay, we will figure it out pretty quickly00:17
mithromy current guess is that you are not inheriting from a wx.Frame base through the correct parent00:17
CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * r2eedd36ee2db /windows/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Beginnings (not working) of multiple resource selection in Resource overlay00:17
mithrofrom windows.xrc.winResourceSelect import ResourceSelectBase00:18
mithroclass ResourceSelect(ResourceSelectBase):00:18
mithrothat won't work00:18
mithroyou need to also inherit from another class like winReportXRC00:19
mithrowx.Frame would probably work too00:20
greywhindmithro: ah. ok.00:21
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mithrothe XRC base is not a self contained class - it's really a mixin00:21
greywhindmithro: it has a wx.Frame in it, so i thought it would work alone.00:22
mithrogreywhind: with normal XRC it would00:22
greywhindmithro: that does appear to be working00:24
mithrogreywhind: cool00:24
greywhindmithro: only thing is that it creates a blank white window in the upper left corner as well as the one i told it to make00:24
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r388f422b652d /windows/xrc/generate.py: Added comment about the XRC being a MixIn in the Frame case.00:30
mithrogreywhind: :)00:30
greywhindmithro: how do i get rid of the blank white window?00:31
mithrogreywhind: can you commit your fix and show me what you are getting?00:38
mithrogreywhind: a screenshot might be useful too :)00:38
greywhindmithro: well, i'm inheriting from wx.Frame00:38
greywhindcould that be the reason?00:38
mithrogreywhind: possibly00:38
CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * rb56bb96e037a /windows/main/overlays/Resource.py: Fix for bug with ResourceSelector inheritance.00:40
CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * rbde1b5c2f4d3 /windows/xrc/generate.py: Merge with stable.00:40
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mithrohey JLafont00:41
JLafontHow is everyone doing?00:41
greywhindmithro: g2g for tonight. i'll keep working on it tomorrow.00:44
mithroJLafont: so you are really interested in some stuff on our ideas page?00:44
JLafont3D Client and AI Client have peaked my interest the most00:44
mithroJLafont: what languages do you know?00:44
mithrogreywhind: well, your current code causes a segfault on linux :/00:45
JLafontC, C++ are the ones I have used the most. I've been playing around with Python lately and using it for Project Euler00:45
JLafontI also have a little experience with Scheme, Java, Assembly and PROLOG00:46
mithrogreywhind: I know what is causing your problem - ping me tommorrow00:46
mithroJLafont: well, I would recommend starting by looking into tpsai-py00:47
JLafontThanks, will do00:47
mithroJLafont: be warned that it is pretty rough00:51
mithroJLafont: it's have about a weeks worth of development in total00:51
mithroJLafont: it was more of a "proof of concept" AI00:51
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mithroJLafont: and it is currently broken as I have yet to update it to the new 0.3.0 release of libtpclient-py00:52
JLafontHeh, Thats fine, I'm dedicating the entire summer to coding00:54
mithroJLafont: of course there is no guarantee that we will be a mentor org for summer of code again00:54
JLafontAnd AI is my favorite subject in CS00:55
JLafontYeah, I'm aware of that00:55
mithroJLafont: an AI for RFTS ruleset would be pretty cool00:55
mithrowe are always happen to mentor anyone - even if we don't get into SoC00:56
mithro(of course no money involved there - although we do have a supply of Thousand Parsec tshirts :)00:58
nashand the mugs are cool too ;-)00:59
mithroI quite like the calendar - we have lots of cool swag :)01:00
mithroplus the ubber cool logo01:02
mithroI owe zzorn a few more beers I think01:02
JLafontmithro: I have a question, where can I find tpsai-py?01:02
mithroJLafont: http://git.thousandparsec.net/01:03
tpbTitle: git.thousandparsec.net Git (at git.thousandparsec.net)01:03
mithroJLafont: I would also recommend checking out the client to get a feel for the game first01:21
JLafontSure thing01:23
JLafontI'm playing around with it right now. Long turns will help design the AI01:39
JLafontMore time for the AI to make decisions01:42
mithroJLafont: yeah01:42
mithroJLafont: although on a decent computer I can have 5 second turns with 5 tpsai-py01:42
nashJLafont: It will be a complex AI before 5 minute turns are a challenge ;-)01:42
nashYeah, I test galaxies AI with 5 seconds01:42
JLafontAhhh ok01:43
tpbTitle: YouTube - Thousand Parsec - Battle of AIs (at www.youtube.com)01:44
mithroJLafont: that is an battle between 5 AI's01:44
mithrothat was before Starmapper supported fleets however01:45
JLafontI was wondering why it looked a little different01:48
JLafontIts fast though01:48
mithroJLafont: starmapper is a program for generating cool maps of various games (including Thousand Parsec)01:49
mithroit's not a normal client persay01:49
JLafontahhh kk01:50
JLafontThat explains a lot01:51
mithroanyway have to run off home01:51
mithrosee ya!01:51
JLafontI should probably go to sleep as well01:54
JLafontbye bye01:54
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AlklomionIt keeps telling my fleet that i can't colonize torontis 1 because it isn't a planet, any reason for this?02:04
mithroAlklomion: my guess is that your might be trying to colonise the system rather then the planet02:05
Alklomionhow would i fix that?02:05
AlklomionAah, seems i was at the system rather than the planet, hopefully that will change in one turn :)02:07
mithroAlklomion: okay :)02:08
mithroAlklomion: you might want to start building battleships too02:08
mithroand trying to take over some of those closely undefended systems02:11
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AlklomionSee you tomorrow, i guess :)03:09
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mithrohey llnz03:12
llnzhi mithro03:12
llnzhave you heard that gsoc 08 is on?03:13
mithrollnz: no, I'm only an oper on #gsoc ;)03:13
llnzoh, didn't see you there03:14
mithrohttp://developers.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=466418&cid=22554596 <- my first +5 post03:15
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1au6> (at developers.slashdot.org)03:15
mithroI'm heading home for real now03:16
mithrosee ya!03:16
mithrollnz: I will have a patch for you later tonight03:16
llnznice comment03:34
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llnzwb mithro05:19
mithrollnz: thanks05:20
llnzdo you get worldforge general emails still?05:20
mithrollnz: I think so05:20
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1aw4> (at mail.worldforge.org)05:22
mithrollnz: we need to put some effort into the Ideas pages05:29
* llnz just added aquafox to the tp project on sf05:29
JLPmorning all05:43
llnzhi JLP05:43
mithrohey JLP05:43
CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * r5c3f97d72735 /modules/persistence/mysql/mysqlpersistence.cpp:06:23
CIA-12Fixed some tpmysql things.06:23
CIA-12Table creation, formatting and typos. DesignView, stub.06:23
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mithrowhy is this a safe cast?06:41
mithroFleet* fleet = (Fleet*)(ob->getObjectBehaviour());06:41
mithroand why use that instead of dynamic_cast?06:42
mithroall through minisec06:43
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llnzgenerally, i will have checked the type of the object, and be certain of class06:44
llnzfor example:06:44
llnzif(ob->getType() == planettype){06:44
llnz      Planet* planet = (Planet*)(ob->getObjectBehaviour());06:44
mithrowouldn't a dynamic cast be better?06:44
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mithrocstyle casts are considered evil at work :)06:45
llnzi know that most people don't like them06:45
mithroC style casts in C code == good06:46
mithroC style casts in C++ code == the devil06:46
llnzi only use them when i'm certain of the class, otherwise i use dynamic_cast06:46
llnzoh, and when doing math06:46
mithroI'm pretty sure minisec has a lot of "legacy" code :)06:46
mithroit's not like tpserver-cpp has speed problems yet06:47
llnzbecause (float)((float)a + (float)b)) is more readable than .... well, you can guess06:47
mithroyeah that makes sense06:47
* llnz notes that should have one less close brace06:47
Epyonmithro, llnz, how do you judge tp's chances at taking part in this years gsoc?06:48
mithroEpyon: I like to think that it will be good - but can't be certain06:48
* llnz agrees06:48
Epyonso "no clue"? :P06:49
* Epyon feels guilty on not working on his GSoC project since GSoC ended :(06:49
mithroEpyon: if you ever see niphree about - poke her :)06:50
EpyonI'm sure she fee;s the same :P06:51
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mithrollnz: you have email06:56
mithrollnz: is it probably time to send everything through a C++ formatter sometime?06:57
llnzsometime (or wait for me to touch it)06:57
llnzi've been fixing it as i work around it06:58
mithrollnz: I figured as much, the code I've been looking at is MiniSec06:59
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CIA-12mithro libtpclient-py-stable * r201a1ea8dc43 /tp/client/cache.py: Only downloaded new players.07:15
mithroJLP: you playing on demo1?07:19
mithrollnz: I'm going to give minisec a bit of a kick on the weekend07:19
llnzmithro: ok, cool07:20
JLPmithro: yeah i started but didn't have time to contine much, except for trying with Tutorial player and trying how it works recording a session07:20
mithrollnz: mainly things like messages :)07:21
llnzthat would be great07:21
CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * rf151ce45c39a /tpserver/Makefile.am:07:28
CIA-12Added Boost to the CPPFLAGS and LIB_ADD in tpserver/Makefile.am07:28
CIA-12Might be needed in other places as well.07:28
* JLP opens Wiki page and starts writing the "Who is who?" page07:35
mithroJLP: we need to put some effort into the Ideas page too07:36
JLPmithro: yup, i know, the presentations i help with end tomorrow, so after that I should have more time again07:38
mithroJLP: cool07:39
mithrothere are 17 players on demo107:41
mithrollnz: are you currently running demo1 in gdb?07:41
mithrollnz: any reason not?07:42
llnzbecause i forgot?07:42
llnzand if it catches a signal (like sigpipe, which is ignored) it stops07:42
mithrollnz: maybe attach to it using -p?07:44
mithrojust want to make sure that if it crashes, we know why07:46
llnzverbal doesn't have gdb installed, hehe07:47
* llnz fixes that07:47
mithrollnz: maybe core-dumps where not even enabled?07:48
llnzcore-dumps are controled by an env variable07:48
mithrollnz: yes, by default they are disabled07:49
mithroyou need to change a ulimit option right?07:49
llnzsomething like that07:49
llnzgdb attached07:49
llnzTurn number: 613 (demo1)07:49
mithrollnz: cool07:50
mithroahh "ulimit -c     The maximum size of core files created"07:51
CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * rd593321b72d9 /tpserver/net.h:07:52
CIA-12Made halt in Network volatile as it is set in a signal handler.07:52
CIA-12Just in case it could have caused a problem.07:52
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Lukstrhello all17:14
mithrohi Lukstr17:15
mithrohaven't see you around here before17:15
mithroget here via the Summer of Code stuff?17:16
LukstrI was in here about a year back during the SoC stuff but never got around to submitting17:16
Lukstrand yes, I see you guys are back again, maybe?17:16
mithroLukstr: hopefully, <fingers crossed>17:16
LukstrI hope so too17:17
Lukstryour project caught my eye last year and I just ran across it in a google groups post and I thought I'd drop by17:17
mithroLukstr: cool17:19
mithroLukstr: you should try out the latest client17:19
mithroit's a lot better then it was last year :)17:19
LukstrI will definitely have to17:19
Lukstryour project is definitely one that stands out from the usual ones in SoC17:21
mithroLukstr: oh? why do you say that?17:22
Lukstrwell, for one a lot of the participating organizations are usually things like mozilla, eclipse; some specific tool or application. Others are incredibly broad projects, like php or NetBSD, etc. Your project is somewhere in between17:23
LukstrOr I might just be crazy. Either way, stands out to me at least :P17:26
LukstrAre your forums down?17:32
mithroLukstr: yes17:32
mithroLukstr: mailing lists are so much better! :P17:33
Lukstrcan I ask what the test-battle.avi in the topic is supposed to be?17:33
mithroLukstr: it's 5 AI's battling each other17:36
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Lukstryay for DSL17:37
mithroLukstr: it's 5 AI's battling each other17:38
Lukstrdoes the file use a specific codec, cause it makes some purdy noises come out of my speakers reminiscent of exploding windows17:39
mithroLukstr: it shouldn't have any sound!17:41
jothamwhao topic vid is sexy17:41
jothamwho wrote the AI17:41
Lukstrdamn, I can't get it to play17:41
jothamworks fine here in VLC17:41
mithroLukstr: there is a google video version17:41
jotham(Win XP SP2 / VLC Media Player)17:42
mithrojotham: I wrote the AI, the program drawing the map is called "starmapper"17:42
mithrothe guy has been adding thousand parsec support17:42
jothamyeah i remember the tool17:42
jothamit's cool17:42
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mithroI think we scared of bddebian by mentioning starmapper17:43
mithroit's written in Java and I asked him if he might be able to package it :)17:43
jothamman i've been writing some fruity ass python today17:46
jotham hungover coding17:46
Lukstrthat's the best kind17:53
LukstrI think17:53
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JLPwow, a lot of visitors today18:36
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mithromorning nash19:00
mithroyou see Summer of Code has been announced?19:00
mithrohttp://www.thousandparsec.net/cgi-bin/awstats.pl <- look at the 26th of Feb :)19:01
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1b+q> (at www.thousandparsec.net)19:01
nashmithro: yes19:02
mithroJLP: https://sourceforge.net/project/stats/index.php?group_id=132078&ugn=thousandparsec&type=&mode=60day <- you can see the GSOC spike now19:04
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1b+x> (at sourceforge.net)19:04
JLPmithro: yeah, i've seen this, just searched the irc log to see where all this is comming from :)19:07
mithroLukstr: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG2YwaBN0Kc19:11
tpbTitle: YouTube - Thousand Parsec - Battle of AIs (at www.youtube.com)19:11
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Lukstrmitro: yeah saw that one20:37
JLafontLooks like I'm going to have to set up a server this weekend to play around with the AI21:02
mithroJLafont: what platform are you on?21:03
JLafontHad my laptop running Ubuntu but I dropped it when Guildwars refused to work for me :(21:04
mithroJLafont: oh, that might be a little difficult21:04
JLafontDamn you wine!21:04
JLafontI can always switch back the laptop to Linux21:04
mithronobody has build tpserver-cpp on windows for a long time21:04
JLafontahhh kk21:05
mithroJLafont: If you are around, I might give it another try21:06
JLafontmithro: Whats the server's current version? I just downloaded the one on the site and it seems to be working21:10
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bddebianHey folks21:31
bddebianHello JLafont21:33
JLafonthey how are you doing?21:57
bddebianNot too bad thanks. You?22:02
JLafontSick >.<22:08
JLafontAnd trying to read for class22:08
bddebianUgh :-(22:10
JLafontI keep drifting off and doing other things instead22:11
bddebianheh, I know that feeling22:14
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bddebianmithro: !  Hey, if you get a minute can you try tpserver-cpp again?  It should be -1tp1 release23:13
mithrobddebian: doing now23:15
mithroThe following packages have unmet dependencies:23:15
mithro  tpserver-cpp: Depends: tpserver-cpp-scheme-guile (= 0.4.1-1tp1) but it is not installable or23:15
mithro                         tpserver-cpp-scheme-mzscheme (= 0.4.1-1tp1) but it is not installable23:15
bddebianI'm a little worried about gutsy vs hardy23:15
bddebianWhat do you get if you install one of them specifically?23:16
mithroI can install the core alone23:17
bddebianWhat about the guile or mzscheme packages?23:17
mithroI can install tpserver-cpp-tpcl-guile23:20
bddebianHmm, but not scheme-guile?23:21
mithroscheme-guile is no longer found23:21
bddebianWhat error do you get if you just install ... Oh23:21
bddebianHrm, wtf23:21
LukstrSo what kind of things are you working on with thousandparsec currently?23:25
bddebianmithro: Oh shit, we renamed those to tpcl-foo right?23:26
mithrobddebian: yeah23:26
bddebianLukstr: Me?23:26
bddebianDamnit, stupid depends like b0rkage23:26
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mithroLukstr: http://www.thousandparsec.net/wiki/Who_is_Who_in_Thousand_Parsec23:27
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1bBg> (at www.thousandparsec.net)23:27
Lukstrawesome, thanks23:28
mithrobddebian: want to add your name to that?23:29
bddebianNow here's a changelog entry that could be taken more than one way.. ;-P23:29
bddebian* Idiot forgot to change depends release.23:29
mithrokrazytekn0: hi, you new around here23:29
Lukstrdo you guys work in any straight, delicious C?23:30
Lukstror primarily C++/Python23:30
bddebianmithro: Nah, I'm a nobody :_)23:30
nashLukstr: galaxie is C, tpserver-cpp is C++, as is parsek and a few others.  *-py is python23:32
nashLukstr: I'm the only C personage23:32
LukstrI <3 C23:32
nashExcellent - check out galaxie, and go for it ;-)23:33
nashPlenty to do ;-)23:33
nashBoth big and small too23:33
krazytekn0mithro, sorry, yes I'm new, I heard about TP in a /. comment23:34
krazytekn0I'm a student and am interested in working on TP23:34
bddebianmithro: OK, can you please try an apt-get update and install again?23:34
Lukstrsorry if I'm completely devoid of navigational intellect but where can I find out more about galaxie?23:35
* nash gets Lukstr a URL23:36
bddebianGet me a Debian package for that too while you're at it. ;-P23:36
nashLukstr: http://git.thousandparsec.net/gitweb/gitweb.cgi23:36
tpbTitle: git.thousandparsec.net Git (at git.thousandparsec.net)23:36
nashLukstr: Just look for galaxie23:37
nashIt depends on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries23:37
nashbddebian: There is the start of debian packages there... they just need EFL to go into debian and they are all set23:37
nashbddebian: Then I just need someone who knows how to make a debian packager...23:38
mithroThe following NEW packages will be installed:23:39
mithro  tpserver-cpp tpserver-cpp-core tpserver-cpp-persistance-mysql tpserver-cpp-ruleset-minisec tpserver-cpp-tpcl-guile23:39
mithro0 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 128 not upgraded.23:39
bddebianWTF is EFL?23:40
mithrobddebian: kind of like a gui library23:41
bddebianWhere can I find it?23:42
nashbddebian: enlightenment.org23:42
LukstrI'm curious, why did you decide to use enlightenment?23:43
nashLukstr: I use part of it every day ;-)23:44
Lukstryou use it as your wm?23:44
nasha) Yes, b) My company uses some of EFL for embedded devices, c) Random parts of Evas & Ecore are written by me & d) raster is a drinking buddy23:45
Lukstrah, cool23:46
Lukstrwhat sort of embedded devices do you work with?23:46
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nashMany... phones, set top boxes, digital picture frames, internet radios, umpcs, laptops sometimes...23:48
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bddebianUhm, their website sucks23:49
bddebianWhat/where is EFL on that site?  I see it mentioned but no explanation of what it is23:49
LukstrI worked with mobile devices over last summer and enjoy embedded work :)23:50
Lukstrbddebian: http://enlightenment.org/p.php?p=about/efl&l=en23:50
tpbTitle: Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (at enlightenment.org)23:50
Lukstranywho, I've got to get some sleep, classes early tomorrow. Night all23:51
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nashLukstr|Zzz: Port galaxie to a n800 or something then ;-)23:51
nashEasier then you think23:53
nashE runs on teh n800.23:53
nashElse grab a open moko phone.23:53
nashThey run E23:53
nashbddebian: Need any more info?23:54
nashbddebian: And yes, the website sucks23:54

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