Monday, 2008-02-18

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nashHey... stupid python question: Does beginning a variable with const_ make it const?  Or is it a sort of cross your fingers and hope thing?00:14
nashHmm... whenever I start to code something everyone tells me that I should be using python00:20
nashWhen I have a python question... All I hear is crickets00:20
* xdotx barks00:22
xdotxnash: better?00:22
* xdotx ducks00:22
nashxdotx: If only your duck would eat the crickets00:23
xdotxnash: python doesn't have const :(00:29
xdotxnash: but...
tpbTitle: Constants in Python; Submitter: Alex Martelli; Updated: 2001/08/20; Version: 1.1; Category: OOP; Description: In Python, any variable can be re-bound at will -- and modules don't let you define special methods such as an instance's __setattr__ to stop attribute re-binding. Easy solution (in Python 2.1 and up): use an instance as "module"...00:29
nashxdotx: So a variable with the name const_1k is about as constant as the us exchange rate00:30
nashxdotx: Thats basically what I thought00:30
xdotxnash: apparently so. seems pretty lame to me.00:30
xdotxi'm a huge fan of const00:31
nashIndeed.  But hey, I'm sure the python-fanatics can tell me why code like:00:31
nashconst_1k = 102400:31
nashmakes sense00:31
* nash notes that used to be worth -0.5 marks when he marked assignments00:31
xdotxman... i need to tell lee how much i dislike his SmartPointer00:39
nashxdotx: Fix it00:40
xdotxi suspect he did it the way he did for a reason... but i'm still looking for a good one00:41
xdotxnash: i suppose i could rewrite it to work similarly and still be less-hacky though ;P00:43
nashdo it00:43
nashimprove the code, more commits, more comments is good00:43
xdotxnash: first things first: i'm getting rid of those gross C-style casts :D00:43
nashxdotx: You need to program more C ;-)00:44
xdotxnash: if i did, i'd define-away all C-style casts into C++-like ones :P00:44
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nashheyo JLP00:46
JLPnash: ahoy00:46
JLPmithro: release reminder00:47
JLPxdotx: great to see you again00:47
xdotxJLP: heya :)00:48
JLPbrb, have to fetch something for the breakfast00:51
mithroJLP: remind me in a minute00:51
mithros/minute/when I get home/00:51
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mithroso xdotx - you going to finish RFTS?01:02
nashmithro: I think he answered that one ;-)01:03
xdotxmithro: i think the hardest part for me is getting a definite todo/wish list01:03
mithronash: that is one for you :P01:03
nashxdotx: Advanced rules.01:04
nashThats it01:04
nashStart doing the ranges, drop the scouts, make stars explode01:04
nashAnd it's all good01:04
nashfic pdbs01:05
xdotxnash: hmm, fix?01:06
nashPDBs work differently in advanced to normal01:06
nashAnd make primaries actually worth something, not just a name too01:07
mithrowhat are primaries?01:08
xdotxprimary planets01:09
nashThere are 4 types of planets, primary secondary,k tertiary and hostile01:10
nashIn basic, the planet type determines what the stats are at creation time only.  So it's quite possible to have a secondary which is better then a primary01:10
xdotxplanet types determine their current starting stats atm, iirc01:10
nash(although hostiles always suck)01:11
nashxdotx: Although you can always use the 10pop 90 industry ones to produce a bit01:11
nashIn advanced a fully developed planet can increase it's max pop & industry.01:12
nashAnd the chance is dependant on the type - Primaries increase most frequently01:12
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JLPllnz: ahoy, i think xdotx has some question to ask you about SmartPointer01:25
llnzhi JLP01:25
xdotxllnz: if i was a hateful person, i'd hate that SmartPointer :P01:26
llnzright... ok01:26
* llnz reads the logs01:26
xdotxllnz: why does the client manage the ref count?01:26
xdotxllnz: who's -really- the "smart" one?01:27
llnzbecause i'm a slack bastard01:27
llnzi know i could do better, see the timer callback and settings callback01:28
llnzwhich are altered versions of other people's code01:28
xdotxllnz: a smart pointer _template_ should accept all types, not use an non-defined interface (has some publicly accessible "ref")01:29
llnzby or definition, none of the stl containers should exist, since they depend on copy constructors and assignment operators (and sometimes op<)01:30
xdotx~~ the work ctors asn ops do is client dependent01:31
xdotxhuge difference. clients shouldn't be managing their ref count01:31
llnzanyway... so you want me to move the ref count from the objects being ref counted?01:31
xdotxif you're trying to avoid boost, mhmm01:32
xdotxif i wanted a ref counted pointer, i'd just use boost::shared_ptr01:33
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xdotxllnz: oh, on a non-down note, i like the new object api :)01:59
llnzxdotx: cool01:59
* JLP just finds out what GHOP is :)02:04
* xdotx <3s Google02:10
xdotxmithro: i'm packing my TP shirt for my trip to GDC tuesday02:12
mithroxdotx: you better :P02:12
mithroxdotx: I have no idea what you just said02:12
llnzwhere is GDC?02:12
xdotxllnz: san fran. california02:13
* llnz checks the details....02:13
xdotxwiki GDC ?02:14
tpb<> (at
llnzhumm.... i don't think google will have me on a plane in time...02:15
* llnz wonders if xdotx heard that llnz has an interview at google hq sometime soon02:15
xdotxomg cool02:15
xdotxdon't show them that smart pointer class though *tease*02:16
llnzhumm.... what should smartpointer do if it is pointing to NULL02:16
xdotxin what case?02:17
llnzapon deferencing02:17
xdotxhmm. assert or just try anyways?02:17
xdotxllnz: i recently finished writing a neat "OwnedPtr" template. it's kind of the oppsite of a shared/smart ptr02:18
xdotxllnz: it basically asserts sole ownership of a pointer02:19
xdotxi like that style better, because i like to design classes as either owning or only referencing objects02:20
llnz"Everything can be solved by adding another level of indirection"02:24
xdotxgeneralization is fun :)02:24
llnzSmartPointer now manages a SmartPointerImpl (holding the ref count and pointer to the real object)02:25
xdotxooo, is the impl templatized?02:26
llnzcommit very shortly, for your evaluation02:27
xdotxheh k02:27
xdotxi fell in love with generic programming late last summer, btw02:27
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * rc9aceb410df2 /tpserver/smartpointer.h:02:27
CIA-19Use SmartPointerImpl as an intermediate so managed classes don't need reference field.02:27
CIA-19SmartPointer now manages a SmartPointerImpl (holding the ref count and02:27
CIA-19pointer to the real object). "Everything can be solved by adding another02:27
CIA-19level of indirection"02:27
llnzi just hope it works02:28
llnzand it doesn't02:28
llnzoh, right.....02:31
llnzthe old smartpointer "new"ed the referenced class when constructed, new version doesn't02:33
xdotxdid the previous one not have a ctor from T*, just a default?02:36
llnzit did, but the default constructer created a T* to reference02:37
xdotxi'd remove the T* from the impl, just make it T, since you're already dyn alloc'ing the impl02:39
llnzand create one by default? (ie, in the default constructor?)02:40
xdotxif you're doing it there, yeah02:41
llnznow i remember why i pulled that out, a lot of the time, it will be immediately thrown away02:41
xdotxmm, and you'd have to check that the T* you get is the same you have, else remove the current one02:41
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* xdotx goin' to bed.02:55
llnzcya xdotx02:56
xdotxllnz: i'd be happy to have a look at the smart ptr in the mornin'02:56
xdotxllnz: oh, you probably want to consider templatizing the asn op and ctor for another type's pointer too for implicit up-casts02:57
llnzasn op?02:57
xdotxassignment operator02:58
llnzprobably not neccessary for the use it is going to get02:58
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * re26b7c8c0910 /tpserver/smartpointer.h: Avoid deferencing data pointer if it's NULL, return NULL instead.03:08
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * re2b1ee2d41af /tpserver/ (object.cpp objectparametergroupdesc.cpp): Fixed use of smart pointers to make sure the pointer points to something valid.03:08
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * rb9fde539ff1d /tpserver/ (6 files): Removed unneeded ref fields and tidy up with change to SmartPointer.03:08
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* JLP finished answering the mails04:11
mithroJLP: I noticed :P04:12
* llnz has been updating Ideas for Programmers04:12
jothami have my sprites sitting in 3D space but animating on the 2D plane04:17
jothamopengl nub here :p04:18
tpbTitle: Imagebin - A place to slap up your images. (at
jothamwell that's 3 chapters of the opengl book04:49
jothamand my work is buying me it too04:50
* JLP has bough himself a OpenGL Bible book but hasn't even had the time to read it :(04:51
CIA-19mithro web * r21b107ca12f0 / (5 files in 2 dirs):04:55
CIA-19Added ability to only put a file up on SourceForge.04:55
CIA-19 Good for the large binary files.04:55
JLPdamn this squirelmail, it just ate my reply because i was writing it so long that i was logged out in the meantime04:55
llnzhehe, not fun04:55
mithroJLP: :/04:55
mithroJLP: re the forums04:56
mithroJLP: they are a really administration nightmare :/04:56
JLPyeah i better switch to my computer and not use my sisters :)04:56
mithroSo i'm wonder if we could co-opt either gmane or nabble04:57
llnzmaybe just point people at nabble?04:57
JLPmithro: yeah that would also be an option04:57
JLPjust something that is more web based and more convenient to start using04:58
mithroonly it appears that nabble is borked04:58
JLPi don't know why but some people just don't like mailing lists04:59
JLPi prefere them any day over forums04:59
llnzor at the very least, an rss feed05:00
* llnz wonders if he should start a wiki page "Ideas for Non-programmers"05:01
mithroI wonder if there is someone I can throw money at to make this problem go away05:02
llnzwhat problem?05:03
JLPllnz: probably we should create a page named How Can I Help or How Can I get Involved which would list a summary of all different ways to participate05:05
JLPand then this page would link to subpages like Programming, Translation, Packaging, Artwork ...05:05
mithrothe Forum problem05:05
llnzJLP: that's a good idea05:06
JLPand Ideas for Programmers would actually be linked from Programming page05:07
JLPthis same page could also probably link to Getting Started With Development that already exists but I think it isn't linked ot from anywhere yet05:08
JLPmithro: yeah it would be nice to get someone to redo the webpage including the forums and stuff05:09
mithrowell convert the webpage to ikiwiki would be nice05:11
mithrobut if someone hosted the m2f forum stuff05:15
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llnzheheheh. LCA08 dev meeting is the 10th hit in google when searching for "mediawiki ikiwiki convert" (without quotes)05:43
* JLP tries to write the reply again remembering as much as possible, this time from kmali :)06:05
CIA-19mithro web * r64680987500b /downloads.php: Add information on the packages repository.06:22
CIA-19mithro web * rad6731ce5268 / (5 files in 2 dirs): Added announcement about the 0.3.0 release.06:22
mithroJLP: ping - can you check that?06:23
JLPmithro: checking06:31
tpbNew news from Primary Thousand Parsec client version 0.3.0 released!06:31
JLPmithro: looks fine, links work, screenshots also06:37
JLPbtw i just noticed one little graphical bug, the planet picture is not centered like the others06:38
JLPand i need to poke mandriva people a bit to give me feedback on mandriva packages06:40
JLPi hope that the next version will have at least pywx included by default06:41
mithrowelp, now to announce on sf.net06:47
JLPyup let the fun begin :)06:48
JLPi'll try to play on demo1 just in case someone wants to have some fun06:48
JLPbtw i think it would be nice to restart the servers now to make afresh universe06:49
mithroJLP: poke llnz06:50
JLPllnz: yeah restart the server so that new players will not come into an old game where they have no chance against my mighty galactic empire :)06:51
llnzdemo2 was restarted earlier (about 2 hours ago)06:53
llnzdemo1 restarted06:54
llnzllnz-dev2 was restarted about 2 hours ago too06:54
JLPnow i'll connect and wait for victims :)06:54
JLPbtw was there any discussion about this problem, what to do when a new user comes into a game where other players are already powerfull so the new player is probably going to die soon06:55
llnznope, but i have some ideas06:57
llnzbut i'm going to bed now06:57
JLPok for some other time then, good night llnz06:58
* llnz wanders off07:01
llnzlater all07:01
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mithroJLP: I think once we have some better rulesets they can start to try to solve this problem07:02
mithroJLP: you should try playing against tpsai-py :P07:03
JLPmithro: i did once, this guy never sleeps07:03
mithroJLP: he has no strategy - just brute force07:13
mithroJLP: but he is broken now :/07:15
mithroJLP: do you want to start submitting to news sites?07:16
mithroit would be good if you could blog about it too07:16
JLPyeah will start sending the news and will blog about it07:20
mithroJLP: your blog gets more hits then mine does :)07:21
JLPwell on more places this 4x game is mentioned the better google thinks of it :)07:26
JLPmithro: do you by any chance have that one paragraph announcment, it looks like i have misplaced it somewhere07:30
mithroIt's been a long time since the last release of the primary client for playing Thousand Parsec games. Now, the wait is finally over and it was well worth it. Large parts of the client have drastically changed. Connecting to game servers is simplified. The new user interace enables you to more easily see important information and then more efficiently issue orders. Translation support makes it possible to conqueror the universe in your mother07:31
mithrolanguage. For all the details check out the full release announcement. If you downloaded a previous release and didn't like it, please give this new release a try!07:31
mithroI'm off to bed07:31
JLPok, thanks and good night07:32
mithrobtw, It can't hurt to submit a copy of the announcement to places like slashdot (even though we have pratically zero chance of getting on it)07:37
CIA-19mithro web * r91fa9165d47b /pipermail.php: Fixed a nasty infinite loop bug.07:45
CIA-19mithro web * rcd5532690b2f /pipermail.php: Don't error on a 404.07:47
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mithrowow, our web traffic went up quickly17:07
tpb<> (at
mithrowell off to work17:18
mithrosee ya!17:18
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CIA-19mithro web * r333767b117d3 /gettingstarted.php: Updated the getting started webpage.17:53
mithroJLP: ping?18:59
mithroyay! lets face plant noisly infront of everyone19:41
mithrotwo legs of my chair broke off19:41
Epyonnash, mithro, ping?19:47
mithrohey Epyon19:47
EpyonI've just got a mail on the tp-devel list Re: Ideas for Summer of code, but can't find the oiriginal message O.o19:48
EpyonWere they crossposted from another list?19:48
nashEpyon: Yes19:49
nashPrivate email in fact19:49
EpyonAlso do you have any information that a new GSoC will actually happen? The GSoC blog has no info :/19:49
EpyonAh :/19:49
nashEpyon: no, which is why the list is not jsut about GSoC, but anything similar, including people who just want a bite size project to dive into19:51
nashEpyon: Should be up on the wiki I believe anyway19:51
nashSo feel free to add there19:51
Epyongonna take a look19:52
mithroEpyon: it's just getting close to the summer of code time of year19:52
mithroso we thought we would get a head start19:52
EpyonActually my email script pinged me about the word "Epyon" in the newsgroup/mailgroup folder :P19:52
mithroplus as nash says19:52
mithroit's good to have the list anyway19:53
EpyonI hope it will run at all :/19:53
tpb<> (at
mithroEpyon: have a look at that19:53
EpyonI think niphree send me that one. Is that the speech from google?19:54
EpyonI barely skimmed it through, niphree said there was something interesting there, but I didn't catch it :/19:55
mithroEpyon: well - she is mentioned in it :P19:57
mithroand so is Thousand Parsec19:57
EpyonWhat timeframe +/-?19:57
mithroit's a talk by Leslie Hawthorn who is part of the OSS office and runs the summer of code19:57
mithroEpyon: it's well worth watching the full thing19:57
EpyonBTW, I skimmed through the wiki but cant find what nash was talking about19:58
Epyonmithro, I have a attention span problem with spending an hour without doing anything constructive :>19:59
tpb<> (at
EpyonAh, got it19:59
EpyonBTW, as for GSoC ideas, a web-based client is THE priority20:00
EpyonBelieve me, it would increase interest in TP a hundredfold20:01
mithrowikipedia sure gives us a lot of traffic20:11
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mithrogot a new manual for me?20:22
Appleman1234not yet20:22
Appleman1234mithro: I had interruptions invovling the configuration and construction of a super computer cluster20:23
* Appleman1234 opens Scribus and feels guility20:23
mithroAppleman1234: do you have a repository I can checkout?20:23
Appleman1234mithro: No20:23
Appleman1234mithro: And I don't currently have way of hosting a git repo,20:24
mithroAppleman1234: send me a SSH key20:24
mithroand I'll set you up one20:24
* Appleman1234 wonders if I even have a ssh key20:25
Appleman1234I left one around here somewhere20:25
mithrossh-keygen is a quick way to make a new one20:25
Appleman1234mithro: do I send via email ?20:27
mithroAppleman1234: yes please20:28
mithrocan you also send me your real name20:28
Appleman1234Yes, I can but IRC also tells you20:28
Appleman1234I would rather setup a repo when I have filled out / updated the sla20:28
mithroAppleman1234: that is okay - atleast I can watch your progress20:29
mithroand possible help out - give hints20:29
Appleman1234oh ok20:29
Appleman1234For the image cropping did you want me to remove the window decorations ? or leave them as your screenshots have then remaining ?20:31
mithroremoving window decorations is probably okay? what ever looks best20:34
mithroI'm going to lunch20:40
mithroi'll be back in about 1 hour20:40
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mithrohey bddebian21:33
mithrobddebian: /whois Appleman123421:34
mithroAppleman1234: did you end up sending me an email?21:34
bddebianHello mithro21:35
mithrobddebian: so what state are out packages in?21:36
bddebianWell the hardy ones should be fine.  I need to throw up the Debian ones21:38
mithrobddebian: and the gusty ones?21:39
bddebianI could probably just copy the hardy ones over21:40
mithrobddebian: can you email me instructions for uploading the development packages?21:45
bddebianYeah, sorry21:52
mithrobddebian: no problems21:53
* mithro pokes Appleman1234 21:53
bddebianOK, the Debian repo "should" be set up.21:53
Appleman1234Not yet21:53
bddebian main21:54
tpbTitle: Index of /debian (at
bddebianErr unstable main21:54
bddebian'course it won't work without wx2.8 ;-)21:55
mithroAppleman1234: the sooner you do, the sooner I can create you an account21:59
mithrobddebian: how do we setup reprepro to mirror the wx stuff for debian?21:59
Appleman1234I know22:00
tpb<> (at
mithroany chance we could support dapper in the same way?22:01
Appleman1234which generated file do I send you ?22:07
Appleman1234id_rsa ? or id_dsa ?22:07
mithrothe .pub one of either22:09
bddebianYou could probablem use them across feisty/gutsy/hardy. I don't know about dapper22:09
Appleman1234mithro: ok22:10
mithrobddebian: could you update these instructions /var/www/packages.thousandparsec/README.html ?22:18
mithroprobably basing it on this -> wouldn't be to bad22:19
tpb<> (at
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mithrobddebian: thanks for all this creation of packages22:55
bddebianNP, sorry I haven't been more help, I just haven't been feeling super hot lately so I'm a little run down23:07
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mithroAppleman1234: wb23:11
Appleman1234same to you23:11
mithrobddebian: well, once we get this sorted out - we need to package the rest of Thousand Parsec :P23:11
mithroAppleman1234: you get my email?23:11
mithroAppleman1234: any luck?23:13
Appleman1234just about to take a missing screenshot and then setup the repo23:14
mithrobddebian: what about your key?23:14
Appleman1234mithro: luck hasn't nothing to do with it23:14
mithroThe packages and the repository meta-data are digitally signed, so you'll need to import the key into your apt's list of trusted keys in order to not get warnings about it.23:14
bddebianHmm, I should probably stick them up unsigned23:19
mithrobddebian: why?23:21
bddebianI'm not particulalary sure I want the world importing my key. :-)23:22
nashYour public key?23:23
bddebianYeah, that means I'm permanently tied to you yahoos. ;-P23:25
nashbddebian: Create a subkey ;-) Then revoke it next week23:25
JLPmorning *23:58
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