Saturday, 2008-02-16

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bddebianYou can't do apt-get -f --force all install ?00:01
bddebianHmm, maybe not to apt, maybe that's dpkg only00:02
mithroit appears not00:03
bddebianCan you try --force-yes?00:08
mithrodoesn't help00:09
bddebianOK, are libtp*.deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?00:10
bddebianDo this:  sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/libtp*.deb00:12
bddebianI have to figure out why the hell this is happening, it's really pissing me off00:12
bddebianSorry, that should be --force all00:13
mithrostill errors00:15
bddebianSame one?00:17
bddebianAllright, I'm going to have to work on this one00:25
mithrobddebian: any luck?00:54
JLPmorning all03:07
mithrohey JLP03:08
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mithrojotham: ping?04:45
jothamso google poached my left hand man, and newscorp poached my right hand man04:48
jothami only just got done with hiring04:48
mithrojotham: dang04:52
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mithrohey llnz06:50
mithroam planning to announce the release later tonight06:50
mithrollnz: we almost have an apt repository too06:50
tpbTitle: Index of /ubuntu (at
tpbTitle: Index of /debian (at
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bddebianDo I really need the 9 files?10:56
mithrohey bddebian11:19
mithrobddebian: hrm?11:19
mithroan is how python tells that directory is a module11:19
mithrosome have code in them which detects what to import etc11:20
bddebianWell as usual I have a problem.  Both libtpproto and libtpclient use foo/bar/tp so I get foo/bar/tp/ in libtpproto and foo/bar/tp/ in libtpclient and that can't happen11:20
mithrojust don't ship it with libtpclient11:21
mithroas libtpclient depends on libtpproto11:21
mithrobddebian: makes sense?11:27
bddebianYeah, sorry had to break up a kid fight :)11:32
bddebianI'm not sure it's "policy" but I'll try it11:32
mithrobddebian: well, the other option would be something with alternatives?11:34
mithrobtw tpclient-pywx should provide an alternative for "tpclient" command11:34
mithro(which should just be a symlink to tpclient-pywx)11:34
bddebianUhm, yeah sure11:36
mithroboth galaxie and parsek will also provide tpclient :P11:41
bddebianSounds dumb :-)11:43
mithrobddebian: why?11:43
mithrotpclient should give you what ever client is install11:44
bddebianSounds like different "games" to me :-)11:44
mithrobddebian: they are just different clients for the same game11:44
bddebianmithro: OK, can you try a Hardy install again?11:51
mithrobddebian: still no worky :(11:56
bddebianNow what?11:56
mithrojust trying removing everything11:56
mithro  File "/usr/sbin/update-python-modules", line 124, in install_modules_func11:58
mithro    raise "Trying to overwrite %s which is already provided by %s"%(os.path.join(dir,file),otherdir)11:58
mithroTrying to overwrite tp/ which is already provided by /usr/share/python-support/python-tp-clientlib11:58
mithrodpkg: error processing python-tp-netlib (--configure):11:58
mithrosame error as before11:58
bddebianOh do you still have the ones from last night there?11:58
mithroI removed them12:03
mithroand tried a fresh download12:03
mithrostill same problem12:03
bddebianDid you what the files from /var/cache/apt/archives also?12:04
mithroI did a apt-get clean12:05
mithroand it did a12:05
mithroGet:1 ./ python-tp-clientlib 0.3.0-1 [55.3kB]12:05
mithroGet:2 ./ python-tp-netlib 0.2.3-1 [63.0kB]12:05
mithroGet:3 ./ tpclient-pywx 0.3.0-1 [3212kB]12:05
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : News (at
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : News (at
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : News (at
bddebianFuck.  It doesn't happen for me locally12:06
mithrobddebian: you forget to upload it?12:08
bddebianNo, in fact I even re-created the Packages file12:09
bddebianmithro: You are pulling from hardy, not gutsy right?12:12
mithrobddebian: pretty sure12:12
bddebianGrr, wtf12:12
* bddebian pulls the .deb again just to make sure12:13
bddebianOh, wtf it is still there on the site.deb.12:14
* bddebian jumps off a bridge12:14
bddebianI'm just frustrated as all hell today, sorry, ignore me12:16
bddebianmithro: OK, one more time?12:20
bddebianBTW, if you get a second can you add a deb-src line and see if you can apt-get source the packages?12:21
mithrobddebian: that seemed to work12:28
mithroclient runs too12:28
bddebianDoes tpclient-pywx.. Coolio12:28
bddebianOK I gotta jump in the shower, bbl12:30
* mithro should have ben in bed hours ago12:30
mithrowell I'm actually off to bed how13:10
mithrosee ya13:10
mithrobddebian: do you think you could fix the repository structure now?13:10
mithrowould be good it this worked -> "deb hardy main"13:11
tpbTitle: Index of /ubuntu (at
bddebianWhy?  You don't really have a "main"13:11
mithroso that we can have "deb hardy development" when we have nightly builds13:11
tpbTitle: Index of /ubuntu (at
mithros/development/nightly/ or something13:11
mithrolooks nicer :)13:12
bddebianI can play with it I suppose.  I'm no apt-ftparchive expert :-)13:12
mithrobddebian: thanks - and what about gusty and the debian ones?13:13
bddebianWell that's part of my issue with what you want.  1) Theres really no difference between the gutsy and hardy packages13:13
bddebianOr the debian one for that matter, except that it won't run in Debian because Debian doesn't have wx2.813:13
mithrobddebian: but they can get wx from www.wxpython.org13:15
mithroit would be good if we could include those debs in our repository13:15
mithroso debian people can just add and get wxPython too13:15
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : News (at
bddebianYou don't want much do you? :-)13:17
mithrobddebian: thanks for all your help13:18
mithroanyway I'm really really *really* going to bed now13:20
mithrois 4:50am here :/13:20
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CIA-19noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * r8af6f6e3cea3 / (4 files in 3 dirs): Changed functionality of object navigation arrows on Systems panel.17:21
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mithrohey jotham21:42
mithrojotham: I got your public key21:43
mithrouploading now21:43
mithrojotham: okay should be uploaded21:48
mithrobddebian: ping?21:49
jothamyou'll have to give me a tutorial again21:53
mithrookay sure21:53
mithroare you using git or TortoiseCVS?21:54
jothamwell i usually work with tortoiseSVN since i use it at work21:54
jothambut i installed git here21:54
mithrowe have a cvs->git gateway if you prefer to use that under windows21:55
jothamcvs or svn?21:55
jothamthere is a tortoise cvs?21:55
mithrotortoise cvs came before tortoise SVN :P21:55
jothami've never used cvs21:55
jothami should just use git21:55
jothami am a big boy21:55
mithrohe he okay21:56
mithrowhich git did you install?21:56
jothamthe windows GIT Bash and GIT GUI21:56
jothamGIT Bash seems to work better though21:57
mithrocan you just want to get a copy of the battleviewer repository at the moment?21:57
mithrogit clone git+ssh://[email protected]/git/battleviewer.git21:58
jothamhum crap i have to figure out how to get git to use my key21:59
mithrodo you have a GIT Bash shell up?21:59
jotham <- there is no windows :(22:00
tpb<> (at
jothamyeah i do22:00
mithrodid you create your ssh keys with putty?22:01
jothamyep, puttygen, i wasn't sure if i should use putty or opensshs win32 binaries, but i went with putty22:01
mithrookay, you will need to open the key with puttygen and export in ssh format22:01 key or openssh key22:03
mithroin your git bash shell do a22:04
mithrovi ~/.ssh/id_rsa22:04
mithroand paste your key into that file22:04
jothami don't think ~/.ssh/ is where it gets stored, i read some docs the other day22:04
mithrojotham: trust me on this - I just went through this pain recently :P22:05
jothamC:\Documents and Settings\Jotham>git clone git+ssh://[email protected]/git/battleviewer.git22:05
jothamInitialized empty Git repository in c:/Documents and Settings/Jotham/battleviewer/.git/22:05
jothamEnter passphrase for key '/c/Documents and Settings/Jotham/.ssh/id_rsa':22:05
jothamConnection closed by
jothamfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly22:05
jothamfetch-pack from 'git+ssh://[email protected]/git/battleviewer.git' failed.22:06
jothamC:\Documents and Settings\Jotham>22:06
jotham^ so it recognised the id_rsa file22:06
mithroahh, on windows you probably have to use an unencrypted key :/22:06
mithrooh wait22:06
mithrohold on getting an error on the servre22:07
mithrocan you just try sshing to the server?22:09
mithrossh [email protected]22:11
jothamC:\Documents and Settings\Jotham>ssh [email protected]22:11
jothamEnter passphrase for key '/c/Documents and Settings/Jotham/.ssh/id_rsa':22:11
jothamConnection closed by
jothamC:\Documents and Settings\Jotham>ssh [email protected]22:11
mithrooh wait22:12
mithrosomething funky is going on22:12
mithroFeb 16 22:11:10 verbal sshd[23465]: Invalid user Jotham from
mithroFeb 16 22:11:10 verbal sshd[23465]: input_userauth_request: invalid user Jotham22:13
jothamthat's why i did it again22:13
mithroit's trying to log you in with an uppercase J?22:13
mithrooh okay22:13
jothamsee what i pasted22:13
jothami forgot my actual windows user is Jotham22:13
jothambut what i posted is something else22:13
jothamwill try it again in verbose22:13
jothamdebug1: try privkey: /c/Documents and Settings/Jotham/.ssh/identity22:14
jothamdebug1: try privkey: /c/Documents and Settings/Jotham/.ssh/id_rsa22:14
jothamdebug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed22:14
jothamdebug1: read PEM private key done: type <unknown>22:14
jothamEnter passphrase for key '/c/Documents and Settings/Jotham/.ssh/id_rsa':22:14
jothamdebug1: read PEM private key done: type RSA22:14
jothamConnection closed by
jothamdebug1: Calling cleanup 0x41bcc4(0x0)22:14
jothamid_rsa contains my private key right?22:14
mithrojotham: yes22:15 contains your public key22:15
mithrocan you try again now?22:15
jothamno love22:16
mithroI have no idea why PAM hates you22:16
mithroFeb 16 22:16:23 verbal sshd[30034]: fatal: Access denied for user jotham by PAM account configuration22:17
jothamstrange stuff22:18
mithroI have never seen it before22:19
jothami swear i read something about this drama22:19
jothamPAM stuff si all your end tho22:20
mithrojotham: yeah it is22:20
mithrocan you try login in with putty instead?22:20
jothamyou don't have me locked into a certian IP?22:20
mithrojotham: actually hold on22:20
mithroI'm going to nuke your user22:20
mithroand try again22:20
jothami just got denied in putty too22:20
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mithrojotham: give it a try now22:22
jothamthere we go22:23
mithrodunno, somehow your shadow password entry got all corrupted22:24
mithrookay - back to using git?22:25
mithroyou able to clone now?22:25
mithroquick lowdown on the commands22:26
mithrogit status22:26
mithrogives you what you have yet to commit22:26
mithrogit add <file>22:26
mithroadd these changes to be committed22:27
mithrogit commit22:27
jothamok so i have an entirely different code base now, do i start a new fork, is that even what one does?22:27
mithrocommit all changes which have been added22:27
jothamit uses the same graphics and xml22:27
jothambut different since it's pyglet now22:27
mithrojotham: well, yeah just delete all the used stuff22:27
mithroand add in the new stuff22:27
mithrono need to branch22:27
mithroas the old stuff is no longer really useful22:28
mithrothe pygame stuff22:28
jotham(you said used)22:28
mithroto remove something22:28
mithroyou delete it22:28
mithrothen do a22:28
mithrogit add <deleted path>22:28
mithrogit commit22:28
mithroif I remeber correctly22:28
jothamcan i not just do git add .22:28
mithroI'm afraid I'm still a cogito weeny22:28
jothamok i'll go do a tutorial22:28
jothamand get back to you22:29
mithroI probably need to do the tutorial again22:29
mithroa lot has changed since I started using git22:29
mithroit's gotten loads better22:29
mithroanyway I need to go have a shower22:29
mithrobe back in 2022:30
mithrojotham: don't forget to setup you ~/.gitconfig22:46
mithroMine looks like22:47
mithrotim@vaio:~$ more ~/.gitconfig22:47
mithroname = Tim Ansell22:47
mithroemail = [email protected]22:47
mithrootherwise your commit messages will have strange authors22:48
llnzyou can use git-setup to set them22:53
* llnz notes he is still using cogito on his main computer, but git on the laptop22:54
mithrohey llnz23:09
llnzhi mithro23:09
mithrohow goes everything?23:09
llnznot bad, you?23:10
mithropretty good23:10
mithrofinally got a mac setup to test out things23:10
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * rfe9e28be353c /tpserver/ (ordermanager.cpp ordermanager.h):23:16
CIA-19OrderType_List now understands TP04 difference lists.23:16
CIA-19Also fixed up int -> uint32_t, etc.23:16
mithrollnz: just trying to figure out why tpsai-py dies on the new libtpclient-py23:20
llnzmithro: does tpclient-pywx support multiple message boards?23:22
mithrollnz: not at the moment23:22
mithrobut it was something that greywhind was interested in playing with23:22
mithroit will actually download all visible message boards23:22
mithrojust no interface to see them23:22
llnzbecause currently tpserver-cpp only allows the personal board to be visible23:22
CIA-19mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r679a5382db8c /extra/ Fixed the focus stealing of popup windows on Mac using a MiniFrame.23:23
CIA-19mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * re9353d44f8df /windows/ Don't die if the pygame version doesn't support the movie extension.23:23
CIA-19mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r4c166449c53c / (4 files in 3 dirs): Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpclient-pywx.git#stable23:23
mithrogreywhind will be happy about that first patch23:24
mithroanyway off to the girlfriends23:28
mithrosee ya!23:28
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * rc1afa6acb1c0 /tpserver/objecttypemanager.cpp:23:35
CIA-19ObjectType_List now understands TP04 difference lists.23:35
CIA-19Straight forward.23:35

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