Friday, 2008-02-01

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mithrohey people07:25
mithrogreywhind_: ping?07:25
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mithrohey remaxim07:59
remaximmithro, could you pm me .... *please*07:59
mithroremaxim: why?08:00
mithroyou know you can private message me without me pming you first :P08:00
mithrowhat client are you using?08:00
remaximgajim... no actually I can't08:00
remaximI just can respone ;)08:00
mithrodoes my name appear in a list somewhere?08:00
remaximit's because of the fact that I m using a jabber-irc-transport08:01
mithroalso try "/msg mithro testing"08:01
remaximdid you get any message?08:01
jlp_ahoy *08:05
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remaximhi JLP08:05
JLPmithro: i felll asleep yesterday, is there anything else i should test08:13
mithroJLP: give the stuff uploaded to the website a whirl08:39
JLPmithro: inplace works fine08:45
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remaximI m away... bye09:52
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