Sunday, 2008-01-13

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* llnz is back03:10
mithrohey llnz04:33
llnzhi mithro04:40
llnzdamn... the files i'm after are on my dead laptop harddisk...04:40
mithroanything important?04:41
llnznot really, xtrkcad files04:42
llnzactually.... i might be on megan's laptop...04:43
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llnzhi JLP06:13
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llnzhi zzorn06:19
zzornhi llnz06:20
mithrohey zzorn  and llnz06:22
zzornhi mithro06:22
mithrozzorn: how goes everything?06:23
mithrozzorn: I saw something right up your ally the other day06:23
zzornGoing ok, kind of busy06:23
mithrosome type of procedual tree generation thingy06:23
tpb<> (at
mithroAs a proof-of-concept, Vladlen Koltun and the Stanford Virtual Worlds Group, using data collected by botanists, have developed software to create virtual 3-D trees with roughly 100 different tree attributes, all of which are highly variable.06:24
JLPllnz: ahoy06:24
mithrohey JLP06:25
* JLP finally had a goo sleep this night, this KDE 4.0.0 release thing totaly exausted him06:25
JLPmithro, *: ahoy06:25
zzornlooks kind of neat, but the trees don't seem to be optimized for games.. a lot of poly06:26
mithrozzorn: I just saw the topic and thought of you :P06:26
JLPmithro: i tried to use SVN to put up remaxims music, but couldn't find out what is the right URL for checkout06:26
* zzorn nods06:27
tpbTitle: Revision 66: /media (at
mithroJLP: we really want sources if we can get them06:27
JLPmithro: oh the samples and files for tha app and all?06:27
mithroJLP: yeah06:27
JLPmithro: yeah i agree that would be the best, the source afterall06:28
mithroJLP: I sent the feedback I was promising to the list06:28
* JLP is scared to open KMail after a few days not doing it :)06:28
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JLPmithro: nice review of the inros and the music, i can find it hard even to find the right works for the instruments and sounds, my english is so weak here06:34
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* llnz will ponder objectview tomorrow07:36
* llnz wanders off07:36
llnzlater all07:36
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mithromorning people18:01
mithroit's a bit empty in here today18:01
mithrojotham: ping?18:14
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mithrohrm, no nash today22:05

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