Saturday, 2008-01-12

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mithromy fingers are sore now00:32
mithrojotham: ping?00:33
mithroanyone alive today?00:37
mithroguess not00:46
mithroo so quiet01:36
llnzvery, very hot here today03:41
llnza mear 32C03:41
* mithro laughs at Lee's definition of hot03:44
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llnzalso less than 18% rel hummidity03:47
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* llnz wanders off04:46
llnzlater all04:46
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mithroo so quiet07:55
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * rc85941546798 /tpclient-pywx: Added some asserts to the Event objects.07:58
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * rbe7766bb4bc4 /extra/
CIA-46Changed the TrackerObjectOrder so by default Order operations operate on the currently selected order.07:58
CIA-46Changed the Trackers so the tracker's own methods don't have to be called when overriding them.07:58
CIA-46Added support for ObjectPreview.07:58
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * rf98e05f153ba /windows/main/overlays/ Changed the overlay to use the StateTracker methods.07:58
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r8e79503a55ce /windows/main/overlays/ Path overlay now uses the StateTracker methods.07:58
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r01caf5f9616c /windows/main/overlays/ Systems overlay now uses StateTracker methods.07:58
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * rfc2cada4f7ef /windows/main/ Remove the methods which are no longer needed because of the StateTracker stuff.07:58
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r16abc0df39bb /windows/main/ Small fixes for changes to the StateTracker.07:58
CIA-46mithro libtpclient-py-development * r5683b7b36df9 /tp/client/ ( Removing orders (or messages) can now be done in a group (rather then individually).07:58
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mithrohey remaxim08:08
mithrojust been thinking about your music infact08:08
remaximgreat :)08:09
mithroworking on the client at the moment08:09
remaximadding some sound support? ;)08:14
remaximbtw: mithro what time is it at your place right now? you're from australia, aren't you?08:18
mithroyeah, it's 11:51pm08:18
mithrobut it's a Saturday08:18
remaximah... ok... so there is about 9 hours difference in between us... I try to remember that08:21
mithroI'm +10:30 i believe08:29
remaximoh... true... there is 9 1/2 hours difference...08:30
remaximI m +9 I think08:30
mithroremaxim: I think you mean +1?08:34
remaximof course...08:34
remaximI had too much of booze yesterday ...08:35
remaximmithro, so... are you adding some sound support? ;)09:32
mithrotrying to fix some more fundamental problems at the moment09:33
mithroonce I get this figure out I can think about sound support09:34
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * re1dd4a42df5e /extra/ Created a decorator to help prevent flickering.09:36
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * rf9cb8dcd2edd /tpclient-pywx: Fixed an assert (>= not >)09:36
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * rc2f65025e0f2 /windows/ Use the freeze wrapper to prevent flickering.09:36
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r6c51e31b6de6 /extra/ Properly support the cache dirty events.09:36
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r0fcf8705cd57 /windows/main/ Don't steal focus for the moment (breaks the keyboard support).09:36
CIA-46mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r98a8a8bcb217 /windows/main/ (overlays/
CIA-46Added freeze_wrappers on various methods.09:36
CIA-46Fixed up for changes to StateTracker.09:36
remaximmithro, it is more important to me if you could work on some feedback ... I really want to release the first part of the soundtrack09:40
mithroremaxim: I will do the feedback first thing tommorrow morning09:40
remaximgreat! thanks09:40
remaximI have to go now, bye10:14
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mithromorning people20:53
mithrollnz: I've become increasingly frustrated with the slots interface we use for orders20:55
llnzmithro: oh?22:02
llnzwhat would you do instead?22:02
mithrollnz: not quite sure22:02
mithrothe problem is that the slot interface doesn't work very well when you have many "pending" change requests22:02
llnzit should be ok22:04
mithroIE say I have a remove slot 7, how do I figure out what slot I should be using for the next insert order22:04
llnzdo all the deletes first, then insert the correct orders22:04
llnzor you could just do it online instead on in a batch22:04
mithroa user does the following, 1 remove order in slot x, insert after the previously removed order, then removes the order 2 slots down from the previous order22:05
mithroif there is significant delay (say a second or two) it is fairly easy to build up queues like that22:05
mithrothe problem is that how do you figure out the correct slot to send for the last couple of operations22:07
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mithrollnz: you missed the last stuff?22:28
llnzprobably, adsl sucks22:28
* llnz pulls up the logs22:28
llnzhumm... not up to date enough....22:29
mithrocheck now22:35
llnzok, i didn't miss anything other than two lines i posted22:36
llnz[16:21] <llnz> i think part of the issue is that the orders are an ordered list22:36
llnz[16:22] <llnz> so not matter how you implement it, those issues will still exist22:37
mithrollnz: the problem is that a list is a horrible construct when you have pending stuff22:38
llnzit's not great, yes, but it is still deterministic22:39
mithrollnz: if you have 10 pending changes, it is almost impossible to work out what the slot should be for your next event22:39
llnzrenumber your local orders as you make changes22:40
mithrollnz: then how do you display information about actions which are still waiting to be "confirmed" by the server22:41
mithroand how do you deal with the problem that one action might fail22:41
llnzi have no idea (grey them out?)22:41
mithrobut you have to store then somewhere22:43
llnzthe other option is to only allow one pending order at a time (unless they are inserts at the back)22:47
mithrollnz: that is a fairly sucky option22:54
llnzi know22:54
mithroI think I have a solution - but it means the client will effectively know nothing about "slots"22:54

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