Tuesday, 2007-12-18

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mithroI'm in the news - http://www.itwire.com/content/view/15824/1090/1/0/00:03
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1JL8> (at www.itwire.com)00:03
mithronash: what do you think?00:47
nashmithro: Not bad00:47
nashA little cliche00:47
mithronash: thats my life for you ;)00:49
greywhindmithro: it's a nice article00:51
greywhindmithro: thanks for the mention00:52
mithrogreywhind: it's cool to have you as part of the project00:52
greywhindmithro: well, thanks again - i'm looking forward to the second half of the year. oh - did you get the e-mail?00:53
nashOh, a page 2 & 3...00:55
nashmithro: I actually meant the writing is cliche ;-)00:55
greywhindnash: heh. that's where the article gets interesting.00:55
mithronash: I started on page 3 the first time and couldn't make any sense00:55
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llnzlater all06:10
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remaximdoes TP already have sound support?09:21
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Baalhello world!12:44
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SleyrodI have a noob programing question...12:46
JLPSleyrod: ahoy12:48
SleyrodSome of friends and I wanna make a MMORTS12:49
SleyrodDo you thinks it is possible with taking TP as the base of that project?12:50
Sleyrod(i am sorry for my english writing, i am not a native writer ...12:50
JLPSleyrod: hm, i don't know how good TP would work with real time strategy, currently it is more turn based oriented12:52
JLPbut then again i also don't know that much about TP and stuff12:53
JLPSleyrod: i think it is best that you talk with mithro when he comes online12:53
JLPSleyrod: btw, how did you find us here?12:55
SleyrodI wanna develop, and i click on develop! http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/dev/index.php12:56
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Developers Home (at www.thousandparsec.net)12:56
JLPSleyrod: oh cool? so do you know TP from before?12:57
SleyrodI have to lunch, if you see mithro can you forward him that ? "[email protected]"12:58
SleyrodOn Wiki...12:58
Sleyrodi am back in a half hour12:58
JLPSleyrod: nice, yeah, i'll tell mithro about you, if he comes during your launch (bon apetit)12:59
JLPremaxim: any new musical creations while my internet connection was down?13:01
remaximJLP, not yet13:01
remaximJLP, I don't know what do to do anymore13:01
JLPremaxim: ok then, so i didn't miss anything13:01
remaximI can't get any infos about the battle viewer ... that's why13:01
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JLPi'll try to find something so that i can record a video about it so you can see how it currently looks13:03
remaximthat would be great13:04
remaximJLP, do you think it will be in a good stage in the near future?13:05
JLPremaxim: have no idea, it's not up to me13:07
remaximJLP, I dunno how to contact jotham ...13:07
JLPif i'm not mistaken jotham is working on it13:08
remaximI already tried it some times by pinging him13:08
remaximJLP, I know...13:08
JLPhehe, i was too slow :)13:08
JLPjotham is probably busy with other work right now13:09
remaximI think so too...13:09
remaximJLP, do you know if there is any soundsupport in TP?13:10
remaximJLP, I already organized everything so I can additionaly release a "Soundtrack of Thousand Parsec" album on jamendo :)13:12
JLPwell currently no client has support for sound yet, as we didn't have any music until you came around to change that13:13
JLPbut it's not hard at all to add it, a couple lines to open the file and play it back and that will be it13:13
JLPyeah Jamendo is cool13:14
remaximJLP, it would be cool if some of you could do that and try to play the game with music for a while!13:14
remaximso I can get some feedback on it and improve it13:15
JLPalthough it is bad that they have removed some nice features in the new orange site that they have now, and they no longer have the better Ogg Vorbis format :(13:15
remaximthey don't have vorbis anymore????13:15
remaximyou're joking, at least I hope so13:16
JLPnope, i'm afraid not, people are already demanding they put Ogg Vorbis back on their blog - http://blog.jamendo.com/index.php/2007/12/07/jamendo-has-turned-orange-launch-of-the-new-version/#comments13:17
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1JVJ> (at blog.jamendo.com)13:18
remaximI see :(13:22
remaximthat's truly bad13:22
remaximJLP, I think I m going to quit working for TP in some days13:23
remaximI just want to finish those 3 main songs and the intro...13:25
remaximI need to know how long those 3 main songs should be and if 2 and 3 need a end13:25
JLPi think it would be nice if the songs (the ones for the time of playing the game) would be around 3-5 minutes long13:27
JLPthe last music for the into movies is already very good if you ask me, not a lot to change, unless you feel like experimenting in different directions13:28
remaximJLP, which one is the last one ;)13:29
JLPi've got high3 here13:30
remaximJLP, there is already a high 6...13:30
remaximat least an official high 6 ...13:30
remaximunofficially there about 1313:30
JLPoh then i did miss something here13:31
tpbTitle: Box.net - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at www.box.net)13:31
remaximJLP, there are only some minor changes13:31
remaximwhat do you think of the new one?13:32
JLPlet's see and hear13:32
JLPremaxim: aha i like it that there is no echo in the big bang in the end13:34
JLPmaybe the collision sound could be more bassy13:35
remaximJLP, what do you think about the middle part?13:35
remaximJLP, I wasted the original music file for high 6 :(13:35
remaximI just saved a new version on it :(13:35
JLPoh nice, i see mithro was interviewd by ITWire13:37
tpbTitle: iTWire - linux.conf.au: Games Linux users play (at www.itwire.com)13:37
remaximthat s great13:37
Sleyrodi have any sound on my windaube, but the video is pretty good13:38
Sleyrod(back... )13:38
* remaxim didn't do the video ;)13:39
remaximjust wanted to mention it13:39
SleyrodAlso, just for finish about how i know TP, i just found the TP website yesterday... i am a TP noob!13:41
remaximSleyrod, I am just a contributor ... I never play it myself as well13:42
remaximdon't worry13:42
remaximSleyrod, just working on the soundtrack13:43
JLPSleyrod: yeah remaxim is doing a great job, here is some of the music he has made for TP - http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/pipermail.php/tp-devel/2007-December/000627.html13:45
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1JVa> (at www.thousandparsec.net)13:45
JLPlisten to it and tell remaxim what could be better in your opinion13:45
remaximSleyrod, just do what JLP tells you ;)13:46
JLPand don't worry about being a noob, about a year ago I was also a TP noob13:46
remaximJLP, what exactly are you working on?13:47
remaximJLP, and who are you? http://www.flickr.com/photos/jrepin/2086990620/13:48
tpbTitle: KDE Education Meeting 2007 Group on Flickr - Photo Sharing! (at www.flickr.com)13:48
JLPremaxim: i'm working on a c++ client for KDE 413:48
remaximah... true... you told me once13:49
JLPunfortunately very slowly during the last few months since there is a lot going on in real life13:49
remaximJLP, real life is better anyway13:49
JLPsometimes yes, sometimes no13:50
remaximJLP, may I ask you where you are at the pic?13:50
JLPfirst row, second from the left13:50
remaximJLP, it is... I mean just because a movie is depressing doesn't mean that it's not good...13:50
remaximwith that orange/brown shirt?13:51
SleyrodAnd, are you french ?13:51
JLPremaxim: yup, that's me :)13:52
JLPSleyrod: i'm slovenian13:52
remaximJLP, cool! :)13:53
Sleyrodok, en fait j'aurais du demander si tu parles français, peut-être plus intéressant que si tu es français!13:53
remaximSleyrod, he's slovenian13:54
JLPexcuse mois mais je ne parlais pas français :)13:55
JLPi had french in high school but forgot most of it since i didn't use it much ever since :(13:55
remaximah ok!13:56
Sleyrodbut some friend of mine who are from polonian do!13:57
Sleyrod(* who are polonian)13:57
remaximSleyrod, where are you from?13:57
Sleyrodfrom france!13:58
Sleyrodremaxin: and you?14:00
remaximit's remaxim ;)14:00
remaximI'm living in germany14:00
remaximSleyrod, sprichst du deutsch?14:02
Sleyrodi bichen14:02
remaximok... Nein is good enough ;)14:02
Sleyrodich verstehe deutsh14:02
Sleyrodaber, ich bin nicht sech gut14:03
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remaximk... np14:03
remaximI can't speak any french at all14:03
remaximexcept: voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir14:04
remaximI had to look it up to be honest14:04
remaximI m always forgetting it ...14:04
SleyrodBut if you know that, you can speak french without problem14:05
Sleyrodi am not saying it's working (voulez vous couchez avec moi...) , but you can try, if you want to14:05
remaximSleyrod, no thanks...14:07
remaximJLP, you have a great view from your balcony14:08
JLPyeah, can't complain14:08
remaximI only can see some parking slots and 2 gas stations14:08
remaximI have to go now... have a nice time! bye14:13
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JLPdamn, connection is still unstable14:16
Sleyrodi see14:16
JLPbrb, have to prepare something for dinner14:20
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remaximi came back to get some feedback from Sleyrod ;)14:34
remaximSleyrod, did you listen to it?14:43
Sleyrodit can(t listen (ong story)14:44
remaximoh ... yes you already told that14:44
remaximsorry, forgot about that14:44
remaximshit... I have to go again!14:45
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Sleyrodi will be able to, if i boot on linux iunstead of windaube.14:47
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mithromorning people18:00
mithrojotham: last day on the project today?18:00
jothamthat was yesterday18:01
jothami just woke up18:01
mithrojotham: oh, so you are enjoying your freedom now?18:02
jothamrealestate agent coming in an hour18:02
jothamto show people through my appartment18:02
jothambut yeah i think as soon as the numb of being fucked by my job wears off i'll enjoy it =p18:02
mithrojotham: need a large amount of junk food a a good 24 episodes of something :)18:03
jothamsounds good18:04
mithrothen we can have an ubber cool battleviewer? :P18:10
jothami am wanting to build a machine, it's going to have 1 to 1.5 terabytes of space, raid 5'ed, either a quad or dualcore core2 duo, i want to be able to virtualise 2-3 linuxes on it, and 1 winxp - i need to know 1) what host OS and virtualiser would be best 2) subisiquently what CPU would be best18:12
jothamwondered if any of you had any experience18:12
mithrowell, the current sweet spot is the Q6600 intel core2 (it's a quad core processor)18:12
jothamthat's what my mate said18:13
mithroprobably want a motherboard based around a p35 chipset18:13
mithroI would get 4x2GB of ram (it's extremly cheap at the moment)18:14
mithroI would probably recommend then installing a 64bit Linux (Ubuntu) and running VMWare Server18:14
mithroor maybe KVM18:14
jothami thought vmware was pay18:14
jothamit needs to be legal and free18:14
mithrojotham: VMWare Server / VMWare player are "free as in beer" products18:15
mithroKVM is the best one if you want "free as in freedom"18:16
mithroKVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V). It consists of a loadable kernel module, kvm.ko, that provides the core virtualization infrastructure and a processor specific module, kvm-intel.ko or kvm-amd.ko. KVM also requires a modified QEMU although work is underway to get the required changes upstream.18:16
mithroXEN is the evil :P18:17
nashlguest... You can at least read the code18:17
mithronash: lguest is pretty cool - but kvm is better performing18:17
mithrolguest is really good if you want to learn to write your own VM stuff :)18:18
mithroI use vmware-server at home to run a windows 2000 terminal server18:19
nashmithro: You only looking at wall time performance... performance per line is much better in lguest18:19
mithroI also use vmware-server at work to run a windows xp box for development18:19
* nash notes he is not actually advocating using lguest in this situation ;-)18:19
mithromaybe we should start a Rusty fan club :P18:20
nashmithro: LCA-announc18:20
nashmithro: or maybe lca-discuess18:20
mithrojotham: so yeah, use either kvm or vmware-server18:22
jothamthis is my christmas present and hobby hardware project for myself18:23
mithroI'm thinking of getting the Q6600 with a P35 motherboard and 4x2GB of ram18:24
mithroso then I can run a decent size thousandparsec universe :P18:25
mithroand finally catch up on like the 100 decent games which have been released since my computer became obsolete18:27
jothamheh i hear that18:33
jothamguess i should go with an intel mobo too huh18:33
mithrojotham: no, a MSI or gigabyte board is fine18:37
mithrojust get the P35 chipset18:37
mithroit's the best currently18:38
jothamhey if i get a chip with a 1066mhz fsb, do i need to get a mobo with the same?18:38
jothamthe p35 mobos are 1333fsb18:38
mithrothe p35 should run down to 1066mhz fsb fine18:38
mithrocheck the compatibility page for the board18:38
jothamholy crap, a 2 gig stick for 89$ kiwi? ram has got cheap18:40
jothamok that's going to cost me 1.5k including tax18:41
mithrojotham: NZ?18:41
mithroI'm getting Elixir 2GB DDR-2 800MHz for around $60 AUD18:42
mithrowhich was like $120 2 months ago18:43
jothamnext question, do i really want to drop around 2k18:50
jothamon a new machine18:50
mithroI'm hoping to get my machine for under 1k - but I don't have any HD's or similar stuff18:53
jothamthe 3 500 gig drives are setting me back $700 kiwi18:55
mithrojotham: that sounds pretty good price18:55
greywhind_anyone around to restart the demo2 server?20:08
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greywhindmithro: ping?20:35
mithrogreywhind: pong21:42
mithrogreywhind: did you get my email?21:42
greywhindmithro: yep21:43
greywhindthe attachment should have been sent as more than just the thumbnail21:43
greywhindanyway, here it is: http://free.prohosting.com/whind/stuff/MentorEvaluation.jpg21:43
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1JgI> (at free.prohosting.com)21:43
greywhindmithro: any way to restart the demo2 server?21:45
mithrogreywhind: only llnz can to that easily21:46
greywhindmithro: any way to start a temp server running something with multiple resources?21:46
mithrogreywhind: can you try compiling and running it locally?21:48
mithroit will speed up your development time21:48
greywhindmithro: hmm... i suppose21:48
greywhindwhat would i need?21:48
mithrolibtprl and tpserver-cpp21:49
mithrojust follow the readme it should all work21:49
greywhindmithro: any specific branch i should use?21:53
mithroi think it only has one branch?21:53
mithrothe rfts branch has been merged into mainline21:53
greywhindmithro: hmm... there is no configure script22:00
mithroyou need to run ./autogen.sh22:00
greywhindmithro: i did that22:00
greywhindgreywhind (08:06 PM):/Programming/ThousandParsec/tpserver-cpp > ./autogen.sh22:00
greywhindlibtoolize not found22:00
mithroit should generate ./configure22:00
mithroyou need libtoolize :)22:00
greywhindmithro: what's that?22:01
greywhindand do you know where to get it22:01
greywhindthink i figured it out22:06
greywhindon mac, it's glibtoolize22:06
greywhindmithro: hmm... next problem when making libtprl:22:08
greywhindhttp://rafb.net/p/TnRMr937.html (39 lines)22:09
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)22:09
mithrocheck your readline version?22:09
greywhindmithro: how would i do that?22:09
mithrogreywhind: not quite sure on a mac22:11
mithrogreywhind: log a but report too22:12
greywhindmithro: ?22:12
mithrogreywhind: well ./configure should have detected that you don't have those functions22:12
greywhindmithro: checking for readline in -lreadline... yes22:13
mithrotim@vaio:~$ dpkg --list | grep readline22:13
mithroii  libreadline5                               5.2-3build1                          GNU readline and history libraries, run-time22:13
mithroii  libreadline5-dev                           5.2-3build1                          GNU readline and history libraries, developm22:13
mithrocan you check that you have a readline of atleast 5.2.3?22:13
greywhindmithro: here's my dpkg22:14
greywhindhttp://rafb.net/p/GksuMx56.html (49 lines)22:14
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)22:14
mithroyou have dpkg?22:14
greywhindmithro: yeah... probably a darwinports or fink install22:14
mithrogreywhind: I'm afraid that I don't know enough about macs to know how to upgrade your readline22:14
greywhindmithro: hmm... would you be able to start a server just so i can test this?22:15
mithrodon't have a recent version which you would be able to access :(22:16
mithrocan you install readline from MacPorts?22:17
greywhindmithro: trying to figure out how22:18
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greywhindmithro: can't seem to find anything above readline 5.122:26
mithrogreywhind: dang22:27
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greywhindmithro: found readline 5.222:28
greywhindbut not 5.2.322:28
mithrogive 5.2.x a try22:28
greywhindmithro: alright! no errors!22:31
mithronot to get tpserver-cpp to build :P22:31
mithrotpclient-pywx-dev takes less then a second to download a local universe22:31
mithroshould save you a lot of time22:32
greywhindmithro: yeah22:32
greywhindmithro: is the make process different w/ tpserver-cpp? it doesn't seem to find a makefile22:33
greywhindmithro: oh, nm22:34
greywhind./configure: line 19379: syntax error near unexpected token `libtprl,'22:34
greywhind./configure: line 19379: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libtprl, libtprl >= 0.1.2,'22:34
greywhindstill not finding libtprl22:34
mithrohrm, you don't have pkg-config install would be my guess22:35
greywhindi think it might have been that /usr/local/lib needed to be in LDFLAGS22:36
mithrothat error means that ./autogen.sh hasn't worked properly I think22:37
greywhindgreywhind (08:45 PM):/Programming/ThousandParsec/tpserver-cpp > ls /usr/local/lib | grep libtprl22:38
mithrosee the syntax error22:41
mithrothat means that you are not even getting to check to libtprl checking22:41
greywhindmithro: good point22:41
mithrogreywhind: any luck?23:06
greywhindmithro: no23:12
greywhindi'm done for today23:12
greywhindhave to study for a final that's tomorrow23:12
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