Tuesday, 2007-12-11

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mithrogreywhind: ping?00:32
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llnzhi all03:12
mithrohey llnz03:14
llnzhi mithro03:14
mithrollnz: how goes everything?03:29
llnzfine, busy03:30
mithrotrying to put together a new computer03:30
mithrobut I can't seem to get it down to a price I am willing to pay03:31
nashChampagne tastes on a beer budget?03:33
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CIA-19kane * r51 media/promotion/calender/04Apr-02.jpg: April redone with starfield and nebulas, January redo pending03:41
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CIA-19kane * r52 media/promotion/calender/01Jan-02.jpg:04:17
mithrollnz: anything new with tpserver-cpp?05:25
llnzwas working on different list object implement05:27
llnzgoing to work on {Object|Design|Component}View soon05:28
mithroI really need to spend some time on tpclient-pywx again06:03
* llnz wanders off06:18
llnzlater all06:18
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remaximfuck... sorry11:39
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remaximis someone here?14:20
* Epyon is the lead lurker of #tp14:20
remaximEpyon, do you have a good taste ;)14:21
EpyonNope, I listen to J-Pop mostly :)14:21
remaximI need someone to listen to my music ...14:21
greywhind_remaxim: sup?14:21
remaximgreywhind_, sup??14:21
*** greywhind_ is now known as greywhind14:21
greywhindremaxim: i'll listen to it14:21
remaximsorry.. do you mean wassup?14:21
remaximah... ok ... wait a minute14:22
remaximI have to upload it first14:22
remaximEpyon, Japan Pop?14:23
peresEpyon: i know a couple of girls who would disgusted by your choice :P they're japanese :P14:24
remaximthat's my first version of some battle music: http://www.box.net/shared/bp8j3xpcr914:25
tpbTitle: Box.net - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at www.box.net)14:25
remaximperes, are you interested in listening as well? ;)14:25
* remaxim trys to get as much attention as he can get14:25
* peres may be listening as well14:26
Epyonperes, I don't listen to average J-Pop :P14:26
remaximgreywhind, it's uploaded :)14:27
EpyonI think the bass is too strong, and the song could be more dynamical if we talk about battle music...14:27
remaximEpyon, I know...14:28
remaximat least the dynamic stuff ...14:28
EpyonBut hey, disreegard that I listen to J-Pop :P14:28
EpyonBut hey, disreegard that, I listen to J-Pop :P14:28
peresEpyon: are you into idols as well :P14:28
EpyonA comma can change a sentence -_-14:28
peresok, you may gain some points :P14:29
remaximbut it's for the battleviewer anyway, which is like not exactly in the battle, but just showing it once again ...14:29
remaximI like strong bases :)14:29
remaximgreywhind, did you like it?14:30
greywhindremaxim: pretty good14:30
remaximgreywhind, do you think it could be used for the battle viewer?14:31
greywhindremaxim: i'm not sure... at first i didn't think the style was quite right for a battle, but then i thought about it more and now i think it would work well14:31
remaximjotham is the guy developing the battle viewer, right?14:33
remaximI dunno if I spelled his name right14:33
remaximgreywhind, to be honest with you ... I m not sure if it would fit as well! It was very hard to think of battle music and that's why I m already very proud that I composed that one14:35
remaximproud not because it sounds good, but because it at least somehow reminds me of battle music14:37
greywhindremaxim: well, it's got the right sense of tension...14:40
remaximgreywhind, is jotham the dev I have to speak with?14:41
greywhindremaxim: i don't know14:41
remaximOk... I ll ask him personally when he's here! thx14:41
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mithromorning nash16:30
nashheyo mithro16:31
remaximhi mithro16:31
remaximhi nash16:31
remaximmithro, I did some battle music16:31
remaximhttp://www.box.net/shared/bp8j3xpcr9   .... it would be great if you can tell me what you think of it16:32
tpbTitle: Box.net - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at www.box.net)16:32
mithroremaxim: just about to head to work, can't really listen to it now16:33
remaximmithro, np... that's what the mailing list is for ;)16:34
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mithrohow are people today?18:38
mithroquiet it seems20:05
* nash is playing with new toys ;-)20:06
mithrooh, are they shiny?20:07
nashOne is.20:13
nashTwo are black20:13
nashTwo are white20:13
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mithro5 toys?!22:25
nashmithro: Indeed22:27
CIA-19kane * r53 media/promotion/calender/04Apr-02.jpg: Some rearrangement of pages and substitution of old January for new April.23:31
mithronash: wanna check out the latest calander stuff?23:46
nashmithro: Not at the moment23:49
nashGot TAP people looing over my shoulders...23:49
nashToshiba Asia Pacific23:55

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