Monday, 2007-12-10

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* llnz wonders if there will be any Thousand Parsec partners on the partners programme at LCA02:12
llnzother than mine02:13
nashllnz: Possibly mine02:14
llnznash: cool02:15
nashllnz: But only possibly02:15
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llnzhi mithro03:10
llnzdifference lists might not be that helpful....03:26
llnz"seeing" (sensing) an object every turn will update the last seen field, and therefore touch the modtime03:28
mithrollnz: then you are doing it wrong I think :P03:28
llnznot me, you03:29
llnzit was your suggestion to have a last seen field for each parameter group03:29
llnzor relevent groups03:30
mithrollnz: think about in Minisec all the systems objects will never change (except when the child change)03:39
llnzwith 5 ai, just about every system changes children every turn03:40
mithroif you only had an object specify it's parent, then the systems would never change right?03:46
mithroinfact that is how I store the data on tpserver-py03:49
llnzit is also how i store objects03:50
* llnz wanders off06:43
llnzlater all06:43
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CIA-19kane * r46 media/promotion/calender/ (09Sep-02.jpg 10Oct-02.jpg 11Nov-02.jpg 12Dec-02.jpg): The final four pages of iteration 2.07:24
CIA-19kane * r48 media/promotion/calender/07Jul-03.jpg:07:36
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CIA-19tim * r49 media/promotion/movies/ (9 files in 4 dirs): Movied the intro movie into it's own folder.07:50
mithrohey remaxim07:51
mithroremaxim: would you be interested in doing music for a space battle sequence movie?07:51
remaximmithro, maybe ;)07:52
remaximmay I see the space sequence first?07:52
mithroremaxim: it's only in the story boarding phase at the moment07:53
remaximtell me when you're ready! I ll probably do it anyway ;)07:54
mithroremaxim: we are just committing the storyboard to the media repository now07:54
remaximwhere can I find the media repository?07:54
EpyonWho's going to do the sequence?07:54
mithroEpyon: the guy who is did the intro movie07:55
mithroEpyon: would you be interested in helping out?07:55
Epyonmithro, nah, I realy suck at teamwork, and also I work in max exclusively :P07:56
remaximmithro, did you see my version of the intro movie? (the usual one with sound)07:56
mithroremaxim: no? got a URL?07:56
Epyonbtw, mithro, gimme a link to the intro movie07:56
remaximmithro, it's already in the mailinglist07:57
tpb<> (at
EpyonOh, I have that one localy already07:57
* Epyon forgot he's got the whole media repo on HD -_^07:57
tpb<> (at
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximthat was the first sequence ever, I did music for :) ... I hope you like it07:58
EpyonDuh, no starwars-like TP-theme :(07:59
mithroremaxim: downloading now08:00
remaximEpyon, sorry... I never played TP and probably I never will... I just did what I thought might be the best08:00
mithroEpyon: we could use your feedback on the calander work08:01
Epyonmithro, I'm no artist, I'm a craftsman only :)08:01
mithroEpyon: but you have an opinion on what looks good :P08:02
EpyonWhich is based entirely on my own egoistical definition of beaty xP08:03
remaximEpyon, :D08:03
remaximmithro, may I have a look?08:03
mithroremaxim: sure it is all in the repository08:04
remaximI don't have any Idea of TP, but I have a good taste ... ;)08:04
Epyonremaxim, thats one thing I lack xD08:04
tpb<> (at
remaximmithro, is that the same as in ?08:05
tpb<> (at
mithroremaxim: the URL i gave you lets you view the repository history08:05
remaximah, ok!08:05
remaximis there any funktion like download em all?08:06
remaximEpyon, did you see my modification of the intro?08:06
Epyonremaxim, yep, I even commented on it xP08:06
Epyonmithro, where did the calendar images come from?08:06
mithroEpyon: combindation of our other artwork08:07
remaximEpyon, do you mean: "[14:05:34] Epyon: Duh, no starwars-like TP-theme" ?08:07
mithroremaxim: intersting take on the intro08:07
remaximmithro, do you like it?08:08
remaximI wasn't spending to much time on it ... so if many people don't like it I could do a new one08:08
mithroi think it needs a little something just between the collision before the explosion08:09
EpyonThe background concept art is TP-dedicated?08:09
EpyonOr from other projects?08:09
mithroEpyon: hrm?08:09
EpyonBecause it's really top-class concept art O.o08:09
* Epyon is envious.08:10
remaximmithro, there was some sound of a fire burning it between... but it sounded awful. so I took it out08:10
* Epyon feels guilty of not working on StarDreamer recently08:10
mithroEpyon: which parts :)08:10
mithrothe icons and the little ships are from freeorion and vegastrike08:11
CIA-19insaneg * r50 media/promotion/movies/battle/ (34 files in 5 dirs): Initial illustrations and storyboard for Battleviewer intro.08:11
remaximis CIA-19 a real person?08:11
mithrothe race pictures are from an artist who I found on deviant art who I asked to GPL his pictures08:11
mithroremaxim: no, it is a bot which announces the commits to the various code/art repositories08:12
remaximah, great!08:12
mithroIE the above message means that insaneg (the movie guy) commited to the media repository08:12
EpyonDon't say "IE", it brings shivers down my spine.08:13
mithroIE == for example08:13
* Epyon has bad memories of one website job he did a year ago.08:13
EpyonI know, but when you capitalize it, it looks scary :)08:14
mithrohe he, okay08:15
mithroEpyon: you should poke niphree sometime :P08:15
Epyonshe has no internet now :(08:16
EpyonAnd it will stay like that for a while :(08:16
mithroEpyon: dang08:17
EpyonNo internet - *scary*08:17
* Epyon shivers.08:17
mithroneeds to do another summer of code so she can afford internet? :P08:17
EpyonNah, she changed flats, and in the new one they still are in the process of setting the cables up.08:18
* Epyon would see another SoC gladly, as he just recently spent the rest of the SoC cash on a Roland MIDI keyboard O.o08:19
mithroEpyon / remaxim: you can see the story board of the battleviewer movie at
tpb<> (at
remaximmithro, I ve just looked through the storyboard... looks like there a fucking lot to do08:19
mithroremaxim: it only goes for like 3 minutes :P08:19
mithrobut yeah, there is a huge amount to do08:20
remaxim3 min in composing music is a fucking lot08:20
mithroso any feedback on calander stuff?08:20
remaximmy previous music was only that long because it was looped ...08:20
remaximand in this one I have to make the sound synchron to the video ...08:21
remaximmithro, I m still looking it trough ... I m not the guy to tell you the first impression, that would be too shallow08:22
* Epyon just finidhed update svn -_-08:22
remaximmithro, is there any way I could talk to insaneg?08:22
remaximI love the first one... (januar) ... even though I think that those 3 3D-ships don't belong to the picture ...08:24
Epyonremaxim, lol, you say doing the music is fucking lot to do? Think about doing the movie itself :P08:24
EpyonIt'd take me at least 4-5 days fulltime o.O08:24
remaximEpyon, I know  ...08:24
mithroremaxim: do you use MSN?08:24
remaximEpyon, just because doing the music is a fucking lot to do, it doesn't mean, that doing the movie is easy08:25
remaximmithro, yep...08:25
remaximEpyon, and doing music is diffrent than creating the movie! you always need inspiration and being totally concentrated ... you can't just sit there and doing stuff!08:26
mithroremaxim: I think they are probably hard in totally different ways08:27
Epyonremaxim, seems you have no idea about 3d workflow :)08:27
mithroremaxim: I private messaged you his details08:27
mithroEpyon: the guy who is doing the movie mainly uses maya08:30
mithroremaxim: I'm thinking of heading to bed08:32
mithroit is 12:08 here, and I have to get up for work tommorrow08:32
remaximhave a good night08:33
mithroremaxim: keep up the good work08:33
mithroyour music is cool08:33
mithroremaxim: are you on windows?08:34
remaximmithro, yes, why?08:34
mithrowe will have to get you commiting to the media repository in the near future :)08:34
remaximmithro, I have to be ... linux-music-production sucks ;)08:34
mithroremaxim: depends who you talk too ;)08:35
remaximmithro, I use linux as well08:35
mithroremaxim: you ever use subversion before?08:35
remaximmithro, some years ago...08:35
remaximnot for a long time08:35
mithrowe use subversion for our media repository08:35
mithrojust been helping kane and insaneg use subverison for the first time on windows :P08:36
remaximmithro, to be honest I don't want to stay at TP for a long time08:36
mithroremaxim: you know you want too :)08:36
remaximjust wanting to finish a good job and go to the next project ...08:36
remaximI am hungry for skills, and that's the only way to get some08:37
remaximbtw: I am mainly producing hiphop beats ;)08:37
mithroremaxim: I'm sure we will always have tasks for you to do ;) if not I'll find you a sister project to help out on08:37
remaximmithro, tell me a task I could do right now?08:38
mithroremaxim: how goes those background music?08:38
remaximthere is only one I can think of ... the battle viewer ...08:38
remaximmithro, I have 3 songs... that should be enough I think08:38
mithroremaxim: 3 songs, we need 100's :)08:39
remaximI can make them as long as you want em to be...08:39
remaximmithro, everybody wants 100 ... but everybody only gets 3 ;)08:39
remaximno, seriously... 3 should be enough so people don't get bored by the music too fast08:40
mithroremaxim: that just means we need 30 musicians :)08:40
remaximmithro, do you know all of them?08:40
remaximmithro, try to get some... not everybody is that hungry for skills... ;)08:41
mithroremaxim: I think 10 tracks is probably a sweet spot08:41
remaximmithro, are you serious?08:41
mithroremaxim: how about some more upbeat battle tracks?08:41
remaximmithro, I thought of exactly one ...08:41
mithroremaxim: not necessarily all from you :)08:41
mithroremaxim: we are happy for you to experiment with various styles and stuff08:42
mithroremaxim: you never know when something is going to turn out cool until it is done really08:42
remaximthe battleviewer isn't too advanced anyway, is it?08:42
remaximsorry, I didn't get the meaning of the last one ;)08:43
mithroremaxim: well, sometimes when doing music, something which you think will be really bad turns out cool and different08:44
mithroif you make the music I'm sure I can find someone/somewhere to use it08:44
remaximyes, that's true ...08:44
remaximmithro, sounds great! I am always happy about new projects ..08:45
mithroI have contacts in loads of other projects08:45
mithromost want GPL or CC SA-BY however08:45
mithroanyway I think I sad I was heading to bed08:46
remaximmithro, it somehow sucks... but I can understand the point...08:46
remaxim"[14:39:16] remaxim: have a good night"08:47
remaximmithro, so... have a good night08:47
mithroyou too :)08:47
remaximmithro, I m in germany ... it's 14:53 in here ;)08:47
remaximbut thx08:48
remaximEpyon, did you listen to the music I did for TP?08:54
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remaximI can't think of any battle music... I just don't any imagination right now ...15:59
remaximanybody with links to great epic battle music is welcomed to send em to me ;)16:00
peresbattle music needs to have looks of percussion and violins16:00
pereslots, not looks :P16:00
remaximperes, I just tried to work with violins... but I probably need my piano first... so I can do the melody16:01
peresremaxim: think of john williams' music for star wars16:01
remaximperes, which one?16:02
remaximI think star wars like stuff would destroy the atmosphere of the game...16:02
remaximI mean it's own flair... because you would have to think of star wars ;)16:03
peresok ok, it was just an hint16:03
remaximperes, that was a good one ...16:04
remaximdo you have any links to his battle music ...16:04
remaximI am happy for every inspiration I can get right now16:04
peresstart here:
tpbTitle: Star Wars music - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
remaximI know how compose good hiphop beats sounding like war... but epic stuff... huh16:07
peresepic hiphop sounds like a bit of an oxymoron :P16:08
remaximperes, actually it isn't16:09
remaximbut I don't know how to compose epic stuff ... never did thta16:09
peresremaxim: you could pick some epic classic music and add something to it, i guess everything back to beethoven's time is copyleft now16:10
pereswagner sounds good for this16:11
peresjust stay away from also sprach zarathustra to avoid that '2001 a space odyssey' effect16:12
remaximperes, the problem are not the notes (which are probably really copyleft right now) but the recording which probably still have copyrights on them16:12
remaximperes, I know the book... but what is also sprach zarathustra?16:13
peresa synphonic piece by richard strauss, particularly epic, but already used in the movie16:14
remaximperes, do you like wagner?16:15
peresnot particularly, but i recognize the epicity in his music16:15
remaximok, great!16:15
peresprovided that 'epicity' is a real english word16:15
remaximperes, I don't car16:16
EpyonI might give it a shot... but I never did composition before O.o16:16
Epyonremaxim, you have some musical background?16:16
remaximtheory, lessons and stuff?16:16
remaximI m making music since some months that's it16:17
remaximEpyon, are you still here in about 10 min?16:18
remaximI ll be back in about that time... till later16:18
EpyonI'll be here16:18
remaximEpyon, why you're asking?16:26
Epyonwell I always wanted to do composition, but I guess without formal education all I would do would sound like crap :]16:27
remaximEpyon, not necessarily ...16:27
EpyonWell, I tried once.16:27
remaximyou just have to get a keyboard, a sequencer and work on it till you like it16:27
EpyonI decided I need to learn to play on a keyboard first -_-16:27
remaximEpyon, once... are you serious?16:28
tpb<> (at
EpyonThis was the result, don't laugh please.16:28
remaximyou ll learn how to play keyboard whil you're trying to compose ;)16:28
EpyonWell, I keep missing the beat, and then I need to correct it :/16:29
remaximEpyon, so do it again till you get it right ...16:29
remaximlearning to play well the usuall way takes a lot more effort16:30
remaximit's not bad for the first time ...16:30
Epyonthanks :P16:30
greywhindEpyon: sounds pretty good, i'd say.16:30
EpyonAnyway, I started with a M-Audio 2 octave MIDI keyboard, but quickly noticed it's too small16:31
* peres admits his first try would be a lot worse that Epyon's16:31
remaximI like the beginning of it... I ll probably copy it sometime ... :-P16:31
EpyonI just ordered a 5-octave roland MIDI keyboard.16:31
EpyonFrom the cheap series of course :P16:32
remaximEpyon, much better... I wanted to buy a small one first ... but then I bought a 4-octave keyboard16:32
remaximI think I can imagine how hard it is to work with a small one... they're mostly for hiphop and techno producers I think ;)16:33
EpyonUh, actually I did another short track, but this one doesn't count, because I stole the bassline from a track I remembered from a old video game :)16:33
tpb<> (at
remaximEpyon, stealing like sampling or stealing like stealing the notes?16:34
greywhindEpyon: also not bad, but i actually like the first one better.16:34
Epyonstealing as having the notes in memory16:34
remaximah... ok...16:34
EpyonI have a pretty good musical memory. I can humm any sound line that I even heard only once16:35
remaximIt's totally weird, but I like the second one ...16:35
EpyonIncluding some useless shit skills like being able to humm each instrument from bethovens 9th separately :P16:35
remaximI m getting envious...16:35
EpyonI never however get any reaql education in the field -- I can't even read notes :(16:36
greywhindEpyon: i know someone else who can play guitar songs by listening to them a few times and practicing a bit, but who can't read music16:37
EpyonI'm currently wwondering how to compose music for a game of mine.16:37
EpyonIt needs to be however in a similar style to a few existing pieces.16:37
remaximEpyon, I can't read notes as well :(16:37
greywhindEpyon: i used Garage Band... but that only works if you have a Mac16:38
EpyonI use Friuty Loops.16:38
remaximEpyon, may I ask which game?16:38
remaximFL ...16:38
EpyonIt's called Berserk, based on a manga/anime of the same name.16:38
EpyonIt's a roguelike however :)16:39
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remaximhi mithro16:39
Epyonyo mithro :)16:39
remaximwassup bro?16:39
mithroI'm about to head to work so won't be around long16:40
remaximmithro, do you know some great epic melodies for a battle that could inspire me?16:41
mithroremaxim: only classical stuff16:41
remaximI m used to compose downbeat stuff16:41
EpyonSW - Imperial March, Throne Room :P16:41
remaximmithro, any link I get is helpful :-P16:42
EpyonBattlestar Galactica - Main Theme16:42
EpyonGladiator Soundtrack16:42
Epyon(and I know a lot of japanese anime soundtracks that would work well, but you wont be able to find those easily) :P16:43
Epyon1942 Soundtrack16:43
EpyonLotR soundtrack :P16:44
EpyonStragate soundtrack :P16:44
EpyonAnd a lot, lot more :)16:44
mithrothe Stargate soundtrack is pretty cool16:45
remaximsorry... I don't have the time too look it up...16:45
tpb<> (at
mithroeven has music previews16:47
EpyonStargate Opening -
tpb<> (at
mithro(they are not of the best quality however :( )16:48
remaximmithro, I just need a melody ...16:48
Epyonremaxim, download sci-fi anime soundtracks to stea... errr inspire... melodies from -- not many people know them so hardly anyone will recognize them if you change the melody a little. And even if someone noticed, there wouldn't be anyone to sue you anyway :P16:51
EpyonExample :!%20SEED.mp3 (from Gundam SEED)16:51
tpb<> (at
remaximEpyon, I really need em for inspiration...16:51
mithroepic music tends to have lots of bass stuff (to and try an emphasises the large sizes)16:51
remaximI hate stealing, not because of the stealing itself, but because it wouldn't fit into the rest of my composition16:52
EpyonAnd yeah, those are even better examples, because one can hear the music is sampled, so it's an example how to get away with Sci-fi music without orchestra16:52
remaximsampling is something diffrent of course16:52
remaximhm... the epic stuff isn't that important16:53
remaximit just have to be battle music ... and even in those examples you told me I couldn't find any16:54
remaximthe last time I had that great problems to visualize a melody was when the guys from the nexuiz team told me that they need a victorious sound16:55
peresa crowd shouting 'gooooooooooooooooooooal' :P16:55
mithroanyway I need to run16:56
mithroEpyon: do you know a way to import 3ds models into maya?16:56
remaximperes, no... that's too hard to sample... even thought I live next to a football/soccer stadion16:56
remaximmithro, have a nice day16:56
remaximperes, I did it with melody and some drums ;) ... and the guys liked it :D16:58
remaximmithro, are you still here?16:59
remaximEpyon, you're a TP teammember, right?17:00
EpyonAt least not officialy17:00
EpyonI just donated some 3d art17:01
remaximjust wanted to ask if you need some sounds for victory and stuff...17:01
remaximEpyon, ah... so you're just a contributor like me17:01
EpyonBut I don't even have a t-shirt :P17:01
remaximare there actually t-shirts of TP?17:01
* Epyon would like to have a TP T-Shirt... the logo is soooo coool :D17:01
EpyonYeah, the GSoCers got them :)17:01
Epyonbrb, smoking17:02
remaximwho are GSoCers?17:02
remaximtell you're lungs I said hi ;)17:02
peresEpyon: also mentors got tshirts17:04
remaximEpyon, who or what are GSoCers?17:04
EpyonGoogle Summer of Code participants17:04
remaximdo you get them as a gift?17:05
remaximEpyon, TP had been participating at the summer of code?17:05
peresremaxim: google has been giving this tshirts to all participants, plus a trip to san francisco for a large number of mentors17:06
* peres still cursing since turned down the chance to be a mentor last April17:06
peresremaxim: if anybody asks you to be a mentor anytime, just say yes17:08
remaximwhat's a mentor anyway?17:08
peresit's a team member who takes care of 1 or more students17:09
remaximperes, don't you think it's unfair if you become a mentor and don't have any idea of the project?17:09
peresmaking sure he/she fulfills his/her goal (after all google is paying money to the students!)17:09
peresremaxim :D17:09
peresyes, it's probably unfair and illegal too :D17:10
remaximperes, and you have to do a lot to get those fucking t shirts...17:10
peresremaxim: think of the trip :)17:10
remaximoh yea ... of course that's worth it17:11
remaximsan francisco... fuck I could visit some friends of mine there ...17:11
remaximperes, thanks for the idea ;)17:11
peresremaxim: just find a project which you'd like to join17:12
remaximI have to work hard for school and music... I think that's enough to do without mentoring ;)17:12
tpb<> (at
remaximthey're mostly much older than me17:15
peresmithro is somewhere in that picture, too17:15
remaximreally? cool! do you know how he looks like?17:16
peresno idea :D17:17
remaximis he the asian woman in the third row? :D17:17
peresi don't think so, but the two guys from scummvm that were there are right in front of her17:17
remaximI m not too interested in scummvm ;)...17:19
peresok :P we don't need music there ;)17:19
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remaximperes, are you working on scummvm?17:21
remaximperes, how many projects are you working on?17:29
peresremaxim: pm?17:30
remaximperes, I wrote back ...17:30
peresare you a registered user?17:30
remaximcan't you read it?17:30
peresi didn't get anything17:31
remaximperes, I m not identified ...17:31
remaximI got your pm ...17:31
peresthat's why i can't get anything17:31
remaximI ll be right back17:31
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remaximperes, now I m identified ...17:32
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mithromorning people17:33
remaximgood morning mithro17:33
remaximdidn't you just leave for work or anything like that?17:33
pereshi mithro, do you know this pic:
tpb<> (at
mithroperes: yes, I am in that picture :P17:34
remaximmithro, who are you?17:34
peresi knew :P17:34
mithroso is llnz17:34
peresyes, two tickets per project17:34
mithroup near the tree - I'm the one with the beard17:35
mithrollnz is the one who's head is barely visible17:35
perestoo bad, no eternal memory for llnz ;)17:35
remaximmithro, in the middle of the stairway?17:36
remaximand llnz is behind you trying to get visible?17:36
mithromiddle right17:36
mithrollnz is wearing glasses17:36
remaximyou're the guy behind the one with the orange jacket?17:36
remaximOk, I think I got you... ;)17:37
mithroyou can just see the corner of the Thousand Parsec logo on my shirt17:40
mithroonly I don't have the beard anymore :P17:41
Erroneouseep, a picture17:41
remaximah, yes17:41
* Erroneous hides17:41
EpyonErroneous, where are you :D17:43
Erroneousleft side, middleish17:44
Epyonthat's very precise considering the amount of people :P17:44
EpyonShirt color?17:44
Erroneousolive hooded sweatshirt with orange inside the hood17:45
Erroneoussean is to my left, jeff is behind me17:45
Erroneousthey both have beards17:45
EpyonDuh, you look quite like my cousin :P17:45
Erroneousthat should be enough to find me :)17:45
EpyonYeah, found you :D17:45
Erroneousmight be related, who knows ;)17:47
remaximErroneous, how did you get there?17:47
ErroneousI mentored Epyon :)17:48
remaximErroneous, in the TP project?17:49
Epyonremaxim, nope, BZFlag17:49
remaximah... ok! that explains much17:49
Erroneous (shameless plug :) )17:49
tpbTitle: BZFlag - home (at
remaximEpyon, did you get the money?17:49
Epyonyep :)17:49
Erroneouswoot :)17:49
Erroneoustshirt too?17:49
EpyonNot yet o.O17:50
Erroneousor is that still "in the mail"17:50
remaximEpyon, what did you do?17:50
EpyonThere seems to be a problem still -- it was now resent by FedEx recently17:50
* Erroneous got mine some weeks ago :S17:50
* Epyon feels guilty of not having done anything on BZFlag recently however :/17:50
remaximEpyon, may I ask what was your project?17:52
remaximmithro, who was the guy you mentored?17:53
EpyonProcedural City Map Generator17:55
remaximEpyon, sounds cool17:55
tpbTitle: BZW City Generator (at
EpyonHowever the screenshots are quite outdated :/17:55
remaximlooks cool17:56
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remaximI ll get some sleep... bye18:05
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mithrougg, I can't make this pricing work :(20:10
nashwhat pricing20:28
mithrofor my new computer21:20
mithroit's coming out too expensive21:20
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mithrowb jotham :P21:33
jothamwe've had a series of power failures21:33
jothampretty scary considering we delivered today21:34
mithropower failures suck :(21:34
mithrodag namit, computers are too expensive21:37
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mithromaybe my tastes are just too expensive :(21:56
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