Wednesday, 2007-12-05

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mithrogreywhind_: don't forget to push changes :P00:09
greywhind_mithro: ok00:10
mithrogreywhind_: on this page now -> :P00:10
tpb<$3> (at
greywhind_mithro: that's good :)00:10
greywhind_mithro: is there a way to check if an index is out of bounds for a list without throwing an exception?00:18
mithrogreywhind_: you mean (if x in lst) or (if x < len(lst))00:19
mithroor has_key00:19
greywhind_mithro: yep, but has_key is only for dicts... i think x < len(list) is what i'm looking for00:20
mithrogreywhind_: why are you doing that?00:20
greywhind_mithro; hold on a moment00:21
greywhind_mithro: yep... i'm doing that because the resources in each object are a list of tuples, and i need to make sure i'm not trying to access a resource that isn't in the list00:22
mithrogreywhind_: probably best to transform it into a dictionary to start with?00:22
greywhind_mithro: hmm... am i interpreting this wrong?00:23
greywhind_mithro: when i select massivium as my element to view, it gives me a list index out of range00:24
mithrogreywhind_: I need a little more information then that00:24
greywhind_mithro: give me a sec00:24
mithroyou should probably be store the ID's in the listbox00:24
greywhind_mithro: well, i store the names as the keys in the listbox, the ID's as the values... to make it easier for humans to understand what each item means00:25
mithrogreywhind_: yeah that is what I meant00:25
CIA-10llnz tpserver-cpp * r46341fd2f385 /tpserver/playertcpconn.cpp:00:27
CIA-10Distinguish between recoverable and unrecoverable header decoding problems00:27
CIA-10namely, between no synch symbol and too large, vs wrong protocol version and00:27
CIA-10wrong frame type. Recoverable errors don't cause the connection to be closed.00:27
greywhind_mithro: is it possible for certain planets or systems to not have a listing of amounts for a certain resource?00:28
CIA-10llnz tpserver-cpp * rbb8e6b06f045 /tpserver/frame.cpp: Removed redundant code from frame.cpp, added missing return statement.00:28
mithrogreywhind_: yes00:28
mithroinfact most planets won't have most resources00:28
greywhind_mithro: ah. so i actually need to check each resource and compare its [0] value to my type, not just grab the resource in the slot equal to my type?00:29
greywhind_that explains it00:30
greywhind_mithro: i think it may be working correctly now00:35
mithroso what is it doing :P00:36
greywhind_mithro: showing only a specific type of resource if you select that type from the list00:36
mithrogreywhind_: cool, now you just need to be able to select multiple resources :P00:37
greywhind_mithro: hmm... that would take some fairly large changes.00:37
mithrogreywhind_: well your design was not particularly good then :P00:37
greywhind_mithro: well, i'll push what i have and you can see it00:38
mithrojotham: soon greywhind will overtake your position as 9th top commiter :P00:39
greywhind_mithro: actually, all it would take would be a type of list that allows multiple selections and then a list of types to compare to rather than a single type00:39
mithrogreywhind_: sounds good00:40
* mithro waits for the commit00:40
CIA-10noegnud tpclient-pywx-incoming * re054ab920a15 /windows/main/overlays/ (
CIA-10Improved look of resources overlay, added ability to select single resource00:42
CIA-10types from a list to view rather than all at once.00:42
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mithrogreywhind_: looking good - do you have a screenshot under mac?00:46
greywhind_mithro: i can take one00:47
greywhind_mithro: do you want the "all resources" or "single resource" or both displays?00:47
mithrogreywhind_: the pie-charts are a bit pixilated under Linux it seems..00:47
greywhind_mithro: hmm... don't look pixellated to me00:48
mithromac uses a different canvas then windows/linux00:48
mithrohence I would like a screenshot00:48
greywhind_mithro: creating and uploading now00:49
mithrogreywhind_: cool00:49
tpb<$W> (at
tpb<$Y> (at
greywhind_mithro; i see.00:51
greywhind_looks like an antialiasing problem00:51
mithroI do notice that the slices don't quite line up00:51
mithrono mouse over yet either?00:52
greywhind_mithro: the real difference between the two screenshots is the antialiasing on the lines00:52
greywhind_mithro; no, have to add that next00:52
mithrogreywhind_: still need to chase up the broken button00:53
greywhind_mithro: indeed00:53
greywhind_mithro: i don't really know what to change to improve the line antialiasing...00:53
mithrogreywhind_: well this is where the floatcanvas list is helpful :)00:54
greywhind_mithro: suppose so00:54
greywhind_mithro: well, i have to sleep now00:56
mithrogreywhind_: okay cool00:56
greywhind_but we can talk more about what you want it to look like tomorrow00:56
greywhind_see you later00:57
mithrojotham: so how goes your battleviewer :P01:26
jothamsame as always01:26
jothamdead in the water, like my entire life01:26
jothamon wednesday our product gets launched with the new zealand minister of sport01:26
jothamit'll be on tv and crap01:26
jothamso that's when it'll be all over01:26
llnzjotham: fyi: i'll be in Wellington on the 19th01:27
mithrojotham: cool, after that you'll have some time to do it? - That demo stuff you showed me a long while back was pretty cool01:27
jothamlets try again01:27
jothamyeah mithro01:27
jothamit has not left my mind01:27
mithrojotham: cool01:29
mithromy tshirt offer still stands :)01:32
jothami don't remember the offer01:32
mithroworking battleviewer == free Thousand Parsec tshirt :)01:33
jothami live in hope01:33
mithrojotham: they are pretty cool :P01:37
mithroanyway, heading out01:38
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llnzhi JLP02:11
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CIA-10kane * r42 media/promotion/calender/ (15 files): Check out the order I have suggested and the first of the iteration 2 drafts for July06:05
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llnzhi mithro06:06
llnzwb JLP_06:07
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CIA-10llnz tpserver-cpp * r24e7153157c1 /tpserver/ (player.cpp player.h):06:12
CIA-10Added ModTime, Score and IsAlive to Player.06:12
CIA-10IsAlive will be used by the TurnTimer (and maybe the game), Score is there06:12
CIA-10for the rulesets, and ModTime is there in case the protocol requires it in06:12
CIA-10llnz tpserver-cpp * re461d9def0d5 /modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp: Guest user in minisec doesn't need designs now, also set isAlive(false).06:22
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mithroEpyon: ping?06:38
CIA-10kane * r43 media/promotion/calender/ (29 files): Next version up06:39
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CIA-10jezuch documents-origin * r03e833830a8b /protocol/protocol3.xml: Copy FinishedTurn frame description from protocol.xml (tp04) to protocol3.xml (tp03) as tpserver-cpp will accept it in both modes.06:55
* llnz wanders off07:00
llnzlater all07:00
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remaximJLP, did you already write the posting?08:40
remaximand... another important  thing... which license has the music to be licensed with?08:41
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mithroTBBle: ping?19:38
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greywhind_mithro: ping?20:47
mithrogreywhind_: pong20:47
mithrojust about to head to lunhc20:47
greywhind_mithro: sorry. just wanted to ask if the mouse-over popups on the starmap were working for you20:48
greywhind_on the systems overlay20:48
mithrogreywhind_: yes they are20:49
greywhind_mithro: even in the version with my overlay fully implemented?20:49
greywhind_mithro: hmm.... it doesn't seem to be working on Mac.20:50
mithroheading out to lunch20:50
greywhind_mithro: alright20:50
mithrotry the dev version?20:50
greywhind_mithro: will do20:50
greywhind_mithro: not working on development branch version either20:53
greywhind_mithro: i also can't select objects by clicking on them on the starmap20:53
greywhind_mithro: the problem seems to have been introduced by this patch: Commit: 8948f520b391b25cf7f3323c77a74757f05079ea21:18
greywhind_Author: Tim Ansell <[email protected]> Sun, 18 Nov 2007 16:50:50 +103021:18
greywhind_    Always use the older method which doesn't seem to segfault.21:18
mithrogreywhind_: I know the cause then21:39
greywhind_mithro: ok21:40
mithrolook at line 233021:40
mithroin FloatCanvas.py21:40
mithrocheck of macos there21:41
greywhind_2330 is:     if wx.__version__ >= "2.8" and False:21:41
mithrochange that False to some check for MacOS X21:42
greywhind_mithro: how do i check for Mac OS X?21:43
mithroos.platform probably? or wx. something21:43
mithroI've checked for it in other places in the code21:43
mithrowx.Platform == "__WXMAC__"21:50
greywhind_mithro: thanks21:50
greywhind_mithro: i'm testing that it's not mac, right?21:51
mithrogreywhind_: no you are testing that it is a mac21:51
greywhind_mithro: so if wx.__version__ >= "2.8" and wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":21:51
mithrothat looks right?21:51
mithrodoes it work21:52
greywhind_mithro: checking21:52
greywhind_mithro: nope... let me try checking if it's not mac21:52
greywhind_mithro: never mind... i already was21:53
greywhind_mithro: never mind. it works21:53
mithrogreywhind_: cool21:57
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mithroEpyon: ping?22:30
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mithrogreywhind_: so where are you at?22:54
mithrowell, work's network just went down23:45

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