Tuesday, 2007-12-04

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mithrohi Timface04:13
mithroTimface: you after some help or information?04:13
TimfaceNot in particular at this point; I'm actually on a fairly limited connection right now04:15
TimfaceAnd will be for a few weeks, so I can't really investigate the project until afterwards04:15
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mithromind I ask which operating system you are on?04:23
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TimfaceWindows XP right now, because I couldn't find an IM client that did exactly what I wanted under linux.04:27
pereshi there04:27
Timfacehi peres04:27
peresoh i know this Timface guy ;)04:27
pereshi tim04:27
Timface(On this connection I don't have much leeway to tinker)04:28
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CIA-10kane * r41 media/promotion/calender/ (13 files): completed first iteration and 1-upped every page to make sure its all up to date.05:02
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remaximhey JLP, did you listen to the second one?11:46
JLPremaxim: ahoy11:46
JLPremaxim: i'm afraid not, did you post it yesterday?11:46
remaximyep, I did11:46
tpbTitle: Box.net - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at www.box.net)11:47
remaximJLP, that's the friendly version I did after peres had a headache because of my first one ;)11:48
JLP:) was it that dangerous :)11:48
remaximhttp://www.box.net/shared/y3nzeinai6 ... that's the uncensored version11:48
tpbTitle: Box.net - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at www.box.net)11:48
remaximit all about one line... that was too loud11:49
JLPi'll take a chance and listen to that too :)11:49
remaxim[21:28:59] peres: remaxim: those high pitched keyboards are triggering some sort of killer reaction in my brain11:49
remaxim[21:32:04] peres: they really hurt my nerves, i'm sorry11:49
remaximjust do it! ;)11:50
remaximand tell me what you think of it afterwards...11:50
remaximJLP, so... what you think of it?11:58
JLPremaxim: oh yeah the uncensored does have that dangerous circular saw sound in it12:01
remaximthe censored has it as well, but not that loud12:01
JLPyeah i noticed it, it is better this way yes12:02
remaximI think it's sounds better with that sound... but I don't want to cause headaches12:02
remaximJLP, so what do you think of it in general?12:02
JLPi still have to write that message to tp-devel mailing list, didn't have any time during the kde education meeting12:02
remaximnp! I already registrated at the mailing list ... just don't know how to use it12:03
JLPin general i think it is getting better and better, just a few more iterations and we will have a long and right music12:03
JLPit is used as a normal e-mail, just send an e-mail to the mailing list and everyone subscibed will get the copy12:04
remaximJLP, okay... (I actually knew that) ... but I didn't get any messages, so I thought I did something wrong12:06
remaximis there something like an archive for old messages?12:06
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1ExF> (at www.thousandparsec.net)12:07
remaximI ll have to get some food and probably will learn the rest of the evening... so have a great time, bye12:08
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peresJLP: i'm glad i'm not the only one feeling bad because of that circular saw sound12:13
JLPperes: well i don't feel bad, had a lot of sleep after coming back from paris, which helps, but i can imagine how bad it can be if you are a bit tired or something12:14
peresok, so i'm the only one ;)12:14
JLPperes: i'm used to horror movies so that helps me too :)12:18
peresJLP: that's unfair. The scariest movie I have ever watched is Lost In Translation12:19
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mithromorning peoples17:40
* nash waves17:40
mithronash: done your fancypants thing yet?17:43
nashNot yet17:43
nashGetting close though17:43
nashMeeting is this evening17:43
mithrookay cool17:55
nashWas at home for 9 hours... :-)17:57
nashSorry... was not at work for 9 hours...17:57
nash2 hours travel + 6 hour sleep + shower, eat stc... Fun times'17:57
mithronash: so where are you located?17:59
nashmithro: ?18:00
mithrowell - 2 hours travel can get you quite a distance18:00
nash1 hour each way18:01
nashI live sleep at campbelltown... live^wWork at ultimo18:01
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r1ecdc833352b /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ (FinishedTurn.java TP03Decoder.java TP03Visitor.java): Regenerate tp03 files from slightly updated protocol3.xml with FinishedTurn frame copied from tp04 ("tp03+" protocol).18:25
CIA-10jezuch documents-experimental * rebfbebc7154c /protocol/protocol3.xml: Copy FinishedTurn frame description from protocol.xml (tp04) to protocol3.xml (tp03) as tpserver-cpp will accept it in both modes.18:28
CIA-10jezuch documents * r03e833830a8b /protocol/protocol3.xml: Copy FinishedTurn frame description from protocol.xml (tp04) to protocol3.xml (tp03) as tpserver-cpp will accept it in both modes.18:28
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r1ecdc833352b /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ (FinishedTurn.java TP03Decoder.java TP03Visitor.java): Regenerate tp03 files from slightly updated protocol3.xml with FinishedTurn frame copied from tp04 ("tp03+" protocol).18:28
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental * r1ecdc833352b /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ (FinishedTurn.java TP03Decoder.java TP03Visitor.java): Regenerate tp03 files from slightly updated protocol3.xml with FinishedTurn frame copied from tp04 ("tp03+" protocol).18:31
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java * rf4fdfe2bed59 /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ (FinishedTurn.java TP03Decoder.java TP03Visitor.java): Regenerate tp03 files from slightly updated protocol3.xml with FinishedTurn frame copied from tp04 ("tp03+" protocol) - on master branch too.18:31
CIA-10jezuch libtpproto-java * r11fd85223504 / (8 files in 2 dirs): Update the generated files - somehow they didn't keep up with changes in protocol3.xml on master branch.18:31
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mithrohey JLP21:22
mithrohow goes everything?21:22
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mithroo so quiet22:43
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mithrohey llnz23:18
llnzhi mithro23:18
mithroyou are around a bit early today23:18
mithrocan up update demo1 to support TurnFinished frames?23:18
llnzyeah, conference finished23:19
llnzgoing to, but i'm going to make an example of the bug23:20
llnztpserver-cpp did *nothing* wrong23:20
llnzother than maybe a less the useful error message23:20
mithrollnz: actually it did do something wrong23:20
mithroit returns the error message with a response id of zero23:20
llnzthere was no way for it to know that the sequence number was valid23:21
mithrollnz: it just an unknown frame type?23:21
llnzyes, but it could indicate other problems23:22
mithrollnz: the frame is valid you just don't understand the type23:22
llnzshould tpserver-cpp be strict or forgiving?23:31
mithropersonally I think the whole way you do the reading in of the frames in tpserver-cpp is totally wrong :P23:34
llnzi'm actually changing it right now, to be slightly forgiving for incorrect frames (ie, wrong protocol version or wrong type)23:35
mithrollnz: well personally I think you should read in the frames as a seperate operation to decoding the data in a frame23:36
mithrobut that is just me23:36
llnzi pull the whole frame off the wire before decoding the contents of the frame (ie the processing of the frame type)23:36
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mithrohey greywhind_23:39
greywhind_hey mithro23:39
mithrogreywhind_: how goes the resource overlay?23:39
greywhind_mithro: it's going well, but i have a question or two23:40
mithrogreywhind_: I noticed you have yet to post to the floatcanvas list23:40
greywhind_mithro: yeah... i thought i'd try to get the functionality in first.23:40
mithrogreywhind_: okay23:43
mithroso what are the questions23:43
greywhind_mithro: so do you want people to be able to select a view of the different locations of resources (ground, minable, inaccessible) or the different types of resources (uranium, etc.)23:43
greywhind_the class was originally written to accept locations23:43
mithroI would say both are interesting23:44
mithroit being able to see (minable, uranium and thorium)23:45
greywhind_i think seeing the quantity of a specific type of resource would be more useful than the location... location is pretty easy to see upon further examination23:45
greywhind_but if i make the selection based on type, is there a way to find out what type numbers correspond to what name (i.e. 1 = uranium)23:46
mithrogreywhind_: well the location can be pretty important in some games - surface minerals could be extremly valuable23:46
mithrogreywhind_: sure the cache.Resources[id]23:47
greywhind_mithro: should that be a lowercase resources?23:51
mithrocheck the info screen23:56
greywhind_mithro: i figured it out. or should i check the info screen for some other reason?23:57
mithrogreywhind_: well the info screen pretty prints the resources23:57
greywhind_mithro: yeah... i thought of that after i asked you.23:58

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