Friday, 2007-11-30

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mithrollnz: so how goes tpserver-cpp?01:04
llnzslowly inching forward01:04
llnzi should really go cook dinner01:10
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mithrowell, heading home01:29
mithrosee ya!01:29
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llnzcool, lots of people04:48
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pereshello guys07:21
llnzhi peres07:24
peresllnz :)07:24
peresi will rework my random generator from scratch due to external factors07:24
peresexternal factors = f*****g hard disk died yesterday morning07:25
llnzi've had a lot of disks fail recently, and even had a scare of this machine07:27
pereswe're trying recovery, since the disk used to hold company's data, but i'm pretty hopeless about it07:28
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llnzrevision control to a remote host is very useful in avoiding starting again07:41
peresyes, my work for scummvm is on svn at sourceforge, but i still hadn't transferred my stuff on tp's server07:42
peresmithro asked me actually, i just was to lazy and waited too much07:43
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llnzlater all07:56
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remaximhi JLP ... great to meet you once again ;)07:59
JLPi listened to the new version of the score in i think it is better07:59
remaximJLP, is that the kind of sprinkles you wanted to have in it?08:00
JLPmaybe the high tone track could be even more "fragmented"08:00
remaximwhat do you mean with fragmented?08:01
JLPimagine breaking apart glass and then imagine all these hundreds of glass pieces falling on a metal or glass surface08:01
JLPso a lot shorter and sharper and even higher pitched sounds08:02
remaximsound interesting... but I have no idea, where I could get a sound like that...08:02
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remaximJLP, are here again?08:07
JLPremaxim: damn a split, what is the last message from me that you have seen?08:07
remaxim[14:06:49] JLP: so a lot shorter and sharper and even higher pitched sounds08:08
JLP[14:08] <JLP> it is just a suggestion about how i imagine stars could be presented with sound08:08
JLP[14:08] <JLP> if you can manage something like that it would be nice, but offcourse it is not the only way08:08
JLP[14:09] <JLP> maybe other people here have told you some other ideas08:08
JLP[14:10] <JLP> i'll also post the links to your current three pieces to development mailing list and ask people to comment on it there08:08
remaximok, thanks for that08:09
remaximJLP, how long do you think the hole song should be?08:09
JLPhm the longer the better i guess, currently one turn is about 10 minutes long with games and servers that we are runing08:10
remaximand bytheway: I installed the client and wanted to try out the game... but then I realized that it's nothing for me, I just don't have the time for that ... so I am kind of blind for how the hole thing should sound like and need directions by others ;)08:11
JLPbut then again players probably don't issue orders for the whole 10 minutes08:11
JLPso i guess if it is about 5 minutes long it would be more than enough08:12
JLPand if there are different 5 minute pieces we can glue them together in the client08:12
JLPthis is another question that i will ask in the message to development mailing list08:13
remaximjust don't let em expect too much!08:13
remaximI can't promise how much it will be at the ende08:15
JLPwell i'll post the current samples, ask for some comments which can be used for inspiration and as a loose direction08:15
JLPi think it is still beter to have your good examples then nothing at all08:15
remaximJLP, besides that you need a starting song and a battle song, right?08:15
JLPyup an intro theme and a battle song yeah08:16
JLPremaxim: btw, if you haven't registered to the develpment mailing list yet here is the form :
remaximI didn't see any intro in the client08:17
tpb<> (at
remaximfuck you tpb08:17
remaximso it's out!08:17
remaximI hate this guy08:17
JLPthis way after i post the message you will get the mail with commens and you will also post all the new concepts there so everyon can see them and comment on them08:18
JLPthings can get lost quickly here on irc08:18
remaximJLP, I didn't see any intro in the client08:19
JLPyeah there is a short intro movie, i'm not sure if it is already available in the version downloadable from the site08:19
JLPmaybe it is only in the development version which isn't packaged yet08:20
remaximJLP, the movie is a video?08:20
remaximcould you send it to me?08:20
remaximI m kind of tired doing the main part ...08:20
JLPremaxim: you can see it here -;a=blob;f=graphics/intro-high.mpg;h=8a212f4dabf739799abfeb50760fe3f8bd9db90f;hb=development08:21
tpb<> (at
remaximwhy don't you kick this guy out?08:21
remaximoh yeah.... he's the only mod08:21
JLPremaxim: ah well it's a bot, you should complain to mithro about it :)08:22
remaximsorry, just kidding ...  I know that he s a bot08:22
remaximthat's it?08:22
remaximjust that short?08:22
remaximfuck that's harder to do than I though ... it has to be synchron with the video, right?08:23
JLPi think that would be good yes08:24
remaximfuck... I don't have any software to do stuff like this :(08:26
JLPdon't wory too much about this intro, it is not that important, the main music for the play and then the combat music are more important08:27
remaximso could you describe me how you've imagined the battle music should be like?08:27
remaximmaybe you have some video or stuff showing a battle? so I can get some ideas by my own?08:28
JLPunlike the main music it should have more beat i guess, something strong like drums, and it should be "faster"08:28
JLPremaxim: no video of this so far, there is a battleviwer -;a=summary08:29
tpb<> (at
JLPi gues this will get integrated into client at a later time08:29
JLPbasicly all the battles are claculated automatically on the server and the battle is later available for playing in the client, so you can see how starships were fighting08:30
remaximdo you have any videos made by yourself or stuff showing the battleviewer in action?08:31
JLPremaxim: i can try to record it, but i think i will not have time today, i have to fly to paris for the weekend08:31
JLPi can ask in the post to tp-devel and someone can make a video of it in action08:32
remaximthat would be great, thanks08:32
remaximparis? sounds cool! I hope it's no business flight ...08:33
JLPremaxim: well i'm going to the KDE Education meeting08:33
remaximyou're a KDE dev?08:33
JLPso it is not purely business and not purely fun :)08:33
JLPremaxim: yeah i contribute to KDE08:34
JLPso far mostly as a translator, i also help a bit with KDE Education project and I'm working on KDE 4 client for Thousand Parsec :)08:34
remaximsounds cool!08:35
remaximI m a gnome user to be honest... but I m still using many KDE programs! maybe I will switch back when KDE 4 is out08:36
remaximand.... thanks for working on KDE! :)08:36
JLPremaxim: no problem, i try to do as much as possible, too  uch if you ask other people at home, but too little if you ask me :)08:37
remaxim:D ... your wife?08:37
JLPno, i'm still single, but mother and sister often remind me there are other things to do :)08:38
remaximoh... yeah! I can imagine that... same as here ... I just don't have a sister ;)08:39
remaximand to be honest ... they're fucking right08:39
JLPremaxim: well i have to go now, dinner and then off to the airport, hav a nice day08:39
remaximyou too ... have a nice weekend in paris!08:40
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