Thursday, 2007-11-29

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mithronash: what do you think of the stuff above?00:24
nashmany quits?00:24
mithronow the calender bases00:25
tpb<> (at
mithros/now/no, /00:25
nashNot a huge fan of the profiles, the ships ones, and mounttains are cool00:28
mithrowe need to come up with some text to go on the pages00:28
mithrothe ship is my least favourite00:29
nashAnd the svn browser doesn't set it's mime type correctly00:29
nashJust goes to show really00:29
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* llnz ponders02:56
llnznash: you around?03:01
nashllnz: yes I am03:06
nashNot for much longer03:06
llnzoh, ok, n/m03:07
nashllnz: What is it?03:08
llnzi had my first phone interview with Google yesterday03:08
nashAhh.. hence why mithro is asking google questions03:09
nashHow did it go?03:09
llnzit went well03:09
llnzif i do get the job, i would most likely be in Sydney03:10
nashEven cooler ;-)03:10
nashI'm leaving about 25 past the hour to catch my train home :-(03:13
nashllnz: BTW: Would fuzz testing tpserver-cpp be acceptable to you?03:14
llnznash: yes, but I would expect quite a number of "errors"03:15
nashI know03:15
nashI can crash it (well exception it) with a string longer than the buffer...03:16
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nashAnyway - llnz, I'm off... good luck with round 2 of interviews!03:17
llnzbtw, it throws an exception on purpose03:17
nashAnd exits?03:17
llnzI just don't catch it sensably yet03:18
nashsame to me03:18
llnzi know03:18
nashAnyway - have a good one03:18
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* llnz wanders off07:04
llnzlater all07:04
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remaximJLP, did you already listen to the new version?13:27
remaximsomeone's here who s working on a client?13:40
remaximand knows how it should feel/sound like?13:41
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greywhind_remaxim: ping?14:50
remaximgreywhind_, pong14:50
greywhind_remaxim: i liked the new version... sounds pretty good for the main starmap piece, but for that it still needs lengthening and some kind of additional melodic part14:51
remaximgreywhind_, do you really think a melodic part is a good idea?14:51
remaximI think, that a melodic part would destory the rest of the sound14:52
greywhind_remaxim: i think it would be if you can manage it... it would sound more musical and less repetitive. but if it doesn't work, then don't add one. i still think there needs to be some kind of change in the music somewhere in the middle, to lengthen the song by a few minutes14:52
remaximhow long should the hole song be?14:53
greywhind_remaxim: well, i'm no expert, as i've said before... but if i were creating it i'd try to go for about 10 minutes, since the game will probably be running for a long period and people won't want the same 3 minute loop repeating over and over.14:54
remaximok that's probably a quite bad thing if a 3 minute loop repeats over and over again!14:55
remaximbut I don't know how lengthen the song anymore ...14:55
greywhind_to do that, it'll have to have a lot of shifts and sections.14:56
greywhind_change the entire tempo, bass line, melodic parts, then come back to the old one, etc.14:56
remaximI did many extra layers ... so there can be some variations ... but I didn't use most of them because they were just disturbing14:56
greywhind_instead of just variations on the same theme, you might have to weld together a few14:57
remaximhm... maybe it's because I am tired. But I don't like the Idea of other sections14:57
greywhind_remaxim: well, it's your composition. but think about it - maybe you'll be inspired14:57
remaximmaybe I ll do some more stuff... so the game could switch between them randomly?14:58
greywhind_or maybe do multiple songs, instead of one with many sections, which will all loop. yeah.14:58
remaximbut they probably won't be going over the the next one14:59
remaximso there will be some end-piece and after that just a new song starts14:59
remaximI ll watch some tv or stuff15:01
greywhind_remaxim: cya15:01
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mithro~seen ApacheChief20:07
tpbmithro: I have not seen ApacheChief.20:07
mithro~seen [1]ApacheChief20:07
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ApacheChiefHi, mithro?22:18
mithrohi ApacheChief22:18
mithroyour new around here?22:18
ApacheChiefYep, looking to find a SoC project22:18
ApacheChiefI emailed Tim about doing a PHP thing22:19
mithrowell Tim would be me :)22:20
mithroI've replied to your email :)22:21
mithrowhich I guess is why you are here?22:26
greywhind_mithro: speaking of SoC, i'd be interested in working with TP next summer if you will have me22:28
mithrogreywhind_: well, everyone will need to put in their proposals and we will select the best ones22:29
greywhind_mithro: of course.22:29
mithroall assuming that we get into the program again22:29
mithrogreywhind_: of course you have advantage that you can see what we need better then a newbie :)22:29
greywhind_mithro: true. i'll start looking at options soon.22:30
mithrogreywhind_: how goes the piecharts?22:31
greywhind_mithro: i got the small pieces into an "others" category22:31
ApacheChiefThanks, mithro :)23:15
ApacheChiefI think I can be a little helpful for ya guys23:16
ApacheChiefI can, hopefully, do PHP/Ajax23:16
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mithronash: ping/23:39

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